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xmunk ,

A "worker led" anything is possible. Look at how much fucking money private investors and executives remove from companies - companies are always far healthier when run by employee collectives and unions, while far less effective, still significantly improve long term prospects.

xmunk ,

Take your fucking vacation. And if your manager demurs they're a terrible fucking manager.

xmunk , (edited )

Twenty five year olds can have bad backs and your HR department knows your real age if anyone questions it (and you could always retroactively claim you were joking on your first day and thought everyone was in on the obvious deception).

Assuming it isn't an inherent job duty, ask not to lift heavy things and if someone objects then get a note from your doctor.

Nosey people can get fucked - we all have the freedom to choose what parts of our private life we share with coworkers and what we don't so you have no obligation to disclose your age (outside of anything relevant to payroll/taxes/insurance enrollment).

There is no need to change anything. Just don't let yourself be pressured into work you're not capable of doing. And if anyone questions your marital status or what-not... They're an asshole and can get fucked.

Edit to add:

After some discussion in the other thread, I think it's pretty regrettable to outright lie about your age - if you change jobs again, I'd really suggest just refusing to answer and deflecting the question. Telling such a direct lie likely makes some of your coworkers uncomfortable.

xmunk ,

"We're a corporation. We can't prioritize the well-being of our workers because the shareholders won't let us."

xmunk ,

Boomers aren't the productive people anymore they're now just leeches - Gen X and lower are the workers now and most of us actually give a shit.

UAW loses Alabama union vote seen as bellwether for organizing autoworkers in the South ( )

Republican officials led a vigorous campaign opposing the organizing effort. In the run-up to Friday's vote, six Southern governors, all Republicans, led by Alabama's Kay Ivey, warned about “special interests looking to come into our state and threaten our jobs and the values we live by.”...

xmunk ,

Hey GOP dick riders. Corporations don't need your fucking help oppressing the proletariat.

xmunk ,

Don't worry! We couldn't kill all life on earth if we tried! We'll just kill all the humans and large animals... and we'll get to mulligan that in a few million years anyways.

xmunk ,

You have the right to do your job in a safe and healthy environment. Other people don't have a right to make a workplace hostile by pushing their agenda. Just mention that you're not comfortable discussing religion or politics in the workplace and consider lodging a complaint in writing to HR in case you're suddenly let go "without cause".

xmunk ,

I'll give you the meme TL;DR.

We're all looking at the labor market, saying, "There's got to be a better way!" And unions showed up with the fucking ShamWow.

xmunk ,

Actually important NDAs do this - they'll just pay you to come in (or at least not work anywhere else) until the knowledge you had is irrelevant... and if the action that the NDA would prevent is legitimately damaging there do exist laws around corporate espionage that already cover these breeches. If you outright steal legitimately protected information from an employer (a common example is customer lists) and resell it... an NDA isn't needed. NDAs have traditionally just been used as a scare tactic to contain information that isn't legitimately protected... and, of course, to unfairly punish ex-employees for leaving.

Louisiana lawmakers vote to remove lunch breaks for child workers, cut unemployment benefits ( )

A Louisiana House committee voted Thursday to repeal a law requiring employers to give child workers lunch breaks and to cut unemployment benefits — part of a push by Republicans to remove constraints on employers and reduce aid for injured and unemployed workers....

xmunk ,

Comical levels of villainy. That's how I choose to read this bullshit in an effort to preserve my fucking sanity.

can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?

the colleague in question feels that only her way of doing things is the right one and expects me to adapt to her way of thinking and her logic. This is tiring and burdensome because I have to force me to stop doing things automatically and efficiently, but think how she wants it done and do it her way. I work worse when this...

xmunk ,

I think that is likely to result in confrontation. As a general rule I'd suggest always discussing this with your manager first - if you communicate with them directly it may turn into an HR issue where your direct communication would be highly scrutinized.

My advice would be to talk candidly with your manager and express what has happened already and how you feel about it - then my suggestion, as a manager myself, is to suggest a meeting with you, her and the technical decision maker (whether that's a manager or a tech lead) to discuss the scenario and different solutions you can take. It is extremely unlikely (and generally unhealthy for a workplace) for the final path to be entirely your idea or hers - compromise is the expected outcome here. Compromise breeds further cooperation so even if your entire solution is just outright better a good lead will make sure opinions from everyone are incorporated into the plan. You'll end up having a brainstorming session essentially with a chaperone to make sure neither person is disregarded and should come out better for it.

