UnhappyCamper , to Fediverse in Map of the fediverse, found on Wikipedia avatar

I only just learned about the fediverse at the downfall of Reddit, so seeing how vast it is (in my eyes anyways) is quite interesting. I didn't know any of this existed.

ImaginaryFox ,

Yeah, the media alternatives was something I did not know about.

PaulDevonUK , to Fediverse in Map of the fediverse, found on Wikipedia avatar

Maybe I am too synical but how come Lemmy is in the exact centre of this graphic?

Codedheart , avatar

Lemmy seems to have gotten the lions share of reddit migrants. Which is fine mostly, it's got good features and seems to be the popular pick. But with all the posts I've been seeing lately it really seems like many Lemmy users think Lemmy is all there is. I personally don't give a shit how you are viewing the fediverse, but to me any boasting about your particular instance reads like you're bragging about the designer of your glasses...

Poggervania , avatar

I think that’s because those kind of users either want the Fediverse to be Reddit 2.0 instead of its own thing, or they want to be swept up in the drama and feel like they stuck it to Spez. Like it’s weird to see some of the Reddit-specific communities like r/196 be on here and people already making Reddit-tier inside jokes in the Fediverse like the 3 days of pooping.

Codedheart , avatar

Yeah I think it's kinda cringe. I had to block m/196 cause I just do not care.

theinspectorst , avatar

Lemmy seems to have gotten the lions share of reddit migrants

According to, Lemmy (all instances) has 70,412 active users while kbin (all instances) has 61,811. That's a 53%-47% split - technically a narrow majority, but the reality is that both services have picked up 'about half' of the new users. (I focused here on active users, as the total users stats are badly skewed by the problem a few weeks ago where several Lemmy instances that don't validate accounts were overrun by bots.)

It's not obviously enough to justify Lemmy getting special attention or Lemmy users not being aware the Threadiverse is bigger than just Lemmy.

forpeace OP ,

Wow I thought many more people had gone to Lemmy. I'm looking forward to getting apps that can connect to more parts of the fediverse. Something that let's you compile a feed that includes things like PeerTube content.

lowdownfool , avatar

I think because it overlaps Networking, Books, and Writing. Not sure how it involves books. Also, kbin and others should be in writing as well.

brunox , avatar

yeah, i don’t think that much should be read into it. But in any case, the source does not seem to higlight Lemmy in particular in any way.

be_excellent_to_each_other , to Fediverse in Full, expanded list of all the data points and their purposes that Meta's Threads collect and link to user accounts. It's even more insane than you might've thought. avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • 0x4E4F , avatar

    This is /s, right?

    Feweroptions ,

    People are actually suggesting that. Shills maybe?

    fearout OP , (edited ) avatar

    I think a lot of those are just people who want to be able to talk to their non-techy friends within the fediverse, but who also either haven’t yet realized the full scale of Threads’ privacy overreach, or they don’t give a shit/think it’s irrelevant since they don’t plan to use threads themselves.

    ggadget6 ,

    Correct. I don't care because I already use Facebook messenger and Instagram which do exactly the same things. However if there's another good option of interacting with threads users without using the app that would be nice

    EnderWi99in , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

    The difference was Reddit had already built up a reasonably comparable audience when Digg imploded so the migration was easy. If you look at a similar graph of Reddit today and Lemmy/Kbin, you probably wouldn't even see these tools register with the active user base of Reddit so high. I think "rhyme" of history is that another service will eventually win, and it might be ours, but it's more akin to the fall of the British Empire than an overnight event.

    Paesan , avatar

    Digg had bled users to reddit over the course of a few years before the big one. Many users had accounts on both for that period as well.

    "This was on reddit yesterday" was a top comment on Digg often enough.

    rafoix ,

    Yeah, Reddit seems like a place where TikTok videos live on forever.

    yesbabyyy , to RedditMigration in Hi kbinners! Fuck spez

    excellent memework!

