SpacePirate , to Politics in Analyst on Don Jr.'s "stunning" testimony: "I cannot overstate how damaging these admissions are"

Classic stupidity isn’t fraud defense. It’s fairly effective, despite what this article is representing; if they prosecution can’t prove conspiracy or material fraud (smoking gun), they have an uphill battle proving their case.

Froyn ,

Conservative attorney George Conway called Trump Jr.'s claims "ridiculous" because "Management representation letters are called management representation letters for a reason: They contain representations made 𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 and it’s the 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 who are entitled to rely upon them."

From the article, with their own emphasis.

Jr's version sounds a lot like "I didn't read the terms before I clicked Agree to install iTunes". Except the Terms for iTunes are the same for everyone and the documents he was signing her specifically made for him (in his position with the company).

TheAlbatross , to Men's Liberation in Tradwife stereotypes are making male loneliness worse

O! foolish male lifestyle influencers
Woe to your machinations and merch stores
It is I who yearns to be the homemaker

Lusamommy , to Men's Liberation in Tradwife stereotypes are making male loneliness worse

An interesting video on the topic, that directly argues against a lot of what the article says

spaduf OP Mod , (edited ) avatar

ShoeOnHead primarily produces rightwing dogwhistle content. Her videos are generally not welcome here.

EDIT: More info for those curious: is that she’s pretty explicitly an antifeminist and has been for as long as she’s been in the public eye (since gamergate).

Lusamommy ,

Is that a mod warning, or just your garbage personal stance?

msage ,

Jesus since when is shoe right dogwhistle?

No1RivenFucker ,

There’s a large portion of the left that just absolutely loathes the idea that someone might not perfectly fall in line, and thus brands everyone who they disagree with as some right wing psyop

aBundleOfFerrets ,

If you are going to peddle such miserable drivel, at least have the common courtesy to make it a piped link

Lusamommy ,

Lmao you’re in the responses to someone who posted a fucking salon article. This is hardly the drivel here

SkepticalButOpenMinded ,

The video is not addressing the specific argument in the article. The main argument in the article is that the interest in tradwives is harming men’s ability to function in the real dating world. That seems plausible to me. There are probably not that many women who are into being tradwives so it’s an outrageous expectation to normalize.

The video doesn’t address that thesis at all. It’s making more of a libertarian argument: “tradwives aren’t hurting anyone so leave them alone.” But even if women should be allowed to be tradwives, that says nothing about whether men and other women are harmed by the promotion of these regressive gender norms. At one point, the video shows a ton of examples of men wishing violence on tradwife women, for e.g. not having dinner done on time. Somehow, this YouTuber still doesn’t see how promoting this view of a women’s place is harmful.

DerisionConsulting ,

I haven’t really heard anything about her since gamergate, and the anti-SJW/feminist days in the 2010’s. I have seen her pop up twice in a week, both times in places where anti-SJW beliefs would not be welcome.

Are her views/take fairly shallow and easily swayed, has she matured as a person and changed her politics, or is she just an online creator following where the trends are for views?

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

Are her views/take fairly shallow and easily swayed, has she matured as a person and changed her politics, or is she just an online creator following where the trends are for views?

I don’t think there’s been any significant change in her content. Notable that the person posting the video was a fresh account and that was their first comment.

Franzia ,

I continue to wash Shoe despite a few frustrations. She’s not easily swayed or stupid, but does have a uniquely liberal take on everything. That is to say, often telling people to be more permissive of right wing. She has matured, but its hardened her views into this weird, both sides, dogwhistle-y brand of opinions. And yet she continues to cover important topics, just… In a way that leaves more to be desired.

No1RivenFucker ,

Why is it a problem that she’s not just hostile towards the right? Is leftism an obligation in your eyes?

Franzia ,

I’m drawing a compromise with the argument that she makes content that dogwhistles right wing talking points.

Leftism isnt an obligation, no, but we are on solarpunk. And Shoe has been pushed to the left before. I find her drawing this liberal line is one if the most important aspects to her content.