I've been a dev (junior through senior), I've been an architect, and I've been a manager - I want to stress that the technical outcome of this decision is usually secondary to mending the team rift. I have, as an architect, conceded to a bad plan to give confidence to an intermediate developer (and made my boss aware of everything going on) and then immediately set out building a plan to fix it once the solution went live (and no, i didn't "I told you so" or anything, I just silently built the plan and made sure we could easily pivot our implementation). Working together and building a positive team environment is extremely important.

xmunk ,

Absolutely, it's fine to jokingly fantasize about this but it's fucking toxic.

xmunk ,

It's unhealthy for the workplace in general, people need to be able to communicate.

The right answer to cover your own ass is to ask your manager what to do.

xmunk ,

I can't lay anyone off, nor can I afford frivolous lawsuits... but I do have this wrench.

Larian publishing director on mass layoffs: 'None of these companies are at risk of going bankrupt. They were just at risk of pissing off the shareholders' ( )

Speaking with Game File (users will encounter a paywall) at the Game Developers Choice Awards, Larian director of publishing Michael Douse gave his take on the current state of the industry, including some sharp criticism on the wave after wave of mass layoffs we’ve been seeing....

xmunk ,

Absolutely, it’s all due to how the stock market responds to dips - large corporations will purposefully overhire so they have positions to cut if they need to inflate their stock price. It’s so fucking dumb.

xmunk ,

Larian got especially fucked by this. They made BG3 and then Hasbro laid off pretty much everyone they worked with at WotC. Market response layoffs are a bullshit practice that needs to be called out more often.

xmunk ,

That doesn’t mean they’re not doing it to appease the market - it just means that the stock market existing and them having shares gives them misaligned incentives.

The “market” is awful for demanding that and they’re awful for giving in to the idiocy.

xmunk ,

It’s important to keep this in mind whenever retailers decry shoplifters as a source of price increases - the retailers steal more from their employees paychecks than what is stolen from them (and most shrinkage isn’t due to theft anyways).

It’s also important to keep this in mind whenever asshats like Bezos or Musk talk about eliminating the NLRB.

xmunk ,

You’d think so… but our two tier justice system just let Trump cut his bail requirement in a third because “it so hawwwd”. Never underestimate how stuffed with corporate toadies our justice system is.

xmunk ,

You don’t even need something so explicit - justices regularly rub elbows with billionaires and are pretty clearly influenced by the association.

We need something like Discworld’s unseen university where they can just be academics locked away from public discourse and celebrity - being a Supreme Court Justice should be an obscure dead-end of a job that only appeals to the legally obsessed.

xmunk ,

So we assume but this fuck keeps dodging actual consequences.

xmunk ,

Why doesn’t anyone want to work anymore!?

Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis after city council forces them to pay drivers more ( )

Lyft and Uber said they will cease operations in Minneapolis after the city’s council voted Thursday to override a mayoral veto and require that ride-hailing services increase driver wages to the equivalent of the local minimum wage of $15.57 an hour....

xmunk ,

I hope they don’t let the door hit them on the way out… we don’t want ass prints on the door.

xmunk ,

That’s assuming the cars always have a fare on board - one truth of running a taxi is that there’s a lot of downtime when you don’t have a customer.

Knights among toner cartridges ( )

(Business people) speaking a language familiar and dear to them. Its portentous nouns and verbs invest ordinary events with high adventure; executives walk among toner cartridges, caparisoned like knights. We should tolerate them - every person of spirit wants to ride a white horse. -William Strunk Jr. (The Elements of Style)

xmunk ,

Yea, but that picture doesn’t convey the thumping techno your cubeighbor has running constantly because I’ve got ADHD and that shit is serenity for me.

xmunk ,

Maybe even a panini press?!

xmunk ,

Racism. They never have to ask if you’re black but if you live in a predominantly black neighborhood they can decline to hire you without running afoul of anti-discrimination laws.

You’d be surprised how many things in America are just racism wearing a wig.

xmunk ,

I was on Green Mountain Care for a year or two when it was available in Vermont… it was absolutely genuine single payer insurance system that gave me access to no-copay services. Sadly the program was shuttered three years after it had been introduced but I remember it fondly. It was accessible, affordable, and extremely comforting to have access to.

xmunk ,

If the white collar workers normalize it it’ll spread - the only really big exception to this is probably service workers - restaurants will still want to be open 7 days a week so waiters may be expected to work proportionally more hours… waiters tend to be a weak group in the labor market so I could see this imbalance lasting quite a while.

xmunk ,

That’s a perfectly reasonable solution… do you think the restaurant managers that try their damnedest to avoid paying waiters a livable wage and are statistically the most likely employers to commit wage theft or tax fraud - as well as advocating for tipping culture to again try and minimize compensation - do you think they’re likely to be on board with a solution that makes shift rotas more complicated? Or do you think they’ll continue to try and keep every waiter at exactly 39 hours technically not qualifying as an FTE on the books with duties like tear down being considered off shift?

