
dhcmrlchtdj__ , in Seattle council president on getting workers back to the office: ‘We have to build those numbers up’ avatar

she sucks

Orbituary , avatar

Our whole council sucks. This city government cares only about the almighty dollar.

voracitude , in SPD officer that hit and killed Jaahnavi Kandula in crosswalk will not face charges

For there to be felony charges, prosecutors say they would have to prove that Officer Dave was consciously disregarding safety. They did have enough evidence to prove that in this case.

Dude was going 74 in a 25 while not using the sirens his vehicle was equipped with for this very purpose and killed a pedestrian in a marked crosswalk. Sounds like a fucking conscious disregard if ever I’ve heard one. If this guy were a civilian he’d be serving at least one life sentence for second degree murder already. A disgusting miscarriage of justice.

j_roby OP , avatar

prosecutors say they would have to prove…

It’s not that they can’t. It’s just that they won’t…

SoylentBlake ,

All so he could respond to something he wasn’t needed at

Fuck SPD.

This is 100% 2nd degree murder

blazera , in WA liquor board suspends ‘lewd conduct’ enforcement after LGBTQ+ bar inspections avatar

legalize lewd conduct

MonsiuerPatEBrown ,

Be seen with obscene

Potatos_are_not_friends , in Gold Bar resident says clerk’s shirt is ‘crossing a line’ as some feel unsafe in grocery store

More armed black citizens should come to the store.

Don’t buy anything. Just show up. It’s a free country.

tsonfeir , in Seattle voters to decide on a nearly $1B affordable housing question

If approved, property owners in the city would pay 45 cents per $1,000 of their property’s assessed value. That amounts to about $385 a year for the owner of a median $855,000 home, an increase of about $260 a year from the present levy rate.

………median price? 😬

Letstakealook ,

At this point, all the people who can’t afford to live in these cities, while providing all the services that a city needs to run and the entertainment, should just abandon them enmasse. If we could find a way to organize something like that, it would be incredible.

tsonfeir ,

The problem is, when they leave and go to a smaller town the small towns jack up the rent which pushes those people out.

The solution isn’t fighting from the bottom up, it’s making laws to prevent abusive housing tactics, banning corporations from owning residential property under a certain unit size (apartments), or forcing all companies that own land to be registered non-profit.

Also, kill some billionaires.

SeaJ ,

Bellevue across the lake has a median price of over $1.3 million. The prices are currently down YoY for both cities.

surewhynotlem ,

That would mean at least one house at 250k and at least one at 1.5m. that’s not exactly crazy.

PlasmaDistortion ,

There are no houses in the 250k range. Not even a townhome.

surewhynotlem ,

Then there are also few houses in the 1.5mil range. Yay median!

SpaceNoodle ,

It could also mean every house is the median price except for one that’s fifteen trillion dollars.

Uranium3006 , avatar

Hence why Seattle needs more affordable housing. Now that HB 1110 allows denser housing in formerly single family zones Seattle Needs to become a city of fourplexes

tsonfeir ,

I’d argue more than four. Since the population is spiraling out of control, we should expect a need for large towers. It’s also an efficient use of space and if they are dense enough, could have all the shopping one needs to live in a few blocks. And it should be affordable assuming “market rate” goes down with supply, and that the owners don’t prop up the rental market

Uranium3006 , avatar

Tue but smaller.buildings have lower coat per SQ ft and Seattle is mostly single family homes at the moment so even fourplexes would hypotheticallyincrease supply by 3x

Reverendender , in Report: Amazon tells its employees it is monitoring badge swipes avatar

”Jassy added it wasn’t right for some employees to be in the office three days a week while others refuse to do so.”

Because this is a punishment, and more importantly, a vital means of maintaining control. So everyone needs to suffer equally, because we all know in the real world, and in business especially, fairness is the primary guiding philosophy.

Anticorp ,

Right? This statement acknowledges that going into the office is undesirable.

Jimmycakes , in Seattle police union admits Dan Auderer audio "horrifying" as outrage boils

But what are they gonna do about it? Nothing. Or worse get him off.

shani66 , in WA liquor board suspends ‘lewd conduct’ enforcement after LGBTQ+ bar inspections

Wtf kinda puritan bullshit is that? ‘lewd conduct’ regulations? Seriously, wtf

SeaJ OP , in First officer is convicted of murder since Washington state law eased prosecution of police

There was so much fear mongering about ending the proving malice clause. Turns out that we were the only state that had something that strict.

rockSlayer , in WA liquor board suspends ‘lewd conduct’ enforcement after LGBTQ+ bar inspections

This was always going to be the outcome. Next time think before adding discriminatory regulations.

kirklennon , in Don't Open Pike Place to Pedestrians, Council Member Urges - PubliCola

It baffles me that there's even a discussion about this. Customers do not drive down Pike Place to access the market. It's already functionally a pedestrian space where occasionally some person takes a wrong turn and accidentally drives through. Vendors use it, but they arrive early in the morning before customers. It should be closed to regular traffic during normal shopping hours.

