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jjjalljs ,

I imagine if you had a lot of competition, prices might stay lower. But the reality is that monopolies or cartels or whatever will form

jjjalljs ,

They're probably hoping to not hire a replacement at all

jjjalljs ,

My lawyer friend tried to explain it to me before, but I still kind of don't get why civil and criminal law is split. That seems unnecessarily complicated.

Anyway, the answer is probably unions, where the unions make it clear they know where management sleeps at night.

jjjalljs ,

Nothing that's worth how much some of them are paid.

Google's CEO made $226 million. Google has been circling the shitter for years. You could hire like 500 senior engineers with that money. You could do a lot of cool, useful, shit with 500 senior engineers on a project.

Next steps after the bear

As has been discussed already here in this community, the key takeaway from the bear hypothetical is that it is an opportunity to truly listen to the lived experiences of women under patriarchal systems. I encourage "first response" to the bear discussion to head back to this post, as I am looking for discussion kind of after...

jjjalljs ,

Can you fix your links so they're not absolute links, but are the way Lemmy wants them so you stay on your instance when you click them, please?

jjjalljs ,

They two Lemmy posts seem to point to like https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/16305417 , but I'm on https://ttrpg.network/comment/6890394 , so when I click your links I can't comment or up vote. The USA today link is fine.

I know the correct syntax has an ! in it but I can't quite figure it out on my phone

jjjalljs ,

Well, shit. Looks like you're right. https://lemmy.world/post/94456 . Open issue https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/2987

jjjalljs ,

I take it personally because I hate that this is the world we’re living in

Literally not personal. It's not about you, specifically.

jjjalljs ,


In terms of sociology, economics, and politics, a demographic that takes up the smallest fraction of the population is not necessarily labelled the "minority" if it wields dominant power. In the academic context, the terms "minority" and "majority" are used in terms of hierarchical power structures.

jjjalljs ,

You can feel sad. I'm also unhappy about how I'm often viewed as a threat.

But it's not personal. They're not looking at me, jjj, and saying I specifically scare them.

Maybe you meant something else by "take it personally"?

Like there's a difference between not being allowed into the bar because it's full and because you got drunk and smashed a chair last time. The second is personal.

jjjalljs ,

“They asked Nikki Haley supporters to line up in the middle of the auditorium and were booed and screamed at by the Trump supporters.”

Uh excuse me what the fuck. This is some culty two minutes hate not-ok behavior.

jjjalljs ,

If we know who the billionaires are, why don’t we, like, just get rid of them? This is the easiest trolley problem.

jjjalljs ,

Start generating stochastic terrorism targeting billionaires is also an option. Put up flyers with like 'Someone should DO SOMETHING about the ultra wealthy parasites" with some gun graphics, maybe some home addresses.

We’re not so far into dystopian cyberpunk that the ultra wealthy have indestructible cyberbodies. Any disgruntled twitter employee could throw Musk out the window and he’d die like anyone else.

jjjalljs ,

Yeah, this is generally an ok attitude.

The only exception I think is worth thinking about is “Don’t minimum-ass it in a way that makes it suck for your peers.” Like, don’t work nights and weekends to hit unrealistic goals, agreed. But like I won’t push up half-assed untested code that you’re going to have to maintain. I’m having trouble coming up with good examples off the top of my head.

jjjalljs ,

Is there a non video answer for those of us who prefer text?

Anyway. I remember talking about lifestyle inflation with a coworker a couple years ago. I said I could probably squeak by on $50k/year*. We were both guys living alone at the time.

He was like “how?? Like, you need at least $1000/month for food alone.”

I said, what? How are you spending that much? I budgeted for $300 but I’d likely hit half that with some effort.

He was like “Well you go out to dinner, you buy drinks for your friends, it adds up”

“You don’t go out for dinner that much when you’re on a budget”, I said. “Or buy rounds of drinks.”

“Oh,” he said. “I guess not, huh.”

I did have to make a rule in relationships to not discuss finances because it would cause me pain. Like one person in particular was a great person, but they never made a budget and were always in debt. And they’d be like “I’m going to go to California to visit friends for a week”. Killing me. You don’t have the money for that. Every dollar you spend on this enterprise is more like 2 because it’s carried on credit card debt. But I learned to keep it to myself because no one wants unsolicited advice, and it is cruel for our system to deny people fundamentals like seeing friends and family while others have mega yachts.

* This is heavily predicated on me not having any outstanding debt, which is unusual I think. I never carried credit card debt, but my student loans were only a few hundred a month and I’m old enough they’re paid off now. If I had $500/mo in debt I think $60k could squeeze by. It’s possible I messed up my math, though.

jjjalljs ,

Yet another cause is lack of financial literacy. We aren’t taught how to budget and save. Some may be taught by their parents but many don’t get that. Schools certainly won’t teach financial literacy. That would hurt consumer spending and that wouldn’t be good for short term corporate profits and continued economic growth so it won’t be in our curriculums.

I realize I have no idea how financially literate or illiterate the average person is.

When I was planning on moving out, I opened a spreadsheet on my computer. Maybe that’s already a leap beyond what the typical person would do?

