charonn0 , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service avatar

If your business can’t survive without paying slave wages then your business shouldn’t survive.

roofuskit ,

And they don’t get that it’s not the regulations demanding fair wages that are the enemy. It’s low wages and high costs for their potential customers that is killing their business.

mozz , (edited )

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  • A_Random_Idiot , avatar

    They got a PPP loan.

    but the question is. Did they use the PPP loan like they were supposed to?

    because so many of those PPP loans just ended up being free money for owners/executives and the bottom rung workers who needed it most didnt see a dime.

    thecrotch ,

    “No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.” -FDR

    If you want to use a quote to make a point about equalitariansm maybe don’t pick one from a guy who threw 200,000 Americans into concentration camps

    mozz ,

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  • thecrotch ,

    Much better

    GrindingGears ,

    Came here to say the same thing. It’s crazy how these people put on blast how they basically don’t have a viable business. Guess it doesn’t take brains or business sense to open a restaurant though. Just about the worst kind of business you could open.

    GnomeKat , avatar

    Also why is their voice so fucking amplified. Like why are we forced to hear their whiny bitching about how they have to pay a marginally better wage to their employees. ABC just went out of their way to find one annoying prick and gave them a platform to spew their procapitalist garbage. And if you have ever eaten at a place like this, the food is the most generic bland shit imaginable. These are the pricks who are complaining, exactly the kinda entitled fuckers you would expect.

    A_Random_Idiot , avatar


    Plenty of places are thriving with higher minimum wage.

    This restaurant crying this hard isnt because they cant afford the wages. Its that owners grew fat on the exploitation, and will now have to slim their excess to pay proper, fair wages.

    inclementimmigrant , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    Most other countries pay their servers a decent wage and don’t make them rely on tips to survive and those countries have a shit ton of great restaurants that I’ve eaten at.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

    California does

    Kolanaki , avatar

    Not even with the new law is their pay decent for this state.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

    I guess my point was it’s not 2.17

    gataloca , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    I mean the difference between them and they employees is that they can sell their restaurant when they want to quit at a good profit while their employees have to leave with only the clothes on their back.

    Trollception ,

    Not necessarily. Many restaurants lease the space and profit margins can be tight. It’s not some golden goose to own a restaurant, unless it’s super popular and you always have customers… Or sell lots of beer/liquor.

    roofuskit , (edited ) to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    Lol, “we can’t serve lunch to rich people unless someone is payed starvation wages” is not the high ground they think it is.

    You know they’re idiots because someone approved using papyrus for their sign.

    CubbyTustard ,
    andrew , avatar

    I suspect that the same someone who approved that sign also designed it themselves to save a buck and then later had a meltdown about their lack of employer rights.

    _number8_ , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    lolll it’s a fine dining restaurant too. nothing worse than making dozens of meals per hour that each cost far more than you make per hour

    jonne ,

    I bet rent takes a bigger chunk out of their business compared to wages, but you never hear these types complain about their landlord.

    rockstarmode ,

    In Redding? No chance. Labor is usually about 30% of gross sales, about the same as COGS (ingredients). Recommended rent and associated fees are in the 6-10% range of gross sales. I don’t imagine Redding has sky high rents like an urban center.

    partial_accumen , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    “Employers are unprotected. We have no rights. We don’t get overtime or breaks. The only thing we get is what’s left over after everyone else takes their cut. At some point, the risk outweighs the reward.”

    Right, that’s what Entrepreneurship is. You take the big risks for the potential for big rewards. If you’re not earning enough after paying all the bills, maybe your business model isn’t viable.

    Garbanzo ,

    Imagine being such a dumbass that you can’t figure out how to make your business look superficially good and sell it to some schmuck or load it up with debt and bail. Employers have the game completely rigged in their favor, they just have to know how to play the game. It’s shocking that someone who decided living in Redding was a good idea would be so stupid.

    NewNewAccount ,

    They sound so entitled. Too bad they’re not profitable enough to hire a PR consultant because his statement was horrible.

    tburkhol , (edited )

    If he’s not getting paid enough working for himself, he should go work for someone who pays better and offers all those breaks and overtime.

    echo64 ,

    They don’t even take big risks. The company does. If they fund the company themselves rather than get an investment or a loan, they are just bad at the job. If the company fails, then the worst thing that happens to an entrepreneur is that they have to find a real job like the rest of us.

    NataliePortland , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service avatar

    The restaurant across the street just doubled their business. That’s capitalism.

    yuki2501 , avatar

    No, that’s Free Market. Capitalism is what this restaurant is doing to its workers.

    ApathyTree , (edited ) to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service avatar

    The statement from them is rich.

