Lamb , to Work Reform in A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days' pay and won't go back

I wish my workplace tried 6 hours day for an 8 hours day pay. I work as a QA tester and 8 hours isn’t humane. If you don’t know what QA work is, it’s basically banging your head against a wall. I’d be happy to do it for 6-7 hours a day, but 8 is too much for my sanity.

themurphy ,

It’s too much for everyone, unless your work is your life.

In jobs where 8 hours are no problem, you usually have some periods of time, where you can shut off your brain. Driving to a new location, frequent breaks in the office or practical duties for some variation.

Corporate desk jobs are awful longer than 6-7 hours.

Lamb ,

Agreed! I think all should do max 6-7 hours a day, but it’s really bad when you have an especially mind-numbing work. :(

HubertManne , avatar

In most of my jobs I like to use the last hour to lay out what im doing the next day

li10 ,

I’d say I only get 6 hours of work done a day. With WFH I just potter about and go on my phone for the rest of it.

I felt bad about it for a while, but the alternative is that I quit and leave my employer in the shit because the team is tiny and they struggle to recruit.

Steve , avatar

I work 12hour shifts. 3 days a week. I’m telling you, that’s way better. Sure the shifts are long. You won’t do anything else those days. But you get used to it in a month or two. Once you do adjust, having 4 day weekends each and every week is life changing. I could never go back.

Lamb ,

I used to work 10 hours shifts 4 days and 12 hours 3 days. It was not better. The days off I was a zombie.

Viking_Hippie , to Work Reform in UAW strike Day 4: GM threatens to send 2,000 workers home, Ford cuts 600 jobs

tested his bid to be the “most pro-labor” president.

Pretty sure that taking away the right to strike from the railway workers killed THAT ridiculous lie already.

On the advice of people much more pro labor than him, he made a great choice for head of NLRB who’s much more pro labor than him. Let’s stop pretending that makes HIM the most pro labor ever.

fmstrat ,

You should read on this. Biden made good on his word and railway workers demands were met, without impacting consumers. It was a good strategy for all involved unless I’m missing something.

There was an article recently about Biden not getting credit for everything his administration has accomplished, exactly because of situations like this.

burntbutterbiscuits ,


Sconrad122 ,

I reinforced Reagan’s precedent that workers’ right to strike is contingent on the effect to the economy that the strike would have, which is a blow to the strength of unions and to the possibility of a general strike, regardless of the results achieved for this set of workers. Not to mention that we don’t know if the unions could have got an even better deal if they had successfully engaged in the strike. Making good on his word helps to soften the blow, but it doesn’t erase it entirely

Viking_Hippie ,

Biden made good on his word and railway workers demands were met

Bullshit. Other people in the administration who are actually pro labor picked up the pieces after he had strongarmed Congress into taking away their right to strike. And even then, they had to settle for a piss-poor agreement since their most effective weapon had been taken away from them.

It was a good strategy for all involved unless I’m missing something.

You’re missing a lot.

There was an article recently about Biden not getting credit for everything his administration has accomplished

First of all: good. The media’s obsession with giving bosses the credit for the work of others is nauseating and Presidential administrations are no exception

Second: if anything, the likes of Politico, NYT, WaPo, HuffPost etc have EXAGGERATED the accomplishments of him and the rest of the party leadership and interpreted everything they do in the most charitable light possible, like they always do.

themeatbridge , to Politics in U.S. House pauses for the night before another attempt to elect a speaker

Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., told reporters ahead of the vote that he planned to vote McCarthy, saying it’s “unacceptable” for a small minority of the majority dictating actions of the conference.

Selfawerewolf in the wild.

Bbbbbbbbbbb ,

Probably, yeah, but its more of a protest vote than anything else imo

krolden , avatar

I want to eat bacon

herrcaptain , to Politics in Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It's a myth with a long history

The way I see it is that most actual citizens can’t even be bothered to vote. Why would a non-citizen spend the time, effort, and (in their case) risk to do it?

I’m sure it’s happened before, but only at a miniscule scale.

ThirdWorldOrder , to Work Reform in Burger King gave candy to a worker who never called in sick. The internet gave $400K avatar

Well this certainly qualifies for orphan-crushing machine.

hahattpro , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

Tipping is a way customers sponsoring greedy capitalist ability to pay below minimum wage.

In my country, people usually don’t tip. They only tip in some special service, such as sex workers.


Being tipped is a way to make vastly more than you would ordinarily make per hour.

You can always tell the people who haven’t worked for tips lol

golamas1999 , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

I would feel less offended if on every bill they would just raise the price my 20% and give that to the workers.