Sunforged ,

Hey there, I worked in the market for 5 years at a produce stand and still have contact with many vendors through my current job.

The big money customers are regulars who come down to the market weekly or bi-weekly to get a service level that is not provided at a regular grocery store. Those customers drop hundreds of dollars at multiple vendors and absolutely do drive through to get loaded up after shopping. Many of those customers are retirees that absolutely could not carry their purchases down to the parking garage.

The market is a very unique place and if it caters only to the tourists it will kill what makes it a tourist destination in the first place. It would become even more hollowed out as it drives away locals.

kirklennon ,

absolutely do drive through to get loaded up after shopping. Many of those customers are retirees that absolutely could not carry their purchases down to the parking garage.

Maybe we shouldn't be encouraging elderly citizens to drive through a street that is crowded with pedestrians? If you can walk through the market, you can take an elevator to Western.

The market is a very unique place and if it caters only to the tourists it will kill what makes it a tourist destination in the first place. It would become even more hollowed out as it drives away locals.

Locals are also walking on Pike Place, dodging cars that don't belong there. Making the market safer isn't going to drive people away.

Sunforged ,

Pretty disingenuous to say a person that can’t carry $400 worth of groceries shouldn’t be able to drive.

It will cease to be a market is my point, but hey we can just fill in that space with more corpo restaurants like the most recent addition. Problem solved I guess.

kirklennon ,

Pretty disingenuous to say a person that can’t carry $400 worth of groceries shouldn’t be able to drive.

I'm saying they should drive on a street for cars, not a street for people, which is what Pike Place is. We're literally talking about parking only the western side of the market rather than the eastern side. It isn't some distant hinterland.

It will cease to be a market is my point

This is just ridiculous. It's a huge market with tons of people who walk there and tons of other people who park at the easily accessible parking garage. Telling a handful of people they can't load their purchases on a street with negligible available parking and hordes of people walking between shops (because it's a busy market) will not harm the market in any capacity.

just fill in that space with more corpo restaurants

What are you on about? Do you just want to rant about corporations? The issue is that it's in practice a pedestrian street and already filled with pedestrians, so cars should be restricted. If you ban the cars, it's still full. That's the whole point of banning the cars.

Sunforged , (edited )

I’m sharing my point of view as someone that has an direct understanding of not only the businesses in the market but their profit margins (historic businesses are already on a subsidized lease if you didn’t know). If you want to write off that experience as unimportant then go ahead.

We’re literally talking about parking only the western side of the market rather than the eastern side.

Tell me you’ve never shopped at the market without ever telling me you’ve never shopped at the market. That is the side of the market with the butcher, the produce, the fish mongers its literally “the market” side.

You keep talking about safety but I have yet to see an extensive report on traffic incidents that compares to other downtown areas. I’ve spent my entire life going to the market and not once have I felt unsafe, I’ve yelled at a couple drivers but that’s not unique to the market.

kirklennon ,

Tell me you’ve never shopped at the market without ever telling me you’ve never shopped at the market.

I've shopped at the market many times. The main market with the produce is on a narrow strip between Pike Place and Western Avenue. Due to the slope it's level with Pike Place and above Western Avenue, but that's what elevators are for. By actual walking distance the difference between parking on one side versus the other is trivial.

Sunforged ,

I’ve helped customers down to western before or out to the parking garage on the occasional festival day that does close the street. What could be an easy load in 2 minutes becomes a 30 minute walk round trip. That’s 28 minutes I could have been making sales to street traffic on top of that large order. Nothing to you as a customer buying a few bags, but I just cannot stress enough that it matters to the vendors and will impact their already low bottom line. Their are no adjacent streets that provide easy access to the market and that’s pointed out in the article.

DarylDutch , in Police find military grade air-to-air rocket in Bellevue man’s garage

Unlike all those commercial/civilian grade air to air rockets. You know for competative ballooning.

awwwyissss ,

Just like my mutated anthrax… for duck huntin…

Bluefruit , (edited ) in Gold Bar resident says clerk’s shirt is ‘crossing a line’ as some feel unsafe in grocery store

In case anyone isnt aware, Gold Bar is a rural town in Washington so I get the gun. Wild animals in those areas is more common. The shirt tho? Nah. Theres no need for that. At that point, you’re just advertising you’re an asshole.

