
Quereller , to RedditMigration in I created a webview shell for the kbin.social site
@Quereller@kbin.social avatar

Is there a way to install the kbin enhancement script? That would be supper useful.

anemomylos OP ,
@anemomylos@kbin.social avatar

I didn't know about it. Can you give me more info?

Quereller ,
@Quereller@kbin.social avatar

Just search for "Kbin enhancement scripts" in the search bar of kbin.
I cannot provide a link because the more, copy URL entry doesn't work.

anemomylos OP ,
@anemomylos@kbin.social avatar

Okay, I found it. I updated the app to support JS injection: https://github.com/anemomylos/shell4kbin/releases/tag/0.3-4

Quereller ,
@Quereller@kbin.social avatar

Just updated the app and activated the JS - absolute genious. Thank you!

Overzeetop , to RedditMigration in Great! Reddit just updated their app and it lags AF
@Overzeetop@kbin.social avatar

Funny, I'm seeing zero lag or hiccups on reddit.

Oh, wait - LOL, I'm not on fucking reddit anymore, no wonder I'm not seeing anything. Problem and solution all in one go.

tchambers , to RedditMigration in Just created m/TwitterMigration
@tchambers@kbin.social avatar

Glad to see this new Magazing getting formed.

originalucifer , to selfhosted in Recommended domain registrars
@originalucifer@kbin.social avatar


cheap, pay for what you use. serious linux guys, i switched back when whatshisname caused protonmail... have not had a single issue

ike , to RedditMigration in PSA: while upvoting exists, to get the "move closer to the top" effect that reddit's upvote had, you need to click boost
  1. I know you're boost mining with this post😉
  2. Boosting makes me feel good
NoRodent , to RedditMigration in Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted
@NoRodent@kbin.social avatar

I tried Lemmy yesterday but today, probably thanks to the influx of new users, it's been extremely slow to the point of unusability. So now I'm trying out kbin which seems to be running faster (although still slower than old.reddit). Ignoring those issues, I can't decide yet which I like more.

I'm also still kinda confused about all the Federation stuff. So supposedly you should be able to interact with kbin hosted stuff on lemmy and vice versa and I can indeed see posts from lemmy on kbin's "front page" but what if I happen to come across something directly on the lemmy.world website (or any other Fediverse instance for that matter, where I don't even have an account), is there an easy way to access it from kbin.social?

I feel like the decentralized nature of Fediverse is at the same time its strength but at the same time makes it harder for users to switch.

dil , to men in It seems like feminists want men to think in a gynocentric way.

the average man (most men) dont have more power than the average women.

I actually disagree on this.

  1. Money is power. Men are stereotypically the primary household earner. Women in those relationships rely on the men to provide an income, and men's ability to take that away gives them power. Obviously, this isn't strictly a good thing for the guy, since it comes with stress for him to provide, but it does skew power in the relationship.
  2. Consider a normal distribution, with the x axis being "strength" and the y axis being "number of people" - lots of people are medium strong, few people are very strong or very weak. If you split that into two - one for men and one for women, and compare the top 1% strongest men and women, the men would be stronger. Since it's a normal distribution, it also shows that the average man is stronger than the average woman. There are still many, many women that are stronger than the average guy, but as a population men are stronger.

I submit that "power" follows a normal distribution as well. I'm sure we agree that the top 1% of men are more powerful than the top 1% of women, so it would follow that the average man would be more powerful than the average woman.

hotpotato138 OP ,

Men are stereotypically the primary household earner.

That's because women like to marry up.

I'm sure we agree that the top 1% of men are more powerful than the top 1% of women, so it would follow that the average man would be more powerful than the average woman.

It is true that the richest people in the world, are men. Women have more social power than men. For example, people tend to believe women more when it comes to domestic abuse. Police are more likely to arrest the man.

Dienervent ,

I'd add that the poorest people are also men.

RandoCalrandian ,
@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

an oft neglected point when someone is whining that women don't have enough money

Dienervent ,

Women have more purchasing power than men. That men earn more money is a reflects the reality that men work more than women. That women spend more may indicate that men earn that the money earned is on behalf of women.

But do women spend money on behalf of men or do they spend it on their own behalf. When a woman goes to do groceries, is it just for her or is it for the whole family. If women primarily spend money for themselves then that indicates they have the power, but if they spend it on behalf of their husband, then that's just work they do for their husband.

