xuxebiko , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds

is "investor" the new term for "buyer of WH confidential docs"? because we know Trump & fam didn't steal those docs to be bathroom decor.

LEDZeppelin , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds

So let’s have a Hunter Biden style investigation for Jared. Where are Gym Jordan and Comer on this one?

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

Deflecting with Hunter’s dick pics

thefartographer ,

You better quit deflecting before you grow hair on your palms and go blind!

Dressedlikeapenguin ,


Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

They're not very creative, so they can't think up other nefarious schemes so they just accuse their enemies of what they're doing. Grooming kids? Check. Corrupt sons of presidents involved with "overseas investors?" Check. Stealing an election? Check.

Phlogiston ,

Its not about being creative — its about muddying the swamp they’re swimming in so that you can’t see their own corruption.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Considering that twice-impeached, multiple-felony-indicted Trump is leading in the primary polls, I don't think they care about their own corruption.

Ubermeisters ,

I think they like the smell of their own farts

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

It also works to help obfuscate Democratic corruption as it's nowhere near as bad and when pointed out is immediately compared to the much worse Republican corruption, which in turn pushes the envelope (full of cash) forwards even more. It sucks.

MrSpArkle ,

There’s a reason dollar amounts are seldom mentioned in conservative Hunter Biden tabloid articles. Otherwise simple math would reveal the comparative and objective scale of potential foreign interest.

bauhaus , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds avatar

we watched him do this shit for 4 years 3 years ago, and they’re “stunned” about this now???

they knew. they always knew. that’s why they went into business with him. this objection is purely performative so they can take his dirty money while trying to stay clean.

but they’re still just as dirty

Sanctus , avatar

I’m so sick of everything being blatantly corrupt. You can’t take a shit without it making four shady deals on the way down to the water. The rot has spread so much the cleansing flames would engulf the world. Human potential, wasted completely on profits and racketeering. It would take a global movement to uproot what has taken hold of all of us.

bauhaus , avatar

I’m not so big on the “cleansing flames” part, but I agree with the rest.

Sanctus , avatar

It meant we’re so entangled with this shit that undoing it would unravel the world. And every elite is drinking from their own glass, they truly believe they do no harm.

bauhaus , avatar

they truly believe they do no harm.

eh… I don’t believe that. maybe some of them might, but I refuse o believe they’re all so oblivious to the harm they cause and that at least some of them aren’t enjoying it.

Sanctus , avatar

They aren’t oblivious. They justify it in their own minds. Maybe I’m saying that because I don’t want to believe we built a society that turns psychopaths into gods.

bauhaus , avatar

I don’t want to believe we built a society that turns psychopaths into gods.

you mean capitalism?

edit: sorry, I don’t mean to sound glib

Sanctus , avatar

Don’t mind the libertarians booing you. Its obvious a society built on individualism and man-eat-man would turn to this. I still don’t want to believe this is the best we could come up with.

bauhaus , avatar

libertarians, you say? is that what the nazis are calling themselves this week?

I’m well past caring what strangers on the internet think of me, trying to hurt my feelings with imaginary internet points.

const_void , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds

Meanwhile the average American is struggling to pay rent and bills every month. Fuck this nepobaby.

gravitas_deficiency ,

And then Fox breathlessly asks wHeRE’s hUNtER’s LapToP

ElHexo , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

Send in the national guard Biden

trudge , (edited ) to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends avatar

spoiler CWI had a coloured friend once when I was nine and susceptible. Thank goodness that my mother (now a local leader in Moms for Liberty) was there to beat some sense into me. Who knows what I might have been if I continued down that path.

Outdoor_Catgirl , avatar

Please cw for use of racist language, even for satirical purposes

trudge , avatar

Will do.

jabrd , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

Moms for Liberty has heavily promoted trainings for conservative activists on how to take over school boards, which ought to make clear how we should understand stories like this one, which just sound like a racist tantrum in a Texas suburb. These aren’t random or isolated events — they’re part of a large, well-organized and well-financed attack on public education across the country.

I feel like it’s important to keep the eye on the ball here. The right has been incredibly successful at organizing at the local level and has flipped a lot of seats because of it, and not just in the rural south either.

Alaskaball , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends avatar

The first friend I made in preschool was different from me. Damn bigots

autismdragon , (edited ) avatar

My mom’s anti-racism was very liberal white savior but I will always thank her for the fact that she actively encouraged me to make friends with our black neighbors when I was like 4. I unfortunately still lived mostly in white dominated areas growing up and had very few black acquittances and no close black friends. Though I did have a few close asain friends in highschool I guess. But still, I went to a highschool with like a grand total of two black people, and the one I was friendly with had been adopted by a white family. So while my mom did instill that racism is wrong, i still lacked necessary perspective for a long time. Pretty much didnt really get interested and involved in race issues until I was on tumblr when Mike Brown happened. And I still haven’t really had as many one on one conversations and friendships with black people as I would like.

