zuck , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says avatar

we are the dividends

WholeEnchilada , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

Could gen Z become the new gen X? As an Xer, I feel some solidarity with gen Z.

KuroeNekoDemon ,

My mom can see the corruption with modern work culture and she’s Gen X and knows the same reasons I do as to why people don’t want to work. I think Gen Z, Millenials and Gen X are starting to stand up to the Boomers shitty work culture. We just want to be treated with kindness and have a good work environment how hard is that?

aidan , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

I’m GenZ, it has nothing to do with stability, it has to do with what I want to exchange. I don’t want to exchange majority of my energy for more money than I need, I want to earn enough to live, and not work more than is required for that.

Isthisreddit ,

“for more money than I need” - that’s the real trick, employers aren’t exactly looking to give people more money than they need, it’s sort of the exact opposite typically

aidan ,

Eh, my current job, it’s more money than I need, but also way more time and energy commitment than I want.

Isthisreddit ,

I’d say your doing better than many if you have surplus money! But to your point, I do agree slaving away all day to make someone else rich sucks

aidan ,

This is GenZ we’re talking about, I’m from a fairly LCOL area, so most people I know, don’t have many responsibilities and rent and food aren’t too high. So I don’t think for my situation it’s that uncommon.

Crystal_Shards64 , (edited )

Lol I’m just about to ask my boss about raises this year. Let’s see what happens… 100% of my pay is going into cost of living right now

Edit: no idea as she hasn’t heard anything from HR. lmao I doubt we’ll be seeing much of anything even though we increased profits by 4 million a year this year.

piecat ,

And yet most of us are making way less than we need

aidan ,

In GenZ?

unreasonabro ,

dem bosses tho

kowalski ,

To add, what you need NOW is not what you need over your lifetime. Health insurance is needed regardless of your pay (outside most folks’ 20’s) and retirement savings are exactly what you don’t need now, but eventually will.

assassin_aragorn ,

I want to earn enough to live, and not work more than is required for that.

Management couldn’t fathom this at my first job. They’d tell us that everyone couldn’t be CEO but there were still great careers, and they didn’t understand when we asked about jobs where we wouldn’t climb the ladder necessarily, just do meaningful work.

TCB13 , (edited ) to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says avatar

And then you’ve the fucktards who say in the WEF and other places that “people have to suffer” in order to be more productive / want to work.

They have seen the legacy of all these broken promises. In the old days and in many parts of the West, they would promise you if you worked for 30 years, you have this defined benefit pension, you have retiree medical care, etc. None of that exists today.

But at the end of the day it was the same fucktards who broke the social contract when it comes to work and benefits.

I’m only as good as the value I’m delivering today, and so these are the terms under which I want to work, and you either meet them or not.'"

That’s the right approach to the job market and I’m not even Gen Z. The current state of things, like expecting people to work multiple jobs, underpaying, firing to then hire at half the rate, constant layoffs, unreasonable demands and managers it’s all bullshit that people can’t stand anymore.

numerous Gen Zers are “quiet quitting” and taking a step back at work because they’re painfully aware that their hard work could essentially amount to nothing.

When a employers and governments “loudly quit” on people’s life’s and expectations that’s what they get.

In one survey last year, 74% of managers said the generation was the most challenging to work with.

How many of those managers are 50+ years old, with all they ever wanted and a sense their hard work payed off?

sandevistan ,

Could amount to nothing

Read between the lines here, article writer 🥲, everything amounts to nothing. Nobody wants their life to pass by unlived

Old people are impossible to talk to, painfully neurotic and stupid and obsessed with collecting clothing and electronics. They have zero compassion. They know the social contract is broken and they keep telling us to make the same decisions as them knowing we will get nothing for it and die

TCB13 , avatar

Old people are impossible to talk to, painfully neurotic and stupid (…) They know the social contract is broken and they keep telling us to make the same decisions as them knowing we will get nothing for it and die

I guess this is the story of Brexit? The UK shouldn’t have allowed people over 50 years old to vote on that referendum, because they aren’t likely so see the effects of the decision and they’re still delusional about a great empire that can stand alone while they watch American TV shows on a TV made in China and a chair designed in Sweden…

sandevistan ,

Well I’m American so maybe I should clarify only 10% of the people here even currently get to grasp the American dream and statistically it’s white people who get to be homeowners and live in the suburbs and be paranoid and rude to everybody including each other.

