recreationalplacebos , to U.S. News in Uber and Lyft are fighting minimum wage laws. But in this state [Minnesota], the drivers won avatar
theangriestbird OP , avatar

thank you for bringing the alt perspective.

Midnitte , to U.S. News in Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook families

A crime against humanity that InfoWars gets to stay in business.

theangriestbird OP , avatar

agreed. i didn't catch that update until i read your comment.

Kit , to U.S. News in Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook families

I was in a fragile mental state when Sandy Hook occurred and I actually bought into his BS. Luckily it didn't take long for me to wise up, but I feel immense guilt to this day that I ever doubted the tragedy. Glad to see this monster finally get his just desserts.

theangriestbird OP , avatar

Glad to hear you came around and can admit mistakes! That makes you a stronger person than most, I reckon.

millie , to U.S. News in Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook families

Good. I'm not usually one for wanting to see someone lose everything, but if anyone deserves it it's this asshole. Imagine knowingly lying about dead children for a decade.

How the hell do these kinds of people live with themselves?

theangriestbird OP , avatar

How the hell do these kinds of people live with themselves?

The cold comfort of sociopathy and narcissism, usually.

Senal ,

Also money

downpunxx , avatar

yeah ... about that ...

Senal ,

In this one instance they are actually losing their money, maybe, nearly a decade after the fact.
Up until now he's been living it relatively large.

I'd also put money on him still having a significantly higher amount of money to throw around, even assuming he loses the string of appeals and other legal bullshit he's undoubtedly going to pull for probably the next decade.

autotldr Bot , to U.S. News in Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook families

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

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A federal bankruptcy judge in Texas is expected to force Jones to liquidate his personal assets, including ownership of his media company, Free Speech Systems, in order to pay families nearly $1.5 billion in damages for spreading lies that the 2012 school shooting never happened.

Jones' influential Infowars show and website could be shut down by the end of the day, and his personal belongings — from his gun collection to his jewelry — could soon be auctioned to the highest bidder in something of a fire sale.

Jones had told his followers that the family members were just actors, "fake crying" and "playing different parts of different people" as an elaborate plot meant to drum up support for gun control.

They were harassed online and in person, bombarded with death threats and relentlessly taunted by Jones' followers, who desecrated and threatened to dig up their loved ones' graves to prove it was all a hoax.

And the abuse that we have suffered over the last decade is just overwhelming," said Jen Hensel, whose daughter Avielle was killed at Sandy Hook, and whose husband, Jeremy Richman, later died by suicide after years of grieving.

Unlike most cases where bankruptcy wipes out debts and offers debtors a fresh start, the judge has ruled that Jones is not entitled to a clean slate because his wrongdoing was malicious and intentional.

Saved 84% of original text.

autotldr Bot , to U.S. News in Sandy Hook survivors to graduate with mixed emotions without 20 of their classmates | NPR

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

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But about 60 of the 330 kids graduating Wednesday will also be carrying the emotional burden that comes from having survived one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history and knowing many former classmates won't get to walk across the stage with them.

Soon, these Sandy Hook survivors will be leaving the community that many call a "bubble" because of the comfort and protection it's provided from the outside world.

Many of the survivors said they continue to live with the trauma of that day: Loud noises still cause them to jump out of their seats, and some always keep an eye on a room's exits.

All five seniors have been active in the Junior Newtown Action Alliance and its anti-gun violence efforts, saying they want to prevent shootings from happening through gun control and other measures.

Last week, several of them met with Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House to discuss their experiences and call for change.

Ehrens said she plans to study political science and the law, with the aim of becoming a politician or civil rights lawyer.

Saved 84% of original text.

FreudianCafe , to Politics in What issues motivate voters who support neither Biden nor Trump?

The only difference between the two fascists is that one wants the pink money and the other speaks ugly words

Addv4 , to Politics in What issues motivate voters who support neither Biden nor Trump?

Dealing with monopolies, stopping our unilateral support for Israel, fixing the housing crisis, and proper taxation for the wealthiest so that a lot of the public institutions that have been defunded for the past couple decades can be improved. Those are the biggest ones, fix those and most of the other ones start to self correct. Don't, and the US falls apart.

SkybreakerEngineer ,

Make corruption illegal again, and enforce. That's how you get rid of most of the political BS.

kriz , to Politics in What issues motivate voters who support neither Biden nor Trump?

A: Gazan genocide

Zachariah , avatar

Well that seems misguided. If both candidates will let the genocide happen, but one will also fuck everything else up, it seems like an easy choice.

queermunist , avatar

Wrong. Both candidates will do genocide. They aren't just letting it happen. This is active participation.

The main difference is the one that will fuck everything else up will fuck up the genocide too, because he's horrible for the US's international relationships. It'd be a lot easier for the ICC and ICJ to do their jobs if the US alienated all of Israel's other support.

Even better, blue-no-matter-who's would join the campus occupation instead of siding with the cops cracking down on them.

protist ,

I'm voting blue no matter who when the opponent is a Republican every damn time. I also don't support the police actions against protesters, am against the US's ongoing support for Israel, and want the genocide to stop. I'm still voting for Biden and every Democrat up and down my ballot in November. I've got another chance to vote for more progressive candidates when the next primary happens, but until then I've got a ton of progressive candidates in local races on my ballot this November and Biden being in the White House is better in literally every way than Trump being there.

queermunist , avatar

You are the reason Biden is ignoring the uncommitted movement. He knows he can rely on blue-no-matter-who voters and he doesn't need to listen to voters. You undermine every attempt to push Biden on every issue. This is all your fault.

protist ,

This is all your fault.

