tripartitegraph , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

You can thank all these dumbfuck democrats. they’ll get whatever scapegoat they need to NOT do something good, and then try to guilt you into voting for them again next time around. and the children will still go hungry. jesus fucking christ

SpookyUnderwear , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Motherjones? Seriously? This is the best you could do OP? The fox news of the democrats?

IronCorgi ,

Attacking the source rather than defending your position... nothing more conservative than that.

SpookyUnderwear ,

Cool story. But I’m not a conservative, and I have no position. Yes, I’m sure it would be easier for you if I was. Then you could demonize me and take comfort in the fact that once again you’ve attacked your enemy.

I don’t need to attack the source when it’s a left wing rag. You know what I’m saying is correct. But you people are more concerned with winning, and taking a dig at your enemy then unbiased sources.

IronCorgi ,

Jesus even when saying you're not attacking the source you can't help making an ad hominem attack on a source you don't bother to engage with. I hope in the future you can learn to actually read the material before engaging ignprant dismissal.

SpookyUnderwear ,

L take. I never stated I didn’t read the material. An assumption on your part. I’m sure this incident took place, but because of the source, I’m sure it’s riddled with left wing bias and twisted truths. Would you really take an article from fox news about Joe Biden at absolute face value? No, you wouldn’t, and shouldn’t.

rubpoll , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

“You’re an idiot if you think Democrats can do anything.” - Democrats, trying to win us over

HornyOnMain , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Death to america amerikkka

Ubermeisters ,

Such an intelligent take

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

more like uber loser! lmao!

Ubermeisters ,

Wow you’re really owning me left and right

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

thanks chief

HornyOnMain ,

hating a country for starving its own children isn’t exactly a hard take to arrive at

Ubermeisters ,

Someday you’re going to get tired of the smell of your own anus and pull your head out of there

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

some day you will realize countries 10x poorer than the USA manage to feed everyone without issue

BurgerPunk , avatar
ShimmeringKoi , avatar
NotErisma , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

biden-fall nothing will fundamentally change biden-forgor

biden-harbinger EXCEPT FOR THE AMOUNT OF KIDS I FUCKIN STARVE, JACK biden-harbinger

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Both here and in Afghanistan. Never thought I’d live to see a famine that actually was engineered by a guy named Joe, but here we are.

duderium , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

I forget, is Joe Manchin president, or Joe Biden? Some liberal experts with knowledge of civics and critical thinking, please enlighten me.

GBU_28 , (edited )

I am not a “liberal expert”, but am generally familiar.

The president can’t do anything they want, forever.

Biden used an executive order to enact a bunch of assistance programs during the end portion of covid. Included in that were things related to this topic.

Executive orders are temporary, and exist to allow the president to make fast adjustments to hopefully help people out or protect the country, on lots of topics. For example, if the president believes there is an imminent security risk, they can mobilize the military for a short time without Congressional approval.

If it seems like a topic that should be continued (like this one), Congress takes the issue up for a vote. Only Congress can make longer term budget decisions.

In this case Joe manchin campaigned on being aligned with this type of issue, and being aligned with Democrats on a variety of core positions. On several occasions in his career he has gone against this alignment at critically painful moments, and sided with republicans. Essentially not acting as he advertised. With Congress being closely split, his vote really matters.

So bidens temporary appropriations are now ending, and Congress didn’t continue them when it was expected they should be able to.

If Biden tried to just order it again, it would be struck down in courts due to this vote. This is an example of the balance of power between executive, representative, and judicial.

duderium ,

Biden is literally the most powerless person ever to exist while Trump was a dictator, even though both guys occupied the same political office. I am extremely intelligent.

GBU_28 ,

Dunno about that but you’re just another hb kid, cya

rjs001 , avatar

Awww does baby not understand what was said and that’s why they insult and can’t actually respond to the question?

duderium ,

I’m in my thirties.

