
learnbyexample , to Linux in Any recommendation books for learning Linux internals for the recent kernels?
@learnbyexample@programming.dev avatar
heyfluxay , to Fediverse in Time to ditch Twitter/X, what are you guys switching to?

I tried out Mastodon last November and it was the perfect alternative for me. Connecting with more interesting people each week and I am loving the experience still to this day.

I have several friends that still use Twitter but discord has been the solution to keep in touch. Haven’t been able to delete my accounts yet.

Destragras , to Fediverse in Could popular forums implement ActivityPub and connect to the Fediverse?
@Destragras@kbin.social avatar

In the meantime, https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmyBB exists.

GeekFTW ,
@GeekFTW@kbin.social avatar


RandoCalrandian , to men in UK: Abused partners who kill their partner to get lighter sentences under Sally's law
@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

Oh great, another incentive for women to lie about abuse. This edition protects murderers!

Tedesche , to men in UK: Abused partners who kill their partner to get lighter sentences under Sally's law

I’m not against the law on principle, but I also suspect it won’t be applied equally between male and female victims.

Halafax ,

I think I am against this, for 2 reasons. First, we want to encourage people who can't stand each other to get away from each other, not kill each other. Second, putting this option out there means people will try to use it, whether or not it actually applies.

Pizzafeet , to men in People in the mainstream should stop saying "Toxic Masculinity", "Patriarchy", and yes, even "Feminism"

We have always referred to toxic gender roles for women as misogyny or internalised misogyny, so I would argue that we should use the equivalent term, misandry instead of toxic masculinity.

Tedesche ,

This. Feminists don’t use the term “toxic femininity” (even though I’ve seen many claim it’s used—I’ve never seen an instance of a feminist using it), they say “internalized sexism/misogyny.” So, the equivalent term for men should be “internalized misandry.”

hetscop , to Fediverse in Is PeerTube a good Youtube alternative?

Depends on in what way you're looking for a youtube alternative!

I think peertube might be fine if you're looking for a way to host your own videos, but it's propably not a good place to just browse for video content the way you might with youtube. I think the most solid alternative for that is Nebula. It costs like a dollar a month IIRC and has a couple big name video easayist kind of types. It doesn't really have anything to do with the fediverse or anything, but a majority of it is owned by the creators and from what I understand it is more generous per view than youtube, plus it has a buissiness model that doesn't rely on serving you adds and selling your data.

Auster OP ,

Iirc, Nebula is one of those NFT video hosting sites I found, so not much of an option. And regarding lack of contents, all social medias start like that, so I don't see it as a problem per se, since it can potentially still grow.

CanOpener ,

Maybe you found a different Nebula? nebula.tv is subscription based and has nothing to do with NFTs.

impiri ,

I think you have this mixed up with something else. The Nebula service described above is at nebula.tv

Xeelee ,
@Xeelee@kbin.social avatar

That's completely wrong. Nebula has nothing to do with NFTs whatsoever.

trynn , to Fediverse in Why is it called Fediverse / Federation?
@trynn@kbin.social avatar

You're applying the political science definition of 'federation' and not the computer science definition. They are different. Federation in CompSci terms has to do with networking providers using standardization to interoperate, which is exactly what the fediverse does.

Pamasich OP ,
@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, someone else already pointed this out to me. All I was aware of (and got from google when checking) was the political definition, so I thought that's all there is to it. I guess this is one of those cases where I should have probably asked ai instead of google because I'm sure I would have been informed of this that way.

Clovermite , to RedditMigration in On Coining a New Term
@Clovermite@sffa.community avatar

I like the name “Threadiverse” so I’ll start using it.

With that being said

a term like internet; that doesn’t need to communicate anything other than what the platform is.

I have to disagree that the term doesn’t need explanation as a result of it being cleverly created. I think it’s because the internet is just so widespread a phenomenon that everyone knows about it. I agree that a good name can help catalyze the popularity, but I think very few things are actually self-explanatory.

SNEEZ OP , (edited )
@SNEEZ@kbin.social avatar

oh yeah; I wasn't saying it doesn't need explaining--but that once it's explained it's easily remembered

what I was pointing out there is that reddit's name contains pointless obfuscation, and random info like the fact that reddit is red--and that when you're coining a term, not forging a brand, you don't have to do that nonsense

tn0000 , to Linux in Linux - video editing software?

