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Wooster , avatar

Dude, you’re missing out then. I was dubious going in, but Time Lord Wesley was the absolute delight I didn’t know I needed. Wheaton’s performance was probably leagues better than in TNG.

Wooster , avatar

Not impossible. Freeman was effectively the villain for S1 of Lower Decks, despite clearly being one of the good guys.

And Prodigy demonstrates how a personal vendetta can net some kids a nemesis, despite largely minding their own business.

Wooster , avatar

They’re all beautiful shots, but something about them doesn’t leave me curious about their contexts. I wish I could articulate it better….

Like maybe it’s not enough of a tease?

Or maybe that you could’ve told me most of those shots were from S4 and I wouldn’t question it?

Or the lack of a contextual caption maybe?

Wooster , avatar

Wasn’t Cornwell based on a character from TOS, specifically with the same name as an episode title in DIS?

I always felt there was the intent to kill her off, (even before the S2 finale) only to bring her back as an incomplete being.

Wooster , avatar

Lethe. That’s who I was thinking of. Like Cornwell was Lethe before she became Lethe.

Wooster , avatar

Maybe maybe not? At the very least least it tells us where Carl dropped Georgiou off.

Wooster , avatar

I would recommend two pins.

One being the season one you’re proposing… and a second for a focal episode to discuss and cycle it out every two days.

So for the first two days we’d focus on the first episode (episodes? It’s a two parter) then the pin would be swapped with the next episode.

This would allow more in depth discussion while acknowledging binge watching.

Wooster , avatar

“There’s every intent of a new movie coming out in the very near future”

I’m reading this to mean that the S31 movie is coming out sometime this summer. Between Discovery and Lower Decks. After October or so doesn’t sound ‘very neat future’ to me.

I’m also not reading much into the ‘trying to figure out’ how to get the movies to the big screen. We know that S31 will be a P+ exclusive. Regardless of if it’s because of some preexisting contract with what was CBS All Access when the original project got green lit all those years ago or because S31’s lore leans too heavily on S1-3 Discovery to stand on its own, S31 was never going to be in major theaters.

The purported Picard, Kelvin 4, or even the pitched Lower Decks movies? Those are probably going to actually be in theaters.

Wooster , avatar

McMahan has previously tried to garner support for a LD movie, live action at that, but there’s nothing to suggest that it’s been greenlit. If anything, we may have gotten LD S5 instead.

Wooster , avatar

Programming to feature Star Trek: Discovery’s fifth season premiere and Star Trek: Strange New World’s musical episode sing-along!

Wondercon is March 29th through the 31st.

TBH, it feels a little barebones…. But with Picard finished, Academy in very early development, Prodigy out of Paramount’s hands, and Lower Decks expected for late 2024… there really isn’t much else they can bring to the plate, aside from maybe the S31 movie.

Wooster , avatar

I enjoyed this interview. We learn that there’s some things even he doesn’t know, and also questioned, some behind the scenes head cannoning, and enough bait to keep us questioning what’ll happen, but not enough to spoil anything of substance.

Wooster , avatar

Now this. THIS is an interview. A lot of fun ideas, stealing props, and just good natured nonsense.

Wooster , avatar

I had the Starfleet Academy game… waaaaay ahead of its time… as in the hardware really couldn’t handle 3D combat.

Wooster , avatar

Through a valued partnership between Propstore Ltd. and CBS Studios Inc., an amicable agreement among all parties involved has been reached to restore Captain Jean-Luc Picard’s iconic Star Trek: The Next Generation captain’s chair to the Star Trek Archive,” a statement on Propstore’s website now reads. “The chair will be preserved as a piece of science fiction history. While the whereabouts of the chair had been unknown for three decades, the Star Trek Archive is currently working on plans to showcase it for Star Trek fans to see firsthand in the coming year.

Wooster , avatar

I wish the actors were cleared to reveal little things… otherwise these interviews are just barely interactive NDAs.

Wooster , avatar

Huh… I wonder if the Borg Corgi is a homage to the “Ensign Sue Must Die” saga, which featured a Borg Beagle.

Wooster , avatar

It still burns that Prodigy was barely included in the tribute to Trek animation.

Wooster , avatar

I got the book too! Did you have any luck de-dacting the Rubber Ducky Room pages?

Wooster , avatar

We probably get our best look at penal rehabilitation in Lower Decks’ “A Few Badgeys More”

We learn that Daystrom Institute has a facility dedicated to evil robots, but through therapy, and exploration of art, sports, and other hobbies and psych-evaluations they may earn parole, and from there re-enter society.

Peanut Hamper made it to parole, initially as a ruse, but actually ended up taking it seriously.

Agimus is lagging behind her, but also shows signs of sincere reform.

