
Crimfresh , to RedditMigration in Permaban roll call

I said politics mods are the worst. Permanently banned after 12 years and 150,000 comment karma. I hope the site burns down.

abff08f4813c OP ,

Seconded, sibling-in-arms!

LemmyStartNow , to RedditMigration in Reddit to Teddit/Libreddit Redirect Userscripts

Using the extension, but Both site seems to throw a 500 error

ppb1701 ,
@ppb1701@kbin.social avatar

@LemmyStartNow I loaded violentmonkey edge addon and copy pasted the script in the add (teddit version) and it works. There is a bit a delay as it redirects. But I'll take the delay over using "dead"it. now just to figure how to automate it from ios safari....


ppb1701 ,
@ppb1701@kbin.social avatar

Side note: I added UserScipt extension on Safari on my Mac and IOS and copied the script in on it's editer and it works there too. iOS does have a slight delay at the moment before it goes landing on what looks like a Reddit error page. I'm thinking it's where it is attempting to hit the script as it first loads to promote their app. Still works so woot!

@LollerCorleone @LemmyStartNow

LollerCorleone OP ,
@LollerCorleone@kbin.social avatar

I am glad it works. Teddit and Libreddit devs seem to be working on switching from API to web scraping. I hope they are successful. Otherwise, old reddit is the only choice.

ppb1701 ,
@ppb1701@kbin.social avatar

@LollerCorleone I hope so too. I don't wanna lose the wealth of knowledge and tips but I also don't want to give Reddit themselves the time of day.


LollerCorleone OP ,
@LollerCorleone@kbin.social avatar

Yep! Btw, I have updated the script and added randomized instances than relying on a single one. Do let me know if you face any issues. At least till teddit and libreddit works.

ppb1701 ,
@ppb1701@kbin.social avatar

@LollerCorleone will do thanks! Updated them in my browsers. Will let you know.


LemmyStartNow , (edited )

Thank you for keeping me in the loop and for the suggested solution. Much appreciated!

ppb1701 ,
@ppb1701@kbin.social avatar

Used it multiple times in laptop and iPhone and it works great. Thank!

LollerCorleone OP ,
@LollerCorleone@kbin.social avatar


tymon , to Star Trek in What "third generation" Trek is worth watching?

As a purist, I’d say watch them all and in release order, but if you really have to be choosy with your time, here’s a list of things you can skip (in my opinion):

  • Star Trek Into Darkness
  • Discovery (whole show)
  • Picard S1 and S2
  • Short Treks

I know suggesting skipping Discovery outright is going to be seen as… extreme, but I suggest doing so only if time is a crucial factor. It’s a dizzyingly uneven show with the lowest points of quality in all of Trek. However, it also has some incredible highs and some truly great characters, so if you find the time to watch it, you should. And I know I’m in the minority on this, but I found Short Treks to be unwatchable.

On the flip side, Lower Decks is incredible, and Strange New Worlds is good. The third season of Picard is excellent. Prodigy is a little weird but it’s got a lot of strength. Star Trek Beyond is also a surprisingly good movie.

LibraryLass ,

It’s a dizzyingly uneven show with the lowest points of quality in all of Trek.

Dude I’ve seen TNG season 1 and Enterprise seasons 1-2. I know we both know it can get worse.

beefcat ,
@beefcat@kbin.social avatar

TOS also has some truly awful episodes, but it's pretty easy to ignore them.

I think the low points of DSC and PIC stick out for two reasons:

  1. Recency bias. It's been 15 years since I last watched Code of Honor, and I rarely even think about it except when it's time to make memes about season 1.
  2. Serialization. You can watch TNG, skip bad episodes like Code of Honor or Sub Rosa, and not really lose out on anything. But if you watch DSC and skip a bad episode, you blow a giant gaping hole in the over-arching story.
jabeez , to Linux in Help me find a fitting distro

Kubuntu or KDE Neon (also a 'buntu). I absolutely love KDE, and the Linux desktop experience in general has come a long, loooonnng ways in recent years.

rokejulianlockhart ,
@rokejulianlockhart@kbin.social avatar

Is Kubuntu with KDE backports or KDE Neon better?

melroy , to Linux in Help me find a fitting distro
@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

Linux Mint is perfect! Avoid Ubuntu, which has a very shady history... Despite Mint being based on Ubuntu/Debian, it doesn't have any spying software. Like Ubuntu used to send all the search queries to Ubuntu when you were searching locally on your system for a file or an image.

