Shalakushka , (edited ) to Star Trek in New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+ avatar

Member Captain Pike? Member Spock? Member the Original Series? It's a new era of trek, one where we are literally afraid of moving the timeline forward and giving you anything but retreads of existing characters, hamfisted attempts to mash the JJ movies into continuity for some reason, and space Family Guy.

caseyweederman ,

Calling Lower Decks “Space Family Guy” is an enormous insult to Lower Decks and makes me wonder if you’ve actually watched any.

Strange New Worlds is the most consistently good any Star Trek series has ever been.

Maalus ,

Orville season 1 was space family guy. The next seasons were the best star trek we’ve gotten recently.

caseyweederman ,

I don’t think that’s what they’re suggesting. The context is “Paramount is afraid to move the franchise forward”.

Shalakushka , avatar

Sorry, I know it's actually space Rick and Morty, I was being flippant.

lemillionsocks , avatar

It’s not that either. You really should give it a watch it’s actually surprisingly good despite it’s superficial appearance.

caseyweederman ,

That might be worse.

TheInsane42 , avatar

I totally lived the cross-over episode of SNW and LD. Nicely done.

downpunxx , avatar


Damage ,

Don’t feed the troll

3enhjz ,

Yeah…i member.

I’m enjoying most of the new stuff tbh but its all very safe, but makes for predictible revenue i guess.

BigTrout75 , to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade

What a mess. Glad I’m nowhere near that crap.

JoMiran , to Men's Liberation in Male expression of emotions like anger avatar

I think the true conversation there got derailed by semantics. Clearly he feels anger but what I think he was asking was if it is healthy to always shut it down and internalize it. In my opinion, the answer to that was a resounding “no”. By not dealing with that anger, even when it’s disguised as “feeling dumb” (self-deprecation or sometimes even self-hate) or frustration, he has allowed it to fester, take up emotional real estate in his mind, and always be there waiting to bubble up or straight up burst when something seemingly unrelated triggers it.

I think Garnt was on the right emotional track originally. He intuitively knows that he has shit he should deal with rather than internalize. This is why I do not recommend taking the words of your therapy as gospel. Ultimately, if you are able to be self aware as Garnt seems to be, you will know you better. Therapy is a way to guide you towards the answers you seek or didn’t even know you were seeking. Therapy is not there to give you the answers. Maybe, hopefully, it is there to help you ask better questions.

valentinesmith OP ,

I think that’s a really good takeaway from it.

I also clearly felt that he knew something had to be addressed and I also hope that as you mentioned he might feel more empowered to ask the right questions to himself now and be better at exploring this issue he has.

And your comment about therapy deeply resonates with me so thanks for sharing that I haven’t had it my feelings regarding it so succinctly spelled out before.

cmnybo , to Linux in [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man...

Arch is pretty easy to install, it just takes a bit more work than most distros. Try LFS if you want something hard.

style99 , to Politics in At what point does blatant racism become acceptable and encouraged? avatar

I think John Stossel has a knack for unintentionally proving that libertarians are consistently wrong about everything.

argentcorvid , to Work Reform in Why Americans Overwhelmingly Back Unions Now with UAW President Shawn Fain interview avatar

Is it because they actually started doing shit?

const_void , to homelab in Affordable 48-port 2.5GbE Managed Switch Review

Duntun? Never heard of this brand. Is it safe to use?

darkfiremp3 ,

I guess it depends your version of safe :p

___ OP ,

I won’t murder you if that’s what you’re asking. You can always monitor your egress traffic if you’re concerned. Ultimately, for home use it likely doesn’t matter.

Spying today takes the form of custom silicon branded as the original with extra transistors added before fabbing. Usually higher nm processes since they can’t fab on the latest nodes.

Knowing this, the chance of getting a counterfeit chip on a name brand switch is non-negligible as it is, and those parts come from China too.

The firmware might be a concern, but again, you need to be a valuable target.