We are not doing well everything is falling apart infrastructure wise even in wealthy areas. You better be on the Amazon or Microsoft campus etc if you want it kept up.

Brexit is part of a larger pattern too, we’re basically trying to make Europe Asia-exit lol. And in the same way it will benefit Asia long run.

Meanwhile we try to turn you guys into Senegal #2, a source of crude oil to refine, and a market to buy our refined oil! As long as you continue to develop more drilling without refinement it’s the only way. Geopolitical economy 🗺️

TCB13 , avatar

We are not doing well everything is falling apart infrastructure wise even in wealthy areas.

Just to clarify I’m not American nor British and the situation here is mostly what you describe on that phrase. The European dream died before it even started.

sandevistan ,

Ah makes sense. Another example. We like completely destroyed German manufacturing with these energy prices in the process of trying to sever the region from Russia lol

noobnarski ,

I wouldnt say its the energy prices that are destroying German industry (I am German too), but the lack of innovation and way too much bureaucracy (and no, that doesnt mean we should lower emission standards, etc., but we should simplify processes and remove rules that serve no one).

sandevistan ,

It’s making it pretty non competitive and that makes things harder down the line, it’ll become more apparent bc it’s all about keeping up yeah? Same thing happening in USA, due to financialization of fuckin everything and wnting to export labor to countries we have the upper hand on

Look at the whole TSMC expansion debacle

sandevistan ,

“Old people” is pretty inaccurate but a lot of cool old people can be presumed to be dead as well

snek , avatar

I guess this is the story of Brexit? The UK shouldn’t have allowed people over 50 years old to vote on that referendum, because they aren’t likely so see the effects of the decision and they’re still delusional about a great empire that can stand alone while they watch American TV shows on a TV made in China and a chair designed in Sweden…

Errrr, so let’s take away the right of people to vote when they hit the age of 50?

LOL, do you think we will be this relevant/irrelevant when we turn 50? Brexit was dumb as fuck but that doesn’t justify stripping away people’s rights.

sandevistan ,

They can’t be serious lol they’re just waffling nonsense

snek , avatar

And I’m supposed to guess that how? From the /s they didn’t add to the end of their post, or?

sandevistan ,

Oh I wasn’t saying you were dumb, they’re dumb

TCB13 , avatar

No no, what’s your take on this?

sandevistan ,

Dumb article that bowlderizes actual labor issues into stale generational politics takes that have been pushed by consultants since the 90s as blandly palatable fodder for this kind of writing.

TCB13 , avatar

That’s fair.

sandevistan ,

The generational politics thing irks me because it’s an example of advertisers openly trying to divide people’s families and yet that gets taken seriously by “muh family values” conservatives.

TCB13 , avatar

Go look for stats on the referendum, if it wasn’t for the 50+ years old people the UK would still be in the EU. It’s not about “let’s take away the right of people to vote” it is about “how can we let people take vote for something that wont ever affect them either way?”. I bet there was someone voting to leave that died of old age the next day, should that person have as much voting power as someone who’s on their 30’s and had to live an extra 50 years with the fallout of the decidion?

snek , avatar

Yes. Your right to vote doesn’t change based on how many days you have left to live. By this logic, maybe we should ban everyone with cancer from voting too?

TCB13 , avatar

doesn’t change

But maybe it should for certain subjects.

snek , avatar

Good luck changing the world to the worse. I’m sure you’ll do a stellar job.

snek , avatar

Old people are impossible to talk to, painfully neurotic and stupid

Could I ask, how old are you and why do you find it that way? :/ Never had this experience. Maybe my grandpa is a grumpy old fuck but otherwise “old people” are just “people”.

sandevistan ,

Old ppl in the suburbs lol, this only goes for a small subset. I’m reconsidering things after meeting potential inlaws tbqhbbq

snek , avatar

So you mean, specifically older Americans (?) living in the suburbs?