DaVinci Resolve has a native Linux version, with the caveat that it can’t import mp4 files (have to convert them to another format beforehand with a tool like ffmpeg.) You also may have to do some tinkering based on your hardware - Arch Wiki has a good compatibility table, though the Debian packages will probably not match what Arch Wiki has listed, and you’ll need to use the installer from the Resolve website since I don’t think Debian has it in their repos.

If you’re looking for something free & open source, Kdenlive is also a great option, though it doesn’t have nearly as much functionality as its more professional-grade counterparts.

christos , to Linux in Linux - video editing software?
@christos@lemmy.world avatar

for me open-shot is great, and pitivi.

Bozicus , to RedditMigration in On Coining a New Term

I’m happy to see people thinking about this, but I think that the existence of Meta’s Threads makes any use of the word “thread” an unnecessary association with Meta, if not an outright advertisement. Deeper meaning has, historically, never been as important for controlling how a term is used as sheer numbers. Way more people are using “Threads” to refer to the Meta product than are talking about the fediverse at all, and none of them are going to care why we should have dibs on “thread” as part of our name. They’ll just go, “threadiverse? Is that like Threads? Threads is just ads, I don’t know why you’d want to use it.”

As an alternative, I like “forumverse,” because Lemmy and kbin remind me of old-school forums, and it still links up with “fediverse” because of the “verse,” and because the word has the same rhythm. But I usually just tell my friends I’m on Lemmy, since I browse through a Lemmy instance, and that greatly influences my experience. I don’t mind adding that Lemmy is just one platform for accessing the same content, because it launches me into an explanation of how this is not a corporation-owned discussion space.

Verity_kindle ,

I agree, they're pimping "threads" so hard, any other social media entity will have a tough time with "thread" in the title. The play store is promoting threads on nearly every search page.

@SNEEZ@kbin.social avatar

meta only owns the concept of threads if we let them; but that aside forumverse is almost as good a term--it just doesn't rhyme with fediverse--

it's not like we're naming any platform "threadiverse"--it's just a useful technical term for the thread-based forum part of the fediverse

xc2215x , to RedditMigration in Still yet another article listing Reddit alternatives, but surprisingly this one mentions both Lemmy & Kbin

Makes sense since those are the two best alternatives.

ono , to Fediverse in universal IDs for threadiverse items (re kbin-core #635)

A unique ID doesn’t have to be long, opaque, and ugly like a UUID. All you need is a <locally-unique-number> + <originating-intance-domain>. Add a prefix to distinguish its type from other things at that domain, and you’ve got an ID that’s unique, readable, and easy to troubleshoot.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

that would certainly make it nicer! I do not know about the limits of randomness. As long as it would be enough to avoid all the instances that will ever exist accidentally bumping into each other's content.

We already have the IDs you mention in the URLs though, right? In the post I used as the example, the author's home instance URL for the item is https://lebowski.social/post/12337

  • <locally-unique-number> = 12337
  • <originating-intance-domain> = lebowski.social

To make things really simple (at least for the end user), instead of having a UUID, you just have a way that can be easily learned to transform the URL by copy/paste by hand, and would also lend itself to programmatic manipulation:

check out [this post](/local/lebowski.social/post/12337)

I still am thinking there must be some reason why this isn't done because it seems very obvious. Either it is more difficult to implement across federation than I am guessing, or there are use cases I am not considering.

ono ,

We already have the IDs you mention in the URLs though, right? In the post I used as the example, the author’s home instance URL for the item is lebowski.social/post/12337

Yes, the needed information is already present in those URLs, but as URLs, they instruct the browser to leave the current site and visit the origin instance, which is not what we want. To get the desired behavior, we would want:

  • Those two fields combined in a distinct format (not easily confused with a URL).
  • An obvious way for readers to get the global ID for any message they see (perhaps with the community/magazine name embedded, to make finding the source forum easy for humans who see it)
  • Apps (including the web interface) displaying each global ID as a link to the nearest copy of its message (local copy when available, origin instance copy as a fallback)
  • An easy way to manually navigate to any message by entering its global ID

a way that can be easily learned to transform the URL by copy/paste by hand

Yep. That’s the kind of ID we want. :)

cacheson , to /kbin in Is there a way to save links and threads on Kbin?
@cacheson@kbin.social avatar

The "boost" feature works well for this

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