@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar


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NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Absurd. The court going along with it is even worse in this case

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

As they should. Police have shown their hand time and time again. Peaceful marchers and protesters get beaten, sprayed, and generally abused without consequence. Armed protesters, even those who go full on violent, are left alone and watched from a distance.

NovaPrime , (edited )
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

You mean the old clown who straight up quoted his favorite fiction book and referred to Christianity multiple times in his opinion is a Christian fundamentalist?! Who could have imagined this!!

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Looks reminiscent of Devault covers (and fits the mood too)

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Naw, basically saying that the employment landscape has changed significantly since 2020 and the management class reports being overwhelmed and lacking tools/knowledge/experience to properly manage and engage employees in the new landscape, while the employees report more passive disengagement and want a company to actually invest in them as a person and treat them as a human instead of treating them like naked capital investment.

Edit: I forgot, there was that one brazenly monocle’d paragraph advocating for harder boot licking for workers, but it is cnbc so what do you expect

New US company ownership database faces continued political attacks weeks after launch ( www.icij.org )

The rollout of a landmark company ownership registry officially launched by the United States Treasury Department on Jan. 1 and aimed at fighting dirty money flows in the U.S. has been met with political attacks and the spread of misinformation, amid ongoing tensions around the transparency tool....

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

How is this burdensome on businesses? Wouldn’t it be as simple as filing the same forms they filed with the secretary of state to register the businesses in the first place? (at least for the small businesses they’re all feigning concern for)

Does the President of Georgia set “conditions” for Russia!?

Any state has the right to set some conditions for another state. But in this case, the state that sets the conditions must be either stronger or at least equal in military-economic power. In all other cases, you can only politely ask for something. Therefore, setting some conditions for Russia on the part of Salome is either...

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, independent states have the right to self determine and to tell foreign invaders and occupiers to get the fuck out.

Everything else you posted is “might is right” bullshit and Russian propaganda drivel. Do better.

New batch of unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents claim that former presidents Clinton and Trump and tycoon Richard Branson were part of the pedophile’s circle of clients ( english.elpais.com )

The new documents include court petitions, e-mail exchanges, photographs and some victim statements, which — always taken with great caution — include explosive accusations with unverified indirect testimonies about some of the people who moved within Epstein’s circle, including the ubiquitous Prince Andrew of England,...

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

You throw enough shit at the wall, some of it’s about to stick. The rumors of this were around long before QAnon nuts came on the scene, same as the accusations

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Obama is not running. Cheeto is. Try again.

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok, but that’s irrelevant to the topic at hand. It’s whataboutism

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Let’s try it this way. Based on your comment, I understand your argument structure to be like this (correct me if I’m wrong):

Election is coming up > democrats are running in the election > as part of the election strategy democrats are pushing a “talking point” about trump campaign dangling pardons and legal defense funding for his insurrection conspirators > trump had the chance to pardon them already but chose not to, so therefore he’s lying to them > democratic party promises they broke re: abortion and environment when they had power are the same type of lie and therefore relevant to the discussion about trump campaign dangling pardons and legal defense funding for his insurrection conspirators in the current campaign.

Surely you can see how you’ve had to construct an entirely different argument structure around the actual subject of discussion (trump campaign dangling pardons and legal defense funding for his insurrection conspirators) to try and build relevance? But even then it doesnt actually work logically.

Your original response was essentially “but what about Obummer?!” That’s whataboutism. It’s a logical fallacy.

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

There’s that word again. “Heavy.” Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth’s gravitational pull?

One was a tech VC, the other was unhoused. They forged an unlikely friendship in a deeply unequal city. ( www.theguardian.com )

From the outside, a friendship between Todd and Armstrong may have seemed unlikely. They occupy two worlds that are emblematic of San Francisco but rarely collide. Todd, 64, is a slightly built African American man who had been living on the streets, shelters, and in and out of prison for years. Armstrong, 62, is a white partner...

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Wonderfully written look into the program. The buddy pairing system along with the guaranteed payments was brilliant. Often there is a desire by the public and politicians to just throw money at the problem, but the root of addiction and the cycle of suffering in many cases (though obv not all) is often tied deeply to lack of human connection and support.

