What's Your Favorite, Not at All Epic, Star Trek Quote

There are inspiring, epic quotes in Star Trek. Words that stir the soul, shining a light on paths to a brighter now and a better future. But, what about those bits of dialog that don’t have a stirring message, that you enjoy just because you enjoy them?

One of my favorites, from DSC season 3, Episode 1:

“I don’t know. But it was temperature-sensitive and really valuable, so it’s probably ice cream.”

Burnham is captured and being questioned at the Merchantile. After being spritzed with a dose of space truth serum, Burnham’s captors question her about stolen cargo. When asked by her captors what the cargo is, a very drugged up Burnham says the above with serious sincerity. I love the entirety of Burnham’s chattering and behavior while she is under the influence of the space truth serum. That particular line always makes me smile, though.

Do you have a favored, not particularly inspiring, you just like it, Star Trek quote?

spaceghoti ,

“I’m not good in groups. It’s difficult to work in a group when you’re omnipotent.” -Q

charonn0 ,
@charonn0@startrek.website avatar

Kirk: All hands, this is the captain. We’re going to enter the body of the organism… rather abruptly, I would think.

Shatner’s delivery of “rather abruptly, I would think” always makes me laugh.

Ryumast3r ,

When is this said, that’s hilarious!

charonn0 ,
@charonn0@startrek.website avatar

Immunity Syndrome. The one with the giant space amoeba.

gnuplusmatt ,

“Computer! Taffy, honey, shrimp, soda, corn, steak, chicken nugget, crispy lemon rock candy, chili, gravy, chocolate sundae! Hot!”

Nmyownworld OP ,
@Nmyownworld@startrek.website avatar

Doing what it takes to save Tendi!

apprehensively_human ,

Banana, hot. Banana, hot. Banana, hot.

NemoWuMing ,

“Time is the fire in which we burn”

scarabic ,

“Double dumbass on you!”

Right up there with:

“No ma’am. No dipshit.”

scarabic ,

“You broke your little ships.”

I love how this mocks his display of anger and also the fact that he has little ships to begin with. There’s Picard being all ragey and dramatic and in 5 words she turns him into a little boy.

startrekexplained ,

Bourbon and beans, an explosive combination.

Nmyownworld OP ,
@Nmyownworld@startrek.website avatar

How did I ever forget this one. Time for a Star Trek V re-watch.

startrekexplained ,

Recently rewatched the first 6 Trek films. For as bad as V is, love that line since I also love Bourbon and baked beans ;)

Oderus ,
@Oderus@lemmy.world avatar

Doing that now actually. They’re such awesome movies.

Of all the souls I’ve come across in my travels, his was the most… human.

Gets me every damn time.

GaiusGornicusCaesar ,
@GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website avatar

WORF: “What is a ‘Q’?”

YAR: “It’s a letter of the alphabet as far as I know”

Prouvaire ,

I would not presume to debate you.

That is wise.

MajorHavoc ,

“I swore I would never use one of these. Computer, activate the emergency medical hologram.”

“State the nature of the medical emergency.”

“A dozen Borg are about to pound through that bulkhead. I need you to buy us some time.”

“Starfleet medical records indicate that Borg implants cause substantial discomfort. Can I offer you an analgesic?”

immersfer ,
@immersfer@spore.social avatar

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  • Neireh ,
    @Neireh@universeodon.com avatar

    @immersfer @MajorHavoc @Nmyownworld
    Didn't he say also that he is a doctor, not a door stopper ? 😁

    MajorHavoc ,

    Yeah, I skipped a few great lines in there because I couldn’t remember them.

    Neireh ,
    @Neireh@universeodon.com avatar

    I should rewatch that that film, too. :)

    Vordus ,

    Robert Picardo lobbied so hard for that cameo!

    ValueSubtracted Mod ,
    @ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

    Hi Christopher, I’m Nero.

    Nmyownworld OP ,
    @Nmyownworld@startrek.website avatar

    I like this moment. No villainous riffing. No sneering. No glaring. Just a casual greeting. So surreal.

    toothpaste_sandwich ,

    I think it was Q who said, “Ah, Mr. Worf. Eat a good book lately?”

    Nmyownworld OP ,
    @Nmyownworld@startrek.website avatar

    Definitely a t-shirt ready quote.

    OhStopYellingAtMe ,
    @OhStopYellingAtMe@lemmy.world avatar

    I liked his quip to Riker: “I liked you better without the beard.”

    waspentalive ,

    But that was just Q’s ad hominem response to an even better exchange: Q: What must I do to convince you people (that he is mortal and without powers) Worf: die.

    Sorry I know you said “not epic” but most things Worf says are epic.

    VindictiveJudge ,

    It’s Dorn’s delivery. He and Stewart could make any of their lines sound epic, no matter how cheesy the episode was

    AngryHumanoid ,

    Riker’s glance back at Worf when he says that is great. I would describe it as “surprised but thinks it’s a good point”.

    AngryHumanoid ,

    That episode is a treasure trove. “I’m not good in groups. It’s difficult to work in a group when you’re omnipotent.”

    Teal ,
    @Teal@lemm.ee avatar

    “Death to the opposition!”

    rynzcycle ,

    You broke your little ships.

    -Lilly, First Contact

    After an impassioned and (IMO) epic bit of dialogue from Picard, this little disarming line hits me so hard. Just wanna give him a hug.

    Nmyownworld OP ,
    @Nmyownworld@startrek.website avatar

    Yes! I think taken on its own, it comes across as a not-epic quote. But, as the finish to a tremendous demonstration by two amazingly talented actors, it’s so emotionally hard-hitting.

    MajorHavoc ,

    “Borg…? Sounds Swedish.”

    Lily has a good number of my favorite Trek quotes. Her delivery is perfect, and the script to First Contact is fantastic.

    korok ,
    @korok@possumpat.io avatar

    The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they’ve done.

    Love that bit, I get caught up in the passion of Picard’s delivery every time.

    maniacalmanicmania ,
    @maniacalmanicmania@aussie.zone avatar

    ‘Computer, more birds’

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