buran , to Star Trek in Star Trek tech explained: starship navigation lights avatar

Because everything has to be a video now. Ugh.

Ship navigation lights and aircraft lights.

The intended purpose is to indicate a vessel’s current location and course so that other operators can see and avoid, especially at night.

Larger aircraft are also fitted with collision avoidance systems that automatically prompt pilots to climb or descend (and synchronise with the system on the other aircraft).

Bonus: day shapes are displayed on vessel mastheads to indicate the operating status of a vessel during daylight hours.

scaredoftrumpwinning , to Politics in Republican attorneys general demand access to out-of-state abortion medical records

We need to vote out the party of hate greed and power at all levels. This will get worse until we are living in a handmaid’s tale with a non functional environment.

Zombiepirate , to Politics in At what point does blatant racism become acceptable and encouraged? avatar

If by “perfectly illustrates” you mean “bait-and-switched two situations that are not remotely similar for cheap propaganda to appeal to right-wing dipshits who don’t understand the difference between attempting to mitigate generational systemic economic oppression and buying an impulse item,” then yes… It did do that.

Badeendje , (edited ) to Satisfactory in Optimizations coming in 1.0 avatar

I really like their updates and direct way of interaction with the community. Some of their updates are a bit more technical like this one, but they seem to understand that some of their uses love needing out with a game. Their priorities seem very much in order. I also love that they have a good vision on their game and actively reduce tedium so people can focus on the core gameplay and don't get bogged down with busy work to keep the game progressing.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Noise about "our parent company" is worrying. There's been a rash of severely stupid "corporate" decisions lately in the gaming industry. I hope Coffee Stain isn't the next one killed.

milkisklim , to Star Trek in DS9 HistoryWhatIf. What if Sisko didn't help Weyoun destroy the rebel JemHadar and the Iconian gateway?

I believe this wasnt a Rebellion but a covert Dominion ploy to accomplish at least three things

  1. Learn more about Starfleet Ground tactics and operation
  2. Probe DS9 defenses
  3. Kill Sisko and other DS9 senior officers in a plausibly acceptable method, throwing Bajor into a political crisis, ripe for manipulation.

If there’s interest, I’d be happy to answer questions and turn this into it’s own post on c\DaystromInstitute

keeb420 , to Work Reform in Unionize Amazon Everywhere - On Strike Show
  1. Unionize everywhere.
  2. Fuck Sawant.
Sunforged OP ,

Curious what your beef with her is. From talking to most people on the street, most can’t articulate what the issue actually is and alot of the hate is a direct result of media propaganda against her.

keeb420 ,

Watching her be a rep for Seattle it became clear she's about herself and her party above all else. She's a socialist version of trump, which is the last thing we need on the left.

End0fLine , to Star Trek in Star Trek: very Short Treks | Skin a Cat avatar

Who are you two? I don’t feel like I’ve ever seen you before…

Yepthatsme , to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade

Largest gathering of fake progressives in history. Fuck em.

Kolanaki , (edited ) to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade avatar

Are they protesting the actual burning of the wooden man, like that’s a huge environmental hazard? Have they not heard of forest fires?

Ton of the people blocked are in trucks and off-road vehicles in a desert. Go around the dipshits? Surely your trucks can handle being off road for 10 feet.

wesker , (edited ) avatar

I can’t speak for the sand in that area personally, but it’s quite possible that trying to drive in it won’t get you far before you need to be towed out of it. Maybe someone can chime in, that’s taken that route.

Scary_le_Poo OP , avatar

They started blocking the way around too. Additionally, why should people risk damaging their own vehicles just because of the selfishness of a few assholes?

BennyHill , avatar

Man that reason I made up for why they are protesting sure makes these protesters dumb.

Maybe it’s because you got 80.000 tech bros and other rich assholes driving hundreds of miles in gas guzzling trucks and RVs to have a bourgeoisie orgy and leave a huge mess behind.

nvermind ,

The protesters were actually focusing on the people who fly their private jets into burning man. IIRC Burning man has a private airstrip and celebrities will fly in on the jets, which is environmentally terrible and goes against the ethos of the group.

The protesters were blockading the road calling on BM to ban private jets from the event. As well as a few other demands.

Kolanaki , avatar

Man that reason I made up for why they are protesting sure makes these protesters dumb.

You understand that a “?” means it’s a question, right? It wasn’t posed as a fact. 🤦‍♂️

jarfil , avatar

Use the /s man, use the /s!

