thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
Ihazchaos , to Random German avatar

Und überhaupt ich brauche ein superstabiles aktuelles mit Gnome und langen Sicherheitsupdates, was nehmt ihr denn da so?

Varen , avatar

Statt mit live USB rumzuüben, kannst auf (unbedingt einen guten adblocker nutzen) so einige live distro‘s direkt im browser testen ohne dafür immer wieder ein iso auf den usb zu brennen

etebur , to Random avatar

I’m on the hunt for a typed-note app to catalog my historical research and blurbs

Hard Requirements:

  • support
  • tags
  • search
  • local storage option


  • rich text formatting / markdown
  • image support
  • iOS app

So far, I’m hovering over Joplin and Simplenote. However, open to other suggestions. 🤗

Varen , avatar

I tried out standard notes but didn‘t met my expectations so deleted again, right now looking in joplin as well as I like the option to E2EE it to onedrive/nextcloud or others and it has ios and linux apps

jimbodie , to Random avatar

Well f*ck me, RHEL 9 finally got rid of NIS. I think I knew this was coming but that was so far in the future, I had plenty of now problems to deal with. They are right, NIS is not at all secure for user auth. Great. I don't use NIS for that anymore. I use NIS for groups, netgroups, and automount maps, especially automount maps. I'm not worried about security for those. Might be time to finally develop a replacement to those bits of NIS and retire NIS like I've been contemplating.

jimbodie OP , avatar

@kalpa @thaodan Thanks. I did not know that was a thing. I'll add that to the things I check out. This project is literally something that sprang out of some work I was doing this afternoon so there has been zero work or planning done so far. It is proving to be a potentially very interesting project so i have that going for me.

thaodan , avatar

@kalpa @jimbodie Kani in deed looks interesting, it does look a bit simpler and modern. However I don't plan to deploy
docker to setup idm.

89luca89 , to Random avatar
thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
mina , avatar


The cropping in spectacle is a feature, I wasn't waiting for, but will definitely love!

Thank you for thinking of that!

@kde @kde

linuxiac , to Random avatar

Unlock the secrets to a flawless NVIDIA and Wayland setup on Arch. Follow our step-by-step guide for a hassle-free desktop experience.

libreoffice , to Random avatar

Question! Why should local governments use taxpayers’ money to buy proprietary, closed software from a single vendor? And what happens to citizens' data? A solution is to move to free and open source software like and – which is exactly what Schleswig-Holstein is doing:

darth , to Random avatar

Which one is the best (GNU) distribution?

Nudelpfanne , avatar

@darth When mainline switched from Gnome 2 to Unity without a warning I was troughing a tantrum. Big thank you to all the developers!

darth OP , avatar

@Nudelpfanne TBH I liked Unity more haha. I was sad to see Unity go bye-bye.

linuxiac , to Random avatar
kalpa , avatar

@linuxiac This is perfectly normal for Tumbleweed, it happens any time any major foundational package updates, and is accepted. Yes, the xz mitigation was the cause of it this time, but this isn't that uncommon. glibc updates, for instance, are a very common reason for large update snapshots of Tumbleweed.

archer72 , to Random avatar

alias ds='date +"%Y_%b_%d_%H_%M_%S_%N"'

If a file is made in this way: "ds"
the output will look like this.


If there is a better way, comments are welcome.

mforester , avatar

@archer72 I kinda like date --iso-8601, which will output '2024-03-31' for today (but of course without the same precision you used).
I find this format much easier to read and it's automatically sorted correctly when you look at a lot of files. 🙂
If I need to be more precise, I usually go with date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.

nickelson , to Random avatar

In lots of distro reviews people dedicate some amount of time to wallpapers... like it is a vital part of an OS.... For god's sake, how many of you use default wallpapers and not downloading/setting up your fav custom one? 😅 Why not use that time for really important features instead? 🥺

talesofaprinny , to KDE avatar

Plasmashell inverts(flips?) screen after running a game? (X11/Plasma 6)

Hi, I'm using nvidia drivers. FOr whatever reason at times Plasmashell would get "cute" and flip the screen to the point I just run plasmashell --replace and everything goes back to normal...

Is there something... I could do ?


cyborganism ,

Can you try rolling back you Nvidia driver to a previous version and try again to see if it still happens?

Nyanix , avatar

I get that as well. As far as I understand it, and someone is welcomed to correct or expand on any of this - this is because when you play a game (primarily when using gamemoderun), it disables your compositor. When you exit the game, it kicks the compositor back on. I have no idea why it has issues on coming back on, seems to be related to Nvidia in X11.

Some things that I’ve found that help is disabling the compositor (Alt+Shift+F12)
After doing that, I try to maximize and un-maximize any windows I still have up, then re-enable the compositor with the same shortcut.

Realistically, your plasmashell solution is great. Theoretically, Wayland shouldn’t have this issue, but I know Wayland comes with its own issues with Nvidia.

itsfoss , to Random avatar

What was it? 🐧

Aatube , avatar

@itsfoss Windows 11 being sluggish on my new Walmart laptop

ReCursing , avatar

I'm a nerd and always have been. I honestly cannot remember where I first came across Linux but I was interested to try it out as soon as I heard about it back in the 90s

nixCraft , to Random avatar

Admit it.

You love htop.

popey , avatar

❌ Incorrect.
btop > bottom > htop


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