    Thorvid_botlakhan , to RedditMigration in Minecraft is leaving Reddit avatar

    Reddit behaved in such a horrible way, that I feel like API pricing was the least of the bad...

    One could argue about their fairness and aim to destroy 3rd party apps, and I had already closed my accounts at that very step.

    But the way they treated mods, forced subs to open and behaved like pure evil assholes, I really see how companies or more "official" subreddits with a touch of interest in their users, would feel the desire to leave and close bridges

    Limitless_screaming , avatar

    I don't even care about the API prices and I used to use the official Reddit mobile app before migrating.

    I've been looking for an open source Reddit like platform since the Twitter drama started and people started migrating to Mastodon, but there wasn't much content on them, until now, so I jumped on the band wagon.

    Yasuke ,

    I felt this. I just honestly needed another option and so star this seems to be it. I don’t understand the difference between kbin and lemmy. I’m hoping apps just end up supporting both platforms/instances.

    mxjzm , avatar

    I feel the same way.
    As an Apollo user, I didn’t immediately leave since I wanted to see if some agreement would be done.

    But the way they treated the devs is insulting, I work on IT and know a bit of how complex and time consuming this is; doing all this work just to be considered a parasite to be cut, and seeing how horrible the AMA was; really showed Reddit’s true colors.

    Currently liking this federated initiative, big potential and less company ruining agenda. Very comfy here.

    MsPenguinette ,

    If Apollo works things out with reddit, I'd be willing to consider keeping reddit as a secondary source of content. But I think that bridge has been burnt so bad that that is highly unlikely

    Pixelologist , avatar

    The Apollo dev (Christian) is understandably not interested in working with reddit at all at this point.

    As an aside is a fediverse web app that's heavily inspired by apollo

    donald , to RedditMigration in I definitely think r/gaming has the biggest banger of a privated notice avatar

    If this is how the admins choose to act, so fucking be it. I'll deltree my 12 year old account and never go back. As it stands, the fediverse is already my new home, and the users who decide to remain on reddit can explain to all the new users what the fuck went wrong.

    Bostondrivingisworse ,

    The only people on reddit who are against the blackout are conservative assholes who hate picket lines. They're going to be the majority of remaining users.

    JasSmith ,

    Nah I’m “conservative” (at least that’s what they call me on Reddit now), and most of us support this blackout. The site has been hostile to diverse political opinions for a long time. Note how one of the largest subs, r/Politics, remained open the whole time. They are, by every metric, very left wing.

    Don’t let the silly culture war divide us on this one. We all think Reddit has jumped the shark.

    Trebach ,

    I think r/Politics is owned by admins so they were never going dark.

    JasSmith ,

    It's all rather opaque, isn't it? I suspect you're correct, but if Reddit is actually paying for and controlling the moderation of /r/Politics, that raises a number of serious questions; both ethical and legal.

    djmarcone ,

    What they did to The_Donald where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it, is a prime example and should be a red flag regardless of someone's politics.

    The banning from several subs automatically of people who joined joke subs like "ChurchofCovid" is also a prime example.

    Very hostile to differing political opinions.

    I don't think it's a social media site any more, I think it's a propaganda site and a data harvesting operation.

    kestrel7 , avatar

    I don't think it's a social media site any more, I think it's a propaganda site and a data harvesting operation.

    I agree, but I also think that most social media has been propaganda and data harvesting all the way down from day one.

    Like, the internet was not made by accident, or for no reason. It was developed at public universities with military funding.

    Rabbithole ,

    where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it

    Not what happened. Spez, fuckwit though he is, actually managed to do a halfway decent trolling there.

    A bunch of t_d people were slagging him off and insulting him in their comments. Spez got drunk as shit one night and edited their comments, swapping his name with Trump's so that it made them look like a bunch of anti-trumpers. Much gnashing of teeth ensued.

    Absolutely shouldn't have done it, especially as CEO of Reddit FFS, but definitely funny as shit.

    Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely a mark against him, but he didn't get them banned. They thouroughly got themselves banned on their own.

    BrambleDog ,

    You only think /politics is left wing because they banned all the left wingers.

    Also, liberals aren't left wingers. Have you ever heard an anarchist or a socialist talk about a liberal?

    JasSmith ,

    I hear what you’re arguing. People are much more complex than “left” and “right.” But, colloquially, the people on r/Politics, are left wing. They support abortion, and gay marriage, and trans people, and universal healthcare, and higher taxes, and a hundred other values typically shared by those on the left.

    Old school liberals are certainly different to what we see on the left today.

    AnonymousLlama , avatar

    Also the people who say "well I'm not using third party apps so who cares anyway"

    The thing they should care about is how reddit has handled this situation. Imagine what nonsense they'll come up with next if they're willing to turf away some of the oldest and most dedicated users

    mabd , avatar

    Exactly this. I've used RIF since forever, so RIF is Reddit for me. Even if they take it all back and everything goes back to normal, there's still a bad taste in my mouth. Reddit is clearly against the community, literally fighting it. Not even trying to find some sort of compromise or anything. So screw it, kbin seems pretty cozy so far, to be honest.

    Varyag , avatar

    Honestly, even if they walk everything back, I still know they want to kill it eventually. Might as well already make my way over to other places like here, and stay with them.
    I don't know, but I already think I like it here.

    Lells , avatar

    I actually used the newer official desktop site, and really didn't mind it at all. What I minded was Reddit acting like their company was Reddit. No, you just provided the website and infrastructure. You were not Reddit. WE were Reddit. And we liked Reddit as it was, not what you are turning it into to make a quick buck on your IPO. We didn't appreciate providing ALL the value and then being treated as if we weren't important or to be listened to. I'm tired of good sites being whored out for mega-bucks and then transformed into another sub-par lowest common denominator that is a ghost of its former self. I'll skip the wait and pain of watching that happen yet again, and leave now.

    So yeah, I wasn't a third party app user, but in the long run I'll still be effected by everything corporate management is doubling down on right now.

    killick , avatar

    You're completely right from a user's perspective. I think this post from Cory Doctorow helps explain what we're seeing. He doesn't talk about Reddit specifically, but it should be easy to infer the implications for Reddit from what he writes:

    killick , avatar

    Here's the first paragraph from Cory's post:

    "Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die." Reddit is in step 4.

    Lells , avatar

    Yeah, the "enshittification" concept, I've read this, and definitely agree.

    Nomecks ,

    It almost feels like that's by design these days.

    kestrel7 , avatar

    JUST LIKE TWITTER! I love that the new internet comes in two flavors, "open source hippie (doesn't work well)" and "vaguely fascist (also doesn't work that well tbh)"

    killick , avatar

    You made me chuckle.

    chickeni3oo ,

    I replaced every comment I had with a rant about how Reddit has become corporate shills and none of their actions are about profitability and all about easing corporations with the ability to targeted advertise to users while being openly hostile to all their volunteer labor and users.

    12 years and 75k of comment karma worth.

    Sabata11792 OP , (edited ) to Fediverse in The devil himself... avatar
    btaf45 ,

    Can you explain how you know this link path to someone who doesn't?

    Sabata11792 OP , avatar

    I found the post in the microblog section by chance and copied the link. Just good timing. I have no idea how to sort though that section of the site.

    jmbmkn , to woodworking in Stool From Reclaimed Materials

    Nice work. Where did the wood come from?

    ReclamationCrafts OP ,

    Thank you! The seat was an old dining room chair that was trash picked and not worth repairing. The legs were turned from pallet wood.

    Lathe was the only power tool used.

    Bombastic , to Fediverse in When you block a user on kbin and they're so butthurt, they ban you from their "magazines."

    Who cares tho?

    jerome OP , avatar

    They also moderate.

