CCMan1701A , to Star Trek in Star Trek Online Will Now Let You Throw Asteroids at Other Ships, Picard-Style

You could do this in Star Trek Starfleet Academy, but with other ships.

aniki , to Star Trek in Star Trek Online Will Now Let You Throw Asteroids at Other Ships, Picard-Style

Does anyone play this? The space battles look great.

ptz OP , avatar

I tried, but I can’t even pick up the phaser in the introductory level. Not sure if I’m just an idiot who can’t figure out the controls or if it’s some glitch since I’m running it under Wine in Linux.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

Huh…yeah, if a basic “press ‘F’” doesn’t work, something ain’t right.

ptz OP , avatar

The only thing I manged to accomplish was walk awkwardly around the armory and roll xD

Going to have to see if there’s some Wine tricks to work around whatever that issue is.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

Sure - one of our community members even put together a guide for new players.

I think most people would agree that the space combat is the games biggest strength.

lemmyng , avatar

Is rubberbanding still a significant issue? I used to play but took a break after the Iconian season. Then I tried going back around the time the new Terran season came out, and combat was very frustrating for to lag.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

I rarely have server connection issues like those any more - if anything, stuttering from the graphical effects are the bigger bottleneck.

Dran_Arcana ,

Pvp is completely dead, which I think was the game’s greatest longevity strength. Mechanically it’s quite dated but the writing is very fan service

GregorGizeh ,

I sunk some time in the game during the pandemic.


  • you can play the quests and experience the lore just fine, for free
  • lots of fan service in the game, for example plenty of series actors doing voices.


  • The game is on life support, and extremely dated. Most systems and mechanics have been gutted and streamlined so much, all you can do is get a feeling for how fun the game must have been in its prime
  • everything end level is extremely monetized, virtually all good ships and equipment require real money. Not to mention for a decent build you will need to buy multiple ships to obtain their abilities.
  • constant fomo: at virtually any point in time some fomo event is up trying to entice you to log in daily or spend spend spend. And all those monthly events feed into an even bigger fomo event that goes on all year. Also fomo deals on the real money shop that bring the absurd prices into almost reasonable ranges. A daily dilitihium refining cap (the only actually useful currency not 100% tied to real money)
  • and if that’s not enough, gambling on everything else. All events come with loot boxes, requiring real money keys. Item upgrades, stat reforging, everything is randomized. And requires real money or your very limited dilitihium.

Ultimately it’s fun to play through all the storylines and explore the world a bit, but unless you are willing to spend big you can’t get the good stuff. Also there is no end game except racing the dps meter against other whales.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

I agree that it’s dated (the 14-year anniversary event started today), but I wouldn’t say it’s on life support - the content release schedule is pretty much the same as it ever was.

GregorGizeh ,

I mean, the game of course gets its fomo content updates to keep milking the userbase, but there is no real substance.

When I played it I found myself frequently without anything to do, challenging PvE content doesn’t exist, and any progress you make past hitting max level serves no purpose either; except doing what you are already able to do but faster. I found it extremely difficult to reconcile this with my expectations of a game.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

Sure, if it’s not what you want out of a game, I’m not going to argue with that.

But it’s really the same game that it’s always been.

GregorGizeh ,

From what I could tell during playing, a ton of content has been made obsolete, hidden away or replaced.

For example the three specializations, which initially suggest a classic tank / dps / support split, are essentially all dps now because with the good real money stuff any build also has absurd sustain, ways to escape death, and damage to (literally) kill dozens of Borg cubes at once, taking 5 seconds tops.

I mean it’s fine if you enjoy the game, but it really isn’t a good game at all. It’s fun in that it is a way to immerse yourself in Trek content.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

I didn’t realize the Good Decider had logged on. How nice to have you.

GregorGizeh ,

You’re quite welcome, citizen.

Indy ,

I mean it’s fine if you enjoy the game, but it really isn’t a good game at all. It’s fun in that it is a way to immerse yourself in Trek content.

This sums it up really well. I also find it to be a fun place to meet up with geographically distant friends who also like Trek. Hanging out in Quark's while chatting over voicechat is pretty great.

cmdr_nova , avatar

@Indy @ptz @aniki @GregorGizeh @ValueSubtracted I'm reading this whole thread trying to figure out where you grabbed the quote that says "it really isn't a good game at all" and I can't find it lol

I would have to hard-disagree. Sure the micro transactions suck but if you just play for the story it is absolutely fantastic

ahornsirup , avatar

The monetised fomo events are why I pretty much stopped logging in. If a game offers me to pay to not play it, I’m just gonna not play it and keep my money.

seeCseas Mod , to Work Reform in Marvel Studios' VFX Staff Unanimously Votes to Unionize

removed as the same link was posted before!

