some_guy , to U.S. News in In Alabama, abortion and IVF helped flip a red set in a special election

Their mistake was thinking they could undo Roe and people would just accept it.

mister_monster , to Politics in How right-wing groups are plotting to implement Trump's authoritarianism

Lol checks and balances, said the people trying to pack the supreme court.

alignedchaos ,

It already got packed. Do you not remember longer than a month ago? First a new Justice was blocked by the Republican House, who then went against their own grounds to install even more right-favoring justices. Then that group overturned Roe v. Wade, running against a “supermajority” of society’s view on reproductive rights.

So is it just convenient for you to pretend that didn’t happen when pointing fingers, or do you legitimately not understand what’s going on?

Sean , avatar

@alignedchaos @mister_monster Republican House blocked what now?

You mean Senator Mitch "whaddya do if another justice needed to be appointed to fill a vacancy in an election year with Trump in office? {giggle to himself} I'd fill it" McConnell somehow used the Democratic held House in '20 to fill RBG's seat with the help of Republican minority?

mister_monster ,

We are using two definitions of packing. In my view, and the common view when the term has been used, nominating and confirming replacements for open seats on the court is not called “packing”. Adding new seats because you don’t like the make up of the court is what people usually mean when they use the word.

HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

Right, and you're just going to completely ignore that they made that opening remain open until their guy could nominate the judge they wanted because of a rule they made up that they completely trashed a few years later. Yeah okay.

Also who exactly is talking about adding seats? Citations needed.

mister_monster ,
HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

Huh, not one single person with any power to do anything. Why exactly should I care, when the people who could do something have repeatedly and explicitly said they ain't gonna?

mister_monster ,

You asked who was talking about it. That looks like a big propaganda push to normalize the idea. And besides, that last link negates what you said anyway.

TwoGems , avatar

Republicans already packed the Supreme Court bruh or were you asleep

mister_monster ,

We are using two definitions of packing. In my view, and the common view when the term has been used, nominating and confirming replacements for open seats on the court is not called “packing”. Adding new seats because you don’t like the make up of the court is what people usually mean when they use the word.

SpookyUnderwear , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Motherjones? Seriously? This is the best you could do OP? The fox news of the democrats?

IronCorgi ,

Attacking the source rather than defending your position... nothing more conservative than that.

SpookyUnderwear ,

Cool story. But I’m not a conservative, and I have no position. Yes, I’m sure it would be easier for you if I was. Then you could demonize me and take comfort in the fact that once again you’ve attacked your enemy.

I don’t need to attack the source when it’s a left wing rag. You know what I’m saying is correct. But you people are more concerned with winning, and taking a dig at your enemy then unbiased sources.

IronCorgi ,

Jesus even when saying you're not attacking the source you can't help making an ad hominem attack on a source you don't bother to engage with. I hope in the future you can learn to actually read the material before engaging ignprant dismissal.

SpookyUnderwear ,

L take. I never stated I didn’t read the material. An assumption on your part. I’m sure this incident took place, but because of the source, I’m sure it’s riddled with left wing bias and twisted truths. Would you really take an article from fox news about Joe Biden at absolute face value? No, you wouldn’t, and shouldn’t.

HowMany , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

If only the debaters would. (melt, that is).

Sir_Osis_of_Liver , to Politics in A Thunderous Fart Wrecked an RFK Jr. Event avatar

So this is how democracy dies ... with a thunderous fart.

some_guy , to U.S. News in Amazon is capable of reducing plastic waste in the US. So why isn’t It? - It has done so elsewhere—when forced, a new report shows.

Corporations won't do shit unless they have to or they make money.

ptsdstillinmymind , to U.S. News in Meet the operatives who profited from January 6: New evidence shows how political professionals made big money organizing the rallies that preceded the riot

Yet, no one is in prison. No politicans, no Rich people that helped fund and organize this either.

What is the use of the FBI if they only go after poor and the middle?

Moira_Mayhem ,

More proof we are in an oligarchy, the patsies get soaked and the organizers sit and sip their champagne as the well-being of the nation collapses.

Guillotines. Many. Now.

who8mydamnoreos , to Politics in How right-wing groups are plotting to implement Trump's authoritarianism

America needs no King.

craigevil , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

It was never meant to be permanent. Nor were any of the other Covid “fixes.”