Also again how old are you? A bit curious.

sandevistan ,

Yep. Early twenties. There are plenty of awesome old people in this country. Shitty paranoid homeowners who wpuld enjoy aprtheid south aftica congregate in suburbs

snek , avatar

I feel like the coolest old people I have met were Americans who travel.

sandevistan ,

I hear Americans are the worst tourists lol, and the most likely to be there to buy a woman for that matter

snek , avatar

No, none of the ones I saw in Europe.

sandevistan ,

A lot of the worst behavior is concentrated in regions people go for a discount like Bali Indonesia, India, Mexico, the Philippines, even Japan and SK, pretty much anywhere non European, I’m not surprised to hear you say that, because Euros and the upper class of saudi arabia and SK and aus and canada and US+NATO and europe is all alike in this way

snek , avatar

Funny, reminds me how some Swedish men fly to Thailand to do things they cannot easily/safely do in Sweden, like pay for sex or do drugs.

sandevistan ,

Thailand is a perfect example thanks forgot to mention that.

We also can kind of offer high end “vice services” like gambling and debauchery and whatnot to the elite of gulf states even better if they’re very conservative and we can blackmail the hell out of them afterwards. The elite of the world coming to Las Vegas and Dubai and Thailand and Bali alike I mean

Illuminostro ,

He thinks anyone over 25 is old.

snek , avatar

I feel sad for people who cannot relate to other age groups :(

Jakdracula , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says avatar

My grandfather was a soldier so my dad could be a farmer so I could be a poet.

xX_fnord_Xx ,

My grandfather was a garbage man so my father could be a fireman so I could stock grocery shelves whilst writing the Great American Novel on my days off.

KuroeNekoDemon , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

Hi Gen Z here I got diagnosed with Complex PTSD and Psychosis after a very awful and abusive work environment that’s ended in the Ministry of Labour thinking of fining the employer and me suing them for reprising against me for calling the ministry to get the abuse to stop. It has nothing to do with money it has everything to do with being treated with respect and not getting abused. And these employers wonder why no one wants to work for them if they’ll just come out with a mental health, psychiatric or psychological disorder

vermyndax , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

I’m GenX, and I spent about ~25 years in the corporate racket before I realized that they don’t give a fuck. I’m all about living now as well, and I encourage others to do the same.

assassin_aragorn ,

The pandemic was a big mask off moment for corpos.

Illuminostro , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says
DigitalFrank , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

How does one become a “future-of-work expert?” If I decided to become one, what training would I need?

bratosch ,

Work, but in the future. Duuhh

sigh , avatar

I’ll do it later

OneWomanCreamTeam , avatar

Optimistic: an economist who specializes in speculation about the labor market Pessimistic: just some person who said some shit

SpaceCowboy , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says avatar

I mean I’m GenX, and I’ve been fired from three different jobs for reasons beyond my control.

The concept of working for one company for your whole career, getting promoted to a high paying position, retiring with a healthy pension simply no longer exists anymore. You can work hard and do everything right, even be in a division that’s making money and you still might lose your job simply because laying off employees looks good to the shareholders.

But it’s all the fault of the young people! You just need to work harder… on your LinkedIn profile because what you do for the company you’re at right now doesn’t matter, it’s what it looks like you do that matters more now.

Ragerist , avatar

The company I work for had record earnings recently and there were high spirits, long praising newsletter from the CEO. Praise for maintaining a very stable production and higher output with fewer people than competitors.

Until our closest competitors reported their earnings. Which were higher, not surprising as they are bigger than us. Then it was doom and gloom

All of a sudden we had to have substantial budget cuts, and couldn’t rehire to fill a position for someone who had left.

Crazy huh, earned a boatload of money, but someone else earned a bit more. So then we have to cut expenses and optimize.

They still had the audacity recently to try to push the company “spirit and mindset” to employees. Something something buzzwords…

They will still discard you as fast as yesteryears iPhone.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Yup it’s all the fault of Jack Welch. He worked at GE and company culture at the time was to be proud of the number of employees they had. Some companies were proud that they never laid anyone off even during the great depression. They proudly took a loss rather than lay off anyone.

So Jack works his way up the ranks of GE which is how things worked back then. He got all the way to the top of this great company that was proud of his employees. And as soon as he was CEO he started laying everyone off. And the stock price of GE soared.

Ever since then that’s what every CEO tries to emulated. The stock market sees the CEO emulating Jack Welch and buy buy buy.

But it’s all short term thinking. Products get worse and worse, nobody give a shit about their job, work doesn’t get done. But just blame the employees and do another layoff.

Jack Welch fucked us all, but very few people even know his name.