Honestly, while a lot of it was played for laughs, I really appreciated how it really was Star Trek’s optimism at its peak. People can be reformed, and are not sentenced to life in a cubical if they are capable of earning it.

Wooster , avatar

But car buyers’ preferences have also shifted dramatically to larger trucks and SUVs in the past 10 years or so, and even more towards high-tech and comfort amenities in the form of cameras, sensors, radars and large infotainment screens," he said.

You can’t buy a smaller truck because the manufacturers lobbied that large trucks are exempt from stricter emissions and thus they don’t have to engineer a smaller, more efficient truck.

Wooster , avatar

Damn! It’s Aaron Waltke himself! Will do my part good sir! 🫡

Wooster , avatar

In Prodigy’s defense, they waited the equivalent of two seasons to play that card, and the execution was IMO, better than what we saw in Picard and Discovery.

Wooster , avatar

The narrative problem with the kids arriving in Federation territory in a stolen ship was that the Protostar would be impounded and the kids would be sent packing.

They needed a narrative reason to give the kids a chance to command the Protostar and have their own adventures, which means dragging out returning it to Starfleet. But rather than resorting to stalling tactics, they opted to have the kids fight to keep it out of their hands, and for good reason.

With Picard and Discovery, I felt more like that trope was used because the writers had no better ideas on how to keep the stakes high.

With Prodigy, I felt that the stakes were made essential to its premise.

Wooster , avatar

While I’m personally not a fan of Khan, I’m glad this series is going to see the light of day. If this old Variety Article is to believed, it was originally going to be a full streaming series. And we’re almost on the cusp of Academy.

Wooster , avatar

Inertial Dampeners failing means the ship can no longer remain at warp. (Ship would be fine, the meat bags of mostly water would not) Trek is usually pretty consistent about that part.

Wooster , avatar

The handbook covers a lot of essential ground for new crewmembers ranging from the senior crew, the different divisions and shifts, tech, guide to other species, as well as different scenarios laid out by Badgey. What was your favorite part to tackle?

Chris Farnell: So many candidates here. Shaxs’ “W.O.R.F.” method, the poolside rules for Cetacean Ops, and the (not entirely reliable) history of ships to bear the name “Cerritos.” Like any sensible person given access to a starship, my first question was “What can I get away with?” and the answer was "A frightening amount”

I had already preordered this months ago. And I have less than no regrets.

Wooster , avatar

Hmm… Lower Decks tends to deal as reverently to Trek stars as it does one time TNG minor characters.

For a minor character cameo… I think I’d like to see one of the TNG S1 chief engineers. I bet they have a story to tell about working on the Enterprise then.

For a major character cameo… how about Chakotay? I’d like to see the Protostar prior to its launch and tie forward instead of backwards.

Wooster , avatar

Glad to see this show sprouting on another platform. Easily the most underrated Trek of the new era.

Wooster , avatar

It’s kinda odd in retrospect. There are many words to describe Romulans… but violent isn’t really amongst the top ten.

Wooster , avatar

I’m familiar with that part of the lore.

It’s more like how the Borg are described as an unstoppable unrelenting all powerful force… and are stopped, relent, and are devoid of power. On paper they are one thing, on screen they are another.

With the Romulans, they tend to outsource the violence. Pit party A against B, then clean up after. Practically scavengers. Klingons, Jem’Hadar, and Hirogen I’d more readily describe as violent.

Paramount+ confirms series order for 'Starfleet Academy' ( )

While there was an announcement shortly before the WGA strike, and Alex Kurtzman confirmed the writers room is back up and at work during an NYCC panel, Paramount+ is moving forward on promotional information about the forthcoming new ‘Starfleet Academy’ show....

Wooster , avatar

I wonder why they bothered to include two bridge shots.

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight"

LoglineWho knows? They never released one. Edit: They finally released one - how novel to release the actual episode first! Captain Freeman assigns the Lower Deckers an overly safe mission to try and keep a self-destructive Mariner out of danger....

Wooster , avatar

Hmm… according to Freeman’s intel… the Mystery ship was seeking out Lorcano… but as far as I can tell… he’s the mastermind.

Why would he want to find himself?

Wooster , avatar

But the mystery ship is already built… implying they’ve had him for quite a while now. Why search for something they already have?

Wooster OP , avatar

My problem with ship designs in general, canon and not, is that they all tend to be so flat. Like… vertically speaking. Flat.

Wooster , avatar

IMO, it wouldn’t work well.

The DS9 set was complicated. You had obstructions and levels. Those would need to be replicated with green screen props and they tend to not bother with those. At best you’ll get uncanny valley like the Romulan Bridge in S1 Picard. Works for a specific scene, but isn’t something to dwell in.

Wooster , avatar

I remember reading an article in “Star Trek: The Magazine” that fans were convinced it was practical effects, but the sequence was actually CGI.