ToxicDivinity , avatar

Oh good so it’s not a problem then. Kids are starving but nothing to see here

DefinitelyNotAPhone , avatar

We can only do terrible things permanently. Good things are always temporary and we are powerless to change that. Children have to starve because otherwise politicians might have to actually do some work for a change. This is a very good and serious political system and we should just accept it as it is and ignore any alternative.

AOCapitulator , avatar

So it’s good that these programs were hugely successful and impactful to millions of people for very low relative cost (hint: it actually generates more than it costs) are just gone now for no fucking reason other than “it wasn’t a permanent measure”

We COULD have been doing this THE WHOLE TIME


But no, fuck that, can’t help people now can we

Fucking liberals goddamn

You are disgusting, do a tiny bit of reflection got damn

jabrd ,

The good things never are but oddly the bad things always are

bigboopballs ,

get fucked, liberal ghoul

craigevil , avatar

Actually just the opposite, I am quite conservative.

bigboopballs ,

wonder what this ghoul said

Ubermeisters , (edited )

"You’re different; I’m scared"

  • you,6 hours ago
metaStatic , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Thank Man Chin

Hegar , to Politics in [News[ A New Rudy Scandal: FBI Agent Says Giuliani Was Co-opted by Russian Intelligence avatar

I'm mostly just surprised it took this long for allegations to come out - he's been obviously and incompetently acting like a Russian asset, in public, for some time now.

regalia , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

All straight up evil fascist, but the line “I’ve had enough already of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT” was pretty good lmao

Xariphon , to Politics in Birthright citizenship is fundamental to “who we are as a nation.” So why do Republicans attack it?

Because the fewer people there are who can vote, the fewer people there are voting against them while their lunatic cult shows up every time. Exclusion and cheating are the only way they've won an election in living memory.

Umbra , to Politics in Birthright citizenship is fundamental to “who we are as a nation.” So why do Republicans attack it?

Lol, what a ridiculous headline. Fundamental??

hoodatninja , avatar

Well, yes. Naturalization has been there from the beginning and "Birthright Citizenship" as we currently know it was solidified during reconstruction. So yeah, it's pretty fundamental to who we are as a nation. It's responsible for who we are as a nation. Quite literally, in fact.

spaceghoti OP ,


After the Civil War, Congress overrode the veto of then-President Andrew Johnson to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which declared people “of every race and color, without regard to any previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude” who are born in the United States to be citizens.

Sounds pretty fundamental to me.

Umbra ,

More Like utterly irrelevant for over 150 years

spaceghoti OP ,

The principle, enshrined into law in 1866, has granted citizenship to countless people for over two hundred years. How do you get “irrelevant” from that?

Umbra ,

That's not what its purpose was.

spaceghoti OP ,

Several hundred years of legal precedent disagree with you. Please tell me, since you know better: what was its “true” purpose?

Umbra ,

Its purpose was to grant former slaves citizenship.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

So weird they forgot to add in a "born in the United States before 1865" clause if that's what they meant. What a bunch of dummies!

spaceghoti OP ,

It can’t possibly have had more than one purpose? Especially given the broad language used that explicitly covered all people born here?

This is a truly extraordinary insight. Who knows how many judges have been ruling incorrectly, and here you come clarifying it for us all! Truly, you are a gift to us all.

TheKingBee , avatar

Yeah that broad language didn’t cover native Americans…

I’m not saying it’s irrelevant like they’re arguing but it’s not as fundamental as your arguing either…

America has broadly worded laws like this not because we’re progressive but because our founders were so fundamentally racist that they literally didn’t think about brown people or women as people and so these laws would never apply to them…

spaceghoti OP ,

The fact that it’s been enforced selectively doesn’t invalidate it. It just means there’s room (and reason!) to improve.

TheKingBee , avatar

Not arguing that just saying that the selective enforcement kind of proves it’s not as fundamental as you’re arguing it is…

spaceghoti OP ,

Freedom of speech is also a fundamental principle of our nation, but it’s also selectively enforced. I don’t think your argument refutes mine as well as you think.

hoodatninja , avatar

Pretty sure the courts decide that and, so far, they've decided it's pretty dang relevant.

TheBat , avatar

Just like second amendment?

grizzledgrizzly , to Politics in A Thunderous Fart Wrecked an RFK Jr. Event avatar

Crop dusting chem trails …

ivanafterall ,

And there's the debut album title.

A Thunderous Fart - Cropdusting Chemtrails

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