AtariDump ,

I won’t murder you if that’s what you’re asking…

I don’t think they we’re asking about murder; I think they were asking about a switch. /s

AtariDump ,

If your have to ask, the answer is probably no.

pbjamm , to Star Trek in An old Hallmark commercial for Star Trek Christmas ornaments, with Leonard Nimoy (1992) avatar

The Galileo is hanging on my tree right now! My mom bought it for me in 1992 and it is one of the only ornaments I put up. I leave the rest of that to the kids. I am not very festive…

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

I’m almost positive we have the Galileo too! But we haven’t decorated the tree yet.

DelvianSeek , to aww in I have a new favorite sport.


roofuskit , to Star Trek in Did you know there's a Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan? Did you also know Wil Wheaton and Jeri Ryan played it together? Behold. avatar

Yes and yes. The best part is when they sync up in the ship attack even though they've never been on set together before.

Stamets OP , avatar

If you’ve done the bridge shake once you’ve done 'em all

junezephier , to Star Trek in Did you know there's a Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan? Did you also know Wil Wheaton and Jeri Ryan played it together? Behold.

My parents have this version! it actually has a few small improvements to the base game that modify the robber for the better. My memory is fuzzy of how it’s different, but i remember us liking it more :p

Stamets OP , avatar

I watched this video years ago but I don’t remember a damned thing about it. Re-watching it again as I plan my 9th Baldurs Gate 3 playthrough. I have a fucking problem.

JoMiran , avatar

It’s not really a problem. Once you watch the video again you’ll remember just fine. Enjoy your BG3 run

teft , avatar

I’m on my 6th or 7th playthrough. 270 hours in and I still keep finding stuff. Today I found a secret cave in Underdark with Kuatoa worshipping a red cap. Game of the year for sure.

Stamets OP , avatar

Well, that’s something for me to keep an eye out for on the next run. Think i’m going to do a Githyanki Monk run and, for the first time, have Lae’Zel in my party. I’ma be real… I fucking hate her. She’s just a bitch. First playthrough I was doing Dark Urge and found her in the cage. Said she needed to say please. She said no so I left her there. Every playthrough after that I’ve executed her myself for crimes of being unbearable and also having good armor for Shadowheart.

teft , avatar

Yeah Laezel is 50% of the time murdered by me or I let shadow heart do it when laezel finds out we have the artifact.

You should let her live once just to watch shadow heart murder her. It’s cathartic.

Stamets OP , avatar

Then the gith playthrough will wait. Next up will be watching Shadowheart goomba stomp Zel, helping Astarion for the first time ever, being vaguely an asshole with okayish intentions, and raw dogging the dream guardian.

milkisklim ,

How are you on your 9th run?! I am a hundred plus hours in and I still haven’t finished my first. Do you knowingly limit which quests you choose?

I’ve made peace with the fact I am missing some quests, but I feel there’s still so much to do before finishing act 3.

(My next run will be an all owl bears)

Stamets OP , avatar

To be fair, I haven’t finished any of them. I get dangerously close, towards the end of Act 3, and then back off and start over. Still have the save files of all of those characters, however. That being said I’ve got over 300 hours in it now. A good chunk of the month I couldn’t walk so I had literally nothing to do other than play Baldurs Gate. That helped a lot.

UESPA_Sputnik , to Star Trek in Remember when Jay Leno visited Quark's bar in 1996? neither! avatar

His Shatner impression is on point.

downpunxx , to Star Trek in New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+ avatar

I liked 99.9% of SNW, and look forward to more seasons of it, everything else, in humble opinion is unwatchable trash

Throbbing_Banjo ,

Have you tried Lower Decks? It’s brilliant.

acockworkorange ,

I don’t think it’s particularly good. It’s not bad, there is some good acting, the aesthetics are nice. I’m not a fan of the writing. The character arcs are good, but the episode plots themselves are quite predictable.

cygnus , avatar

As opposed to every other Trek series, which are full of plot twists and unexpected endings?

acockworkorange ,


downpunxx , avatar

I found it shrill and unentertaining

Wooster , avatar

The first three episodes or so do give off poor first impressions, but once Lower Decks finds its tempo, it keeps it, and absolutely flies with it.