Balssh OP ,

I'm not as focused on privacy (don't stone me to death pls), but I am not very keen on Ubuntu, having dabed a bit into it in the past.

melroy ,
@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

Well you can in that case still try out Linux Mint.. I mean, why not?

pipyui , to Linux in Help me find a fitting distro

Have distro hopped over the years - most recently Manjaro to Fedora to Endeavour, but haven't found the one that's quite perfect for me.
That said, I'd make a few recommendations based on the person I'd be "marketing" to:

  1. New to Linux, looking for polish: Mint
    Mint is built off the well-known Ubuntu, polished a step further. It's in my experience the simplest to use and most generally polished of the Linux offerings. The community generally isn't as catered to power users, but if you care more about your time than about customization, I'd recommend Mint.
  2. Looking for Stable/Modern, willing to jump thru a few hoops: Fedora
    Fedora has come a long way over the years. It's far more stable, polished, and accessible than ever before. I'd hazard to call it my top recommendation, BUT, third-party software management and installation can be something of a nightmare. COPR is approximately equivalent to the AUR of Manjaro/Endeavour/Arch below, but at this time very obtuse and difficult to learn or work with. Some day you'll want a package that exists in COPR, and that day won't be fun for you.
  3. Need apps you can't find anywhere else: Endeavour/Manjaro
    Forget bleeding-edge packages and rolling release - the Arch User Repository (AUR) is hands-down the greatest feature on offer from Arch-based distros. The AUR is a repository of packages created by users that aren't supported by the main repos. If ever there's a time you need a piece of software and you can't find it anywhere else, the AUR's your best bet.
    That said, I found/find both Manjaro and now Endeavour to be a little rough around the edges, and the consequence of rolling-release and bleeding-edge software is a system that isn't always working just right.
  4. Looking to learn, straight into the frying pan: Arch
    Same benefits and drawbacks of Endeavour/Manjaro above, but if you want to set up your system service-by-service, as lean as you want, Arch is there for you. A great experience if you just need an excuse to "try" putting an OS together piece by piece, even if you don't ultimately keep it in the long run.

Desktop Environments
The great DE debate. Nobody can tell you what's right and wrong here, but I have a few general breakdowns of the "big three".
GNOME: If simplicity and elegance is your style. You sacrifice customization potential for cohesion and polish.
KDE: Modern. Powerful. Usually polished out the gate. Can be a bit much if you're trying to tweak it tho. My personal choice.
XFCE: Less modern, more friendly to lower-end systems.

Whelp that's it from me, hope it helps!

tophu , to Linux in Help me find a fitting distro
@tophu@kbin.social avatar

I'm going to suggest one I'm not seeing here; OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I cut my teeth on Tumbleweed for years, and it has the pros of a rolling release while YaST provides the tools needed to have a stable base that rivals that of Ubuntu. Gaming is extremely easy to get set up, and you can choose pretty much any major desktop, although I recommend XFCE.

euphoriainafruit ,

I tried tumbleweed, but zypper was just agonizingly slow. Is there any way to speed up the updates?

backhdlp , to Linux in Help me find a fitting distro

One I haven’t seen here is Arco Linux. It’s designed as a kind of learning path from getting to know basic Linux concepts to being able to install Arch on your own, so I think it’s a pretty good early choice, tho probably not that good for the first choice.

General recommendation is that you choose something with good community support or at least good documentation. You might also not want a rolling release, because they tend to be more on the unstable side.

IncidentalIncidence , to Linux in Help me find a fitting distro

NixOS is a bad choice for a new user. EndeavourOS is okay, but arch-based distros (even ones with nice graphical installers) can get overwhelming for a beginner if an update breaks something and you have to figure out why and fix it, which isn't an irregular occurence for me. Wouldn't recommend tumbleweed for similar reasons.