I don’t think this is a reason not to push for 8-4 but I partially agree with the much downvoted comment above that this schedule won’t roll out at the same time for everyone.

xmunk ,

The history of the forty hour week stretches back a lot further than WWI and unions are a lot more powerful than you’re giving them credit for. Now, unions have a good portion of that power because violence is never fully off the table - but the blood spilled for American labor rights was mostly spilled by Americans at the hands of Pinkertons. A lot of other countries saw the writing on the wall and adopted those rights peacefully, but there are a lot of famous labor actions that happened in places other than Russia. The toppling of the Tzar certainly helped, but I think you’re giving it too much credit.

xmunk ,

Ford wasn’t responsible for the forty hour week - the modern equivalent would be describing the fight for fifteen as an initiative pushed by Amazon. Amazon only raised warehouse pay because they saw the writing on the wall.

Politifact seems to think this attribution of the forty hour week is a conservative meme…/does-8-hour-day-and-40-hour-come… but it doesn’t really reflect the truth. Ford’s policy change also only happened two years after Woodrow Wilson was elected and a big policy debate in that election had been Teddy Roosevelt’s endorsement of a 40 hour week.

Wikipedia has a pretty solid breakdown of the history of the 40 hour week and the foundations for the change were laid decades to a century earlier by various labor movements.

xmunk ,

This study, and most reasonable implementations, are pushing for 8-4 not 10-4. This may sound counter intuitive but most employees are more productive working 32 hours rather than 40 - it’s very reasonable to assume that employees are more productive per hour when working less hours but the studies have shown that that productivity gain is so significant that you actually gain in total production if you give everyone an additional day off every week.

xmunk ,

So guys, this is a fulcrum point. These fucks need to be stopped or America is (more) fucked.

xmunk ,

50$ is well into the range of middle class wages - it’d probably be easier to just shift the discussion to UBI.

xmunk ,

Oh, definitely - but UBI is the solution to kill this problem dead forever (or better social safety nets) such a high minimum wage would likely just exacerbate wealth inequality as decades of underwhelming wage increases means that everyone but the rich would be making about the same amount of money and all that extra income would be captured by landlords and greedy corporations.

I like increasing the minimum wage - I think sudden drastic increases just erases middle and lower class savings while letting the richest capture more wealth.

xmunk ,

Los dos would be pretty sweet - my only concern is that this might make small savings (less than 200k) essentially worthless and widen the inequality gap.

If this was implemented with a graduated wealth tax it’d be amazing but most of the good would be from that wealth tax.

The thing to be cautious about with minimum wage increases is that outstanding debts and credits are minimized due to some inherent inflation - that’s great for lower income families in debt but bad for people with modest savings (people with excessive wealth will usually ride the stock market and avoid feeling any inflation)… an increase that steep would put everyone but the super rich in the same position and further the wealth gap unless other actions were taken.

xmunk ,

Just to the non-Canadians - this is something to be rightfully pissed off about… but Canada is strongly in the grips of neoliberalism (our two largest national parties the LPC and CPC are strongly neoliberal)… and this is what happens when you let privatization take over. Trudeau can be furious and this is fucking awful but unless the LPC offer public funding it’s inevitable that private companies will be awful. So fuck Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre and Bell.

xmunk ,

The CPC embraces most of neoliberalism (specifically all the economic portions of neoliberalism) as well as a lot of reactionary social policies (like being rabidly antitrans).

The parties are vastly different but in complete agreement about privatizing the government.

xmunk ,

Sandrock suddenly seems a lot more irritating to mucus membranes.

xmunk ,

I also worked 3-11, I was living in Barcelona and working EST 9-5. It was fucking idyllic to actually be able to enjoy the day.

xmunk ,

There are a few specific items that Trader Joe’s is notable for… but ditto for Safeway, Hannaford’s, Food Lion, Star, Superstore, and SaveOn - I think two decades ago Trader Joe’s was a trailblazer in high quality offerings but they’ve slowly compromised for profits and competitors have realized that high quality offerings are valued by consumers - not just price.

xmunk ,

Being in agreement with Elon Musk is a clear sign you’re an idiot.

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