
dumples , to RedditMigration in While larger, more general communities are thriving on the Fediverse - I'm missing out on the niche communities
@dumples@kbin.social avatar

I've been pretty disappointed with the DnD community so far. So I've been trying to post a lot about the new playtest material in a magazine I want to grow. So far it's like 5 of posting often but I hope the engagement will bring more

ArtieShaw ,
@ArtieShaw@kbin.social avatar

I think what you're doing so far is key. And it's really the hard part. The rest is just being a friendly place.

No one wants to be one of those 5 people howling into the void when something is getting started, but it needs to be done to demonstrate that people are willing to participate. You might also consider posting easy polls or open ended questions to invite engagement. (If you haven't)

FaceDeer ,
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

I just came across https://ttrpg.network/, a Lemmy instance that's specialized toward tabletop roleplaying games. Haven't explored it much but I suspect we'll be seeing this pattern more in the future - whole instances devoted to a particular topic, with the specialized subgenres being communities on there.

NotTheOnlyGamer ,
@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

The more that happens, the more fractured the community becomes, and the easier it will be for a new centralized corporate platform to suck up users. That's how Reddit started in the first place, and how Twitter started. Heck, it's even how LJ started. You look at fractured elements of communities, and build a site for the whole community to come together.

FaceDeer ,
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Except that the "for the whole community to come together" part is already provided by the Fediverse, built right in to the foundations. There's no "service" for the next Reddit to provide to these separate forums because they can already freely exchange with each other. They are not fractured.

NotTheOnlyGamer ,
@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

Sure, just show me the combined DnD/D&D or TTRPG community | magazine | group. It doesn't exist. There are a hundred, or a thousand, individual groups. That's not a whole community. That's a thousand fractal shards, each one with its own voices, independent of one another. Yes, occasionally they do share content or users, but that happens only rarely and with effort. TTRPG Network, Lemmy.ML, KBin.Social, Mastodon.Social, etc., all have various groups dedicated to RPGs. These groups are not able to be combined.

The inability of these groups to combine and independently organizing is a severe weakness of ActivityPub.

FaceDeer ,
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

What you're asking for never existed. Reddit had multiple subreddits devoted to those subjects. Forcing there to be only "one true" community for any given subject is antithetical to the whole concept of free association and free speech, there's always going to be people who disagree with how the subject matter has been divided up and how it's being moderated. They'll want to create their own groups.

You're probably wanting something like Reddit's "multireddit" functionality. I know of this issue for Lemmy, with some links to related issues in the comments. Kbin has one here.

NotTheOnlyGamer ,
@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

No, what I want is r/RPG - a single, central hub for RPG-related topics. Yes, there are also subs for RPGDesign, DnD, DM advice, etc., but RPG serves as both a central community and as a hub for all those more specific groups. There is no way to have a “hub community” on the Fediverse, or to efficiently find all groups which share interests. Groups which had a “largest community” on Reddit will now find themselves shattered and separated. Sure, you can say Federation will save them, but it really won’t. All federation means is that now instead of one community, there’s one per server, and you have to know to subscribe to each and every one of them.

Sure, there’s Mastodon’s Lists feature, which works like a Multireddit, but that’s honestly a lot of effort, and doesn’t cover Lemmy or kbin posts like this one. We need a way to automerge common communities, at least in the user’s view.

FaceDeer ,
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

What you want never existed in the first place. Not only because of those other subreddits you mention, but because Reddit was not the entire sum total of RPG discussion on the Internet. The RPGNet Forums, TheRPGSite forums, RPG PUB, EN World forums, RPG Codex, and innumerable other smaller forums were scattered all around the Internet. You never saw them or their content because none of them are "federated", and so you thought Reddit was the center of the RPG universe.

We now have an opportunity to restructure how diverse separate fora like that can work. If they were all federated then you'd be able to seamlessly view content from all of them, and communicate back without needing to have a separate login at each and every one of them.