BurgerPunk , avatar
spaceghoti OP ,

Today you learned about separation of powers and that in spite of what Donald Trump told you, Presidents aren’t kings.

duderium ,

How did separation of powers apply in 2008 when Obama was president, 60 democrats were in the senate, and the SCOTUS was “moderate”? Why didn’t the democrats pass universal health care and codify Roe during that time? Oh yeah, because they’re controlled by the same white supremacist bourgeoisie that controls the republicans. Now you’ve learned about the existence of class struggle—congratulations! And you’ve also learned that you’ve taken the side of the global 1% versus the global 99%, so pat yourself on the back!

Ubermeisters ,

You do realize using the word bourgeois instantly lets people know that you aren’t to be listened to, right? I’m going to call it a cat whistle because it’s the opposite of a dog whistle.

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

Way to write off an opinion in a way that tells everyone else how cucked you are by your paymasters.

Ubermeisters ,

Lmao ok bub, have a great life

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

thanks its been getting better in the last 5 minutes and its still going

duderium ,


ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Aww you think your beliefs are your own, adorable

Ubermeisters ,

Aw you’re worried about my beliefs at all how inappropriate

asteroidnova , avatar

The person you’re looking for is Joe Lieberman. He took that 60th vote away which kept the filibuster going.


5ublimation , avatar
Grimble ,

Lol fuck your shitty do-nothing government system. You look like a nerd in high suspenders for pretending it can be saved

Ubermeisters ,

Oh wow how unusual, a hexbear user being an absolute useless pile of garbage, how unusual…

duderium ,

Usefulness is when you lick the boots of Nazis, I am extremely intelligent, when has this approach ever failed? Excuse me now while I steal every penny to my name from the global poor!

rjs001 , avatar

Okay boomer

Ubermeisters , (edited )

-posting error-

rjs001 , avatar

Not sure where I mentioned you being young in anyway.

Ubermeisters ,

Tbh my comments seem to be showing up in the wrong areas and idk if it’s a lemmy issue or an app issue but it’s happened in a few spots today. I’ll delete the comment contents because at this point idk where it was supposed to be.

BurgerPunk , avatar
ShimmeringKoi , avatar
Ubermeisters , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Can we fucking defederate from hexbear already? I’m so tired of these tween shitheads having the worst informed hot takes and trolling. Generally, I don’t mind a good trolling, I can appreciate the humor of it, but these guys don’t have any. They’re just fucking Edge Lords for the sake of it. Be gone

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar


Ubermeisters ,

Your feeble attempts to take a stab at the motivation behind my comment has failed you miserably sorry. My concern is the users are severely degrading the overall content quality every time they show up. It’s not that I care about their descending opinions, it’s the fact that their childish and don’t have good arguments and act like absolute cunts everywhere they go. I don’t give a fuck what anybody believes, but don’t be a fucking idiot about it.

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar
duderium ,

Defederate this:


spaceghoti OP ,

Unless everyone puts them on block, which I don’t see happening, we don’t really have any reliable way of discouraging them from trolling.

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

maybe they should try being less trollable

rjs001 , avatar

Go back to watching your Fox News

Ubermeisters ,

You tried. You failed, but at leastyou can always know you tried.

rjs001 , avatar

I care what some far-right Zionism defender has to say?

Ubermeisters ,

I said nothing of the sort. You’re making very uneducated assumptions based on your extremely biased expectations.

Also, go fuck yourself. You’re getting that part right I’m sure of it 🙃

rjs001 , avatar

You defend Zionists therefore you are scum

Ubermeisters , (edited )

I’ve defended nobody, and I’m blocking you for being an ignorant twat

rjs001 , avatar

Read your own comments lmao

StalinwasaGryffindor ,


CannotSleep420 ,

What’s jice? I keep seeing this and have no idea what it is.

Ubermeisters ,

They’re so communist they have no understanding of the concept of “u” lol

BigNote ,

I’m on board with defederating with them. They are basically a public nuisance at this point, filling any even remotely political post with a lot of noise in the form of memes and a toolbox of trite talking points. They downvote everyone else and upvote themselves and basically drown out any valid discussion that doesn’t toe their childish line.

