changingfmh , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous

Michelle Hurd has been championing longer seasons of television for the sake of job security. We really just need to accept that 10 episode series are not there to “cut out the bad stuff” but to put the cast and crew in a worse position. Produce less content, if it “flops” then you’ve only spent so much and can cut everyone loose and recoup the loss elsewhere instead of investing jn the future.

I think more episodes of SNW would do the show a lot of good. Right now, the status quo (in my eyes, at least) is gimmick episodes. We’re not getting nearly enough “normal” Trek. Season 2 specifically has mostly been gimmicks, crossovers, and bottle episodes. You really need to construct before you deconstruct, make a status quo before you break it. It would make these big episodes stand out more.

Schooner ,

What are bottle episodes?

r_thndr ,

Episodes that occur entirely on the ship (Enterprise) with no interactions or consequences outside of the ship.

PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

Not just this that, but how s2 ended…


Don’t do us like that!

spoilerI don’t mind a little bit of tune in next year but to chop it off like that is totes BS


More episodes would allow SNW to be more things for more people, and try to color outside the lines of traditional sci fi drama. Some people love the quirky episodes, and that’s cool. I am not into musicals; however, if there is one “that time I went to band camp” episode a year that doesn’t fill a 10 ep slot, ok, whatever. 10eps is REALLY SHORT.

Mzpip OP , to Star Trek in Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise

Theme song aside (I don't mind it) the opening credits are the best, most imaginative of all the treks.

Vordus , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous

Honestly, I think SNW is in a pretty decent position for a larger episode order. Heck, having more episodes to create more space between TOS character guest appearances would probably do the series good.

observantTrapezium , to Star Trek in Why Detmer & Owosekun Were Missing From Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Explained By Showrunner avatar

These two had the misfortune of being in the grey zone between background and supporting characters. It's fine for a show not to focus on the bridge crew (who's at the helm on the Cerritos?) but Detmer and Owosekun got a raw deal because sometimes it seemed like they were gonna have some character development. Like in season 3 that Detmer had this bizarre beef with Stamets out of nowhere, and that was probably the only episode where she got more than a couple of lines.

I'm not surprised that the actresses chose their other projects (they were probably at the bottom of the totem poll of the show in terms of pay).

I probably wouldn't have noticed they were missing, but in episode 3 Michael introduced Rayner to the crew and said "You'll meet Owosekun, Detmer and the rest of the crew in a little bit", and then later Tilly said "I'll send Commander Owosekun in", off screen of course. Lame.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

I think it was a worthy experiment - take the nameless, silent extras that populate the bridge on the older shows and give them a little more to do.

But I think it created some unintended and unfortunate audience expectations. Maybe a failed experiment.

I would imagine none of those actors were under contract.

ValueSubtracted Mod , to Star Trek in Why Detmer & Owosekun Were Missing From Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Explained By Showrunner avatar

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I didn't realize there were conspiracy theories floating around about them being fired or some nonsense. I figured the actual reason was probably pretty benign.

USSBurritoTruck Mod , avatar

Yeah, I never thought it was anything deeper than that they're working Canadian actors who probably had other projects. I looked both of them up because someone in another group I frequent was chirping about it, and Emily Coutts recently wrote and directed her own short film, and Oyin Oladejo got to play the lead in an indie thriller.

unreachable , to Star Trek in Star Trek: DS9 Was "Never Going To Go Into A Movie" Says Kira Actor avatar

Financial reasons played a major role in the lack of a DS9 movie, as the sets for the show were extremely expensive and surpassed those of TNG.

wonder if they can make a budget utilising the backdrop live screen that is used in the “mandalorian” and the “ashoka” starwars movie today

Salamendacious OP , avatar

Wouldn’t that be fantastic? I doubt Brooks would want to be involved though.

thebardingreen , avatar

Which is too bad. A movie would be the perfect way to wrap up the Ben Sisko story.

Salamendacious OP , avatar

Personally I’d be okay recasting the role. I’d totally buy that his experiences with the founders could change him physically.

Wooster , avatar

IMO, it wouldn’t work well.

The DS9 set was complicated. You had obstructions and levels. Those would need to be replicated with green screen props and they tend to not bother with those. At best you’ll get uncanny valley like the Romulan Bridge in S1 Picard. Works for a specific scene, but isn’t something to dwell in.

downpunxx , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous avatar

I know it's an incredibly unpopular opinion but my least favorite SNW show to date has been the musical, it was kitchy and waaaay too annoying to follow along with the story when they just kept singing all the time, it pleased the theater kids to no end, but I couldn't even make it through the episode, having said that, SNW is far and away the best Trek in the entire P+ batch yet, and I'm glad it's getting shown the love it deserves for being my sort of Trek. Looks like we got a runner, boys, long may she run.

adam_y , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous avatar

I’ve talked to some folk who work in TV about just this.

The upshot is that knowing the length of run with enough time creates better episodes whether the run is short or long.

The problem is something getting big and an emergency demand for more episodes after a season has already been planned out. (or that episodes need to be cut for a reduced run).

As for the BBC, we are still very much waiting for the clock to run out on Casualty, Holby City, EastEnders, silent witness…

I’d also argue that even despite a shorter episode length, Sherlock still managed to overstay its welcome.

lucidinferno OP ,

Don’t even get me started with Sherlock. 😂 Greatest show of all time ever to jump the shark.

