squiblet , to Politics in [News] RFK Jr's super PAC is mostly funded by a GOP megadonor who spent millions on Trump and bankrolled an effort to build a border wall in Texas avatar

It's been pretty apparent that Kennedy is not a real Democratic party candidate.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in [News] RFK Jr's super PAC is mostly funded by a GOP megadonor who spent millions on Trump and bankrolled an effort to build a border wall in Texas

The only real question is, is RFK Jr. a witting traitor or a dupe?

Xeelee , avatar

Why not both? It's usually both.

Diplomjodler , to Politics in News: A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead

Pretty emblematic of modern day US politics.

sunbytes , to Politics in News: A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead

I often wonder how much like politics first few episodes of Succession.

Are these folks actually competent at doing their job, or is the only thing they can do keep a firm grasp on their power, no matter what it costs those “beneath” them?

givesomefucks , to Politics in News: A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead

The reason national party leadership keeps propping her up, is because the vast amount of people leading the party is also too old to be in office, or will be before their next term is over.

It’s like wondering why cops never turn on the “bad apples” there’s an unspoken agreement that everyone has everyone’s back. Unless theyre progressive and/or a rising star like Franklin, then their treated worse than republicans because they’re a bigger threat to party leaders who occupy seats that will never go republican

joe , avatar

No, it’s because she’s the deciding vote on the judiciary committee and is needed to confirm judges. I’m not saying it like that’s much better, but it’s not because they’re a bunch of old folks looking out for each other.

CapgrasDelusion ,

This is the answer. She doesn't just get replaced instantaneously and she absolutely doesn't get her committee positions filled quickly, if at all. She took things too far to turn back. The GOP will stall any committee replacement for Feinstein. It's already too late. At this point, pulling a Weekend at Bernie's is unfortunately the preferable solution.

Brkdncr ,

i think there's a state-level issue going on too. the gov would need to appoint someone and i don't know that's something he wants to do right now.

gentleman , to Politics in News: A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead

@Drusas Someone close to Feinstein needs to talk to her and make her understand how badly she is embarrassing herself and doing a dis-service to her constituents, the caucus, and the country at this point

e_t_ Admin ,

She may be too far gone to recognize how far gone she is.

Emu , avatar

Actually there needs to be an overhaul of the system, either age limit on senate, house and presidency which I agree with, or an independent medical examiner/s verifying they are mentally capable of carrying out duties (this wouldn't work and is too open to corruption).

Just don't let people serve after 60. It even works to reduce generational thinking that infects government policy.

gentleman ,

@Emu I'm over 60 and still have all my faculties, I can assure you. Thirty-plus years ago, it was hard for me to imagine what I would be like at 60 but its actually not different, at least from the life of the mind perspective. I think your position is ageist and is itself generational thinking. Nevertheless, I have favored term limits for many years, including when I was young. The 25th Amendment was enacted and ratified to address Presidential incapacity after President Wilson became mentally incapacitated and his wife took over the office when no one was legally able to remove him.


anon , avatar

It’s not just the loss of brain white matter and myelin with age, it’s also the “generational thinking” that the parent eluded to at the end of their post.

The world has changed radically from the time that you (or I) went through our formative years. We may still perform cognitively, but eventually our software is from an obsolete and bygone era, and we must admit that we’re just not in tune with the more contemporary zeitgeist.

It happens with every generation. Science has a saying for it: that it progresses one funeral at a time, because established ideas must physically die with their owners to make space for disruptive thinking.

Henry Ford used to disallow “beat practices” in his factories because he wanted new guys to repeat the same failed ideas and experiments that had been tried before, without being discouraged to do so. The practical reason is that the world changes, and things that were brushed off as not working some 20 years ago can suddenly start working due to a context change.

A generation lasts 20–30 years, and yet in politics it lasts 40–60 years. Those dinosaurs in politics have no actual grasp of how the rest of the world has evolved around them. They don’t understand tech, or climate issues, or academic inflation, etc. They still apply recipes from a bygone era in which they were actually skillful and successful policymakers, but that era ended long ago.

Emu , avatar

So you have a problem with ageism? So then why is president restricted to being above 35? Oh right, now you have an issue yeah? There needs to be age limits, because society goes forwards in progress, not backwards, not because of your insecurities around your own age. Don't worry, you'll never be president.

gentleman ,

@Emu Dude, you are projecting your insecurities onto me. The minimum ages are for people who haven’t grown up enough to handle the responsibilities of the situation, President, driving, gun ownership are examples. For the record, I don’t want to be President. I have done enough policy work in my career to have an informed view. Also, I know what I don’t know, which is an insight sorely lacking in people who haven’t grown up yet. The problem with being older isn’t that your views become rigid or your brain goes soft, it’s that your body wears out. Otherwise, I quite like where I am in life thank you very much


nobodyspecial , avatar

Any sort of neuropsych evaluation is most likely not objective enough, and could be discriminatory. For example, against autistics, or for them. No need to have that value judgement discussion.

