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Anticorp ,

What’s crazy is that this was already fully functional and in-use at least 8 years ago. Idk how this has stayed out of the headlines until now. Microsoft had a working demo of this in their visitor center in 2015 and was already using it in multiple places.

Anticorp ,

They get tax breaks from the city to maintain a minimum occupancy. The cities were waiving those requirements during covid, and now they’re not. It’s that simple. The government and the corpos want their extra money from your pocket and they’re insisting on behavior that will get it for them.

Anticorp ,

Or maybe they just have nothing better to do.

Anticorp ,

That was actually a study that was completely misrepresented by the media. What the people actually said in the study is that if they were presented with an unexpected expense of $500, they would charge it, not that they didn’t have the money. But then unscrupulous mukrakers took that study and reported it as “50% of Americans say they don’t have enough cash to cover an unexpected $500 expense!”. There are plenty of valid reasons to charge an unexpected expense, regardless of how much money you have in the bank.

Anticorp ,

He was in the original Dune too.

Anticorp ,

Just take a look, it’s in a book, Reading Rainbow.

I… caaan fly anywhere!

Anticorp ,

He reads several actually. He even turns documentation into a holographic representation of a woman and makes out with it. Typical Geordi.

Anticorp ,

She was married, if I remember correctly.

[Opinion - Legal Analysis] The Constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again - Donald K. Sherman ( )

While some ­on the right portray accountability for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as just another partisan dispute, two prominent conservative legal scholars have made the case that the Constitution disqualifies former President Trump from public office....

Anticorp ,

Idk why this is treated as an opinion piece. This is an agreed-upon interpretation of the constitution. If he is found guilty, then he can’t be president. It’s not debatable.

Anticorp ,

Apparently the bar is a sinking ship and people keep swimming under it.

Anticorp ,

You’re assuming there is anything more than lies, which I highly doubt. There’s no evidence. There’s no report. There are no documents. There are only weak verbal lies.

Anticorp ,

He’s probably scrambling to figure out how to get people to send him more money to release his whatever.

Anticorp ,

Does that mean you receive that much as a refund on your taxes, or is that much a write-off? Write-offs are worthless if you don’t itemize and have enough write-offs to surpass the standard deduction.

Anticorp ,

Home equity loans are used by a lot of people for this sort of stuff.

Anticorp ,

Why not both?

Anticorp ,

No, but that’s never stopped them before, and it won’t stop them now.

"I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds ( )

Economic analyst Steven Rattner on Monday shared a pie chart showing that all but 1% of the $3 billion in investments in former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s private equity firm Affinity Partners came from foreign sources after he “spent much of his White House tenure cozying up” to Saudi Arabia and...

Anticorp ,

Mmhm. That’s nice, dear

Anticorp ,

This has to be satire. I’m pretty sure I threw up in my mouth a little right now.

Anticorp ,
Anticorp ,

He would start a civil war just to watch the suffering if he still had the power to do so.

Anticorp ,

Right after JFK comes back from the dead to declare him the 14th president, or whatever the fuck number they think it is.

Anticorp ,

I re-upped my NZB membership for the first time in 15 years a couple of nights ago.

Anticorp ,

Thanks for explaining it to them.

Anticorp ,

Fuck that, it’s all about the 1 part week. The 1 part where we work from home.

Anticorp ,


Anticorp ,

Men aren’t “broken” just because we interact differently than women. It may be news to that trans man, but we don’t have the same emotional needs as women. We interact in ways that work for us. It is fashionable today to refer to all masculinity as toxic, but we are not the same as women, hard stop. Stop trying to pretend that we are.

Anticorp ,

Men started treating me like their guy friends, which was exactly what I wanted. What I didn’t know is that male friendships aren’t as deep.

He’s a fool if he thinks he’s going to form deep connections with other men in a short time period, especially as an outsider. Men make 4 friends in junior highschool and decide that’s enough for the rest of our lives. Men are also very tribal. He’s going to have to wait for years, or even decades to find the deep and meaningful relationships he’s looking for. That’s just how men operate.

Anticorp ,

“So I went down to Shelbyville and engaged in casual sexism against men, which was the style of the time…”

Anticorp ,

It is melodramatic. He’s writing as an outsider who doesn’t know yet how to interact as a man, and may or may not have full male hormonal balance yet. Men form deep relationships with their male friends, but only on a long enough timeline for trust to be built, and then we display it differently. His perspective is that of a woman’s, so he’s probably missing a lot of nuance in reactions he’s getting. Something as simple as a knowing nod can mean a lot between men. Just because we’re not all lovie dovey, and hugging and kissing, doesn’t mean we’re broken, it means we’re men, with male mannerisms, male emotions, and male forms of bonding.