I think the best mix of easy customizability, beginner-friendliness, and stability are probably offered by fedora and mint, personally.

Drusas , to men in why i think that men dont align with feminism and the left at large

It is actually this sort of toxic nonsense that is the problem.

Dwayne-Payton879 OP ,

can you explain why you feel this way?

vlakas ,
@vlakas@kbin.social avatar

Maybe Kbin should add rewards like Reddit had /s. We could give our fellow visitor a Constructive Comment Award.

DiachronicShear ,

first off, Jordan Peterson is like, King of the Incels. Basing a moral argument around him is pretty sus

Dwayne-Payton879 OP ,

I wasn't basing an argument around him but the hypocrisy that we want men to be emotionally vulnerable, until they have politics we don't like the it is fuck them.

That is what I was highlighting, not that I like Jordan Peterson, as I hate his politics, but If you want men to be vulnerable, it can't be just men who align with what the left inherently agrees with. It has to be extended to everyone

a-man-from-earth , to men in why i think that men dont align with feminism and the left at large
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

I am not prepared to let go of my left-wing values the way most of the people claiming to be left-wing have been doing. I am an egalitarian, and I am not prepared to treat men as less deserving of human rights, of care and consideration, of protection against discrimination, and so on.

But yeah, if you are on the left and care about men, you often have to carve your own way and swim against the stream of normalized misandry. But that's why we have this community.

Dwayne-Payton879 OP ,

yeah i agree. i found this space on reddit and it has helped me greatly. thanks for all you do.

Mshuser ,

I'm starting to realize that even in the localized leftist communities we're involved, we need to start creating spaces where men can freely talk about these issues in a leftist environment. Unfortunately, we don't have much power to be open with it in our own communities due to how they'll react. Even more dangerous when they're brainwashed by ideas of men that make them automatically distrustful of men, even at the start.

RomanRoy , to Linux in Check Out These Linux-Related Magazines on Kbin
@RomanRoy@lemmy.world avatar

Hey kbin fellas

Why not follow the Lemmy communities already created? Most of these already exist and are larger, I think.

staticlifetime OP ,
@staticlifetime@kbin.social avatar

Instances exist for more than just to access singular communities. You can access our stuff here, and we will go to y'all as well. This is no small community either. We choose to be on kbin for a reason.

NumbersCanBeFun , to RedditMigration in Hot take: 18 years of user contributions to reddit will serve as a base model for an AI that generates content and conversations. the reddit experience continues as a simulation, to harvest clicks, sales and ad revenue.
@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar

They already had it. It was called /r/SubredditSimulator

livus ,
@livus@kbin.social avatar

Let's face it, they already had it on some of the big default subs as well.

I went though a phase of bot hunting, and it was not unusual to find comment chains of 3 bots replying to each other near the top of big threads, sometimes with a hapless human or two in the mix.

They use snippets of comments from downthread (and usually downvote their "donor" comments to lower visibility) so it seems kind of organic. Sometimes they use a thesaurus or something and re word it somewhat.

What was really sad was when you'd see a human writing screeds of long arguments in reply to them.

HotDogFingies ,
@HotDogFingies@kbin.social avatar

Excuse my ignorance, but how were you able to recognize the bots?

The repost bots were fairly easy to spot, but I sadly never found a situation like the one you're describing. I don't use reddit anymore, but the information may be useful elsewhere.

livus ,
@livus@kbin.social avatar

It's a bit like finding a single thread and unravelling it.
I used to get dozens of these things banned a day, there were a lot of us bot hunters reporting bots.

They sometimes sound "off", stop in mid sentence, reply to people as if they think it's the OP, reply as if they are OP, or post 💯 by itself. Or they have a username that fits a recent bot pattern (e.g. appending "rp" to existing usernames)
If you see one slip up once, then looking at its other comments will often lead you to new bots simply because they are all attracted to the same positions (prominent but a few comments deep).

Certain subs like AITA and r/memes are more prone to them so I would go there for easy leads.