Idk, maybe I’m being weird about race even with this post. I just kind of regret the fact that being in white dominated areas meant I didnt get to have the kind of experiences that would help me have been better on race earlier. I did at least have no open racists in my family growing up, which was good. And in addition to my mom my paternal grandma has always been proactively anti-racist. Both in a liberal way, but better than the upbringing a lot of white Americans have.

Sorry for the info dump lol.

ETA: OH I should mention that one positive experience with racial diversity in my life has been working with POC children in my past jobs with kids. Thats been beneficial I think. For example I specifically remember viscerally feeling the anxiety my latine students had during the rise of Trump.

Tarkcanis , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

The US should let the south succeed, then, when their government colapses, bring them back as protectorates with ZERO political power.

UlyssesT , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

My only friends in grade school for a significant time were different race than me. I-was-saying

Rocketpoweredgorilla , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends avatar

I’ve been on this rock for around five decades now, and some of the best people I’ve ever met were not of the same flavor I am.

Chetzemoka , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

Make racism wrong again

kitonthenet , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

now personally I think politicians like this should be legally condemned to death

JoBo ,

Making them a martyr really won’t help.

Turning up to oppose them might. I know, it’s harder work than violent fantasies. But it’s work that urgently needs doing.

Swedneck , avatar

Violence has historically been extremely effective, and oh man guess who has a massive incentive to convince people that violence is bad?

davi ,

then we wouldn’t have someone to run against trump.

well besides bernie, but he’ll never get the nomination no matter what.

whatupwiththat , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

fucking exhausting

Arotrios , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends avatar

Per the article, this is part of an organized effort on the part of formerly respected institutions on the right to actively push a racist agenda. Our star villain in this case is the Claremont Institute:

Last week, the New Republic published a lengthy and terrifying investigative article by Katherine Stewart about the Claremont Institute, once a vaguely respectable conservative think tank and now among the leading right-wing organizations pushing the anti-education and anti-democratic agenda below the surface of the Conroe incident. One of the many Claremont alumni Stewart profiles is Christopher Rufo, who spearheaded the recent hysteria over "critical race theory" in education. In reality, critical race theory was an approach used in law schools and other graduate-level academic spaces, and had basically nothing to do with public schools. Rufo's ingenious idea was to turn it into a catch-all scare term that could be used to demonize any and all forms of anti-racist education, even something as previously noncontroversial as a poster depicting interracial friendship.

Here's the more detailed article on Claremont from the New Republic. Excerpt below:

The saga of the Claremont Institute in the Trump years is readily told as one of moral collapse. Once upon a time, the men of the Claremont Institute (they are almost all men; more on that in a moment) idolized George Washington for his “prudence” and “civility.” From its founding up through the Obama years, the institute was certainly situated on the right, but it was not, or did not seem to be, conspicuous for its extremism. It was probably best known for publishing the Claremont Review of Books, which was sized and laid out to resemble The New York Review of Books, as if to suggest that it was in direct competition with its more established and exalted Manhattan counterpart.

But in 2015–16, the Claremont men threw their support behind the man who descended that golden escalator with a mouthful of hateful rhetoric. In an earlier time, they defended intellectual rigor against the alleged relativism of contemporary academic culture. But now they provide a platform for white nationalists, racist “replacement” theorists, and the Pizzagate man. Nate Hochman, the erstwhile DeSantis staffer who was fired after he reportedly created and distributed a campaign video featuring Nazi imagery in July, is a former Claremont Institute Publius Fellow (2021). ”Most haunting of all—they once hailed the United States as “the best regime in Western civilization.” But in the aftermath of Trump’s defeat in 2020, Claremont board member John Eastman was instrumental in the plot to recruit fake electors and overturn the election—and the men of Claremont rose to his defense. Eastman currently faces potential disbarment in California and appears to be a person of interest in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigations. Yet Claremont board member and founder Christopher Flannery has called John Eastman a “hero” and has asked us instead to condemn “the Stalinist machine” (meaning U.S. federal law enforcement) for persecuting him. Eastman was the unidentified (and uncharged) co-conspirator 2 in the August 1 indictment of Trump over his January 6 actions. (Claremont did not respond to emails from The New Republic asking if the institution endorsed Eastman’s behavior on this matter, in addition to some other issues addressed in this piece.)

The Claremont Institute’s seeming embrace of political violence against the government of the United States is not limited to Eastman’s efforts to whip up the mob that gathered at the Ellipse in preparation for the assault on the Capitol, nor can it be excused as mere metaphorical excess in the war of ideas. “Given the promise of tyranny, conservative intellectuals must openly ally with the AR-15 crowd,” argues author Kevin Slack, a professor at Hillsdale College, in a lengthy book excerpt published in Claremont’s online magazine, The American Mind. “Able-bodied men, no longer isolated, are returning to republican manliness in a culture of physical fitness and responsible weaponry. They are buying AR-15s and Glock 17s and training with their friends, not FBI-infiltrated militias or online strangers but trustworthy lifelong friends to build a community alongside.”

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