donut4ever , avatar

LOL. I love seeing capitalists fight each other. Makes me so happy while working from home. :)

EnderWi99in ,

Who is he fighting with here?

donut4ever , avatar

It is a big fight between the real-estate/banks and the rest of the market that want to save money by not renting massive useless buildings while their employees can function 100% from home

Addition ,

This is the same shitbag behind WADU. He can get bent.

Bosa ,

Ya these people are so out of touch (so more likely they want people in buildings so they are getting people to come in so buildings aren’t empty) that’s my guess at least.

Business don’t wanna pay for a lease with no one in there, since work from home can be fine but they seem to despise it. Makes no sense.

Jaysyn , avatar

Every billionaire is a policy failure.

rmuk ,

I’d rather have a thousand millionaires than one billionaire.

VanillaGorilla ,

Oh, alright. That's pretty much what I've been doing. Is he expecting the people do back down on idiotic threats? I've been on the job hunt for pretty much exactly 19 minutes before I've got a call from HR of my new company and two meetings later they were happy to give me a remote first contract. At least where I am it's not hard to get a good paying job from home if you've got some experience. My colleague had a harsher time because she was just getting into development, but it was not like she had to hunt for long.

derf82 ,

Gee, I wonder how much he and JPMorgan are invested in commercial real estate.

OwenEverbinde , avatar

… and car manufacturers, and oil companies, and tire companies, and the fast food franchises lining every freeway exit…

Grimr0c , avatar

Ill give you a hint: JPMC owns one of the largest buildings in the United States, second only to the Pentagon. Their Columbus location is a multi-mile long, 6 story, repurposed Mall. And thats just one of 8 Non-Branch locations they use in Columbus.

Saneless ,

I know dozens of people who work there. Most hate it

Parking is atrocious and you have to walk like 10 minutes from your spot to the building. And then I’m the building another 5 to your office

Oh and you thought you were leaving at 5? It’s a 30 minute commute just from the parking lot to the first street because of the traffic

Grimr0c , avatar

Lol. So accurate. The streets to I70 are fucked, then you get on I70 and its backed up all the way to 270. Awful lmao.

Saneless ,

Know what’s a good idea? Taking the two most important freeways in the city and having their on and off ramps overlap, and it’s for only 200 feet total. Won’t cause any traffic

ccunix ,

Hang on!

If it was a shopping mall, surely it had really good parking. Why does everyone go to shopping malls instead of town centres? It easy to park!

They must have actively tried to break it!

Grimr0c , avatar

It’s mostly due to the sheer amount of people who work in the building. The building holds over 10k employees. Problem is, everyone wants to park near their office space so they dont have to walk a mile or two to get to the other side of the building. So it gets cluttered very quickly around key lots.

Also, there’s no parking garages. It was a flat lot until a few yesra ago. Now its a flat lot with a second story.

rmuk ,

Shopping malls tend to have choke points where the rapidly flowing road traffic transitions to more random car park traffic. Not a problem if a few thousand people are coming and going as they please throughout the day but thousands of people arriving together at 9:00 and leaving together at 17:00… they’re just not designed for that sort of thing.

themeatbridge ,

If you’re just joining us, the is the “Fuck Around” part of the meme. See you soon when he realizes how right he is!

paddirn ,

I worked for JPMorgan Chase before and this doesn’t surprise me one bit. Such a backasswards company that cares little for its customers or its employees. I will forever avoid doing any sort of business with Chase for as long as I live. Complete trash.

Grimr0c , avatar

Preach. Same. Terrible company to work for and they dont give a shit about its consumers.

elscallr , avatar

All the valuable employees: go to work somewhere else

Jamie Dimon: shocked Pikachu

fuklu ,

There’s more nuance to what he said if people take time to read the article. I’m a huge fan of working from home, but it has drawbacks. One that Jamie notes is that a lack of office environment is terrible for someone starting their career, which is true.

Grimr0c , avatar

I assure you, JPMC office environments, as they currently are used, are useless. They’re making everyone operate as though we work from home, while in office. We still use Zoom for everything… 40 feet away from eachother. Its as stupid as it sounds.

fuklu ,

Do people meet in meeting rooms as well or it’s all just Zoom?

Grimr0c , avatar

All Zoom. All the time. Nobody uses the meeting rooms anymore unless they’re for 1 on 1 conversations that cant be held on the floor.

fuklu ,

Ouch, yeah that defeats the purpose

Saneless ,

And usually you go into a meeting room with a few others to do a video call with someone. Why not just do it from home?

fuklu ,

I think that’s ok? People are in different offices, but as long as you can also work with the local people…

I’m a fan of hybrid, with like 4/5 days at home, assuming people aren’t heavily distracted at home.

HobbitFoot ,

You aren’t going to get people who will be willing to accept that anything but full WFH would be good here.

steebo_jack ,

This guy's like an old record...should find something new to say...

HubertManne , avatar

Well. Im sure you will attract the best and the brightest.

aaron_griffin , avatar

I bet he said this from an “off-site” and hasn’t been in the office in weeks

Nioxic ,

It is july?

Prime summer holiday month, at least where i live.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yeah, but he’s not at his summer house, where he could be working from and maybe be less productive. So that’s almost the same thing.

Grimr0c , avatar

No problem, I’m on the way out the door anyway with this stupid, corrupt, abusive company.

wagesj45 , avatar

Jamie Dimon can suck a turd, then.

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