HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in At what point does blatant racism become acceptable and encouraged?

Wow. This kind of mickey mouse attempt to prove affirmative action is "reverse racism" was invented by literal teenagers in conservative/Republican student groups across university campuses in the 1990's. Not only is it a total misunderstanding of how affirmative action works, it's full blown trite at this point.

Upsetting that this passes for TV journalism and I'm upset for those people interviewed who had to undergo experiencing this microaggression for the sake of this inept clown to try to make a point.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

affirmative action is "reverse racism"

I think we found the student who is "dumb as cardboard"

It's not "reverse racism", discrimination based on race is just "racism".

HandsHurtLoL ,

Oh THANK GOD you arrived at just this point of my life to shine light on the fact I'm stupid as shit. WHEW!! Now I can no longer be burdened with any decision making for the rest of my life. What would I have done without your scathing insight and rapier wit??? I shudder to imagine all the pitfalls I would have befallen without the kind and gracious light you've now shone on my life.

Hey everyone! Let's make @Unhappily_Coerced dictator for life! He's solved racism! Surely he has all the answers to the rest of society's ills!

kimagure , to RedditMigration in Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving

Well, YouTube filled with corporate greed too, yet you still on YouTube.

Globulart ,

And one of the first points in the video is about how they’ll continue posting their content on reddit to help with views…

Somehow they haven’t seen any issue with this though. Way to take the moral high road ragdoll!

redsol2 ,

I really wish there were more viable alternatives to Youtube, but since so many peoples' livelihoods rely on having the largest audience possible, they're pretty much forced to use YouTube.

Sunforged , to Work Reform in Amazon Worker Fired Over Unionizing (Interview) [25:51 | Mar 11 2024 | Sabby Sabs]
jimmydoreisalefty OP , avatar

Thanks for sharing the link!

Sims , to homelab in Affordable 48-port 2.5GbE Managed Switch Review
Fuck_u_spez_ ,

Link appears to be dead now. What was the price?

rooster_butt ,

Shoes up for me as 369 + 120 USD shipping.

Fuck_u_spez_ ,

Not bad for the switch but seems a little high for shoes.

___ OP ,

That’s the 24 port version.

rooster_butt ,

oh, i see. 568.05 for 48 port version

Schal330 , to Star Trek in Star Trek: Discovery | Season 5 Official Trailer | Paramount+

I’m hoping something occurs to retcon the Discovery future, because it’s not a future of trek that I’m excited to see more of.

fmstrat , to aww in I have a new favorite sport.

Been watching these races for a while!

Bonskreeskreeskree , to Work Reform in Writers’ Union Wins Historic Concessions — An Example-Setting Strike for the Labor Movement

How can you find jobs for unions? Searches online prompt nothing but jobs that have a union. I’d love to work with the unions themselves, growing and spreading to more industries and businesses

Sunforged OP ,

Good union representation starts from knowledge of the industry. If you want to work for a union the best thing to do is go get a job in an industry you know and get active in their union.

A union that just hires straight outside hires is going to both be difficult for you to get into a position for making positive change, and will most likely lean more bureaucratic and need change to originate from the rank and file members to begin with.

xusontha , to Star Trek in Did you know there's a Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan? Did you also know Wil Wheaton and Jeri Ryan played it together? Behold.
ulkesh , to Star Trek in Did you know there's a Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan? Did you also know Wil Wheaton and Jeri Ryan played it together? Behold. avatar

I watched all of the TableTop series. It’s what helped me gain an obsession of board games.

michaelgemar , avatar

@ulkesh @startrek It’s a terrific series, and Wheaton is such a great host.

Corgana , to Star Trek in Remember when Jay Leno visited Quark's bar in 1996? neither! avatar

Can’t believe I’ve somehow never encountered this before

ranoss , to Star Trek in Remember when Jay Leno visited Quark's bar in 1996? neither!

What a great find!