    FaceDeer , avatar

    Just wait until 3001 AD and the ban will expire. Since he's clearly not a fan of transhumanism or other such fields of study he probably won't still be around then to extend it.

    jerome OP , to Fediverse in When you block a user on kbin and they're so butthurt, they ban you from their "magazines." avatar

    lol they moderate 59 subs

    CheshireSnake , avatar

    Why did you block him/her?

    Also, I didn’t even know until now that we have supermods in kbin/lemmy. Lol.

    jerome OP , avatar

    They're a super right-wing user that spreads false information and moderates. They shouldn't be in a leadership role.

    FaceDeer , avatar

    I just had a look at his profile, and wow, I wouldn't call him "super right-wing." I'd call him a loonie. Fortunately most of the magazines he's squatting on have similarly loonie names and I doubt there'll be much call to use them for anything productive. Maybe Graphene and Fluoride might be useful for serious posts someday, but they're pretty special-interest for the size of the Fediverse right now.

    Deceptichum , avatar

    It’s a lot harder to squat in the Fediverse as you can just open a community on a different instance.

    sab , avatar

    Personally, I have a pretty low bar for blocking other users here. If I find someone consistently annoying or negativistic I'm better off not seeing their posts, even if they're not actively trolling. It's not a public punishment or anything, they won't be affected at all, and I get to spend less time reading content that doesn't interest me.

    jon , avatar

    There really does need to be a limit of how many magazines you're allowed to moderate. There's no way you can effectively moderate 59 different communities.

    ArugulaZ , avatar

    ONLY 59? I just moderate one.

    livus , avatar

    Your one's cool!

    ArugulaZ , avatar


    theJWPHTER88 , avatar

    Me? I have four of them, one of them about this new acad fantasy Minecraft roleplay series since July 2nd.

    guyrocket , to woodworking in A recently made screwdriver avatar

    Where does one buy parts for making a screwdriver? Also, was the handle turned?

    ReclamationCrafts OP ,

    In the US most woodturning/woodworking supply stores carry kits. In this case I took the guts from a Harbor Freight screwdriver, turned a new handle out of cherry, filling the cracks with colored epoxy, made a ferrule from a brass plumbing fitting, and put it all together. The handle is finished with Danish oil.

    halvdan ,

    I’m more into metalworking and I’m not that good with wood, but I’ve made quite a few handles for files and other tools. I’ve used boiled linseed oil for finishing mostly because that was what I had but the handles get dirty and ugly almost instantly. Is Danish oil better in that regard or would you recommend something else for oily/greasy use? Oh, and your handle looks way better than mine, I need to step up my wood game. 😀

    ReclamationCrafts OP ,

    The only difference with the Danish oil is the addition of some varnish. Apply enough coats and it’ll start to build up and might help a little with stain resistance. Otherwise you would need something more durable like a film finish. I think maybe laquer or a CA finish would work well for oil/grease resistance.

    Some people don’t put any finish on handles and let natural oils from their hands build a patina. If you don’t like the look then some kind of film finish is probably what you need.

    I just try different handle shapes until I find ones I like.

    camelliasinensis , to Photography in Moonflower Datura sp.

    (Test reply without image)

    thingsiplay , to RedditMigration in Boost for Lemmy is coming! Same author as Boost for reddit, I double checked just to be sure, it's the same author! avatar

    @Technological_Elite I don't understand what "Reddit for Lemmy" means. Is this some sort of application to convert Reddit posts to Lemmy or access through Lemmy?

    Freeman ,

    Wrong words in title

    Technological_Elite OP ,

    My brain had a heart attack

    torafugu , avatar

    Hey, just make it intentional by calling it a joke. Reddit is nothing without its 3rd party apps, and Boost was one of them. It's basically Reddit for Lemmy.

    James_Ryan , to RedditMigration in Boost for Lemmy is coming! Same author as Boost for reddit, I double checked just to be sure, it's the same author! avatar

    That title was a wild ride

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