Rapidcreek , to Politics in Brian Kemp rejects Georgia Republicans' effort to save Donald Trump

Amassing that a Republican doing their job and backing their own justice department, becomes headline news, Strange days.

ziggurism , avatar

Kemp is the governor of Georgia, not Fulton county. Fani Willis is not in his AG’s department.

Still good that he is not supporting the impeachment effort. But expected given that he ran on this.

Rapidcreek ,

Fulton County is part of Georgia. Kemp is the governor and oversees the AG who is elected to run state legal affairs. In Fulton County, Fani Willis was elected to run state legal affairs. It’s a government of Georgia relationship.

ziggurism , avatar

And Georgia is part of the US. But Fani Willis doesn’t answer to US AG Garland or president Biden any more than she does to GA AG Carr or Kemp. She works for Fulton County. She doesn’t run state legal affairs. She is a prosecutor for the county.

Rapidcreek ,

Correct, however she practices Georgia state law. Federal law is for the feds. State and local law is what Willis does. If she malfeasance the AG and governor can step in. That is exactly what the Georgia state legislators want. Kemp says no.

rymdimperiet , to Men's Liberation in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are

American men.

spaduf , avatar

This is a great point. I’m super curious but generally unfamiliar with how things are in other parts of the world.

Snipe_AT , to Politics in Donald Trump mugshot promised in looming indictment avatar

What a stain on American history. Good riddance.

NegativeLookBehind , to Politics in Donald Trump mugshot promised in looming indictment avatar

Fuck a mugshot, show me pics of him in Sing Sing.

shiveyarbles ,

He’s a terrorist, a real threat to free society. Let me know when he’s in Guantanamo, or better yet tired Into the sun.

whygohomie , to Politics in Biden Won't Pack the Supreme Court, and It's Killing Democracy

The court was already packed by right wing ratfucking. I still want to knkw what Trump said to Kennedy that made him stop dead in his tracks and resign shortly after. And the fucking Scalia rules for thee but not for me debacle. And all that to say nothing of Leo and the Federalist Society.

Maybe part of the problem is the media never calls out right wing court packing, but then screeches from the rooftops when Biden even thinks about rebalancing the court.

tetris11 ,

I still want to knkw what Trump said to Kennedy that made him stop dead in his tracks and resign shortly after.

Got any more info on that?

themadcodger , avatar

I thought it was to protect his son from being exposed in some shady deals?

Tinister ,

I like using "stacking" to describe what happened. McConnell stacked the court.

It implies the same amount of ratfuckery but cuts off the useless retort of "nuh-uh they didn't add more than nine justices".

Deca , to Men's Liberation in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are

I wonder if this is one of the reasons why MTF vastly outnumber FTM transitions

Omniraptor ,

[citation needed]

ThisGuysNeverSerious ,

Lol right!? It’s like “Welcome to the loser team” haha

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

Actually they don’t. Source

There’s a fascinating history for why there may have been significant differences throughout history but they seem to have far more to do with the state of the medical establishment and their willingness to marginalize certain people than anything else.

pigup , to Men's Liberation in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are

Really great article

stanleytweedle , to Politics in RFK Jr replaces Trump as Russia's favorite candidate

The RFK Jr. hype is baffling. I know there’s some clickbait value to headlines about a Kennedy saying shit you’d expect to hear from Alex Jones, but that’s already lost its novelty. Feels like this media attention is being driven and it sure as hell isn’t by grassroots support for this lunatic.

chaogomu ,

The only Hype I hear about RFK jr is coming from conservatives. For the longest time, I thought he was running for the republican ticket.

I mostly just dismissed him as another brain rotted conservative conspiracy nut. Still do.

NumbersCanBeFun , avatar

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  • ripcord , avatar

    Can't decide if it seems like that implies you're doing things really right, or are severely out of touch.

    mr_sparkle , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO

    He also prefers children to adults.

    r0bi , to Texas in Texas asks people to avoid using their cars

    Thank goodness for all the wonderful mass transit options then!

    Oh, wait...

    theKalash , to Politics in Sean Hannity Reveals His Father Beat Him

    Clearly not enough.

    j4k3 , to Politics in Democrat Calls Out Ethics Issues to Supreme Court Justice's Face avatar

    All talk, no teeth, and no action against these criminals

    PugJesus , to Politics in Libertarians want control over Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell avatar

    and has incurred over $4.8 trillion in debt since taking office in 2021. The subject has also involved us in an unwinnable war [in Ukraine].”

    Damn, they had some sympathy for a political stunt at least until this. Fuck these assholes.

    Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Ginni Thomas under scrutiny following arrest of Michigan fake electors

    Lock her up

    Hellsadvocate , avatar

    Can we lock him up alongside her?

    IHeartBadCode , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO avatar

    For a guy who is on the US House Armed Services Committee, he sure as hell understands surprisingly little about World War II and the Cold War. Russia has expansion interest since after World War II. In fact, that's how a lot of Soviet Russia was formed. The allies bombed the fuck out the nations, the nations were destitute, broken down countries are really easy to just sweep in and take over. The thing as we all know about that last part is that, it's easy to topple leadership in a country, it's mighty difficult to maintain your grasp on the nation cough Iraq cough.

    NATO aims to combine a military strength to act as a deterrent towards expansion into member states, which is why a lot of Europe is in NATO. The only thing guiding NATO is the fourteen articles of the North Atlantic Treaty, outside of that, nations are free to govern themselves. This is in opposition to how Russia was going about adding Ukraine, Moldova, and so on to their collective group.

    NATO in very loose terms is a different way of doing a USSR, if that helps Matt Gatez to understand "WHY" we can't just:

    extend NATO to Russia and make it an anti-China alliance?

    Russia isn't interested in upholding the means by which nations govern. It's like asking the San Francisco 49ers why they won't invite the Boston Red Soxs to come play a game. They aren't doing things that have enough similarities to not have a ton of friction on the collaborative and still call it "football" or "baseball" as we know it. We can totally invent something completely different, but per the definition of things being what they claim to be: Something completely different is in fact completely different than NATO currently be, and thus, we would just invent something different (oh say like a G and some number after it) that has less friction to facilitate interchange in that regard.

    But even then when we try something different and invite Russia, they still just have to go edgelord and fuck their membership up. So we literally tried to take Chad to get ice cream at McDonald's as a way to see if they're ready to go to an actual sit down place, AND Chad just couldn't help but to take a shit in the ball pit. So since Chad still is shitting in ball pits, we cannot take Chad to the sit down place with the nice dessert. That's just how it be currently.

    So hopefully that's dumbed down enough for even him to understand why we "just don't go and do that thing". If Russia cannot help itself to fuck it's membership up with the G8, they sure as shit aren't going to act proper in a setting like NATO. How is this a thing that eludes this guy?

    blightbow , avatar

    Even if he understands, it doesn't suit his narrative. He is a far-right politician who says what his owners (domestic and otherwise) want to hear on the cameras. It's a coin toss whether he actually believes some of the things that he says, but largely inconsequential at the end of the day because he isn't going to argue in good faith even if someone miraculously trips over a genuine belief that he holds close to him.

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