The one thing that stood out and absolutely disgusted me was the bit about IRS garnishing Todd’s meager $500 payments for back taxes. Are you telling me that we have the resources to garnish the payments of a homeless 64 year old man but not chase down billionaire fraud and tax dodging? What a fucking disgrace

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

“I don’t believe in welfare”

Ok, cool. So what’s your proposal then? What an absolute bell-end

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Wonderfully written article. It’s been invigorating to see people becoming more aware of the role intersectionality plays in both our oppression and our means of resisting it.

NovaPrime ,
@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh look, the media is finally remembering that she’s just like all the other shit corpofascists on the stage.

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  • NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    How would the new congress sit before certification? Logically they would not be the new congress before certification. We should just get rid of the archaic bullshit and make certification automatic. It’s 2023 ffs.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Before senators-elect and congresspeople-elect can begin exercising their legislative responsibilities, each must present his or her certificate of election and then take the prescribed oath of office in an open session of the Senate/House. The certificate of election, issued by the governor from the incoming member’s state, confirms that the person was duly elected. Affixed with the state’s official seal, it is delivered to the secretary of the Senate/House for official recording.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Not at all. The courts are intended to be neutral arbiters of law itself. Congress is the body that should care about what people think.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    I’m not disagreeing with that. I’m disagreeing with your assertion that courts should care about what the people think. If anything, when the law is ambiguous the courts look at the legislative session notes, speeches, drafts…etc to try and figure out what the original intent was (or throw it back to legislature to rework). I never said it’s some kind of rigid holy truth.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    And this has to do what with your original comment and assertion?

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Responsibilities without consequences are just wish lists. If there are no repercussions then responsibility means nothing.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Sounds like you may potentially have a flood sensor problem. Have you been able to take it out/verify that it’s not throwing false positives?

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    I know the struggle. We were in a similar situation ourselves with our CU and decided to pull the plug. While I love the co-op model, the rates across the board were shit (talking .05% on checking and .45% on savings), and what’s more, the rates they gave us when we were shopping for mortgage loans and car loans were even worse (variable mortgage rate at 7% in 2021, when everyone else was offering 2.5% fixed).

    At the end of the day I realized that it wasn’t worth leaving money on the table just to have the warm fuzzies of being with a meh, at best, banking institution. In 2023 all I really want are competitive rates, my funds insured, and easy, secure access to my funds and mobile banking. If you can’t do that, there are dozens of other institutions that can.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    That’s a cute little scrunch. And a top tier pupper of course

    John Carter (2012) ( lemmy.ml )

    What does everyone think about this attempt at a new franchise from Disney? I remember seeing it in the theater and I really enjoyed it! I had hoped we would see more in the ‘John Carter’ universe, but that was not to be. Poor marketing is often blamed, as is critics suggesting it was “derivative”.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Loved this movie when it came out. Thought it was rough around the edges, but a hell of an adventure on screen.

    To call it derivative though is a joke and betrays an understanding of the impact the novel series had on the Sci-fi genre as a whole.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Tried it but I also hate the manual import and categorization. Had much better luck with Empower (formerly Personal Capital), though they’re not OSS

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    This fucking ghoul gets off with an apology letter and probation, meanwhile a mom in Alabama was forced to give birth in a prison shower and sentenced to 15 years for having an addiction that she tried to seek help with and was denied resources for (convicted of endangering the fetus). The legal system is a fucking joke

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Oh I get the mechanics of it (attorney myself) but it still exposes a two-tier justice system where those with power and influence get overall better deals for much worse crimes than the poor and those deemed “useless” for future prosecutions. The system doesn’t care about justice but rather prosecutorial efficiency and conviction rates.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Best we can do is fire you too and add your workload to the already-overstretched remaining staff.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Hey, game admin here. Unfortunately you do not have enough credits for an upgrade, but if you’d like to cut your session early and disconnect let me know and I’ll pull you out.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yes, and in this case the jury decided that a reasonable person in like circumstances could have felt threatened to the point where they feared imminent bodily harm, thus justifying the self defense

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Same way he gained votes after 4 years of the shit show that was his Presidency

    CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 ( www.epi.org )