JusticeForPorygon , to Work Reform in Marvel Studios' VFX Staff Unanimously Votes to Unionize avatar

Good for them

Nmyownworld , to Star Trek in Worf and Riker Have a Heart to Heart in Star Trek: Picard Deleted Scene avatar

I’m glad this scene was omitted. I think that it starts as a “beautiful little moment,” but then it just goes off the rails. I thought it would be about Worf reconciling his Earth upbringing with his Klingon heritage, finding a balance that suited him, or something along that line. Nope. Using killing a random woman (or anyone) as a plot point. Always tiresome, and very not Worf.

ValueSubtracted Mod , to Star Trek in Worf and Riker Have a Heart to Heart in Star Trek: Picard Deleted Scene avatar

A tragic tale, told in the most overwrought way imaginable.

USSBurritoTruck OP Mod , avatar

Yeah, I’m also not sad that they removed a bit of backstory about a woman being killed causing Worf to revaluate his life and motivations.

MajorHavoc ,

Yeah. There’s no need for an off-screen tragic backstory to drive Worf toward samurai pacificism.

His valuing both his Klingon and Federation heritages was always going to take him there. I’m glad they cut that scene.

SiliconDon ,

I agree. There’s an irritating trend in storytelling lately where characters are driven primarily by their trauma. It oversimplifies things.

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

Fridging another woman or other equity group representative to advance a character has become a norm in the new Trek shows. I’m glad they cut this one.

UESPA_Sputnik , avatar

Yeah. I’m a huge Worf fan (he is and always has been my favourite Trek character) but that scene does not work for me at all. He doesn’t even sound like Worf here. Riker too sounds totally wooden at the beginning. Not sure if it’s the missing post-production but everything about this scene feels off. It’s a good thing this scene didn’t make the final cut.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

Worf was always pretty stiff and formal when speaking, but he was also pretty direct and to-the-point.

Shazbot ,

The odd phrasing as its likely the original audio from that take, as redubbing would be saved for confirmed scenes.

drcabbage , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

I always have the remote work filter turned on when searching for jobs… I guess I don’t have to worry about amazon job postings clogging up the feed :)

heartfelthumburger , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You' avatar

The company I work for is very lenient regarding working from home. They’ve said people should be at the office at least three times a week, but I don’t believe this is actually enforced in any way. I’ve returned to the office because I like working from there, but I also appreciate the flexibility to work from home when I need/want to.

awake01 , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

I don’t think companies are going to listen until they feel consequences of RTO policies. It’s going to take strike level activity and solidarity for office employees before they are going to see the real risks and impacts. I just don’t see people being that committed to pushing back. I would love to be wrong.

ramble81 , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

Please keep forcing people back into the office. My company has embraced WFH and I got over 150 resumes for a senior position that was historically hard for me to fill given where we’re located. I had my pick of who to hire rather than being stuck with whoever was willing to move here.

zib , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You' avatar

If this article hadn't mentioned the name of the company or CEO, I would swear it was talking about the executive team where I currently work since they've been saying the bullshit and our RTO mandate is about to go into effect. Nevermind that every single one of my teammates is located in a different time zone, sitting on Zoom and Slack in an office will magically make me more productive and innovative.

nBodyProblem ,

Same. My strategy is basically to stay at home until enough other people come in that they can single people out. It’s not like they can fire the entire office.

When they were really amping up the “mandatory” rhetoric, we had a tornado rip through the parking lot and total the cars of everyone who actually complied with the work from work mandate. Then they refused to pay for the vehicle repairs.

Way to guarantee that nobody comes in.

______ ,

We have to work at the office (software) meanwhile non tech people are working from home fully. Some aren’t even in the same city at all. Fascinating.

Foam3477 , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

I think in time the most efficient companies will be the ones that don’t spend too much in office buildings and will also be the ones that attract more talent.

In 10-15 years the remote work debate will be over and we will reap the benefits

downpunxx , avatar

real estate investment says you're wrong, it's saying you're wrong right now

shectabeni ,

Is it? Yeah, real estate investors want people back in the office but how many back to the office success stories are we seeing? It’s generally not working out for the employers pushing it.

sadreality ,

It won't be easy but in the end the slaves will win...