Or this, either works:

… /s

Scary_le_Poo OP , avatar

It isn’t flat in that area. Lots of small embankments.

jarfil , avatar

Maybe they’re “city” off-road vehicles… for show, not for actual use off-road… /s

VampyreOfNazareth , to Men's Liberation in Discussion about „the Left has failed men“

Men are expected to go to war and be non-violent, and to support peoples causes that attack them daily.

Can_you_change_your_username ,

It's not so much the contradictory expectations that bother me, it's how success and failure are framed in modern society. The messaging is that for cis white men success should be externalized and failure should be internalized while for everyone not cis white and male it's the opposite. The messaging is that the system is built for the benefit of cis white men so when they succeed it's because the system pushed them to success and when they fail they do so in spite of the system pushing them to succeed so their failures are do to some particular flaw within themselves. The system is built for the benefit of cis white men so when someone who isn't cis white and male succeeds they do so despite the system pushing them to fail so the success is because of some special strength within themselves and when they fail it's because the system pushed them to failure.

There is truth to the premise that the system is built for the benefit of cis white men but the system doesn't push cis white men to succeed, especially not poor and working class men. It does give cis white men advantages but it does so primarily by creating additional barriers for people who aren't cis white and male. Your parents economic status is the most reliable indicator for success.

valentinesmith OP ,

Yeah I concur.

In general as you have said I think it’s wild that we try to individualise success and failures so much when the economic position of our parents is the most reliable predictor for success.

Thanks for sharing, I haven’t thought about this perspective in a long time!

Yepthatsme , to Work Reform in Everyone is Broke and Tired - Tiktok Vents About Inflation

Yea wow I am sure the dusty ass Congress is listening. 🙄

These folks are useless.

You need to quit complaining to the public and start complaining to your representatives LOUDER.

tkk13909 , to KDE in KDE Plasma Constantly Stuttering, Try This!! avatar

Why is this being downvoted?

ada , avatar

If I had to guess, it's because it's a click bait headline that offers nothing useful to people until they've committed to watching a video

twei ,

Which part of the title is clickbait?

ada , avatar

"Try this..." where "this" is intentionally vague until you click on the link is standard clickbait tactics...

herzenschein Mod , (edited ) avatar

Everything. It doesn't accurately describe the issue (animation stutter when using an HDD or during heavy I/O) and it doesn't mention the solution (put the cache folder in tmpfs), plus it obviously follows the traditional sensationalist tone used in clickbait.

The point is to be deliberately vague to bait people into watching it.

twei ,

Okay, but when I have the problem that my KDE is stuttering, I'm not searching for ".cache folder on Low-IOPS Drive causes my stuttering issue", because, yk, I'd have to know the solution for that. I'd probably search for "why does KDE stutter".

YamiYuki OP ,

Yea…I got lazy and just used the video’s title

GadgeteerZA , avatar

I suppose having a short summary with the post would go a long way in helping everyone decide whether to watch it or not. I do wish everyone would put summaries in, as too many just comment on the headline without even following the link. For me, what is always important before following it is, why would it be of interest to be to follow it further.

ada , avatar

So, when I first saw this headline, my process went like this

"Stuttering? I've got stuttering when I'm under Wayland. Is this link about nvidia stuff, which I'm already across or some other thing?"

"Hmm, no more context in the headline. Oh, and it's a video link, so I can't even click on the link to get a quick summary to know if it's relevant to me. I don't want to watch the video if it's not relevant to me"

And that was the end of it. I never bothered to click on it.

bitterseeds , avatar

@tkk13909 @YamiYuki Because people like to do that, it gives them some sense of power that they really don't possess. I wouldn't care that much about it if I were you.

RedWeasel ,

Not sure, but the tldr is try using a faster drive for you cache folder.

tkk13909 , avatar

Yeah I watched the video unlike some people

Reverendender , to Star Trek in Shatner's "do over" of the Veridian III death scene on Kimmel avatar

That was awesome

Grabthar , to Star Trek in An old Hallmark commercial for Star Trek Christmas ornaments, with Leonard Nimoy (1992)

My parents still have it! Always a favourite when visiting.

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

My wife and I have a whole bunch of these from her dad. They’re on our tree every year.

carl_dungeon , to Science Fiction in Transcendence (2014)

It was a stinker. Don’t pay money for it. There’s much better sci-fi in the genre, ex machina for example.

MyDogLovesMe ,

What sucked about it?

carl_dungeon ,

It’s been a few years, but first off, it was forgettable. I just remember repeatedly waiting for it to end.

zaphod ,

I wouldn’t say anything in particular sucked, it’s just that there’s nothing that sticks out. It felt more like a low budget film, but it’s not as thought provoking as low budget sci-fi films. I have to agree with the other comment, it’s very forgettable.

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