Just have an objective competence exam. Final exam questions from 101 courses dealing with geography, physics, calculus, world and US history, micro and macro economics should suffice. Have the tests written, proctored and graded by a panel of judges appointed by larger public colleges in the country. That should do it. If a 90 year old is still with it enough to get a passing score of say 80% and continue to do so for the next decade, then mazel tov, let them serve.

Drusas OP ,

That is too complex to be realistic.

joe , avatar

I know what your goal is an applaud it, but have you taken any time to consider what unintended consequences this might have? Like, lots of people say stuff like “people who work in Congress should get minimum wage” and that sounds great, until you realize that the stance plays out to only allowing financially independent people to hold office. Is there any concern with, in your mind, with linking an intelligence test with being a representative, in a country that has routinely deprioritized the education of minorities?

DrYes , avatar

Not the OP. I can easily imagine a test that, if someone cannot pass it, I can clearly say they shouldn't be representatives. While still weeding out cases like Feinstein.

Might there be problems with people who have the knowledge but have problems with the process of being tested? Maybe. But maybe those people also shouldn't be representatives. I don't know enough about the causes of test fright to be confident on that.

joe , avatar

I can easily imagine a test that, if someone cannot pass it, I can clearly say they shouldn’t be representatives. While still weeding out cases like Feinstein.

Why are you sure about this? Do you think her issue is a lack of education/knowledge?

But maybe those people also shouldn’t be representatives.

I’m sure you mean well, but this is a very dangerous sentence. What if the body or person that ends up with final say on the test has some thoughts on what a representative should or should not know, and those thoughts don’t match yours? Like, in an extreme hypothetical, imagine if someone like Tucker Carlson had some input on what questions to ask and what answers to accept. What kind of person would that test filter out?

In a perfect world, a knowledge test requirement to be a representative isn’t a terrible idea, but in a perfect world, it also wouldn’t be needed, and most importantly, we are definitely not in a perfect world.

blivet , avatar

Why are you sure about this? Do you think her issue is a lack of education/knowledge?

Exactly. From what the article says, the remarks she was attempting to deliver were accurate and on point. She was momentarily disoriented as to what particular action the Senate was engaged in at that time.

admiralteal ,

No one wants this more than the GOP, unfortunately, because the moment she's out a number of bipartisan commissions will now have 1 more R than D and all the people the Dems nominate to fill the empty slots will get rejected by the Freedom Caucus members pulling McCarthy's strings.

Backspacecentury ,

Why was someone over 85 put on multiple committees? It’s not like she’s just now slowing down, she’s lost it completely already, this can’t be a surprise to anyone. The system is so fucked.

1chemistdown , avatar

The senate ranks based off seniority. The longer you've been a senator, the more power you yield. Senior senators get first choice of committee assignment. The longer you're on a committee, the more senior you are on that committee. So, very old person has been a powerhouse for a long time and gets to choose their committees. The more senior, the more powerful committee you can join; the longer on the power committees, the more power you yield on that committee. THE SENATE IS SET UP TO GIVE MORE POWER TO OLD PEOPLE.

She wasn't put anywhere, she chose those spots; and there isn't a damn person who can do anything about it as long as she is re-elected. Retire or death is the only way she leaves those committees. I know how this will end. As long as she gets re-elected. It's that simple.

Backspacecentury ,

Oh wow, thanks for the explanation. It’s worse than I thought.

I suppose I thought there might have been some checks and balances to prevent someone with dementia from continuing to clutch onto power, guess not.

1chemistdown , avatar

The checks and balances for that are the voters, supposedly.

rafoix ,

The people close to Feinstein are 100% enjoying the power she gives them.

The Democratic Party is trying to keep the popular CA governor from appointing a senator so that they can put their own centrist on the ticket.

RoboRay , avatar

Her constituents keep voting for her, so they deserve what they are getting.

Backspacecentury ,

So long as Feinstein continues to choose to run, there is little that anyone can do. At least those constituents can see that the republican party is a non-starter as they actively make everything worse for everyone.

