Star Trek

Fashy TV is turning me off to my favorite stories.

I started watching Star Trek Discovery. The vibe of the show thus far is pretty fashy and reactionary. There’s always been some good discussion on the nature of the federation and and it’s politics and methods, but so far it feels sinister. I’ve gotten vibes like this from other shows, it’s like the underlying ideology...

What's a faction/group/alien race in Star Trek most similar to the Tech Priests / Mechanicus in Warhammer 40,000?

By that I mean that the basic premise being: that the means of (re)creating new technology is lost, the current technology around is treated as sacred and the function marred in elaborate rituals or prayers because they don’t know how to otherwise operate it, and to a lesser extent that new ideas or (often xenophillic)...

M*A*S*H in space?

I know a strictly military-focused show goes against Roddenberry’s vision, but what are the chances that we could see some sort of war-focused Trek in the future? The scenes in “Under the Cloak of War” (SNW 2x08… yes I’m a few weeks behind) fascinated me. What would a MAS*H-style show look like in Trek? Could the show...

Did anyone else dislike TOS in their youth but came around to it when they got older?

I was born in 1989, so I grew up with the TNG era and ENT, and I always dismissed TOS as a kid as the cheesy 60s original version that TNG remade and left in the dust. It wasn’t until high school that I actually sat down and watched TOS and fell in love with it. I even now wonder if Kirk is better than Picard, it’s a debate...

Are star trek defiant and star trek dog of war worth reading?

I’m a huge fan of comic books and deep space nine I saw that two new comic series came out “star trek defiant” and “star trek dog of war” the series are quite expensive for someone who doesn’t have a lot of money, I just wanna ask those of you who’ve read em are they worth picking up?

Enterprise era new trek show?

I’m not sure if this is the right community or not, but I’m curious what y’all would think if they came out with a new show set in the Enterprise era. Ent is one of my favorite shows, and I always felt like we got screwed out of some really compelling TV when they ended they stopped making Trek after ENT ended. That era of...

I don't think Seska had anything to do with ending of Worst Case scenario (Voyager S3E25).

I think this episode is part one of the holonovel followed by the second part during the second half. The only break we take from seeing the holonovel be played is when they tell captain Janeway (where she implies that she has to be made to look good) about the first half and when Tom and Tuvok are in the mess hall being hassled...

Canon Connections: Strange New Worlds 2x08 - "Under the Cloak of War"

• “Under the Cloak of War”. The flashbacks in this episode are set during the Federation-Klingon War seen during DIS season one, and a large part of that conflict was the new Klingon cloaking devices that T’Kuvma, and then Kol installed on their various ships. Get it? Yeah, you get it....

Canon Connections: 2x07 - Those Old Scientists

• In the episode “No Small Parts” Ransom explains to Captain Freeman that he calls the 2260s the ”TOS Era” in honour of ”Those Old Scientists” like Spock and and Scotty. Of course, this episode takes place in 2259, so clearly it’s time for a shake-up among the SNW production team....

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