Also if you check its actual submissions, a karma laden bot will often repost hobby content, then have a second bot come and claim to have bought a t shirt or mug with that content and post a malicious link. Then a third bot will pose as another redditor saying thanks I just ordered one to the second bot. Following those bots leads you to even more bots, etc.

@XiELEd copying you in here.

HotDogFingies ,
@HotDogFingies@kbin.social avatar

Christ. This is not the future I envisioned.

YouveCatToBeKittenMe ,
@YouveCatToBeKittenMe@kbin.social avatar

To add to what other people said: As a casual user who didn't go deliberately looking for bots, I mostly caught them when they posted a comment that was a complete non sequitur to the comment they replied to, like they were posted in the wrong thread. Which, well, is because they were--they were copied from elsewhere in the comment section and randomly posted as a reply to a more prominent thread. Ctrl+F came in very handy there. (They do sometimes reword things, but generally only a couple of words, so searching for bits and pieces of their comment still usually turns up results.)

Also, the bot comments I caught were usually just a line or two, not entire paragraphs, even if they were copied from a longer comment.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

The past year or so, they've been in every single thread with more than 50 comments. If you expand the comments and do a little ctrl+f searching, you'll see how they copy comments from users and then repost and have their fellow bots upvote them for visibility. Look at the timestamps on the posts.

umbraroze ,
@umbraroze@kbin.social avatar

SubredditSimulator was based on older generative algorithms, so everyone could fairly easily tell that it was rubbish. When SubredditSimulator got shut down, someone made a new one based on GPT-2 (I think) and everyone was like "OK, this is getting harder to distinguish from real people".

I'm betting someone has made even more advanced bots by now. I'm betting someone's also not concerned about telling other users upfront that they're bots, and they're not confining them into specific subs. Now, the only reason I'm not accusing Reddit Inc themselves of building these bots is that they aren't exactly a bastion of software engineering excellence; the site barely works as is.

EnglishMobster , to RedditMigration in Hot take: 18 years of user contributions to reddit will serve as a base model for an AI that generates content and conversations. the reddit experience continues as a simulation, to harvest clicks, sales and ad revenue.
@EnglishMobster@kbin.social avatar

This is already happening.

Bots are being used to astroturf the protests on Reddit. You can see at the bottom how this so-called "user" responds "as an AI language program..."

rynzcycle ,

Oh wow, that's simultaneously hilarious, awesome, and terrifying.

Bonehead ,

...and fake. The "AI" user admits further down that they are just trolling.

Empyreal ,

Or its another form of a human-monitored bot account. Those have existed for years

Or its just another bot response. I've had arguments with bots that I have banned from my subreddit before. Some of their response mechanisms are quite creative.

Arotrios ,
@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Holy fucking shit I'm dying. That's fucking hilarious.

I now want to make a bot that detects bots, grades their responses as 0% - 100% bot, posts the bottage score, and if they determine bottage, engage the other bot in endless conversation until it melts down from confusion.

We can live stream the battles. We'll call the show Babblebots.

Any devs interested?

basedtheorem , to Linux in Help me find a fitting distro
@basedtheorem@kbin.social avatar

I was in a similar situation; I was a windows power user and I jumped straight into nixos. I do not recommend it for someone completely new to linux.

Having to deal with new concepts and confusing terminology like window/display/login managers, a new file system, bash, desktop environments, etc., and then having to learn nix (my first dive into a functional language), nixpkgs, NixOS, AND all the noise surrounding flakes was incredibly frustrating. After a week I gave up and jumped ship.

I played around with void linux for a bit (followed jake@linux's playlist on YT, it's a fantastic guide), had a blast ricing my desktop, got comfortable running without a desktop environment, then went back to nix a month later. By that point I was familiar enough with linux and just had to learn the nix ecosystem (still difficult, but bearable).

Things started to click, especially once I had read the nix pills in its entirety. Now with my entire system configured with flakes I just can't see myself ever going back :>

I never tried the beginner friendly distros like mint or ubuntu so I can't comment on them, but I was really happy with void. Yes it's doesn't hold your hand, but it very quickly taught me a lot about how everything fits together. I'm sure arch provides a similar experience.

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