
Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x07 "Erigah"

LoglineWith Moll and L’ak finally in custody, the Federation is pulled into a diplomatic and ethical firestorm when the Breen arrive and demand they be handed over. Meanwhile, a frustrated Book looks for ways to help as Tilly, Adira, and Reno work to decipher the latest clue....

Canon Connections: DIS 5x06 - Whistlespeak

• Doctor Kovich gives Burnham a list of the five scientists who had the task of researching the Progenitor technology, three of whom we’ve already learned about. The remaining two are a Denobulan, Hitoroshi Kreel, and a Betazoid named Marina DeRex. The first Betazoid we were introduced to in Trek was TNG’s Deanna Troi,...

KDE Connect should only enable downloading files from allowed directories, right? [issue report found, may be very old notifications]

I was working on some stuff on my PC and stepped away for a bit, and on returning noticed notifications on it that some files had been downloaded via KDE Connect from my phone. I was using my phone at the time, and didn't send the files....

Fix for the capslock slow response

This is an issue that I know for a fact that is not specific to plasma, but I came here to ask for help since I run Plasma and I'm hoping that there is something I can change on the DE to fix it. Caps-lock is very slow and causes THis ISsue, and it is driving me crazy. I'm the person who can never learn how to use the shift to...

A question about Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. [Spoilers]

The whales Gracie and George were stated to have wandered into San Francisco as calves. Outside of feeding events which can include the famous bubble nets, humpback whale pods usually consist of a lone mother and calf (or calves) pairing with a trailing "escort" male. Humpbacks are one of the few mammals that can be nursing and...

Do we have any estimates as to how long it takes for a species of bacteria to go technically extinct entirely via genetic drift?

So, let’s say there’s a species of bacteria that is known to dwell in Greek yogurt. How long would it take before that species of yogurt-dweller only has modern descendants different enough to qualify as one or more new species?

Were the [REDACTED] also a result of the Progenitors? DIS s5 spoilers

So, the plot in season five of Disco is hunting down clues left behind by scientists who uncovered the technology left behind by a precursor race of alien beings who panspermiad their genetics all over the galaxy, resulting in all your favourite humanoids, like humans, Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians, as seen in the TNG...

Love, strange love a star woman teaches

I've known for years that Gene Roddenberry wrote lyrics for Theme from Star Trek so that he could receive 50% of the royalties, but it never occurred to me that I should try and find out what those lyrics were. However, the lyrics did come up recently in a nerdy trivia show I watch, "Uhm, Actually", and now that I know them, I...

Enable/Disable KWin Scripts depending on current activity?

So, I like working with tiled WMs sometimes though not always. And Polonium is working great for that in Plasma 6. But as I said, I don't want it enabled 24/7. And rather than open settings and toggling it on and off every time, it'd be wonderful if I could harness the power of KDE activities and automatically toggle it on in a...

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