No1RivenFucker ,

I’m drawing a compromise with the argument that she makes content that dogwhistles right wing talking points.

Compromise is only valuable when the positions the compromise seeks to find ground between are both equally honest positions. And calling her “right wing dogwhistle content” is anything but. It’s just a dishonest excuse to discredit her for not perfectly riding the approved narrative. And just to add onto it, the guy who posted the video was immediately banned for it. Compromise isn’t the goal it seems. It’s to throw out and discredit dissent.

Leftism isnt an obligation, no, but we are on solarpunk

No, we’re on Just because the mod is on solar punk, it doesn’t mean that the community is. And makes no claims of being a leftist instance, just a Canadian one.

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

And calling her “right wing dogwhistle content” is anything but. It’s just a dishonest excuse to discredit her for not perfectly riding the approved narrative.

She’s been producing antifeminist content while calling herself a progressive for a very long time. I fail to see how that’s not right wing dog whistling that is largely incompatible with the goals of this community.

No1RivenFucker ,

For how much you hate her, you are as hell haven’t leveled a single actual point against her other than generic shit talking. Surely you can actually point to specific issues, no?

fckreddit , to Men's Liberation in Tradwife stereotypes are making male loneliness worse

I just want to be loved. I am not looking a submissive woman. I don’t have a list of requirements. Is that so hard for people playing these stupid politics to understand. If the lady don’t know how to cook, I will. I am looking for a relationship, not a servant or slave.

queermunist , to Politics in An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them avatar

I don’t think that liberals will ever understand so-called Republican “hypocrisy”

The truth is, Republicans don’t believe anything. All of their arguments are just tools to be used or discarded as needed to achieve their agenda. They don’t believe in free speech, they just know they can use it rhetorically to get what they want. If another free speech issue comes up and they don’t like it, they just discard free speech for another tool.

They aren’t hypothetical. They’re just cynical.

gregorum , avatar

They’re not even cynical. They’re power-crazed, lying fascists who will say and do whatever they need to in order to gain more power.

queermunist , avatar

There’s some psychopaths, sure, but they’re between 1/4th and a 1/3rd of the country. You can’t think they’re all just demons lol

The majority are cynics and believe politics is about redistributing pain. They believe religious oppression is natural and inevitable, the only question is who the victims are. The only way for Christians to win is for everyone else to lose, etc etc

littlebluespark , avatar

Your argument is so ridiculously asinine, all due respect.

Yes. Yes, we can. No matter their numbers. They’re a bunch of fucking assclowns of varying depravities and inclinations. Period. Whether they’re ⅓ or ¼ or ½ of the country doesn’t change a fucking thing.

“The majority” [citation needed] are setting the example for those further down the human centipede, but that doesn’t mean slicing up the shitworm at any point along the chain isn’t helping the entire fucking world.

queermunist , avatar

Misanthropy tbh

shiveyarbles ,

You missed the point on this one. Republican politicians don’t give a shit about any of that, rather than as a method of achieving fascism for their donors.

queermunist , avatar

That’s literally what cynicism is. They’re not robots, they’re just convinced life is transactional and inherently about sacrificing others for yourself.

littlebluespark , avatar

That’s not cynicism. That’s being a piece of shit. There’s no ism. The whole classification as “Republican” is as much a container as a Hefty bag straining at the seams to hold a festering, steaming volume of soupy shit. Soon, even that hero of a garbage bag is going to break.

queermunist , avatar

It’s a world outlook and agenda. There are always winners and losers, so the only thing that matters is being on the winning team and making sure the losers lose. We can’t all work together because someone is always screwing someone else over. I got mine, fuck you. Etc

You can hate this outlook, but there is actually an underlying ideology behind it. They aren’t just demons lol

littlebluespark , avatar

The only one using the term “demons” is you, friendo. Church much?

spacecowboy ,

I invite you to look up the word metaphor.

queermunist , avatar

Monsters. Assholes. Whatever.