CerineArkweaver ,

Behind The Bastards did a series on him. And fuck Jack Welch

assassin_aragorn ,

“We care about you until you start underperforming during a global pandemic because of mental health. Then fuck you”

It’s easy to tell when a company actually is serious about caring about employees. Our executives took $0 bonuses last year so employees could have normal bonuses, and they bought everyone a free turkey for Thanksgiving. Our financials aren’t the best right now, but we still have a 401k match and all our benefits, and they’ve frozen hiring so they don’t have to do layoffs. Our CEO chats with us weekly and takes questions, and he tells us to not worry about the stock price. We do good work, and success will follow, he says.

Anecdotally, I had a serious health issue at the beginning of this year, and my boss told me to take off all the time I needed. I’m still on leave through the rest of the month, no questions asked. My previous company had people like that, but they weren’t supported by HR policies.

I’m still very wary however, because it doesn’t take long at all to get screwed over.

pkill ,

what thinly veiled parochial mentality, isn’t it?

bilb , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says avatar

I hope this is true but I don’t believe it

CanadianCorhen , to Work Reform in The end of workplace loyalty: Why work feels so broken right now — and how it can be repaired

That’s what it comes down to: You are expected to have loyalty to your employer, but your employer has 0 loyalty to you. If you want me to break my back for a single company, it needs to do right by its employers first.

hglman ,

We need unions that span many companies to which workers can join for the long term. That is the kind of organization to be loyal to for the long term.

captainlezbian ,

It’s worse than that. If I show loyalty they’ll actively screw me over for it. Staying in one job ensures my pay stagnates compared to market value.

1984 , to Work Reform in The end of workplace loyalty: Why work feels so broken right now — and how it can be repaired avatar

I really don’t understand why we should feel loyalty to a company. They treat workers as resources to be exploited. And sometimes they call them family, only to kick them out when they need higher profits. Lols.

instamat ,

Companies used to offer pensions to employees, and time served meant a better reward for retirement. The pension idea eroded over the years but the mindset remained.

AllonzeeLV ,

Which is why I scold myself for so much as thinkng about work off hours. I tell my supervisor as much when they ask if I’ve had time to think about a solution to a technical issue.

They’re very A type and I enjoy how much my disdain for the modern business ethos bothers them.

Drivebyhaiku ,

Not just that… The world around the worker changed in other significant ways. Thirty years ago you were off the clock you were virtually inexcessable. Damn near nobody had cell phones so there was no panicked call to come back as you are on your drive home. Jobs that had pagers were basically the sort that were life or death and everything else could wait. It was perfectly normal for a call to go to an answering machine because the assumption was “what can you do, they probably are out somewhere.”

The expectations of productivity gains made by making the worker accessible at all hours, calling them in for mandatory shifts last second at any moment or to answer job related questions on demand as a feature of employment takes a fucking toll. Jobs, even ones at the rock bottom don’t have natural boundries anymore. The corporate culture has infringed on and destroyed free time because young people are expected to be plugged in where older gens are cut some slack. Just not really understanding your phone and having the assumed habit of leaving it at home is an unwitting defense mechanism that does not extend to the young. In my industry not answering your electronic tether is a cardinal sin. I couldn’t leave this thing at home if I wanted to.

lordnikon ,

It even goes beyond just that companies used to be about creating value for customers but with all the mergers and what I like to call finance fuckery like airlines being more banks that happen to own planes.

Companies selling things at a lost to drive out competitors and their revenue mostly comes from investors waiting for the company becomes a defacto monopoly and they then can raise prices that blow up the stock. Offload successful business with so much debt that they close at no fault of their own.

stanka , to Work Reform in The end of workplace loyalty: Why work feels so broken right now — and how it can be repaired

I really like my job. However, the company and I are a simplified relationship. They pay me, I do work. If they stopped paying, I would stop working.

I am loyal to the people and they to me. I wouldn’t leave them with no/low notice because that is a dick move. This is not entirely altruistic, of course, as my best chance for a new job are the people I know.

e_t_ Admin , to Work Reform in The end of workplace loyalty: Why work feels so broken right now — and how it can be repaired

I lay this at the feet of financialization. Companies decided that their _share_holders were the only _stake_holders that mattered. If all you care about is "line go up" it's much easier to treat employees as fungible. But you can't "line go up" forever: the planet's resources are finite. One of those resources is goodwill and "line go up" has been burning it for fifty years.

BaldProphet OP , avatar

Yes, at some point the goal should be to simply "keep going" rather than to always "keep going up".

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