And if Trump is elected, it will be your fault. Then you can have even more indiscriminate murdering of Palestinian civilians, plus the gutting of our entire federal government, the end of federal protections for workers, the environment, and protected classes, and a couple more Christian Nationalist Supreme Court justices to further erode your rights.

This election is not like 2012, 2008, 2004, or 2000, when protest votes mattered and happened but both major party candidates respected the rule of law. Hell, I voted for Ralph Nader. This is not the same my friend. Donald Trump must be kept out of office.

queermunist , avatar

Then you can have even more indiscriminate murdering of Palestinian civilians

There might not even be any Palestinians alive in Gaza by the election if Biden doesn't stop this genocide, and if he doesn't stop it is your fault. You are undoing the work of all those campus occupiers that are being beaten and arrested. If you don't force Biden to stop there won't be anyone left for Trump to kill.

And when I say it's your fault I mean that literally. You are directly responsible by directly supporting genocide.

I'm not supporting Trump, except by your tortured logic of "everyone who isn't with us is with the enemy" bullshit.

and a couple more Christian Nationalist Supreme Court justices to further erode your rights.

There's already a 7-3 majority, we're fucked until Democrats expand the Court and Biden won't do that either so whatever. I'll vote Dem down ticket to hinder Trump if he wins, but I will not vote for genocide and you can only blame Biden for forcing me.

Out of curiosity, did Aaron Bushnell vote for Trump by self-immolating?

protist ,

And when I say it's your fault I mean that literally. You are directly responsible by directly supporting genocide

I'm not supporting Trump, except by your tortured logic of "everyone who isn't with us is with the enemy" bullshit

The lack of coherence between these two statements is stunning

queermunist , avatar

You're voting for genocide, it's not a metaphor or abstraction in your case. You are directly voting for genocide.

Deal with it.

autotldr Bot , to Politics in What issues motivate voters who support neither Biden nor Trump?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Many Americans say they don't want to vote for either President Biden or former President Trump this year.

NPR wanted to learn more about these voters and what issues motivate them.

The original article contains 31 words, the summary contains 31 words. Saved 0%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Mjpasta710 , to Star Trek in NPR: 'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer

Season five was written without propery continuity.

The show had amazing actors, beautiful graphics, and bad story writing.

All the damage from season four is ignored, except Book's romance.

There were entire sectors of space that are voids because of the last season.

If they were to use the power, they could rebuild kweijan and all of the damage to planets and creatures in season four.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

The DMA destroyed one station, one populated planet, and one colony that was evacuated before it struck. A sector is 20 LY across.

If they were to use the power, they could rebuild kweijan and all of the damage to planets and creatures in season four.

The finale established that the technology could reanimate a dead body, but couldn't restore minds or personalities. There's also no indication that it could build a planet or reanimate bodies that were crushed in an artificial singularity.

Mjpasta710 ,

I tried to stay away from points that would be spoilers.

The technology had control over gravity and demonstrations of the environments it created on display.

You're going to argue a device drawing energy directly from black holes is limited in its scope of creation?

The progenitor said it could create life, not replacements of what was.
It also said the scale and speed were up to the one managing the process.

They could have easily replaced any of the species that were wiped out. Not trying to argue for exact copies of books family, only the life forms and planets.

Only 20 light years? Say that to the life forms that stopped existing.

Mjpasta710 ,

I did some more digging, in the show the DMA was referenced as appearing more than 1000 light years away from where it had appeared. Discovery season 4 episode 5.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

Yes, it disappeared and reappeared at different locations - it did not hoover up entire sectors.

spyd3r , to Star Trek in NPR: 'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer avatar

I must have missed something, what did they pioneer?

Pfeffy ,

Casting weird looking and chubby women to play Starfleet officers I guess.

Daxtron2 ,

First female captain, first gay couple in the main cast, first non-binary character (and actor) in the main cast, first openly trans character and actor in the main cast (albeit not for a long time), first series actively exploring the future hinted at and briefly seen in other series. But they totally fucked the Klingons in the early seasons lmao

PlainSimpleGarak , to Star Trek in NPR: 'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer

Which one of you authoritarian mods removed my comment? So sorry I don't worship this pile of garbage, poorly written series.

PlainSimpleGarak , to Star Trek in NPR: 'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer

I can't imagine trying to defend this slog of a show. Saru, Georgiou, and Stamets (after he chilled out) are my only reasons for watching this hot garbage. It has very few redeeming qualities.

BaronVonBort , to Star Trek in NPR: 'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer

Look. I have enjoyed the last season. But the show has never escaped its fatal flaw of being in its own way. The finale of season 4 was great Trek, and this season has been good.

But it took how many months of retooling to give us the last season? And I appreciate finding a stride and having the show cancelled (as someone who will defend ENT constantly for this I’ll hear it all) but this isn’t the same case. They tried so many ways to make DIS work and it has hit and missed in different ways, but tying it to one story over the course of a whole season and making that the glue, and not allowing for other characters to be established, is still there. I still have no idea who the majority of the bridge crew are, and I feel there are characters that are overused and others that are criminally underused (can we just get a Reno spinoff please?)

This is a swan song, but personally I’m glad it gets to end on a high note. But let’s see it for what it has been.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

But it took how many months of retooling to give us the last season?

Less than one, as far as I'm aware. They got permission to write and film an additional three days' worth of footage, which became the epilogue to the episode. Everything else is exactly as they orginally shot it, from what they've said.

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