Anticorp , to Texas in Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step'

It's a shame that they never went to school. If they had an elementary level education they would know what happens to successionists.

RizzRustbolt ,

Remember the Alamo!

But not the "why" of the Alamo.

MehBlah ,

Let mexico have them. Those drug cartels would own them in no time. What was left would be no match for the true genius that is the current president of mexico.

surewhynotlem ,

Mexico would have to get in line. An oil rich independent nation with minimal defenses right on our border? They'll be a protectorate within minutes, and PR can take their place as a state.

BigMacHole , to Texas in Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step'

Quick! I need a MAN to MURDER a bunch of Children so I can Pretend I care about the Constitution again!

nxdefiant ,

Abbot just creamed his chair and he doesn't even know why.

thefartographer ,

He just assumed it was more piss. Because Greg Abbott is a little piss baby

rgb3x3 , to Politics in Biden Warns US Military May Get Pulled Into Direct Conflict With Russia

How about the fuck not? We can afford to keep funding Ukraine almost indefinitely (despite what Republicans claim). But we can’t afford sending lives to die.

Don’t pull is into another fucking war.

Drusas ,

How about read the article?

He doesn't want to send American troops there. He wants to give Ukraine all the aid they need as quickly as possible in order to avoid that rather than drawing it out as the Republicans have started to do over these last few months. The sooner Russia can be stopped, the better for the world. It's not just about Ukraine.

Treczoks , to Texas in Texas companies say Republicans are ruining their business

Well, if Republicans are ruining your business, you know how to (influence) vote with your money.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Donald Trump moves closer to losing Mar-a-Lago

Ehh... the headline is sensational and speculative. If the judgement against Trump is for the $250M James is suing for or even more, and if Trump Organization properties are liquidated to pay the judgement, then Mar-a-Lago, one of the Trump Organization properties, could be taken from him.

Some other framing would have been better. The juicier story is James' team goading Trump into his numerous unwise admissions. Ideally, Trump will be left entirely destitute once all the cases against him are tried, but it is idle to speculate about financial verdicts before the trials are even over.

Pasta4u ,

Trump will just appeal

Ghyste , to Politics in Sean Hannity Reveals His Father Beat Him

Not nearly enough.

btaf45 , (edited ) to Politics in Libertarians want control over Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell

This is not actual real news. It's bullshit from a billionaire bought and controlled far right "news" site designed to get more gigantic tax cuts for billionaire elites. Loser Trump's mindless rambling shows way more signs of dementia than either Moscow Mitch or Dark Brandon.

Doug , to Politics in Libertarians want control over Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell

she is hesitant about imposing age limits

Y’know, except the minimums that already exist.

If there’s a lower limit there should be an upper one. If we’re acknowledging that different people can be more or less capable in their 80s then we should do the same for late 20s.

But we won’t because anyone young enough is a “dumb kid” to far too many Americans, especially the ones ok with the status quo.

Kerensky1101 ,

My thoughts on it should be that a politician can serve until the full retirement age as defined by the federal government, which is currently 67. Mental decline in later life is definitely a thing and I don’t feel like people who are in the age range for mental decline should be running the country.

Facebones ,

As somebody who generally exists outside of all the cliques and status quos, I can’t comprehend how this isn’t already a thing (especially considering that age has been bumped up a couple times to keep “with the times”)

Poggervania , avatar

On paper this sounds good, but in practice I worry if people in power would end up going “lmao let’s increase the retirement age to 100” and then fuck over the citizenry even harder.

Taleya , (edited )

Oh they would. They definitely would

Doug ,

There are a few things that should be tied to other things imo.

Congressional salary? Median income for your district might be a good one. Something related to minimum wage could also work.

Kerensky1101 ,

My thoughts on the congressional salary is that it should be a multiplier of the minimum wage and congress caht change that multiplier. They want a raise? Then they have to raise the minimum wage for everyone

Doug ,

I’m very much with you there. The other option was rooted in the idea of being invested in improvement for their constituants. As long as you crack down on “contributions” you’d probably also see a lot less PAC money in a whole lot of areas too.

But there should be more motivation for them to see the people succeed. The job itself clearly isn’t enough for a lot of them.

Nougat , to Politics in Brian Kemp rejects Georgia Republicans' effort to save Donald Trump

Earlier this month, Republican State Senator Colton Moore called on Kemp to declare an emergency session to investigate and potentially impeach Willis directly in relation to her approximate 2-and-a-half-year investigation that he claims could ultimately spark a “civil war.”

Republican State Senator Colton Moore is a co-conspirator.

wagesj45 , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO avatar

This man is deeply unserious.

daellat , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO

Ah yes, the anti-china Russia vs the obviously pro-china Ukraine, how could we have not seen this ourselves

Anomandaris , avatar

Time for America's newest game show! Are they a bought Russian asset, or are they just stupid? Stay tuned to find out!

fearout , avatar

If they reveal the correct answer at the end of each episode I’d totally watch that


You'll just get bored after ep3 because it's always the same answer

fearout , avatar


corsicanguppy , to Texas in Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step'

And leave the protection of the UN and NATO? Mexico will love this -- and the land.

jordanlund , to Politics in Georgia Republicans take emergency action on Trump indictment avatar

Georgia passed a law back in May specifically allowing for the removal of DAs.…/brian-kemp-georgia-prosecutor-distri…

Ostensibly, it’s to be used on prosecutors who are failing to do their jobs. For example, one Georgia DA refuses to prosecute marijuana charges.

I predicted that the instant she filed charges, there would be a move to remove her and I hate being right. :(

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Florida insurance premiums have soared 206% since DeSantis became governor

Sure millions of people will lose everything they own during the next big storm, but at least the ‘gays’ were put in their place, eh Florida?

lowdownfool , avatar

At least they won't be "woke".

rafoix ,

New GOP slogan. “I’m broke, not woke!”

argv_minus_one ,

Don’t get too cocky. The same thing is happening in California, if I recall correctly.

lowdownfool , avatar

At least California isn't waging a culture war attempting to erase whole swaths of the populace.

dogsnest , to Texas in Texas secessionists working with five other states, leader says avatar


lettruthout ,

And don't forget to take your share of the national debt when you go.

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