    “We, as business owners, do not feel that we are the ones exploiting people. We pay huge taxes, fees, licenses, inspections, Workman’s Comp, insurance, you name it. We do this for the right to work really hard, and to create jobs. Yet…we are being told that WE are the reason why people can’t afford their rent. We are told we should pay everyone more, while we work harder, and for less. Employers are unprotected. We have no rights. We don’t get overtime or breaks. The only thing we get is what’s left over after everyone else takes their cut. At some point, the risk outweighs the reward.

    For us, we cannot accept more liability and expense. We have to pay our rent, too. So we are reducing our costs. Reducing our liability. We are concentrating our efforts on the area that is most successful. Tanya and I, as most other business owners, are tired of hearing how it’s our fault people can’t afford their lives; tired of being told we need to work harder so other people can have more; tired of being told we should be happy with having less, working more, being liable and responsible for everyone and everything, so other people can have a better life.”

    Boo-fucking-hoo. Just do it and don’t grandstand about it, nobody fucking cares how hard you think it is to be upper middle class.

    return2ozma OP , avatar

    I rolled my eyes the entire article. These entitled twats!

    BaldProphet , avatar

    I'm definitely not upper-middle-class, but I have attempted to run a one-man business before. I used semantics to dodge certain state licensing requirements (I was a "consultant" instead of a "technician") which would have cost me more than 50% of my annual profit. The state definitely adds a lot of nonsense costs to running a business that do little more than protect existing businesses from new competition and discourage lower-income people from attempting to start businesses of their own.

    rowrowrowyourboat ,

    Yeah, so they should be complaining about that. People would support them. Not complain about workers making more money and sounding like entitled brats.

    Jaysyn , (edited ) to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service avatar

    Get fucked.

    If your company can't pay a living wage, it doesn't deserve to exist.

    Does Lemmy have a !RemindMe bot yet? Because I give these entitled assholes 6 months.

    inclementimmigrant ,

    For the past two years, the Stedmans have had their restaurant—which they opened 18 years ago—up for sale. The couple says dinner has been, and will continue to be, what drives the restaurant, whether it’s under their ownership or the next.

    They’re just whiney Karens.

    fujiwood , (edited ) to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

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  • Kolanaki , (edited ) avatar

    Edit: Before someone says something dumb. How did people survive before franchises again? Did everyone starve and die?

    Not every restaurant survived then, either. If you got rid of franchises, you still wouldn’t be getting rid of everyone who wants to run a restaurant. People will still choose one over another and the one people aren’t choosing to patronize will go under.

    fujiwood , (edited )

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  • Kolanaki , (edited ) avatar

    Just because it’s independent doesn’t mean the owner isn’t just as greedy. Remember: every major corporation started off as a small, independent business. No business starts off as a megacorp.

    fujiwood ,

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  • Kolanaki , (edited ) avatar

    I’ve lived through the same conditions myself, but I still have the advantage of being able to look at history and see that from 1955 when it started until the 80’s, the average McDonald’s franchise worker still was paid a living wage for their respective time periods.

    The problem isn’t the model of business. It’s the greed of the people who run the business. The only laws necessary to fix this problem are keeping minimum wage up with inflation and the cost of living. If $16/hour isn’t a living wage (such as it is in California), the minimum needs to be higher. If the business can not provide that, they can not afford the cost of doing business and deserve to go out of business.

    The wage problem is not caused by the franchise model. It’s not even exclusive to franchised businesses; it’s practically every single business across all sectors. From retail and customer service, to tech and medical care positions. If they’re not compelled to pay you enough to survive, they won’t. The libertarian idea that businesses will self-regulate is a delusion that doesn’t happen in reality. They must be compelled through law to be safe and fair or they’re just going to do whatever they can get away with.

    A_Random_Idiot , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service avatar

    “If you can make $20/hour at Taco Bell, with no experience, how much money do you think I’m going to have to pay a cook, who actually has experience?” Stedman continued. “I have to compete with that. Worse, I have to compete for somebody who has zero cooking experience. None, none at all!”


    highenergyphysics , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    Awe does the poor wittle business owner want another handout?

    Get fucked and go bankrupt fucking parasite.

    Donjuanme , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    Redding is as close to not California as it comes. They can fuck off to Jefferson, or oreida or whatever they want to call it.

    But please send the owner of Mom’s restaurant somewhere more friendly when you do?

    SinningStromgald , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    What a bunch of entitled bullshit. I look forward to his businesses failure.

    Fedizen , to Work Reform in 'We have no rights.' Frustrated with California wage laws, Moonstone Bistro in Redding cuts lunch service

    Rich asshole bad at business, good at getting whiny complaints broadcasted to public.

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