Anticorp ,

I didn’t feel these things, someone would quickly, loudly, and condescendingly remind me that I should. They’d then be applauded for putting me in my place.

Those people are racist, sexists. If they didn’t have you to target, they’d find another group. Don’t give them the time of day.

Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy?

Earlier in the pandemic many news and magazine organizations would proudly write about how working from home always actually can lead to over working and being too “productive”. I am yet to collect some evidence on it but I think we remember a good amount about this....

Anticorp ,

Most of them get tax breaks from the city, but only if they maintain a minimum occupancy. So they’ve lost their tax breaks and they want them back. As always, it comes down to money.

Anticorp ,

It’s about money. Large corporations get city tax breaks to build their headquarters. The government gets a lot of money from the employees that report to those offices. The catch is that those tax breaks usually require minimum occupancy of the building. If everyone works from home then the government doesn’t get all their road tolls, gas tax, parking fees, sales tax on food, speeding tickets, parking tickets, etc. Since the government isn’t getting their kickback they stop giving the company tax breaks. So basically millions of people are being forced to do stuff they don’t want to do, just so really rich entities can be richer.

Anticorp ,

That’s very shortsighted though. One great engineer is worth 10 mediocre engineers, especially when you factor in the time required to manage them. But I’ve never built a trillion dollar company before, so I’m probably not qualified to say that my ideas are better.

Anticorp ,

The productivity loss takes place at the office. You go from being able to solve problems all day to having Susie Homemaker and Joe Blob wanting to talk to you about the sportsball event when you’re in the middle of super complicated logic. You go from being able to use the restroom 30 seconds from your desk to walking 10 minutes to get to the closest one at the office. You go from making a quick sandwich and then getting back to work, to driving miles away to find something decent to eat. Every engineer I know is more productive at home.

Anticorp ,

AOL Messenger.

Anticorp ,

I started questioning Strange New Worlds in the very beginning when Spock and T’Pring hang out in their luxurious penthouse and constantly make-out like a couple of hormonal teenagers. I lost interest when magic blood cured massive radiation exposure, not only in the person with magic fairy dust in their veins, but in someone else next to them in the room. What in the actual fuck? How is that Star Trek? Based on what I saw, Strange New Worlds is indeed strange, as in “why are they making these strange writing decisions?”.

Conservative calls for women to have more babies hide pernicious motives | Kenan Malik ( )

"There are good reasons for expanding affordable childcare and funding proper parental leave; not because this might increase the fertility rate but because such policies are good for women, for children and for society. There are good reasons for thinking more concretely about the consequences of falling birthrates and the...

Anticorp ,

If they want people to have more babies, then maybe they should fix the problems that cause people to not want kids. Nah! Let’s just force pregnancies!

Anticorp ,

Trump doesn’t truly believe anything. He’s a pathological liar, and hopefully the jury remembers that.

Anticorp ,

WTF? There has been an endless trail of victims from Trump’s actions his entire life. This is a weird title that completely ignores the millions of people who have been injured by trump throughout his life, and yes, it is millions. Just a few of the crimes he has committed that leave victims are stealing tax payer money, refusing to pay contractors and employees, sexually assaulting or raping women, scamming everyone from students to cancer patients, and discouraging people from preventing the spread of a deadly virus during a pandemic. Hundreds of thousands of people are dead because of his actions or lack of action during the pandemic. That’s millions of people hurt by him. “This time there are victims” psshaw! There have always been victims!

Anticorp ,

Is it too late to stop something from happening that has already happened? Yes. Is it too late to address what has happened and fix it? Almost never.

Anticorp ,

Many reporters apologized publicly after the 2016 election for giving trump so much coverage and acting like he was a viable candidate, when he wasn’t. Now they’re doing the exact same thing again. So, to all of you reporters who may read this, we don’t forgive you. Get your heads out of your asses and stop writing articles that help trump.

Anticorp ,

The Blue Angels and Breitling teams are amazing. Air shows are great! They’re once a year events. Not having an air show isn’t going to stop the thousands of other sources of pollution that run non-stop, 365 days a year, it’ll just be one less fun thing to do in our lives.

Anticorp ,

Nothing will happen to the black hole, except for its continued growth. At least not anything on time scales that are meaningful for humanity. We’ll be long gone before any observable changes happens to any black holes.

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