Star Trek

Nmyownworld , in Me when I try to explain Lemmy to outsider... avatar

That is hilarious and so accurate. Source: me, who despite being here chatting with my Star Trek folks, still does not understand much of nothing about Lemmy. I’m learning, though.

Grumpy OP , in Me when I try to explain Lemmy to outsider...

This is my first time making use of crosspost feature!

average650 , in Fortinet was blocking this website as spam avatar

I’m pretty sure my university blocks it for some reason too. I think they just don’t know what it is.

Admin , avatar

The world just isn't ready for us yet.

ode , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more! avatar

How does a Star Trek virgin go about losing one’s card? There must be a generally agreed order of approach to all the series and films by now. (The breadth and longevity of it has kept me wary.)

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

There actually isn’t a generally agreed order of approach, and many folks tend to assume what worked for them will be what’s best for others.

Most of the shows were designed to stand alone if need be, and can provide an entry point. They’ll fill you in on the essential lore along the way.

At this point, your own tolerances for 60s and 90s styles of television and visual effects might be a deciding point. If you want to jump right in with something new, Strange New Worlds is designed as the new live action entry to the franchise - but others have started recently with the animated comedy Lower Decks or the family show Prodigy.

There was a sidebar “Where do I start?” FAQ on the subreddit that listed options (release date; in-universe chronological; by personal preferences for serialization or not).

@ValueSubtracted could you make that available here please?

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

We are looking into it - we don't have a wiki up and running just yet, but we'll see about getting it up somewhere ASAP.

guzzi , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more! avatar

This is great, I subbed. I am trying to setup a server dedicated to motorcycling (r/motorcycles etc). Really like that we can setup specialty sites. Usenet 2.0

qat ,

there's[email protected] on another instance, which you can interact with even from here!

guzzi , avatar

Late response I am chatting with you via my own instance.

The "Federation of servers" is a great way to handle this. I am surprised how will it works even in it infancy.

Long live the Federation.

Rainhall , in The fifth TNG movie that never was

“I can't imagine it would have been good, but boy do I wish I existed in a universe where this movie had been made.” — This is the perfect reaction and I cannot improve on it in any way.

axtualdave ,

The best way I have to describe this kind of movie is “delightfully terrible.”

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

I have a feeling that there are fans of Star Trek V The Final Frontier here.

The lesson should be that bizarre ideas for 5th movies should never be brought to screen.

ferengigrindset ,

I like Star Trek V. I've never really understood why people say TMP is the most like TOS, I think it has a pretty significantly different tone, but V really just feels like a middle of the road TOS episode with a way bigger budget, and I think it's a bunch of fun.

jalanhenning , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x01 "The Broken Circle" avatar

Upon further reflection, I feel like this episode undermines the plot of "The Galileo Seven". Spock is a very able commander in 2x01 when years later he struggles on an away mission…

freamon , in Where is ....? (SNW slight S2 spoiler)

On the upside, we now have a trans Chief transporter (no hate, just mildly amused by the wordplay).

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , in Preview “Among The Lotus Eaters” With New Images & Clips From ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Episode 204 avatar

Time to rewatch "The Cage"...

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

It’s always time to rewatch The Cage…

But all the moreso this week.

Wayward , in Looking to share Mlem for IPhone learnings.

It’s been kinda crap for me, regularly forgetting my logins. Mlemmy for iOS has been a bit better.

StillPaisleyCat OP , avatar

Is Mlemmy different from Mlem?

I was trying Mlem in beta through Test Flight, but it wasn’t very functional yet, despite the nice interface. (I’ve been finding just going through the browser good enough for now.)

Wayward ,

Yessir. They’re trying to go for an Apollo feel I think, and there’s some things that are still missing, I can actually use Mlemmy. Mlem can’t even save my login once it’s unopened for an hour or so.

killerbees , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

One of the things I really liked about it is that there was no explosive denouement (apart from PIke’s hug), and Una and Neera didn’t automagically become BFFs again at the end. 25 years is a longass time. Even excluding ideological positions, they’re strangers now. They probably won’t send each other birthday cards. They won’t send each other memes on Whatsapp. They won’t invite each other to weddings and shit.

