blunderworld , to RedditMigration in Boost for Lemmy is coming! Same author as Boost for reddit, I double checked just to be sure, it's the same author!

Can’t wait to try Reddit for Lemmy

Lifecoach5000 ,

Have you tried Lemmy for Reddit?

RoboRay , avatar

I'd be more interested in Lemmy for Reddit for Lemmy.

Its_Always_420 , avatar

What about Leddit for Remmy?

Technological_Elite OP ,

Maybe on another heart attack from my brain creating a jumbled word salad.

TheSpookiestUser , to RedditMigration in The whiteout delivers a clear message! avatar

Now, how many of the people that helped to do this are actually willing to leave the platform?

FixedFun , avatar

-20000000, yeah it goes to negatives

DarthYoshiBoy , to RedditMigration in The whiteout delivers a clear message! avatar

I'm just going to venture a guess now that at the completion of this event, they're not going to have the usual video progression montage that they have done in years past. There would be far too many hard cuts for it to be as sterile as they'd like while still showing the progress through the event.

Calcharger , avatar

I'm sure someone else was grabbing screen grabs of the event for the duration. Looking forward to watching all the FUCK SPEZ

genoxidedev1 , avatar

Funny Fuck Spez compilation (YOU WILL LAUGH 100%)

MonochromeObserver , avatar

@DarthYoshiBoy they don't seem to censor anything on youtube compilations

genoxidedev1 , avatar

They don't need to cut anything so far they posted every days timelapse mostly complete and didn't censor the fuck spez messages.

I could imagine them cutting the very end out though.

Thagthebarbarian ,

They’ve been having no issue posting the progression clips to TikTok

Ferk , avatar
Teppic OP , to RedditMigration in The whiteout delivers a clear message! avatar

This image is the whole canvas. To whoever planned this. Hats off my friend, it's brilliant!

Levsgetso , avatar

It was Rubius. Originally the colour pallete was changed to black, white and grey but Reddit removed everything except white when people started writing fuck spez.

Teppic OP , avatar

It was clearly planned. It was quickly stencilled out by a network of bots / people using a script. It is a precise font size and spacing.

Once it started, well, everybody else understood the assignment, you could watch it filling out in real time.

HipPriest ,

Damn good bit of sabotage. I knew that something would be waiting at the end before the admins could stop it

abff08f4813c ,

Well done!

gfrewqpoiu ,

It was actually the r/placeDE community. Two of our designers quickly cobbled it together in Photoshop and then shared the final design with a bunch of communities and streamers, including Papaplatte, Rubius, placeFR, placeNL and others.

hoodatninja , to RedditMigration in A meme about /r/Place avatar

I get the sentiment but I’ve also seen decent media coverage of it and I’m sure many folks googled what was happening as a result, especially since twitch was more formally involved this time. I know the German word for “son of a whore” surged in google searches so that’s something lol

Does it drive traffic? Yeah. Does it make Huffman seethe? He’s childish and thin skinned so probably lol

MrTru ,

Exactly. Huffman wants people to forget, so the whole point of the protest is to remind everyone that he's a scumbag.

possiblylinux127 , to RedditMigration in r/places is back up, hopefully there's plenty of this going around this time avatar

Is this real?

atzanteol ,

Yep. A good section of it at least. Other anti-spez stuff in there too. Can’t imagine why they thought this was a good time to do this…

Hegar , avatar

They didn't. It's been delayed again and again since April and they just decided not to wait any longer. Reddit has admitted it's not a great time for this.

fiat_lux , to RedditMigration in r/places is back up, hopefully there's plenty of this going around this time

I just assumed the current place was a way of honeypotting dissenting organised accounts. It wouldn't be the first time place had mod/administrator drama. Granted last time they were just overwriting pixel data, but logging account id and timestamps in addition to a hex code is pretty trivial extra code.

doge_d_aspin , avatar

u/chtorrr placing pixels without cooldown in r/Place(2022), I will never forget that scum

parrot-party , avatar

I fail to see the goal of "finding dissenters". Reddit wants users. They aren't going to ban users for placing pixels. Besides, they already know the worst dissenters because they write fuck spez in their comments.

fiat_lux , (edited )

They can flag the accounts and shadowban based on metrics. Keeps them in total user count, might drive more signups too afterwards. They know who writes "fuck spez" in comments, but they don't know which accounts are run by single people or coordinated groups. Place potentially provides some of that information.