Then they claim that it’s us liberals who can’t abide opposing viewpoints while simultaneously openly admitting that purging Lemmy of “right wing” opinions is the entire point of their trolling project.

I was originally inclined to be patient with them, but at this point nothing about hexbear seems like it’s done in good faith. It’s all just noise for its own sake.

I guess I will have to figure out how to block them.

footfaults , avatar


GBU_28 , (edited )

Please, I provided a legit reply to an idiot who turned out to just be another pig poop with no point.

Hexbear is for trolls, if you don’t agree, reconsider your friends

footfaults , avatar

How do you define a troll? Anyone who disagrees with you?

axont ,

It’s not trolling to have different political opinions than liberals

Ubermeisters ,

Not touching not touching not touching not touching not touching why are you mad I didn’t touch you

Sinonatrix ,

In my humble opinion, blaming the continued dismantling of these welfare programs on Joe Manchin or another ghoul of the day™️ isn’t actually a ‘well informed take’ unless you think legislation is a sport Democrats keep mysteriously fumbling at

GBU_28 ,

I just use these threads as chances to mass block pigpoop kids

Ubermeisters ,

Same but it’s obnoxious and they bring literally zero value so can we just nuke em

dialectical_analysis_of_gock , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

where are my stimulus checks?? the democratic party owes me money

where is my healthcare?

where is my loan cancelation?

why are billions being sent to ukraine?

why are the kids still in cages on the southern border?

why did you say covid is over?

spaceghoti OP ,

Thank you for your trolling. Goodbye.

dialectical_analysis_of_gock , avatar

who opened the cages? Obama

who was president during Roe-Wade restriction? Biden

troll = someone who is left of me and correctly realizes the futility of electoralism.

Go cry to the others in your liberal echochamber

NotErisma , avatar

Bexbear: helthcare pls

Lemmy: soypoint-1 morshupls oh fuck they want us to become republicans

NotErisma , (edited ) avatar

>thanks for trolling, goodbye

Ah yes, silence a genuine grievance with “oh you’re trolling, shut up”

That’s so childish and dismissive it feels like a maybe-later-kiddo skit

axont , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Democrats are useless bureaucrats who will never do anything good. Servants of the capitalist class, all of them, including the supposedly good ones like AOC.

Joe Biden owes me another stimulus check. Joe Biden owes me $20,000 in student debt relief.

Abolish the American capitalist class and immediately stop their ruthless destruction of lives and planet Earth hammer-sickle

grazing7264 , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

As a Liberal I would like to thank Joe Manchin for absorbing all the anger that would be directed at the entire democratic party like a tortured idol from a Dark Souls game.

Thank you Democrats for diffusing public anger the way any adults in the room would, and for protecting my investments in 14,000 empty single family homes in upstate New York.

Please consider my proposal for Green solar powered benches that electrify after 10pm to prevent homeless people from sleeping on them. This would increase our property values even further. We truly are Better Together™

who8mydamnoreos , to Politics in How right-wing groups are plotting to implement Trump's authoritarianism

America needs no King.

mister_monster , to Politics in How right-wing groups are plotting to implement Trump's authoritarianism

Lol checks and balances, said the people trying to pack the supreme court.

alignedchaos ,

It already got packed. Do you not remember longer than a month ago? First a new Justice was blocked by the Republican House, who then went against their own grounds to install even more right-favoring justices. Then that group overturned Roe v. Wade, running against a “supermajority” of society’s view on reproductive rights.

So is it just convenient for you to pretend that didn’t happen when pointing fingers, or do you legitimately not understand what’s going on?

Sean , avatar

@alignedchaos @mister_monster Republican House blocked what now?