If you really want to continue treating /r/RPG as the center of the universe and ignoring all the other fora, well, these new ones on the Fediverse merely add a few more onto the enormous list you were already unknowingly ignoring.

NotTheOnlyGamer ,
@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

I was actually on the RPGNet forums for several years, but the topics, mechanics, and games which I care about became less-discussed over time.

VerifiablyMrWonka , to RedditMigration in PSA: while upvoting exists, to get the "move closer to the top" effect that reddit's upvote had, you need to click boost
@VerifiablyMrWonka@kbin.social avatar

This isn't the case though? Upvotes (aka favourites everywhere else) are what affect the "algorithm" the functionality thats broken is Karma tracking.

Teppic ,
@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

I think actually it's both.

I think Hot and Top are sorted according to upvotes + boosts (weighted x2) less downvotes. I think the plan is reputation will work the same way (once it gets fixed).

...but reading this thread I wonder if that needs a rethink - people seem to boost rather more liberally than expected/intend in order to game this algorithm.

It was thought/expected that, since boosts effectively retweet the comment, they would be used quite sparingly - this is why they have a relatively high significance.

We could probably do with some clarity on all of this because this line of discussion has been repeated many times and there is quite a lot of hearsay and misinformation being parroted. @Ernest ?

curiosityLynx , to RedditMigration in While larger, more general communities are thriving on the Fediverse - I'm missing out on the niche communities

I was part of the Linguistics subreddit, but I don't feel qualified to open a kbin magazine or lemmy community for it. While I did have linguistics as my major in university, I had to quit after getting my bachelor's credits but before finishing my thesis (due to depression).

I edited loads of my old comments to suggest people join kbin, but it seems the mods of /r/linguistics hate that. They were all removed with no exceptions.

Gull ,

This post is helpful for highlighting some of the reasons the migration is slow. People who want to chart the future of the Fediverse need to listen to this kind of feedback and think about how to fix the pipeline.

Doll_Tow_Jet-ski ,

Hi there. I wasn't in the linguistic community in Reddit, but I am a linguist and I would be willing to create one here and moderate it. Linguistics is very broad. What were the topics discussed in the reddit community? I am a psycholingusit, so the focus of my contributions would be mostly in that field, and I imagine mostly scholarly content being shared and discussed, but I would like to know what someone like you, who used to be a member, would expect from such a community.

EDIT: There's already one! : https://kbin.social/m/linguistics

curiosityLynx ,

The posts I saw fell into these rough categories:

  • Sharing articles that are interesting or important to know
  • People asking questions about linguistics (a frequent one was people asking about what some kind of feature is called in the field, kind of "what do I have to search for to learn more about this?")
  • Linguistic studies that were featured in general media (as long as neither the study nor the media coverage is garbage)
  • Stickied FAQ post and a regular general questions post
  • People sharing their own work that they think others might find interesting
  • Podcast episodes and YouTube videos about linguistics that are worth promoting

I think the only things related to linguistics that weren't welcome were posts where people come up with folk etymologies, spreading disproven theories or claiming one language being superior than another.

Conlanging: You'd sometimes see questions about linguistics in general (usually typology) by a conlanger, but I don't think I ever saw anything other than that. I would guess that links relating to conlangs/conlanging were deleted, with a suggestion to post them to /r/conlangs instead.

Doll_Tow_Jet-ski ,

Thanks for the info 👍

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in Great! Reddit just updated their app and it lags AF

It's like they're trying to drive their users away from reddit on purpose, or what?

Rabbithole ,

Nah, they just feel that they have everyone legitimately locked-in now, so there's no need to try anymore...

Meaning that apparently that was them actually trying before, which is a horrifying thought.

SolacefromSilence , to RedditMigration in PSA: while upvoting exists, to get the "move closer to the top" effect that reddit's upvote had, you need to click boost

What does the upvote/downvote do, could someone kindly explain?

Seraph ,

Of course, allow me to illuminate for you what it actually does: Nothing.