Nemo ,

If they raised the prices 20%, most of that’s not going to the workers. You know it and I know it.

Devccoon , avatar

They effectively have, via tipping. And the employer pays less so ultimately the employee gets screwed no matter what.

The fact they look to us as the problem and not their employers just tells me the scheme is working. Count the money, twirl the moustache and pet the evil lap cat, villains of the world. You’ve won as always, and the downtrodden are still too busy infighting over scraps to realize whose boot they’re under.

darkseer ,

Try greater than 40%. A tip is for service provided directly to you. If the employer increases the servers wages by 20% then that’s every hour they work and there may not be any customers for some of the servers shift.

qball , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen avatar

Recognizing that the act of asking for an unsolicited tip as a requisite part of buying a coffee is making both customers and himself uncomfortable, acknowledging that his take home pay is so abysmally low that he depends on tips to make a living, and then after all of that, blaming the customer as the primary problem for not being willing to tip in the current economy/environment, is like making a 95 yard run and then tripping over your own shoelaces at the endzone.

Frog-Brawler , avatar

Sometimes you need to burn some clock before getting the TD. I understand what you’re getting at with your analogy, but felt like being slightly ornery for my own amusement. 😏

bigkahuna1986 , to Politics in The Trump campaign embraces Jan. 6 rioters with money and pardon promises

But I thought Antifa was behind Jan 6? /s

some_guy ,

Antifa and the fbi. You forgot the other part.

JoShmoe ,

Aunt Tifa may be able to stir up a lot of shit by herself, but even she isn’t capable of all this.

captainlezbian , to Work Reform in A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days' pay and won't go back

As an industrial engineer it’s amazing that this is proving effective in manufacturing environments. I’d suspected it would but much like with WFH, I assumed this was one of those things that had a chance of catching on for office workers but wouldn’t in factories.

The 40 hour work week was a massive success not because it was just right but because cutting hours so workers can rest was hugely beneficial

wintermute_oregon , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

Good start but really should be higher.

I would think at lease 80k

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

I agree. A third of my engineering team were former teachers with bachelor’s/master degrees. They’re amazing people who would be teaching the future.

wintermute_oregon ,

Except in a few states, teaching high school doesn’t pay. College can pay but it takes years to get there.

My high school science teacher was amazing. He loved teaching. Had to work a second job to pay for his lifestyle which was very basic. He was the teacher of the year many times and still had to work a second job.

If you are salary, the position should pay more. It is often used to work with someone without paying them fairly.

I think wages are often between the worker and the employer but I do think regulations should stop abuse. While fast food places are not highly profitable, they shouldn’t screw people to make a profit.

BassaForte , avatar

Nah, 200k. Then as inflation increases and wages inevitably go up, we’ll be good for at least a couple decades.

applepie , (edited ) to Work Reform in U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs

Punish 'em harder mommy

littlebluespark , avatar

I wanna watch

Xariphon , to U.S. News in Longtime 'Price Is Right' host Bob Barker dies at 99

He got as close as he could to 100

Without going over.

(Kidding aside, his hosting was a part of my childhood fondly remembered. 99 years is a hell of a run.)

Candybar121 , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

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  • Eloise ,

    As is your right, still makes you an asshole though. Yeah, it’s fucked up workers aren’t paid enough but that IS the reality of the situation. Tipping at this point is like flushing the toilet - technically optional but not doing it is pretty shitty.

    Candybar121 , (edited )

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  • darkseer ,

    That’s not true. I’ve heard accounts of early servers who only made money off of tips and were expected to pay the restaurant a portion of their tips for the privilege of serving there. In fact the only way to get service was to tip them beforehand and how much you tipped determined the level of service you received. This tip for good service is just a myth that is an excuse to avoid tipping.

    darkseer ,

    As someone who used to live on tips that’s short sighted. The customer will always get the short end of the stick in this type of fight. If everyone refuses to give the employee 20% of the ticket then the business will charge the customer 40% of the ticket and give the employee 15%.

    yata ,

    Blaming the customer for not tipping is the short sighted take. A business which can’t afford to pay its employees a livable wage doesn’t deserve to exist.

    Scew , avatar

    Yes but the argument here seems to be that these businesses that shouldn’t exist still have patrons in this thread refusing to tip. Refusing to tip in an institution where it’s already the system AND using their services IS the customer giving a big middle-finger to the service staff. If you don’t agree with tipping in general don’t use those services where people’s livelihoods are already tied to the expectation of a tip. Otherwise you are the asshole.

    Jaysyn , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar

    Good. Fuck the .

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