The fact that the CGI was indistinguishable from traditional methods is honestly really really impressive for the era.

Wooster , avatar

Huh… never knew that tidbit.

It’s easy to imagine if that reality had come to play, we’d get the Tom Paris treatment… but I can’t help but wonder if we might’ve gotten a Captain Brahms.

Wooster , avatar

McMahan confirmed the season plot will come into focus in the next two episodes:

“The finale does. Episode 9 does to a lesser extent. But 10 is like a movie. It’s wonderful.”

I’m guessing either the Cerritos or the Sh’Val is disabled at the end of the next episode, then the remaining ship has to rescue the other in the finalé.

Wooster , avatar

It was nice to see a somewhat T’Ana centered story. Assuming she appears at all, she’s either making out with Shaxs or doing cat things.

Surprised it took so long to meet Levy. It played out as one might expect.

Glad we got some quality time with Delta Shift. We’ve had a few episodes featuring them, but they’re mostly off screen or limited to short exchanges.

As a whole package, I don’t think this episode worked as well as Veritas. There wasn’t a central story tying the four tales together. You could probably cut the hub tale, and possibly Tendi’s turbo lift tale, and not lose anything of value.

Wooster , avatar

An odd number of Binars… and we find the missing pair operating a bridge console at the time of the attack.

Certainly fits the profile of the other acts of treachery followed immediately by betrayal.

I have to admit, with the revelation that the ships are all being stolen with fake debris left behind… I’m at a loss as to what the endgame is.

  • I seriously doubt they’re being salvaged for parts. Lower Decks has already done that with the Pakleds.
  • The ships don’t really fit a profile. We have the huge vertical warbird to the tiny Orion vessel. The militant Bird of Prey to the sciency Binars.
  • Only the Orion and Ferengi vessels could be argued as sharing a mission—with their sorting of random weapons. But even if the ship is after weapons, there are better targets.
  • Taking the crews prisoner seems impractical.

Really, the only things the ships all have in common is a lower decker that is vindictive and gullible enough to commit treachery. But that’s not an objective, that’s a means to an end.

Wooster , avatar

Is it extremely powerful though? The ship doesn’t begin its attack until after an inside job has been completed, not unlike in Star Trek: Generations.

You do bring up an interesting point with the lack of Federation ships being attacked. Though the BIA and the Bynar ship throw half a wrench into that idea. Not technically Starfleet, but not unaffiliated either.

My personal suspicion as to why we haven’t seen a Starfleet Vessel being attacked yet is because the Cerritos is ultimately going to be one of its victims… and that’s best saved for the finale. My second guess is that a Parliament ship will be a casualty. We saw a CGI model for the first time in the Ferengi episode, but the CGI models are typically reserved for fan service (Titan, Crystaline Entity, Voyager, DS9, Soverign Class), have a lot of use (Cerritos, Shuttles), or are engaged in combat (Bird of Prey, Sh’Val, Clumpship, Texas Class, Breen Vessel).

Also note the CGI Bird of Prey being added to the LD intro in S2, which foreshadowed the CGI battle in 3 Ships.

The Parliament class, to date, has not really fulfilled any of those roles—which has my attention in a conservation of detail sense.

Wooster , avatar

The Parliament class we first see in Cupid’s Errant Arrow is 2D illustrations. It’s not until Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place that we get a 3D model.

The chaotic battle we see in the opening credits are mixed. The Romulans and Borg are 2D. Starting in S2 we add 3D Clumpships and Birds of Prey. S3 adds 3D Crystalline Entity. S4 adds 3D Breen ship, and 2D Whale Probe.

The Parasite scene is mixed. The Cerritos is 3D. The Parasite is layered 2D giving the illusion of 3D.

Wooster , avatar

She’s not technically a star, so I’m under the impression there’s a limit to how many episodes she can appear in per season.

Wooster , avatar

I always headcanoned that Rom was very quickly fired after DS9… but I have to admit this episode did an excellent job conveying that with Leeta at his side, he’s got quite good job security. … and wasn’t that the Sense-Ores admiral?

I liked catching up with Marinier’s Ferengi friend from back in S1. Kinda wish they did a little bit more with that plot.

I tend to feel awkward when I see characters acting awkward… to that extent I had a little trouble getting through Tendi and Rutherford’s story. I like them more when they get to be big nerds—which we admittedly had quite a bit of this episode.

Beyond that… I find it interesting that the Parlament class now has a CGI model. Lower Decks traditionally saves the CGI budget for ships that get into combat or major fan service. The Parlament vessel doesn’t really qualify for either in this episode. I wonder if it’s going to be a casualty of the mystery ship later in the season.

Also, did I hear right that the Ferengi Lower Decker was in communication with the mysterious vessel?

Wooster , avatar

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. 🙂

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