Madison_rogue , (edited ) avatar

Let hbomberguy tell you how Sherlock is bad by talking about it for what feels like an entire season of Sherlock.


lucidinferno OP ,

Wow. I wasn’t aware of hbomberguy. Seems more of an “attack the person” and less of an “attack the idea” kind of person.

DerisionConsulting , to Star Trek in Star Trek: Discovery Beats Picard & Rises Higher In Nielsen Streaming Top 10

I had to stop Picard's first episode because I burst out laughing when the superhero jump up the stairs happened.
I finished 2 seasons of Discover before I stopped watching.

I don't think I'll go back and try to finish either series, but I could stand DISC way longer.

observantTrapezium , avatar

Discovery got even worse after season 2.

Corgana , avatar
taladar ,

I made it to about episode 5 with Discovery (the one with the security officer getting mauled because she walked into that cage with the wild animal unarmed) by actively giving it more chances than it deserved, not sure how you managed to watch a whole two seasons of it.

Kaldo , avatar

Lorca got me through discovery for a season or two and then he was gone, I don't think I watched anything beyond it. I hear it's only gotten worse, somehow

ShepherdPie ,

For me the first season was arguably one of the worst. I didn't start enjoying it until around S3 with the time jump, but it's been hit or miss since then. I just can't stand how, for lack of a better word, sappy the show can be with the constant "cut to crewperson's face giving an approving nod while Burnham gives a motivational, whispered speech backed by heartwarming music." It all seems so over the top, lazy, and gimmicky. Rather than write better stories, they want to pull on your heartstrings with cheap tropes to keep people watching.

Son_of_dad ,

The last season of discovery is the only one I have left and I'm finishing it begrudgingly. I really don't like that show. Huge fan of strange new worlds, but discovery felt like a cw version of a Disney star wars show.

buckykat , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous

I don’t understand this idea that fewer episodes is better. Basically my only complaint about SNW season 2 is how rushed it felt.

Richard , avatar

How did it feel rushed? We had a new adventure every week that was largely unrelated to the previous one, and character development was distributed all throughout the season. The only thing I felt was rushed were some of the episodes like the one with the tower (Among the Lotus Eaters) where the resolution to the conflict came very surprisingly and abruptly, but longer seasons wouldn’t have changed that.

buckykat ,

The big one is Chapel and Spock. She goes straight from pursuing him to leaving him without much of any actual relationship in between. Pelia doesn’t get to do much as the chief engineer, and Ortegas barely gets any screen time at all.

maegul , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous

My feeling watching SNW is that it isn’t getting enough space to breath more and chew on its subject matter more. I’d bet the writers and show runners are voicing the same thing … if they had more episodes they’d totally be able to fill them out with good stuff. In a way, organically growing from short episode counts into greater seasons might be a good way to go. Lots of comparisons to TNG etc here, and in those cases, maybe a shorter first season might have actually worked well.

Blamemeta , to Star Trek in [IDW's Star Trek: Day of Blood #1 comic] Star Trek Confirms an Underrated TNG Crew Member Is Destined for Command

Crusher? Shes a doctor, not a captain

dmonzel , avatar

“All Good Things…”? PIC S3? Hell, she was the ranking officer of the Enterprise-D in “Descent”.

It wouldn’t shock me if the Federation had a fleet of medical ships captained by doctors.

Blamemeta ,

Its a joke, jim

Teal , to Star Trek in Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise avatar

It took me a few episodes to like Enterprise and now I really enjoy the series. I really wish it when t a couple of more seasons.

The theme song was off putting to me at first. Once I bonded with the cast and characters it somehow became better and now I let it play for most episodes and even sing along.

echodot ,

I think the reason people don't really like the theme song very much is because it isn't the classic instrumental. All of the other Star Treks have been very obviously Star Trek from the opening few tones. Enterprise isn't like that.

Strange New Worlds got this, even though it was a brand new piece of music just the first few notes, you can tell it's Star Trek without even looking at the screen.

Teal , avatar

I get that and felt the same way. When I played the first episode and theme played I was like what the hell is this…lol!

Manabi , avatar

Back when Enterprise was airing some fan took the opening footage and added instrumental music to it instead and it was soooooo much better. Worked wonderfully. Really wish I'd saved a copy of it, because I can't find it anymore.

FordBeeblebrox ,

I think it matches with the prequel aspect before Starfleet was really a thing, and it matches up beautifully with the montage of Big E’s evolution. DS9 has the best instrumental but ENT’s intro is great.

stargazingpenguin , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous avatar

I would be very happy to see 15 episodes a year, I think their current cast is great. They’ve expanded the story of some of the characters in season 2, but I feel they could easily add a few more spotlight episodes a year.

Treatyoself , to Star Trek in [IDW's Star Trek: Day of Blood #1 comic] Star Trek Confirms an Underrated TNG Crew Member Is Destined for Command

I was reeeeeeaaaallly hoping for a Barclay cameo in Picard. Alas, poor Barclay never gets a break.

someguy3 OP ,

He got a lot in Voyager.

askryan ,

Barclay’s actor has become a truly odious person in real life –– I don’t think the TNG cast (Stewart in particular) would have agreed to have him on the show.

ArrogantAnalyst ,

Yeah, sadly that’s my impression as well. I really like his acting style and remember him especially for this scene. But it’s not easy to separate the artist from his art.

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