Reddit wants users who engage authentically with content, generate interesting content, and interact with ads. High-intent users, not people who coordinate to post "fuck spez" and bad-mouth Reddit.

Whether they're forward planning enough to realise that is another issue altogether.

Madison_rogue , to RedditMigration in r/places is back up, hopefully there's plenty of this going around this time avatar

Here's the current status...

UnhappyCamper , avatar

That's a lot of fuck spez

AnonymousLlama OP , avatar

I love it more and more. Great to see it

unabatedshagie , to RedditMigration in r/places is back up, hopefully there's plenty of this going around this time avatar

That’s awesome. 😂

AnonymousLlama OP , avatar

Wonder how long it'll be up for! Hopefully it lasts until the end and we get a nice big banner out of it

indigojasper , to Fediverse in Pixelfed is adding a Sign In with Mastodon option avatar

good to know because honestly after Meta forcing a clone of my Insta account onto Threads (which I'll never use), really considering finally cutting ties with all mainstream social media and deleting my Insta in favor of Pixelfed. and just going total fediverse.

Ragnell , avatar

Me too. I need to figure out how streaming works on Peertube.

FreeBooteR69 , avatar

Streaming is more difficult since you have to create a viewership from basically nothing, while sites like Twitch, Kick, and Youtube have a massive userbase for streaming content. You can join a peertube instance but there seems to be little content and few users. Owncast is ok, basically more like hosting your own Twitch channel, but again you would need to byo userbase. You can use mastodon/kbin/lemmy to build up a following. Not sure if anyone has made a stable income from these services though.

Couple resources for people to look-up:

Ragnell , avatar

Yeah, video hosting is going to be the tough one. It's very costly for volunteers.

pixelpusher220 , avatar

And I'd think much more likely to be subject to copyright claims and/or child porn crap. it's bittorrent type sharing so it opens up to a world of legal pain it would seem. Really hard for a volunteer setup to deal with that.

Ragnell , avatar

I guess you'll just have to resign yourselves to never seeing my beautiful, snake-framed face.

This could be a plus.

Retr0mantic , avatar

This is the way.

DigitalTraveler42 , to Fediverse in Map of the fediverse, found on Wikipedia

I hate how this infographic doesn’t have details for the logos who’s names aren’t spelled out.

LollerCorleone , to Fediverse in So, I guess Threads is officially spyware... Not at all shocked, but, Jesus that's a lot of data they're wanting. avatar

What else did you expect from Meta?

Rabbithole OP ,

Oh, I expected absolutely nothing else.

godless , to Fediverse in So, I guess Threads is officially spyware... Not at all shocked, but, Jesus that's a lot of data they're wanting. avatar

I've reported it as spyware on google play. Let's see if they ever get around to answering :-P

Stormy404 , avatar

ah yes, reporting spyware to the company famous for having spyware on literally everything they make

godless , avatar

True, but google might have enough spite to stick it to meta, who knows.

Little8Lost , to Fediverse in So, I guess Threads is officially spyware... Not at all shocked, but, Jesus that's a lot of data they're wanting.

and likely that is the reason why it did not come to EU on start

falconhoof , avatar

It's exactly the reason the EU shut the door on them.

redditsucks , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

Sorry for the dumb question… what’s the history that’s repeating?

tal , avatar

I assume that he's comparing the migration of Digg users to Reddit when Digg rolled out its very unpopular v4 interface to Reddit making the current changes to their policies today.

In the past, Reddit has cited not wanting to be in Digg's shoes as a reason for keeping around the interface for users who did not like the new one, so not wanting to do a Digg v4 is a consideration that I believe has been on the minds of the company in past years.

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