startrekexplained , to Star Trek in Get a Rare Look Behind the Scenes of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Love this stuff. Kinda glad they cut the dead baby though

ken27238 , to Politics in Looks Like the Website for Trump's Patriot Legal Defense Fund Just Got Hacked avatar

Someone really said “not my problem” by leaving I up over the weekend.

pizza-bagel ,

Yeah "just" got hacked 3 days ago lmao

CileTheSane , avatar

It's probably the guy who made the website after Trump failed to pay him.

nevernevermore , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning. And I personally feel like I won. I showed my support for Christian and 3rd party apps, I abondoned ship quickly and I've found a new home on the fediverse.

I also stopped using facebook and instagram 18 months ago. They both still exist, but I won. I'm happier now without it. Job done.

Poggervania , avatar

This is the mindset people should be having. Reddit is gonna be fine regardless of all this, and time will only tell if the Fediverse becomes big enough to be a competitor as a social media platform.

Truthfully, I was on the fence of leaving Reddit because of how much I didn’t like the hivemind there on the majority of subs. I still go on there for my niche and specific communities that aren’t on the Fediverse, but I pretty much just lurk there once every so often instead of actively participate - I instead actively participate on the Fediverse because the community is genuinely waaaaaay better than Reddit’s community ever was, even with the FOSS app gatekeepers here.

LinusWorks4Mo , avatar


raze2012 ,

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning.

if only. Lotta people really thought they could make reddit worried and that if they rebelled enough they could fix reddit. If it wasn't going to work after that 2-3 day blackout, it wasn't going to work. The mod in that article said it best:

“More than a month has passed, and as things on the internet go, the passion for the protest has waned and people’s attention has shifted to other things,” an r/aww moderator wrote in a post about the rule change.

And yeah, attention span on the internet is low. If you can't fix, it's best to start rebuilding what you want elsewhere. The best time for a backup community was 5 years ago; the second best time is now, so we don't have this problem of "where do we go from Reddit?" in another 5 years. If more people had the courage to leave, it may have ended in a better protest than these attempts to ruin the IPO or whatever.

Better to play the long game for now. This won't be the last drama, and it's simply better to make sure any jank is fixed for the next time people get frustrated and seek greener pastures. That slow burn is how we create a proper platform.

freebread , avatar

Well put

e_t_ Admin , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

I used to spend hours per day on Reddit. Now I visit once or twice a month, read-only. My subscription is canceled and all my posts/comments deleted. My "front page of the Internet" is now here.

panoptic ,

Same here.
I’m also using forums again more broadly.

bradorsomething ,

It’s not guaranteed to happen, but eventually reddit might become links of things people found on Lemmy.

bradorsomething ,

I’ll try to say something cool to make it worth your while.

But later. It has to come organically.

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

I don't believe it's really over.

Reddark is still reporting 1839 subs are dark.

At least one 1+ million sub is still private, and at least one 10+ million sub is still restricted.

I'm surprised though - I've heard arguments that John Oliver was okay with reddit admins, so why the pushback now to drop it?

ReallyKinda , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

I think Reddit likely lost a lot of users who were exclusively Reddit users and didn’t use other social media. That might not amount to that many people total, but it does mean advertisers lose one of the more important demographics Reddit had to offer (since they can target the others more efficiently on other platforms anyway). Hope it still hurts their bottom line.

SkepticElliptic ,

I quit using it, but I was using a third party app that didn’t have ads. However, I still insist that there is a way for someone to buy accounts, votes, and even entire subreddits directly from Reddit. The way reddit and other websites turn a blind eye to how many fake accounts they have just doesn’t make sense to me.

Pons_Aelius ,

The way reddit and other websites turn a blind eye to how many fake accounts they have just doesn’t make sense to me.

Traffic numbers by bot accounts boost "user engagement" metrics. If they cracked down on bots the line would go down and the line must go up.

xilliah , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. avatar

From my point reddit was already ruined for years and it was becoming even worse. I often had to scroll quite a bit to get past the obnoxious US politics posts, not to mention the endless stream of low effort pictures. Just because something is popular doesn’t make it good.

Pons_Aelius ,

I often had to scroll quite a bit to get past the obnoxious US politics posts

And the posts that had nothing to do with the US or politics would usually descend into a US centric shit fight anyway.

Any post involving firearms anywhere in the world...flooded with US 2A nut jobs.



Gargleblaster , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. avatar

The media has declared reddit the winner multiple times since the protest started.

Fuck the media. There are still 1800+ restricted subreddits.

Who won? Anybody who realized that reddit was commodifying your posts, comments, and contributions and left that shitshack.

style99 , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. avatar



jhulten , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

You can’t fight a fire from inside the house.

Technodad , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. avatar

Creating a viable competitor is never a victory from a business perspective.

xc2215x , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

It was a good idea at first. Not enough subreddits participated or not a long enough time to make a difference.

atlasraven31 , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

If by won you mean cause controversy, drive away some users, and allienate most of those staying than Mission Accomplished. Nothing positive happened for Reddit out of this.

sloonark ,

Really? Reddit retained about 98% of its users and gained full control of the app market. I’d call that a success for them. They got exactly what they wanted.

Kerrigor , avatar

They solidified the establishment of competing services (kbin, Lemmy). Many of us would've never even considered using them otherwise. It may not have hurt them a ton in the short term, but they've helped set up their competition.

bradorsomething ,

The users aren’t the value in reddit, it’s the content creators and savvy community members that respond to questions and leave useful content in their own right. Reddit lost a number of those, and those users are forming the nucleus of their demise.

AnonymousLlama , avatar

I'd also say the brand reputation has taken a pretty decent hit with their awful handling of the situation. With an upcoming IPO you think they would have handled it carefully but they just seemingly YOLO'd it

AnonymousLlama , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. avatar

Reddit was always going to rebound eventually, it's got a massive userbase and can pull through a fair number of people leaving. I'm pretty happy with the amount of free time I've won back since I've stopped doom scrolling Reddit.

Pretty keen to see how the fediverse improves over time.

Elkenders ,

I’ll still likely get answers to questions by including “Reddit” in my search engine searches, but for general community posting consumption I’ve been really pleased with Lemmy. I haven’t missed Reddit and avoiding ads is 100% worth it for me. It feels like using Gimp instead of Photoshop.

Hypnos9 , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

This is why your boycotts don't have an end date...

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