Edit: Wow thanks so much for the upvotes everyone that's really productive! Hahaha

TriLevelSync ,


eltimablo ,

The upvote button does nothing, but the downvote button subtracts reputation.

Metaright , to RedditMigration in Reminder: reddit may be dead, but trolls are not.
@Metaright@kbin.social avatar

I wonder if people are going to abuse downvotes and reports. The downvote is not a disagreement button, and reporting just because you find a comment distasteful is not what it should be for.

Niello ,

That'd require you to not be a hypocrite though. If not for disagreeing, then for what reason did you downvote my comment?

Metaright ,
@Metaright@kbin.social avatar

Because I think you're advocating for a very destructive approach to social media.

As an aside, I didn't know you could see who's voted on a comment. How do you view that?

May ,
@May@kbin.social avatar

Its under more, then activity

Boosts = boosts, reduces = downvotes, favourites = upvotes

Metaright ,
@Metaright@kbin.social avatar

Thank you!

Niello ,

So you downvoted because you used it as a disagree button. End of story then?

Anyway, let's put that aside and discuss. How is it destructive? If there is a troll harassing a user then is ignoring it better than reporting the troll? How so?

Let me give you a concrete example. This guy exists https://kbin.social/u/WorldKnows45Won/comments
Why should the comment he called the other guy "retard" not be reported? Not only that, the same guy made troll posts sprading misinformation like Trump winning the 2020 election, so it's clear it isn't just a one time thing either. And in the future when there are more bots and troll accounts running around, why would not reporting them be the better option?

Metaright ,
@Metaright@kbin.social avatar

I am of the belief that banning users or deleting posts, even inflammatory ones, harms free speech and hinders open communication. If you feel a user is "harassing" you (insofar as that's even possible, given you can freely ignore their comments), attempting to have the user banned just pushes the community toward becoming an echo clamber. I say this because people are very, very bad at distinguishing harassment from mere heated disagreement in the first place.

Niello ,

So if someone make a wrong accusation of someone else or if they make a death threat or doxx someone the comment should just stay up. Am I hearing your position correctly?

And I think you missing something. People perceptions are different and they aren't necessarily "correct", yours and mine included. Report doesn't automatically remove someone, but it does allow admins and mods to see it, in other word, get a third party to look at it. Multiple reports also mean more people thinking this is harmful. Just because you don't agree with other people's perception doesn't mean they are wrong and you're right or vice versa. Not to mention that certain kinds of harassments and hate speeches directly break the ToS.

Furthermore, reporting != banning. Reporting on a comment is the voice in that comment is listened to, and it's been decided that it's harmful.

Metaright ,
@Metaright@kbin.social avatar

You make some very good points that I hadn't really thought of, honestly. It seems like I didn't consider the full implications of my position. I still like to tend toward leaving things up, but I agree with you now that that probably has to have its limits somewhere.

Niello , (edited )

I think it's nice to have a spectrum of agreement on "this is okay", as long as we don't stray into the more universally agreed "this is not okay". It's probably one of the more robust ways to decide where to draw the line when in reality a hard line doesn't exist.

vtez44 , to RedditMigration in I created a webview shell for the kbin.social site

What's the difference between this and the site shortcut?

anemomylos OP ,
@anemomylos@kbin.social avatar

My need was to open the site in a dedicated browser to keep it separate from the default browser, so I put together some code I had available from other projects to create this app. I have shared it in case it might be useful to others, although for most people using the default browser to view the site is the best choice.

fishos ,

In the drop down menu in your mobile browser, there should be a "install as app" choice. That does exactly what your code does.

ChillChillinChinchilla ,
@ChillChillinChinchilla@kbin.social avatar

Thanks. I'm technologically dumb and have been working with a site link I made a button on my homescreen somehow - except I keep forgetting to close all the tabs cause it just opens a new one in my mobile browser everytime.

I had 0 chance of getting op's thingy to work on my own but what you suggested worked.

fishos ,

No problem; glad it helped 🙂

aeternum , to RedditMigration in I created a webview shell for the kbin.social site

Nice work! Thanks!