I made a row for each expense I thought I’d have, rounded up to create some headroom. Plus a row for ‘Other’ with a sizable number to account for stuff I hadn’t thought of. Summed that up.

Made another row with my gross pay. Looked up about how much I’d keep after taxes. About 70%. Calculate that value on another row. Divide that by 12. That’s monthly net take home.

Compared that number to the number from the first section. If I’m not taking home more than my expenses, that’s a problem.

What is everyone else doing? No one taught me that. It just seemed like how I’d add up my expenses and compare to my income. It’s not perfect, but it helped me see what kind of rent was way out of reach.

jjjalljs ,

I’m unclear on how a tax rate of, say, 30% can eat 100% of some non-zero value.

Like, if you went from Gross: 1000, net 700 to gross 1100, you’re going to go to 770.

If income above 1000 is taxed at a higher rate of like 50%, you’d still keep half of the new 100 on top of whatever you were paying before for the bottom 1000.

jjjalljs ,

I have been in numerous relationships where we did not discuss finances in any detail. We’d talk about like who’d pay for dinner, but not larger stuff like “are you saving enough for retirement” or less at-hand stuff “is that Netflix subscription really worth it?”

Not every relationship is monogamous marriage with merged finances. Sometimes you date for a couple years. Sometimes you’re polyamorous. There are many options for relationships.

jjjalljs ,

Wait I think I figured out how people think it works. If you don’t understand tax brackets and think that your entire income is taxed at the new rate, there are some cases that could a net loss. That’s not how taxes work anywhere in the US to my knowledge.

Let’s say you have a gross income of 10,000 because that’s a nice round number. And you pay 10% of that in cases, because that’s also a nice round number. Your net take home is $9000.

Let’s say you then get a huge pay raise to 20,000. And in this incorrect model of taxation, that puts you in a new tax bracket of 70%. You would then take home 20,000 * .3 = $6000, which is less than your net was with a base of 10,000.

But, again, that’s not how tax brackets work so far as I’m aware anywhere in the US.

What would actually happen is the first 10,000 would be taxed at its rate. 10% in this case. You’d pay that $1000. If the next bracket went from 10,001 to 20000 and was at 70%, you’d pay 7000 of that chunk. So your net take home would be 9000 + 3000 = $12,000, which is definitely more than the $9000 you took home with a gross of 10k. Except the real numbers are different, filing status matters, and there’s different incomes and investments that complicate things. Here are some numbers: www.nerdwallet.com/…/federal-income-tax-brackets

Progressive taxation should be taught everywhere if it’s not. I think I learned it in like 10th grade, but i’m old and my memory is foggy.

jjjalljs ,

I had a ceo who was all about data driven decisions. It was a core company value. They put it on tshirts.

Workers pointed out that studies were showing 4 day work weeks were good on most metrics. He didn’t give a single shit. Just laughed and said we’re not doing that.

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  • jjjalljs ,

    This idea comes up a lot but like then you’d have to live in, like, Idaho.

    They have a good queer scene there? Music scenes? Food culture? Walkable cities?

    There’s also like the crap education system like this article goes over propublica.org/…/idaho-students-educators-show-us…

    There are a lot of reasons not to live in these places, and a small migration of people isn’t going to fix it

    jjjalljs ,

    I sincerely thought this headline was from the onion. I don’t think a lot of CEOs have the humility to admit fault.

    jjjalljs ,

    We should already have mixed used spaces instead of the nightmare of “homes over there, fun over there, work over there”

    jjjalljs ,

    Who the fuck is paying $250/mo for their phones?? I literally pay $20/mo. Unlimited voice and text, 5gb data, and pay as you go past that. But I’m on WiFi almost all the time so I’ve never used a lot of data.

    Or does that include the cost of buying a new phone? A new android phone is like $500 and lasts probably five years. Doesn’t add up

    jjjalljs ,

    Yep. The combination of moving to New York City and reading “death and life of great American cities” really pushed me into being anti car culture. That and looking back at growing up in the suburbs where I couldn’t do anything without a car. Age like 10-17 sucked. I was so jealous of the kids that lived in the city and could go out and do things.

    jjjalljs ,

    Lots of reasons.

    I suspect one of them is some people get shockingly little exercise. When I lived in the suburbs, my daily could often be “walk to car, walk from lot to office desk (taking the elevator instead of stairs), walk from there to car (via elevator), walk from car to home”. Total walking time less than five minutes.

    When I moved to New York I got at least twenty minutes of walking to and from the subway every day just going into work. Plus now I walk to the grocery and other stuff.

    Car culture sucks.

    jjjalljs ,

    I’m pretty sure if you got rid of money people would immediately reinvent it.

    I hate cleaning and I pay someone to do it for me. What am I going to do? Barter?

    The problem isn’t money it’s lack of worker protections and consolidation of power.

    jjjalljs ,

    Someone told me that those guys were adding all the weapons that Sisko pulls off in a confrontation with the ?Klingons?

    Like it’s a subtle foreshadowing that pays off when he’s like “we’ve had people working nonstop for months on upgrades”.

    But this is a hazy memory and may be made up.

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