Keep that shit to yourself.


Want to clarify like i did later in this thread.

All i meant by this comment is that open carry is more common here and that likely isnt making people uncomfortable. Its the combo of being a racist peice of shit and open carrying.

Thats all i meant.

roguetrick ,

They getting rushed by boars in the checkout line or something?

Bluefruit ,

No, but there are cougar sightings in that area.


Better safe than sorry in that case IMO. I think the real issue is that if you wear a shirt like that you come off as a peice of shit who would use thier gun in an irresponsible way.

mosiacmango ,

You think hes wearing a gun at work in a grocery store checkstand because someone saw a cougar at a far off trailhead? A cougar that ran away as soon as it saw people?

Bullshit. Hes wearing a gun because he has on a KKK shirt in public. Hes using the gun to defend his racism, full stop. Hes saying quite clearly that if you confront him about his racism, he may kill you.

Stop giving racists even a shred of plausible deniability, even when it is as thin as the above.

Bluefruit ,

That trailhead part is an example. Below are comments of sightings from residents.

I’m not saying thats why hes carrying at work. I’m saying i can understand carrying in a rural area. There isnt anything wrong with carrying if you’re a responsible gun owner looking to protect yourself, your property or others.

Maybe he is carrying for the wrong reasons. Obviously carrying while you advertise that your a racist dick is gonna make people uncomfortable. Its more common for people to carry openly in rural areas. Thats all im trying to say.

mosiacmango ,

Again, making excuses for racists. You and I both know why hes carrying at work, because hes a racist fuck advertising his racism, and since he cant defend his racism with words, hes going to do it with a gun.

The stores owners and his coworkers are clearly okay with that, and it sure seems like you are too. “Maybe he is carrying for the wrong reasons?” Maybe? Really, dude?

How about we all say fuck you to racists, and double fuck you to the ones that use guns as a threat of death when expressing their racism?

Bluefruit ,

Literally the only reason i made that comment is if people arent familiar with that area. Lots of people open carry there. All im saying is why its bad is because hes being openly racist which makes people uncomfortable.

Thats it. Not defending racism. Absolutely fuck him for being racist and making folks uncomfortable.

mosiacmango ,

I’m glad we can agree about the racism man.

I still dont buy the “its rural, so they open carry for wild animal safety” excuse though. I know rural Washington, and most people that open carry are just cowards who soak their brains in fear porn all day, everyday.

They open carry as a replacement for their lack of spine. They dont have the strength of their convictions or any mental fortitude, so they substitute a gun and think it means something besides “I’m scared to death of the world.”

This cowardly racist is just another one of them, open carrying because he doesnt have the stones to stand and deliver his racism without a death stick on his hip.

Bluefruit ,

I can understand your point. I live in a rural area of Washington and I’m going to be carrying to defend myself, my family, and my property.

Thats the place im coming from. Racism not included lol. I got nothing but love for my fellow Americans whoever they are (except for this dude obviously.)

He could very well be carrying because hes a pos or because of wildlife or both. Really i don’t think it matters. He sucks because he carrys and is openly racist while doing so. I hope i made myself clear cause im really not trying to defend him or make an excuse for his behavior.

mosiacmango , (edited )

I gotcha man. My experience with folk that open carry line up more with this guy than otherwise. Concealed is a whole different thing, as it’s not a show of force.

No harm meant up above. These racist fucks in our great state just really grate on my nerves.

Bluefruit ,

Yea thats something we also agree more on. Im more for concealed carry as well. No hard feelings. Have a good day.

funkless_eck ,

don’t responsible gun owners keep their guns unloaded, disassembled and under lock and key?

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Americans are kind of wimps if they have to carry guns in grocery stores because of scary animals.

I’m glad I’m Canadian.

Also fuck anyone wearing KKK shit.

postmateDumbass ,

Their butcher is really really bad.

postmateDumbass ,

Well residents can start shopping at the other store now etc.

Bluefruit ,

Yea i wouldn’t shop there either.

Tujio ,

Is there another grocery store in Gold Bar? I think the closest is gonna be in Sultan.

weariedfae ,

Jesus fuck it’s not THAT rural. He’s entirely being a bigoted hateful asshole and intimidating others by being armed. He’s wearing it to enforce the unofficial “white conservatives only” motto of the business.