Afaik, there is not a single R that would pull a Manchin or Simena and vote against party lines (for more progress at least, many of them will vote against out of spite or to push to make things even worse).

trumpetmouth , to Politics in News: A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead

Get her out already. jfc.

Drusas OP ,

She has already ruined her legacy, much like Ruth Bader Ginsburg did. Fortunately, she doesn't seem to have caused as much damage (yet) as RGB did with her clutching onto power until death.

Rayspekt ,

I love my Ruth Ginsburg Bader gaming keyboard.

brothershamus , avatar

I approve this joke.

sirspate , avatar


joe , avatar

It’s never going to happen. She’s the deciding vote on the judiciary committee. Without her it’s deadlocked, which means no more federal judges. You can say what you want about how how terrible it is that she didn’t retire decades ago and I’ll agree with you wholeheartedly, but I’m not sure I even want her to retire if it means no more sane judges get confirmed.

In case it isn’t clear. Her Congress seat can be filled, but the committee seats she holds need to be voted on, and it can be filibustered. The GOP won’t let Dems reassigned those seats to another Dem; they’ll remain open until next session.

blazera , avatar

How are committee seats ever filled?

joe , avatar

This is an excellent question, haha. At the start of the session, they’re voted in all at the same time. So if anyone thinks to filibuster, they’re also blocking their own seats. In fact, during normal operation, this process is done using “unanimous consent”. They don’t even bother with an actual vote because it’s always unanimous, because it’s all or nothing. If feinstein retires, the vote to fill her seats will be only for her seats.

Edit: sorry about the double post.

EnderWi99in , to Politics in Analysis: Most COVID deaths in Florida happened after vaccines were readily available: NYT

That's not going to get misconstrued by the ani-vax crowd...

Xeelee , to Politics in Analysis: Most COVID deaths in Florida happened after vaccines were readily available: NYT avatar

They just like killing people and don't care if it's their own supporters.

SpaceMonk , to Politics in Analysis: Most COVID deaths in Florida happened after vaccines were readily available: NYT avatar

Something something it’s gods will LOL

be_excellent_to_each_other , to Politics in Analysis: Nearly a third of Republicans now view Trump as 'unfavorable': Pew avatar

The fact that it's only now up to 30% is yet more evidence that R cannot possibly reform itself enough in my natural lifespan to be worthy of ever getting a vote of mine, and that I have not been wrong to adjust my view of Republican friends and family members during the past few years.

They've done a damn good job of ensuring I will never miss even the tiniest local election for as long as I live though.

Cylusthevirus , avatar

and that I have not been wrong to adjust my view of Republican friends and family members during the past few years

Few things have hurt more than watching people I love, people who raised me, cheer for the January 6 mob. I thought the anti-vax bullshit I've seen crop up was the worst, but that took the cake.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Buying face time: A secret invite list shows how big donors gain access to Supreme Court justices

Hi @EffectivelyHidden! The mod team just recently finalized some posting guidelines which you can find in the sidebar or a pinned thread in this magazine. One of the guidelines is to begin your titles with a label so readers know whether it is news, opinion, editorial, or analysis. Please add a label to the title in future posts. Thank you!

CrazyEddie041 , to Politics in Analysis: Nearly a third of Republicans now view Trump as 'unfavorable': Pew avatar

So apparently two thirds of Republics still do view him as favorable?

SirNuke , avatar

Yes, but these are cracks in the foundations. They weren't there when he was in office. If any of the other GOP candidates are serious about winning the nominations they ought to find a workable angle and start pressing.

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

My takeaway is less about who gets the nomination than about the truths this continues to force me to recognize regarding my Republican family members and colleagues, even the ones who aren't your typical trumpists.

idoubtit , to Politics in Analysis: Nearly a third of Republicans now view Trump as 'unfavorable': Pew avatar

That's probably the third that gave up on the party when he was running for election the first time. The rest can't learn.

WalrusDragonOnABike ,

Its up 8% from last year and the number who viewed him favorable went down from 75% to 66%.

Overall, trump is at 63% unfavorable and 35% favorable. Biden is at 60% unfavorable and 39% favorable. Unfavorable has been growing for Biden, Harris, McCarthy, and Schumer, so the change might just reflect a general shift towards distrust of mainstream politicians.

Direct link to pew:

Unaware7013 ,

I blows my mind that the American people are almost as distrustful as of a boring and milquetoast center right politician as they are of a open fascist who attempted to overthrow the government.

This country is lost

Hextic , to Politics in Analysis: Nearly a third of Republicans now view Trump as 'unfavorable': Pew

Not out here they ain’t. Sounds like propaganda.

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