And that’s okay. Or maybe I’m just projecting. Sometimes I see friends I haven’t spoken to in 10+ years on social media, and I think damn back then we couldn’t let a day pass without at least a text. But whatever the reason for falling out of touch, I would say I’d be glad if they’re thriving and hope things get better for them if they’re not. But no interest in rekindling the friendship or initiating contact. And that’s okay.

buckykat ,

idk that lingering hand holding before Neera beamed away felt a little lesbian to me

goGetF1 ,

Women are allowed to hold each other’s hands without sexual or romantic intent. And even if they do, there’s nothing wrong with that.

astroturds , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x03 "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"

Kirk was superb, I don't think I could have accepted the car scene if it was anyone else. It's Kirk, of course he's going to drive like a nutter. I was genuinely shocked when he got shot. I thought there couldn't possibly be a way for him to make it but they still got me.

La'an has grown on me so much, she was the one I was most dubious about in the early episodes of season one. I felt really sorry for her at the end, losing Kirk and being unable to talk to anyone about what she's experienced. She's gone through some pretty serious trauma already due to her genes and name and now she's had to go through this pure insanity. I wonder what the significance of the watch is.

ObsidianBlk , avatar

This does bring up an interesting observation… The Temporal Agents apparently have no qualms about coming to not only take back their gadgets and gizmos after someone from the past uses them, but seems to just drop in on the past and cryptically hand out missions to those same ancestors out of literal nowhere! This time travel stuff can be so mentally damaging that even those agents trained to directly work with it (Captain Brackston, for example) can mentally break. Whatever stress La’an was shouldering at the start of the episode has now surely compounded.

You would think that Starfleet of the future would have put together some form of “Temporal Psychology” department, or something. People who’s jobs are to go back to ancestors emotionally effected by time travel, and help them deal with any trauma. Telling La’an to, basically, just “shut up and suck it up” is a horrible way to deal with someone who, essentially, just saved your existence. I get she can’t talk to any of her contemporaries, but surely someone from the past could pop-in and act as a counselor of some sort.

IDK… I felt the temporal agent’s cold response to what La’an had to deal with was rather un-starfleet.

cybervseas ,

Yes I was thinking the same thing, like “Lady you’re acknowledging how difficult this is to bear, could you offer like 6 free therapy sessions at least?”

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

Maybe they know that she has Pelia there to comfort her?

La’an couldn’t tell Pelia the details around Khan or the Romulan incursions, but if Pelia recognizes her and asks after the handsome young companion she has with her in the 21st century, she could at least offer comfort for his nonexistence in this presence. I doubt Pelia could see La’an with this universe’s Kirk and not put her memories together.

cybervseas ,

She was discount Camina Drummer for me at first. Now I see her as her own character with a lot of potential.

hodgepodge , in PSA: Lemmy Language Settings (Undetermined edition)

Lemmy really needs to make that selection more obviously allow multiple languages, or have an "all" setting at the very least

T156 ,

They seem to take “none” as all, so if you don’t choose any, that will also work.

TeaHands , avatar

Interestingly, I have two Lemmy accounts and hadn’t set any languages in either at first. Until I noticed one of my accounts couldn’t see certain posts, and was advised to do the multiple language thing. Why it only affected the one account I have no idea, but it’s definitely worth explicitly setting this just in case.

UESPA_Sputnik , in Canon Connections: Strange New Worlds 2x02 - Ad Astra per Aspera avatar

Hey, it’s USSBurritoTruck! From reddit! 😉

USSBurritoTruck OP Mod , avatar

I don’t think anyone has accused me of being excessive fan service.

varda , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

For an episode whose argument hinged on genetic engineering being a cultural practice for the Ilyrians it is strange they never actually had anybody testify as to what significance it has in Ilyrian culture. Or how it is done and why.

If the genetic engineering is done to adapt to their inhospitable atmosphere why are they doing it to every child? They could just edit the germline once and be done with it.

Altogether it felt like the writers just got very attached to the idea of genetically modified individuals as a metaphor for real world marginalized groups that they lost track both of the in-universe practicalities of the metaphor and the real world implications for the metaphor. This was just outright sympathetic to eugenicists, an ideology that has led to the deaths of millions of marginalized people.

unwantedpamphlet , avatar

@varda @ValueSubtracted Maybe I missed something but I thought the Ilyrians were all about augmentation, both genetic and technological. I think there’s a huge difference between taking something, making it better and the pursuit of a perfect race. I too would like to know more.

bulbasaur , avatar

There’s no difference actually. You seem uneducated about eugenics

unwantedpamphlet , avatar

@bulbasaur “the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable.” Very different from augmenting oneself with current tech, like vaccination.

bulbasaur , avatar

Vaccination does not modify your genes, so it’s completely irrelevant to this conversation

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