Krono , in New lawsuit alleges price-fixing at Seattle-area apartment buildings

A new property management company bought my building and instantly raised rents from $1500 to $2000. They justified it by pointing to the rental pricing software they use.

Landlords are parasites and they should be abolished.

sin_free_for_00_days ,

I’m sitting here listening to workers dismantle, I mean upgrade, my apartment complex. I’ve lived here for 20+ years. A property management company bought the place, gave us 60 day notices (I have until the end of this month to find a place) so they could refurbish the apartments and then rent them back out. Being the kind, sympathetic fuckheads they are, they offered us original tenants a great deal in having first dibs on the refurbished places. Rent went from $1700 to $3200. So nice of them.

The interesting thing for me was, the week after the sale went through I called up the company to find out where I was supposed to send my rent. The lady had a little trouble finding my info, and then excused herself by saying,“Sorry, we bought 5 apartment complexes this week and the system hasn’t caught up yet.”

This isn’t Washington, but I’ve had similar stories from friends living in different states. It’s a fucked up situation in this country. Yet another issue that politicians just can’t seem to do anything about.

ADHDefy , (edited ) avatar

Yep. I lost my apartment because of this. Went from $1400 to $2300. The day I moved out, other neighbors were packing their cars/uhauls, too.

They went through this whole rebranding where they were trying to be "luxury apartments" which is hilarious because they never did anything to actually make the place nicer. They just changed the name, put up fancier signs, and raised the rent. The pool and workout room remained inaccessible after 3+ years, there were still piles of garbage in the parking lot, neighbors still complained about mold and roaches, the kitchen cabinets still looked like they were painted by a drunk 12 year old, they still hadn't fixed my mailbox that was allegedly blown up by a kid with a firework after many months, and the maintenance crew still ignored maintenance requests and just marked them as complete in the system.

Fuck that place, and fuck heartless, profit-obsessed landlords.

Krono ,

Yep, my building got a new logo, and now there is a Keurig and a bowl of Costco snacks in the lobby. I now know what it feels like to live in luxury.

alienanimals , in Seattle City Council changes course, passes drug enforcement bill

Doing absolutely nothing didn’t work, so let’s go back to the drug war! Maybe we can with this time!

/s To ensure nobody thinks I’m as braindead as the Seattle City Council.

Sl00k OP ,

It’s a pretty nuanced problem. On one hand part of living in a civilized society means we should have a reasonable expectation of being able to use parks, sidewalks, and public transportation without worry of secondhand smoke inhalation and or danger.

On the other hand SPD will likely use abuse this beyond expected levels and punish people who are at no harm to others, as well as it disproportionately affecting minorities.

The root cause is obviously drug addiction/homelessness which is a fairly unsolvable problem under American capitalism. We can do things like nonpublic use decriminalization that will help, but overall it’s the combination of the two that drive each other and given we have no sense of true rehabilitation here in the states the problem will probably be here to stay.

alienanimals ,

The problem isn’t nuanced. There are countries like Portugal with systems for legalizing and reducing drug use, which have been working for years. We could easily emulate an intelligent country that’s leading the charge, but instead we have leaders who would prefer to regress and continue a strategy that has been failing for decades.

Sl00k OP ,

It’s not necessarily this black and white.

There are countries like Portugal with systems for legalizing and reducing drug use, which have been working for years

It’s important to note that Portugal’s drug law doesn’t allow public use. And when using instead of being charged via the justice system they are sent to a dissuasion commission (A social worker, a psychiatrist, and an attorney) and furthermore drug addicts have the option of rehabilitation centers as well as being provided social rehabilitation. We in the states provide none of this.

So our ultimate goal here should be moving towards treating drug addiction as a Health problem and keeping it outside the Criminal Justice system. But we have no rehabilitation systems at the government level that can rehabilitate someone back into society at the level Portugal can. Upon “rehabilitation” we do not “rehab” the social aspect. We don’t have any level of government infrastructure setup here on par with Portugal.

The problem is only exacerbated by a rising homeless crisis perpetuated by a massive American wealth disparity. There are very systemic issues in America that will take a lot of movement to change. This is not a simple “let’s just decriminalize everything and call it good”. We are slowly making progress, but in the interim, we shouldn’t expect the residents of anywhere to sacrifice their own public spaces and safety, to perpetuate a neverending drug addiction/homelessness problem. We instead need to support building out this infrastructure and treating this as a mental health problem, but until the infrastructure is built we will always be sacrificing our public spaces and environments if it is allowed in public environments.

Also important to note that these are no longer felonies and are now misdemeanors. FYI I’m totally for full decriminalization outside of public environments.

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