Facebones , to Politics in The Male Loneliness Epidemic

It sucks that we have a very real loneliness problem as a whole in society, but can’t mention it because every aspect of the concept has been monopolized by Andrew “everything is females fault” Tate types.

gapbetweenus , to Men's Liberation in Discussion about „the Left has failed men“

The left has failed conservative men who search for simple answers and like clear rules and hierarchies. But I’m not sure what left can offer them in the first place.

Hacksaw ,

No, the right is pulling boys and young men because they’re the only ones that acknowledge that these boys are not thriving in modern society. The left still generally still thinks that young middle class and working class boys and men are prospering from the patriarchy and late stage capitalism. This hasn’t been true for at least a few decades now.

Ironically patriarchy and right wing libertarianism is to blame for most of the problems of these young men so all we need to do is acknowledge their suffering and point them to the obvious socialist and left wing solutions to their problems.

gapbetweenus ,

There are enough solutions from the left, you say it yourself. People who don’t see them - don’t want to see them.

Hacksaw , (edited )

These are mostly kids. Almost all are younger than 25, their brains are not fine developing. They just know they feel bad and they look to the simplest most enticing, path of least resistance to feel good.

Leftist ideology is complex and nuanced, but contains REAL solutions. Right wing rhetoric is simple but for most people it’s all empty promises and grifts. We do a great job creating accessible rhetoric for women, minorities, and LGBT+ persons and because of this these groups join in droves and obtain real improvement in their lives. We don’t do a great job of tailoring rhetoric to address the moden problems of young boys that the patriarchy creates.

That’s pretty much all I’m saying. I have a hard time understanding what there is to disagree with. I think you should look inside and think about what I said that you don’t like and why. Maybe you have something to learn or work through.

gapbetweenus ,

That’s pretty much all I’m saying. I have a hard time understanding what there is to disagree with. I think you should look inside and think about what I said that you don’t like and why. Maybe you have something to learn or work through.

Projecting much?

But I entertain your thought - what problems are boys facing that is not addressed by modern leftist ideology? And if you need it dumbed down and entertaining - there will be a youtube video about it.

But like you said yourself, if you are looking for “simplest most enticing, path of least resistance to feel good” - than obviously you will land with populist and snake oil sellers.

Hacksaw , (edited )

If you’re going do entertain my thought I’ll do yours!

I have one question from your assessment.

I feel like everyone wants the path of least resistance to feel good, and doesn’t look too hard unless they make politics and ideology an important part of their lives. I also think the right is trying to capture all demographics with snake oil populism. Why are they winning with young boys and not with young women, lesbians and gays (I almost added the BT+ but trying to wipe them out of existence slows recruitment drives I think), or minorities. I think it’s easy to say because they hate women and minorities but a lot of older women and minorities are strong right wingers. Are young boys are particularly wired to want snake oil compared to everyone else?

gapbetweenus , (edited )

I think conservatives openly hating on women, LGBT+ and minorities might be indeed a reason why they are not as popular as with majority male young population. Not sure why you dismiss that argument. Young man, rich folks and just conservatives are the target demographic. But for a rebellious young teen boy (from my experience) it’s toss up if he wants to be edgy as left or as right. Maybe right has a slight edge right now since mainstream media became extremely fake left leaning - so maybe if I was a teen right now, I myself would lean more to the right.

So your turn: what problems are boys facing that are not addressed somewhere in the left sphere?

Hacksaw ,

In another comment in this thread I list some of the specific problems of boys and young men with good leftist solutions.

Sure young men join the left. I wouldn’t dismiss this as “edgyness” as I said their brains aren’t fully developed and that’s just how they express themselves at that stage of development. But then they’re generally recruited as “allies” rather than as champions of their own leftist causes.