    “average top CEO compensation was $15.6 million in 2021, up 9.8% since 2020. In 2021, the ratio of CEO-to-typical-worker compensation was 399-to-1 under the realized measure of CEO pay; that is up from 366-to-1 in 2020 and a big increase from 20-to-1 in 1965 and 59-to-1 in 1989”

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    I think it’s not so much that people can’t look up the roles, but that most people grinding away in a wage-slave role don’t have context for what is actually done at the higher level. They are too insulated from the day to day of those roles which make it easier to write them off wholesale as useless. That being said, CEO compensation across the board is not in line with any actual productivity or effectiveness metrics, let’s be real, and certainly should not be anywhere near as high in comparison to the average employee. But that’s a separate and more nuanced conversation that can’t be solved with a simple “fire all CEOs hurdur” comments that you’ll see online.

    FCC says “too bad” to ISPs complaining that listing every fee is too hard ( arstechnica.com )

    Comcast and other ISPs objected to a requirement that ISPs “list all recurring monthly fees” including “all charges that providers impose at their discretion, i.e., charges not mandated by a government.” They complained that the rule will force them “to display the pass-through of fees imposed by federal, state, or...

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Because they’re too busy doing…something…

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    This is what I’ve been using and it’s great. Has an open api as well if you want to build and run your own simulations using your actual data without having to integrate with all of your investment/banking apis as well

    What does your cash flow process look like?

    I’m talking about types of accounts, automatic transfers, etc. Feel free to mention specifics, but I’m more interested in higher level information like does your paycheck go to savings or checking, do you use automatic transfers, do you use a traditional bank account or something different, etc....

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Thanks for starting the discussion! Here’s my setup:

    • Wife and I have paychecks deposited into regular credit union checking account.
    • From there a small portion goes into a separate high-yield savings account with CapitalOne (currently getting 5%). This is primarily our “just in case” liquidity account that we can pull from on a dime for any unforseen emergencies.
    • Another portion then goes into a Fidelity brokerage account for non-advantaged personal investments (non-401k/roth since we max those out separately and those are fed directly from the paycheck)
    • Recently I’ve also stated diverting another portion into Tbills, though I need a better system for this.
    • The only thing that remains in checking is the amount needed to cover our monthly cc payments (everything goes through cc bc I’m a cashback/point slut, and it makes no sense not to take advantage of the additional protections imo) which get paid off monthly

    Currently I do all the separate account transfers manually after the paychecks are deposited. Main reason is bc I grew up quite poor so I got very good at tracking every dollar manually and never broke the habit. And it serves as a mini-audit every two weeks which is a nice bonus.

    Out of curiosity, how did you set up your Treasury bill efund account through Fidelity? I’ve been looking to consolidate and better track my tbill purchases but haven’t settled on a good solution yet

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    This is fantastic! Thanks for the info. I know what I’ll be playing with this weekend 😀

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    He supported Serbia’s bombing. And because it was thr right thing to do. They were engaging in a genocide and openly conducting ethnic cleansings.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Or I’m someone who directly experienced the ethnic cleansing and genocide committed against my people by the the Serbs. I have zero sympathy or tolerance for keyboard warriors and actual fascist apologists when it comes to the subject. Educate yourself first and actually think critically sometime about shit you say (as you claim you do), rather than just repeating the tired, and frankly lazy, “west bad/NATO bad” mantra.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    In the case of the Yugoslavian wars and Serbian aggression against Bosnia, yes, NATO was good and Serbia was bad. Serbia instigated the first genocide on European soil since the Holocaust (caveat: depending on how you classify Armenia geographically) and refused to stop and back off until they were bombed. It wasnt until the bombs started falling on THEIR people and country that they finally stopped. Also, continuing to refer to Serbia as “Yugoslavia” makes me think that either you’ve no idea about what you’re talking when it comes to the Balkans, or are a Serb apologist.

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    It’s the type used when when wheezing the juuuuuiiice

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Get fucked you rubber suit skin looking fascist motherfucker

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Love this idea! Using the community to actually educate about personal finance wound be great

    NovaPrime ,
    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    Makes perfect sense for China to move in and assert itself a bit more strongly on the global political stage. Will be interesting to see how the relationship plays into any official responses to future expansion and war efforts by Israel.

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