UESPA_Sputnik , to Star Trek in Star Trek: very Short Treks | Skin a Cat avatar

Soooo…the message was that you can’t say anything anymore because people are offended by everything?

I somewhat agree with that but it’s weird that Star Trek sends such a message.

Kyle ,

I’m taking it at face value that old earth figures of speech and idioms would be problematic on a TAS bridge with the nomaly going on, they addressed that by the cat person responding that “there is more than one way to disembowel a human”, we wouldn’t like people casually throwing that around. It’s also tongue in cheek as illustrated by the knickerstonians and the ship blowing up. It’s meant to be silly.

The tapestry of star trek (and science fiction) has always included silly and over the top alongside the serious, thought provoking and intelligent.

Cornering the star trek parody and comedy market with their own product is genius btw. Like how Elvis’s manager sold “I hate Elvis” shirts.

QHC , avatar

Jokes can usually include a message, and often are more effective at delivering that message than a serious monologue with full citations.

Therefore, saying something is meant to be silly or a joke does not do anything to address whether the message behind that joke is a good one or not.

Prouvaire , (edited )

One could argue that "Skin a Cat" makes a more profound point amidst the silliness. Which is that (as Azetbur has pointed out) "the Federation is nothing more than a homo sapiens only club".

Obviously there are real world reasons why human (and primarily American) cultural references abound in Star Trek, but it's always irked me that, for instance, there would be an entire class of Starfleet vessels named after cities in one United States state - ie, the California class. Why not have all the ships in this class named after towns in, say, the ShiKahr district of Vulcan instead? I think that would do a better job of world building, representing the Federation as a body that's more than just a bunch of humans with a handful of token aliens. Or, better yet, have all the ships ships named after smaller cities in a range of UFP member planets?

edit: typo

Kyle ,

The US centricity is actually an interesting topic in-universe. Especially because the federation should try and work hard to make member worlds feel equal. Having so much Americentrism would alienate the aliens. The federation has done a bad job of this 😆

Of course the real answer is that the people that make it are American and it’s probably largely for American audiences and therefore producers and writers feel like they need to show people things they are comfortable with. And when they do show other cultures they are seen through an American lens. Which is why the Irish were so cliche that O’Brien even teleported the straw around their feet when they beamed into Picard’s enterprise. 👨‍🌾

Which Lemmy am I in? Which way to the daystrom institute?

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

c/DaystromInstitute is next door on the same instance.

Some of this meta discussion about American exceptionalism might also fit in the c/Quark’s community - if you want to broaden to the point that the discussion is likely to run less than 50% Trek.

Infynis , avatar

Ships named after Vulcan cities wouldn’t make much sense, since Vulcan still has their own fleet of starships. I’d be interested to know if other Federation worlds are the same. I bet at least Andoria is, because they wouldn’t have wanted to mothball their fleet while their most contentious neighbors maintain theirs.

One of the concerns also brought up by characters in the past is that joining the federation would lead to them losing their cultural identity. It’s very possible this is part of the problem. Even Captain Vendome, with his entirely Bolian bridge crew, is still captain of a ship named after a city in California.

Hopefully this will be explored as T’Lyn integrates into the Cerritos crew.

It also doesn’t really surprise me. With admirals like Buenamigo naming new ship classes, this is what you get. Star Fleet needs to work on diversity among their flag officers

USSBurritoTruck OP Mod , avatar

I’d argue that there wasn’t really any sort of message to be found here.

FormerGameDev ,

No, the message is that if you continue being an asshole, you don’t actually get what you want, and everyone dies in the end.

bigbadmoose , to Men's Liberation in Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All

You know bitmojis? Make the thumbnail look like that but worse, and made in mspaint

godfree2 OP , avatar

stunningly brilliant assessment, GOAT

Bryony87 Mod , to Frasier in [Minor Spoiler] Kelsey Grammer sings new series theme in reboot trailer

I’m so psyched for the reboot! Countdown to 12 Oct!!!

Cruxifux , to Work Reform in American Psychosis - Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy

Chris Hedges for president

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