Let's say women do in fact only spend money on behalf of their family and not for themselves. They're still faced with a wide variety of options at the food aisle. One thing that massively influences the choices they make here is marketing. Marketing funds the vast majority of media which in turns structures discussions in the public sphere. And all of it would then be structured to predominantly appeal to women.

All of the things I mentioned could be an accurate and prominent reflection of what happens in society. I believe we are literally over a hundred years away from having the proper scientific tools and cultural maturity to be able to conclusively determine the extend of the influence of such abstract ideas on society.

In feudal times, aristocrats were more powerful than the serfs. This was self evident from their quality of life and what aristocrats were allowed to get away with in their treatment of the serfs.

The difference in power between men and women is so small today that it is impossible to conclusively determine which is more powerful. Especially in the context of so much complex forces at play.

All this to say that income can't be used to conclusive determine "power" especially among the middle class.

And for the second point, your assumption that "power" (based on money/income) follows a normal distribution. There's just so much stuff wrong with it, I'll just point to the fact that the vast majority of people that live on the street are men completely refutes your interpretation.

But for more clarification, a normal distribution (usually also called a Gaussian Distribution) has two parameters: the mean and the variance.

If you look at the high end of distribution M and you find a much greater population than at the same location of distribution M, then it could be caused by a increased mean, or by an increased variance or a certain combination of the two. If you find increased population on both the low end and then high end, then you definitely have higher variance. If you look at total income from work only, it seems that men have slightly increased mean and vastly increased variance.

My currently running hypothesis is that it's the lack of a proper social safety net that scares men into earning as much as possible, and the competition for mating that causes them to transfer vast amounts of wealth to women as well as seek top income levels. By contrast, women have many safety net options should they fail to acquire their desired level of independent income, and so don't have the same level of motivation to gain high income status.

Phanatik , to RedditMigration in What’s with social media companies trying to destroy themselves recently?

I don't think Discord's username change is on the same level as what Twitter and Reddit have done. It's annoying for sure but it's not as harmful. It's not like the username change prevents you from using it.

fearout ,
@fearout@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I missed out on that outrage. What are people disliking so much about that?

I remember seeing that pop up, realizing that all this time I just had some generic username with my name and numbers, and changing it to my usual username. Were there some negative consequences to the service in general?

Phanatik ,

I personally haven't seen anything negative apart from the same issue people would have on other platforms and that's running into the issue that the name you want has been taken and you have to keep changing it until you get the one you want.

Duskfox OP ,
@Duskfox@kbin.social avatar

Yea ik that, I still wanted to mention it though to get my point across that companies are simply deteriorating the user experiences of their own platforms. Even as a Discord user myself, it doesn't bother me that much but my point stands.

Phanatik ,

I guess my contention is what you mean by the username change deteriorating the user experience. How does it do that? It's the name you log in with and the default nickname you have until you change it for each server. I'm missing the part where the username change makes the discord experience worse.

psychothumbs , to RedditMigration in PSA: while upvoting exists, to get the "move closer to the top" effect that reddit's upvote had, you need to click boost

WTF is a boost button? Have never seen anything like that on here.

simple ,
@simple@lemmy.world avatar

It’s something on kbin, not on Lemmy. You’re seeing this post coming over from the kbin website.

RheingoldRiver , to RedditMigration in Kbin Familiarity - a theme i made to replicate old reddit on kbin!

Hi! I installed it, and a couple pieces of feedback:

  1. when there's an avatar, this gets kinda overlapped
  2. sidebar is way too large when browser is fullscreen on a big monitor, that should get a width constraint

I love this though!

Tanza OP ,
@Tanza@kbin.social avatar

hm, do you have any other themes or changes enabled? i can't seem to replicate the first one. on the second one, how large is your monitor?

Sylveon-Z , to RedditMigration in Kbin Familiarity - a theme i made to replicate old reddit on kbin!
@Sylveon-Z@kbin.social avatar

Are you planning on porting this to Stylish as well? I got confused at first since I had Stylish already installed.

