Stamau123 , to aww in Baby flamingos celebrate grand opening of new habitat | Denver Zoo

I remember the old flamingo pond was real small, so that’s nice. I donated during Colorado Cares day to give the ostrich an outdoor running track, it looks like they’re doing a big remodeling.

AshMan85 , to Work Reform in From Robber Barons to Bezos: Is History Repeating Itself? America's Second Gilded Age


USSBurritoTruck Mod , to Star Trek in Did you know there's a Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan? Did you also know Wil Wheaton and Jeri Ryan played it together? Behold. avatar

It’s one of the better variations of Catan, too, using the same rules as the Helpers of Catan scenarios expansion.

I got a copy for my dad a few years before he passed. He mostly enjoyed games like Trivia Pursuit, but the Trek theme did draw him in to this version of Catan.

Hillock , to Star Trek in Did you know there's a Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan? Did you also know Wil Wheaton and Jeri Ryan played it together? Behold.

I am slightly annoyed that they didn't use the Starfarers of Catan as the base for this game. Would have made more sense.

But I suppose Starfarers just isn't as popular so that's why I am only slightly annoyed.

NathanUp , to KDE in Kursed avatar


lnee OP ,

run the result of this with this for i in {1…100} ;do ./teh (formating prevens me from puting a “and charictor” ) ;done

ArugulaZ , (edited ) to Star Trek in Remember when Jay Leno visited Quark's bar in 1996? neither! avatar

One thing worth mentioning is that the ears are an erogenous zone for Ferengi. Is Jay Leno jacking off Quark with that Q-tip?
EDIT: After watching that clip, I realized that yes, Quark really WAS getting off to that Q-tip. So I'll give them points for doing their research.

CluckN , to Star Trek in Remember when Jay Leno visited Quark's bar in 1996? neither!

Love him or hate him at the end of the day his name is Jay Leno

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

This is philosophical

Salamendacious , avatar

Well it’s actually James Douglas Muir Leno

davi , to Star Trek in Remember when Jay Leno visited Quark's bar in 1996? neither!

i was a huge couch potato addicted to all the trek content i could find and i somehow missed this; thanks for the nostalgia and the icing on the cake is that i had the same remote control during the same period.

adam , to Star Trek in Wolf 359: The Massacre (part 1) avatar

Guess I'm missing some lore. Where can I find out more about Q's involvement (also, why was the footage so... different)

Wooster , avatar

Q’s involvement is from the computer game Star Trek: Borg. It’s a fun, if mostly linear, Choose Your Own Adventure type game shot on the Voyager set.

JuicyShaqMeat ,

The FMV PC Game Star Trek BORG. Here’s a video edited down to a movie format:

Supervivens , to Star Trek in New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+

I’m not a huge fan of IP milking but I gotta say I like what they’ve done so far with like lower decks and Strange New Worlds

Throbbing_Banjo ,

With you on both. Strange New Worlds feels like real Star Trek, and Lower Decks has far more heart to it than I’d have expected.

JohnOnABuffalo , to Star Trek in Star Trek: very Short Treks | Skin a Cat

I will always love Pete Holmes, regardless of his figures of speech

oshitwaddup , to Men's Liberation in The Red Pill Lie

I’m interested to know why people are downvoting, i thought this was pretty good

gapbetweenus ,

Redpillers? But also too long for me.

oshitwaddup ,

The video is called “the red pill lie” and if you watch it he’s bashing the red pill folks misleading young men pretty hard. He’s definitely not a red piller himself

gapbetweenus ,

Your question was:

why people are downvoting

My answer:


oshitwaddup ,

ohhhhh right. Thanks 😅

godfree2 OP , avatar

cos of lack of thinking understanding

godfree2 OP , avatar

strong, character, compassion, wisdom … a good role model

zazaserty , to RedditMigration in Submerged Berlin: The Aftermath of a Violent Storm - Don't Miss This Shocking Footage! avatar


Gordon_Freeman , avatar

I'd say it's a "karma" farming bot

ihab OP ,

Greetings to you

ihab OP ,

Greetings to you

adonis , to Linux in [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man... avatar

fedora-tippers call the "hardest system"

Said no Fedora user ever.

I, a Fedora, user switched away from Arch, but not bc it was the "hardest system", but bc I wanted something I don't have to babysit myself.

Speaking of "hardest system"... Arch is a toy compared to Gentoo or LFS. Give these two a try and then come back.

thingsiplay OP , avatar


He is talking about Gentoo and LFS (being harder) in the beginning phase of the video. And in general he does talk a lot meme talks and don't mean it literally. It's probably just a joke or a wink to a friend of him using Fedora.

Other than that I appreciate his take on the installation, explaining all the things along the way. And with the 3.5 million subscribers, I think it will reach and teach a lot users to Arch and Linux in general. His content isn't even Linux centric, that's why this tutorial on the main channel is a highlight to me.

stanleytweedle , to Politics in Why are libs endangering women and denying their right to privacy?

Did you verify any of this kook’s rant yourself or do you just believe whatever you see on youtube?

kuontom , avatar
Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

I can't possibly stand differing opinions. We must ignore all views which don't align with the echo chamber!

Ignorance is bliss, my friend.

stanleytweedle ,

Wouldn’t it be fun to shut everyone up with proof? If you could just drop a links that proved your nonsense about this kooks ‘receipts’ everyone would be so impressed and enlightened. But- if you could you would.

HeartyBeast , avatar

I was going to say - waving a bit of paper in the air and speaking authoritatively does not make something true.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

Surely it would be too bothersome to search for and verify these occurrences yourself. Ignorance is bliss.

stanleytweedle ,

What search terms would you suggest to verify your claims about this kook and his ‘receipts’?

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

Try searching the words the man in the video is saying. Seems obvious. But, oh well. You can only lead a horse to water...

stanleytweedle ,

How would that help establish the veracity of his ‘receipts’? You’ve taken all this on faith without ever actually seeing the ‘receipts’ yourself?

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

I read the news articles, from various sources. I trust you can not only find the same articles, but do your own due diligence. It's quite sad that this simple task is seemingly so difficult for you lot.

stanleytweedle ,

But you haven’t seen the ‘receipts’ yourself. Gotcha.

HeartyBeast , avatar

Be my guest.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

Yes and I trust in your ability to use online search engines too instead of ignoring what has been brought to your attention. If you refuse to see what is obvious to others, it does not make it untrue.

I hope God has blessed you in some other important way. Best wishes.

stanleytweedle ,

I’m vision impaired so search results are difficult for me to comb through quickly. If you’re not just a lying liar I would appreciate it if you provided what you found that you think verified this kook’s rant.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

Best of luck to you in your endeavors. I love high contrast visual themes and the "Read Aloud" text to speech add-on, helps me a heap!

stanleytweedle ,

Thanks for confirming what we both already knew.

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