Cal , to RedditMigration in RIP RIF
@Cal@kbin.social avatar

Weird. RIF still works here.

1stq ,
@1stq@kbin.social avatar

Are you still logged in?
It still works as read only, after logging out.

Cal ,
@Cal@kbin.social avatar

Not logged in. Seems to be only read mode.

Fatbuddha , to RedditMigration in RIP RIF

The Creator of RIF says they are working on tildes.net, I don't believe that's part of the fediverse sadly. I really know very little about tildes anyone know why they would choose that over trying to build for Lemmy or kbin?

elscallr ,
@elscallr@kbin.social avatar

That's interesting, though. I haven't used Tildes but I got real used to rif's interface and this is taking some getting used to.

Bendersmember ,
@Bendersmember@kbin.social avatar

I'm on tildes, it's really refreshing and easy to use.
Main difference is that it seems to cater more of a serious adult conversations, which after years of being able to predict most comments before looking in Reddit, is very refreshing.
Lots less memes, communities are pre set and can't be created, seems to be to make sure to populate them before creating sub categories that people may see as in active and avoid.
Overall it feels like fedworld is best overall experience, squabbles is memes and lighthearted and tildes is more deep and thought out style of interaction.

AnonymousLlama , to RedditMigration in Fuck Reddit u̶p̶v̶o̶t̶e̶ boost party!
@AnonymousLlama@kbin.social avatar

A fair number of people seem to be spilling out into Lemmy, kbin, squabbles and other places. Be keen to see how the growth accelerates over the next few weeks as people weigh up their options.

zcd OP ,

I think once some nice 3rd party apps get rolling we’ll see a lot more adoption as well

LaKris ,

Yeah, memmy has helped me transition from apollo.

Dark_Blade ,
@Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

Memmy’s done a phenomenal job at making the Threadiverse more accessible. I bet when it comes out, tons of people will suddenly find it far easier to use Lemmy.

Snowfall , to RedditMigration in Welp, I just deleted my 12 year old, 240k+ karma Reddit account
@Snowfall@kbin.social avatar

Just killed mine a few ago. I was on for 9 years and although I was more of a lurker, I had some good times on there. So many good saved content, so many liked posts and comments, so many laughs and memories. I am ready to focus on kbin and start that all over here. Its like a good relationship that ended but I am ready to move on.

akai OP ,
@akai@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, going through my old posts and comments was fun and sad at the same time. BUT! I know I'll make more fun memories here so yay!

elk_1337 , to RedditMigration in RIP RIF

Same, Apollo just crashes, I was hoping for some sort of miracle compromise lol

Wisely ,

I was hoping he put something special in like a countdown with that last update. Or that you could still open it and see something. App is totally dead.

Update: Apparently Reddit killed all the third party apps themselves early. Probably knowing we would comment only to protest and complain.

sudo ,
@sudo@lemmy.fmhy.ml avatar

A link to Lemmy would have been good.

Teppic OP ,
@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

There is one if you open RIF now :)
Edit: typo

pizza_rolls , to RedditMigration in Unlike previous attempts at trying reddit alternatives (like Voat), kbin and much of the lemmyverse doesn’t seem to be plagued with extreme far right buffoonery.
@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

This thread has been great for cultivating my block list, thanks OP

argv_minus_one ,

Don’t forget to report bigots as well as blocking them.

hotpotato138 , to men in Men's lack of received desirability.

I agree that men get complimented less than women. However, that shouldn't prevent them from feeling content with themselves. Some women are pretty straightforward with their compliments. I met some women who told me I'm hot. I wasn't even dating them.

Mshuser OP ,

You're right it shouldn't. Men can absolutely find happiness and contentment through other men's. My point wasn't even about compliments, it was about addressing the other side of desirability that the original post talks about. Women do give out compliments to men as nothing more than a compliment, but how many of them take an active role in making a man feel wanted, making him feel like he's being seduced and pursued by her? This is the bit I was talking about.

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