Tanza OP ,
@Tanza@kbin.social avatar

stylish apparently had some sort of spyware from memory after being bought out to another company, so i'm not going to port it to that, sorry - stylus is just as good and does the same thing

mutant , to RedditMigration in Any change today?
@mutant@kbin.social avatar

reddit will be just fine without you lmfao. the amount of people who chose to leave the platform is several orders of magnitude smaller than the amount of users who will continue using it.

Bendersmember OP ,
@Bendersmember@kbin.social avatar

Time will tell if there's any difference due to people leaving. I think the reason I find it interesting and others do as well is because we aren't given any hard data on the actual amount of users left, how many decided to stay and only lurk going forward, how much of the user base were heavy contributors etc. The pushback also was adamant that there would be zero change, and if they're right then they're right, not going to hurt my feelings.
While I think it sucks that they chose to go the direction they went, which with how much I hate ads forced my hand to walk away, I'm not upset and deeply affected to my core, I know Reddit will keep chugging along without me.
Whole point of this post was to discuss the changes that happened due to us leaving and if they were noticeable.

HiHungryImDad ,

/spez…is that you?

Kichae ,

They're not wrong. There's a few hundred thousand active users here. There are 10s of millions on Reddit.

Most Reddit users straight up do not care about the API, or 3rd party apps, or the shitty management of the site. They want their memes, and their niche communities, and their quirky Reddit shit posting, and all of that is still right there.

Users will leave gradually as the ads get more intrusive, and as development moves towards more psychologically manipulative features, and as Reddit cuts costs.

Moogly ,

The users most affected are the ones most likely to post or curate content. One of those users is more important than a hundred lurkers. So I figure if there’s an effect it’ll be from losing disproportionately valuable OC creators.

I’ve posted so much content across accounts in the realm of a couple million karma in total. It’s not the first time I’ve reflected on content with 20k+ views and figured this benefit is going both ways with Reddit.

If I’ve been as addicted to Reddit as I’ve been for years and I’m still willing to find alternatives I figure there must be some other power users like me. Idk if it’ll actually have any effect but I think it may on at least some smaller communities

Jcb2016 , to RedditMigration in My Reddit GDPR Request took 20 days, this is what it looks like

I went all out and deleted my account out right. didn't care if my comments or what not cameback they where just to reddit. I hit the frontpage 5x in 6 years but that was crossposted content I found on reddit sorting by rising :P Anyway at least you got everything!

AstralJaeger ,
@AstralJaeger@kbin.social avatar

I'm considering to delete my account under GPDR, that would mean they'd have to also delete my conent right?

AshDene ,
@AshDene@kbin.social avatar

I don't believe so. They'd have to remove identifying information, but my imperfect understanding is outside of that they are allowed to keep the content.

BettyWhiteInHD , to RedditMigration in Any change today?
@BettyWhiteInHD@kbin.social avatar

Do you also ask your friends how the girlfriend you just broke up with is doing without you?

Just forget about Reddit and move on, who gives a shit?

Bendersmember OP ,
@Bendersmember@kbin.social avatar

You better tell the mods to delete a good portion of the posts and this entire magazine then... I think it's perfectly normal question to ask and be curious about, if you don't want to hear about Reddit maybe don't sub to this magazine and contribute to the conversation about it?

BettyWhiteInHD ,
@BettyWhiteInHD@kbin.social avatar

Good idea. Good bye.

DougHolland ,

Actually, yeah, I have asked my friends how the girlfriend who dumped me is doing. Caring isn't something you can click on and off like a light switch.

Bendersmember OP ,
@Bendersmember@kbin.social avatar

Thanks, you said it better than I could.

Neato ,
@Neato@kbin.social avatar

Where do you think you are?

hairyscotsman , to RedditMigration in My Reddit GDPR Request took 20 days, this is what it looks like

I edited and deleted all my posts and comments, yet a google search will show all my comments and posts still there. If I edit and delete the posts from the post page it works, but I did it through my profile and it only hid my comments and didn’t even apply the edits…. Kinda frustrated and have no resolution with Reddit. Waiting to see if my comments are still there in my gpdr request.

TheEntity ,

This is not how it works. Google has its own copy, possibly a stale one. Nothing Reddit can do about it. As much as I'd love to blame it on Reddit (or Google for that matter), this is just a search engine working as intended.

hairyscotsman ,

No, this is not google cache. This is the same article on Reddit.com.

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