RegularGoose ,

If dying from heatstroke and starvation is winning, then yeah, I guess you’re right.

Num10ck ,

the major banks publicly having major concerns about their portfolio of commercial mortgage backed securities says you’re wrong right now. its too soon to call this one. hundreds of billions are on the line, and so are the work/life balances of a rising generation of workers who don’t believe what the baby boomers did.

rippersnapper ,

No, he’s not. Have you looked at commercial real estate especially around dedicated business districts in cities such as London, Paris and Frankfurt? Long story short, a lot of businesses (big ones such as HSBC) are moving to city centers and into smaller offices.

Lith , avatar

Unfortunately it stopped being a buyer’s market years ago. If these companies don’t succeed, they’ll just shape the laws so that others can’t either.

Macaroni_ninja , (edited ) to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You' avatar

Had an interview for an amazon fulfilment center desk job. It went great, I was a perfect fit, except they wanted me to work in the office 4 out of 5 days a week. (It wasn’t clear in the job listing)

When I asked which part of the job requires a physical presence it turned out none of it. Zero. Nada. They told me an employee must be an exceptional asset to get authorization for full remote work.

I got an offer, but refused as it was too much commuting. The recruiter contacted me afterwards if I would give it another thought, but refused again.

balls_expert , (edited )

I got a new job that has no remote possibilities because we run a defense SaaS thing that’s cut off from the internet, so, a real reason for it

I’m paid 2.5x my old wage for it and everyone keeps leaving despite the insane pay. We’re about to hire a software guy that didn’t know what grep or curl was

Granted there’s a few more hurdles (applicants must speak english fluently and make as few mistakes as possible writing in a country that’s hardly bilingual, top of the chain tech stack that might give people the feeling that they’re not qualified, …) but 2.5x the pay? I’m gonna get enough to straight up buy a house with cash in like two years

jubilationtcornpone ,

If I made 2.5x my current salary, which would be almost 400,000 a year, I would seriously consider returning to the office. Then I would retire in something like 10 years which is way earlier than I’m currently looking at. For that, RTO would actually be worth it.

hamid , (edited )

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  • balls_expert ,

    There’s a lot of stuff in defense contracts that aren’t killing people in europe

    Procurement, borders, visas, terrorism intel, …

    balls_expert ,

    It wasn’t even a bad salary beforehand, it was way above average for my city and I was able to save and invest about 40% of my paycheck, now it’s almost as if all I do is saving since my living expenses are such a small part of the salary

    I thought 2.5 meant 2.5 when going in, but it’s more like an 5x on disposable income so it feels completely different

    LilDestructiveSheep , avatar

    “it’s not in the job description to WFH”; “Ops needs you present just in case”; “Because I tell you so”…

    Macaroni_ninja , avatar

    My last job was super flexible. I could work 1-5 days from home if I wanted to. It was great as the office was 90 min drive from my place.

    So we get a new leader, who is super enthusiastic and introduces himself as best buddy/superboss. Fast forward 6 months and 4 office days are mandatory and 1 home office is allowed if you schedule it a week in advance.

    Reason? He thinks we perform better, but the real reason was he wanted to keep an eye on us. Fast forward two more months and I was the third person handing in the resignation.

    Boss man is still convinced it’s the lack of support from the head office which drives the people away.and it has nothing to do with mandatory office days.

    LilDestructiveSheep , avatar

    Self reflection is often poor. I am not allowed working from home. Even when proving that I am more effective if everyone leaves me alone and just work. Too many distractions in the office.

    TigrisMorte , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

    Horrid Company to work for regardless.

    timicin ,

    and buy from; i wish there was a viable alternative.

    fubbernuckin ,

    I actually buy from brick and mortar stores’ websites. That’s the viable alternative. Otherwise you can order directly from Amazon Sellers’ websites if they exist.

    FinalRemix ,

    I can’t even buy yo-yos from Yomega anymore. They just redirect their page to Amazon. The options are rapidly dwindling, sadly. Shit, even PepBoys ditched their storefront and just do jiffylube stuff now.

    nobleshift , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You' avatar

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  • cooljacob204 ,

    you don’t need to eat from Tacos El Tajin or Whole Foods everyday

    Plenty of remote work that does pay well also...

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    Plus because you're not paying to commute you have more money for tacos

    Frugalexcess ,

    Or fight the Mercer mess starting at 3:30pm every damn day.

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