Their politics goes deeper than being doodie heads.

littlebluespark , avatar

I’m not defending the fucknuts, etc., I’m pointing out that “demons” is outdated and childish. Might as well call them boogeymen, FFS.

queermunist , avatar

lol and calling people “fucknuts” isn’t childish?

Might as well call them doodie heads 🙄

littlebluespark , avatar

There’s precedent for fricative-fueled illustrative expletives, friendo. Welcome to cultural morphology. Care to read a book?

queermunist , avatar

That shit is for middle schoolers and South Park characters. It’s not creative or cute. It’s cringe.

someguy3 ,

They don’t care about being hypocritical because they just don’t care.

queermunist , avatar

…yes, and that’s cynicism. They don’t care about hypocrisy, so they’ll just say whatever they need to in order to win.

someguy3 ,

cynicism /sĭn′ĭ-sĭz″əm/ noun

<span style="color:#323232;">An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"the public cynicism aroused by governmental scandals."
</span><span style="color:#323232;">A scornfully or jadedly negative comment or act. 

No I don’t think that’s cynicism.

CarlsIII ,

It’s possible they’re also just stupid too

queermunist , avatar


But if stupid people are winning, what does that say about us?

whenigrowup356 ,

I’d agree that people at the top of the party are cynical and mostly just want tax breaks and to keep government regulations away from their financial investments. Many of the voters do earnestly vote based on Christian nationalism (especially pro-life people) and fear of immigrants, though.

These voters have also been subjected to 20+ years of propaganda from right wing radio and TV networks. Have you ever subjected yourself to that shit? It’s like a constant fear response.

My point is the voters at the bottom may not always have a consistent principled worldview, but they’re not always acting cynically with their votes. Many of them really do believe this stuff.

OneWomanCreamTeam , avatar

People really do underestimate how inconsistent a person’s worldview can be. Just because they don’t make any sense doesn’t mean they aren’t genuine.

queermunist , avatar

There are definitely True Believers, but most voters just vote along party lines tbh

someguy3 , to Politics in An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them

I’ve already seen the backflips when they try to ban books. Something something perverse therefore not protected under free speech.

spacecowboy , to Politics in An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them

Republicans are a pox on humanity. Imagine how much better life would be if they would stop holding everyone back.

cheese_greater , to Politics in An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them

You gotta pay for that $hit /s

frauddogg , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict avatar

I hope Nex violently haunts every single motherfucker responsible, all the way up to Woods. I’m talking, ‘drag their asses into some Misao, Corpse Party-type shit’ haunt their asses.

3425asdfqwer4 ,

How about the rest of us do the job? These people should not be able to show their face without risking life and limb.

gregorum , avatar

I would watch his Netflix series

slacktoid , avatar

No i just hope they get peace. We should give em hell.

DogPeePoo , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

Inbred former dairy cow farmer calls other people “filth”…

…then goes back to jacking off hot udders into buckets

alquicksilver , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict avatar

Yeah, well, I don’t want your inhumane filth in my species, senator asshat, but we don’t always get what we want.

Here’s to hoping his vengeful god strikes him down with something atrocious.

taladar , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

the moral and Christian fortitude he aims to represent

I mean to be fair he is a good representative for the disgusting “values” that kind of religion instils in people.

cabron_offsets , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

Guarantee you he smokes fat dicks.

TakiMinase ,

People should open source surveil these creeps, you just know they go to secret motel hookups.

slacktoid , avatar

I mean someone constantly trailing these clowns… I’m willing to throw some money for that.

die444die ,

No but he probably is a pedophile.

ULS , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

Gays are filthy though… Filthy FRESH!

newtraditionalists , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

What must it be like? To be so immensely mediocre, and think you are ordained by a deity? I imagine it’s actually a lot scarier than they lead on. And that’s why they freak out about literally nothing. They have no idea what the fuck is going on around them, but they are just aware enough to know those around them expect them to lead. They are dumb animals acting out of pure flight instincts, but they’re privileged enough that the systems around them won’t let them fail. It’s hilarious and maddening.

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