We definitely haven’t captured enough leftist men and pointed them to fight their own fights. That’s the whole concept of the left. Everyone fights the patriarchy in the ways they need, and we help eachother’s causes as allies. Only in all of our efforts combined do we destroy the structures that harm us all. What keeps a demographic here imo is having their own fights to fight. I think that’s what’s not addressed, the pipeline to channel curious dejected young boys and point them to their own leftist struggles while learning about the struggles of others isn’t as well developed as other pipelines. I think this is because it’s only in the last few decades that the left has had more to offer than the right for this demographic. To me that’s a call to work on the pipeline not to shrug and dismiss the situation.

Also I think you dismiss too quickly what the right has to offer women and minorities. Yes they openly hate them, but they offer them their own hierarchies under which to hate and control others. That’s why the right is so attractive to minorities such as immigrants who are used to thriving in the privileges offered to them in these structures. That’s why it’s so attractive to many older women who want power in local community social and political spheres. Although this is how their participation looks like in these structures, they usually see it as “improving societal norms” and “preventing moral decay and corruption of the youth”. This is important because people need to feel like the good guys. I’m not saying these people are better off under the right. I think EVERYONE is better off with the left. But there is a lack of understanding of what the right has to offer and why it’s attractive to people. It’s easier to tailor our message when we empathize with people and cater the message based on that.

Edit: I would also add being good allies to young men and boys fighting the leftist fight. Sometimes we tend to fear that helping them means somehow there will be less for everyone else, but it’s not a zero sum game. We destroy the patriarchy by dismantling it where it hurts us and by being a good ally to all of those who seek to dismantle it where it hurts them.

gapbetweenus ,

In another comment in this thread I list some of the specific problems of boys and young men with good leftist solutions.

If you don’t engage with what I write, than there is little point in this conversation for me.

That’s the whole concept of the left. Everyone fights the patriarchy in the ways they need,

Just want to point out, you confuse leftism and feminism and you spend to much time debatelording online, afk most people just want to live their life and not fight the system.

Hacksaw ,

My comment was too long as is. There are like 20 comments in this thread I didn’t think I was asking for a lot to point you to a list.

I got to “the patriarchy” through leftism not feminism. When I say patriarchy I mean hierarchal structures of oppression. I spent a long time working against hierarchal structures and thinking before I realized that when feminists say “the patriarchy” they refer specifically to the primary hierarchal structure of oppression that has been operating for the last few centuries in the western world and in other parts. Since it’s more specific and precise than “the primary hierarchal structure of oppression that has been operating for the last few centuries in the western world and in other parts” I use it. It also helps me understand and connect to feminism better. I find as a man, it’s easy to feel alienated with certain rhetoric lately so this helps counter that.

I feel like I responded directly to your question though:

  • We don’t have a good pipeline for young men to get from curious to fighting for their rights through leftism
  • We’re not good allies to young men who fight for leftist ideology.

You’re right in your final point, most people just want to live their lives. When we show them the things that help them are on the left they’ll vote left. The ones who want to fight will be the ones fighting.

gapbetweenus ,

No you still didn’t answer what aspects for young men, the left does not cover?

Also do you have any real life experience with leftist spaces? I happen to work with visuals and so I’m involved in with the alternative scene quite a bit. Never been alienated as a dude or see other guys being alienated for being a man. There is also no shortage of guys there.

Hacksaw ,

Kudos to you for contributing! No, I’ve never felt out of place in leftist spaces, but I know many young men are alienated by what they see of “loud” leftist ideology, lack of support online etc…

As for “aspects” I believe ideologically the left has the best answers for men. I think it’s more the logistical aspects I described in previous posts we don’t cover well/enough.

gapbetweenus ,

the right is pulling boys and young men because they’re the only ones that acknowledge that these boys are not thriving in modern society.

So how does the left has the answers for men despite not even asking the questions?

but I know many young men are alienated by what they see of “loud” leftist ideology, lack of support online etc…

Or maybe of what they see, by how right wing is portraying the leftist ideology? Lack of support online, what do you even mean?

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