You mean Senator Mitch "whaddya do if another justice needed to be appointed to fill a vacancy in an election year with Trump in office? {giggle to himself} I'd fill it" McConnell somehow used the Democratic held House in '20 to fill RBG's seat with the help of Republican minority?

mister_monster ,

We are using two definitions of packing. In my view, and the common view when the term has been used, nominating and confirming replacements for open seats on the court is not called “packing”. Adding new seats because you don’t like the make up of the court is what people usually mean when they use the word.

HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

Right, and you're just going to completely ignore that they made that opening remain open until their guy could nominate the judge they wanted because of a rule they made up that they completely trashed a few years later. Yeah okay.

Also who exactly is talking about adding seats? Citations needed.

mister_monster ,
HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

Huh, not one single person with any power to do anything. Why exactly should I care, when the people who could do something have repeatedly and explicitly said they ain't gonna?

mister_monster ,

You asked who was talking about it. That looks like a big propaganda push to normalize the idea. And besides, that last link negates what you said anyway.

TwoGems , avatar

Republicans already packed the Supreme Court bruh or were you asleep

mister_monster ,

We are using two definitions of packing. In my view, and the common view when the term has been used, nominating and confirming replacements for open seats on the court is not called “packing”. Adding new seats because you don’t like the make up of the court is what people usually mean when they use the word.

Ensign_Crab , to Politics in How right-wing groups are plotting to implement Trump's authoritarianism

So, what’s Democrats’ plan to stop this?

spaceghoti OP ,

Probably appealing to the public and following the rule of law.

Ensign_Crab ,

So “maintain course.”

Deceptichum , to Work Reform in Being Mean to Scabs Is Working avatar

That’s not really scabbing?

Is Ryan Reynolds a scab because he’s still filming Deadpool 3?

Zehzin , avatar

Yes? Don’t cross the picket line.

Deceptichum , avatar

But they didn’t, all 3 have operated under the unions own rules here.

chuckleslord ,

No, Maher and Berrymore were told explicitly that if their shows came back during the strike they would be scabbing.

Milan ,

Deadpool 3 is filming using a shooting script written by WGA members. Barrymore and Maher would have started filming with themselves replacing the work their writers would’ve done.


Except they’re not? Filming was shut down as soon as the SAG-AFTRA strike started.…/deadpool-3-stops-production-sag-str…

As for during the writer’s strike, I believe they could still film what was written. They just couldn’t write more or change the script. So I;d guess the idea might have been to film as much as they could, then do rewrites and reshoots after the strikes end.

SLaSZT , avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • the_inebriati ,

    Everything I’ve read has suggested Drew Barrymore was going unscripted until the WGA strike was over (i.e. they were fully working within the terms of the strike).

    Do you have a source to suggest otherwise?

    chuckleslord , (edited )

    Unscripted is improv, which is a type of writing and therefore scabbing. Ryan Reynolds wasn’t doing improv on Deadpool 3 once WGA went on strike.

    Reynolds work counted as writing since he’s a writer. Improv isn’t writing usually

    TruTollTroll , avatar

    Pretty sure that ‘Improve’ tbe method, does not involve writing… it’s content that you come up with off the top of your head… there is no script

    chuckleslord ,…

    Based on this article, yes and no. A writer improv-ing is the same as writing changes. An actor without a writing credit could still improv. Thanks for verifying

    TruTollTroll , avatar

    Yes and no? Improve is off the top of your head and is usually an acting method or exercise… writers do not improv. the writer may give prompts to have an actor or speaker go off the actors own ideas, but there is no structured writing and ideas coming from the writer going into the content of the improv exercise or method… whose line is it anyways, is a good example… there are prompts for the actors, but all content came from the actor themselves.

    SCB ,

    Unscripted is improv, which is a type of writing

    Lol you’d rather fake the meaning of words than believe a Mother Jones article, of all things, is bullshit.

    chuckleslord ,

    Sorry about that, was a misunderstanding on my part.

    reflex , to Work Reform in Being Mean to Scabs Is Working avatar
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