HWK_290 , to Star Trek in Star Trek on LaserDisc, if you've got the right equipment, it looks amazing! (samples in the description)


TheInsane42 , to Star Trek in Star Trek on LaserDisc, if you've got the right equipment, it looks amazing! (samples in the description) avatar

I can imagine. I have all films on LaserDisc. (At least those that got released)

BuuShizzle , to Work Reform in Amazon Worker Fired for Union Organizing: "They're scared of our growing power"


e_t_ Admin , to Satisfactory in The Road to 1.0


Would you say it's been a long road, gettin' from there to here?

Odinkirk , to Star Trek in Tom Morello - A Metalhead's Guide to 'Star Trek' avatar

I found myself wanting more from the video; favorite episodes/plot arcs/characters and so on. But it was still cool.

maegul , to Star Trek in Tom Morello - A Metalhead's Guide to 'Star Trek' avatar

Did not know he was insurrection.

Blamemeta , to Star Trek in Tom Morello - A Metalhead's Guide to 'Star Trek'

Oh, you mean the multi-millionaire communist? The guy who supports killing in the name of communism? Approves of warcrimes if its against the right people? He who doesnt even try to hide his hate?

That Tom Morello?

Why would anyone over the age of 14 listen to his politics?

His music is painfully mediocre, and if you want evil bands, go listen to Mayhem. At least they sound good.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

u ok?

Blamemeta ,

Honestly, yeah, Im good. I saw family and friends over the holidays, I have no major worries, life is pretty good all things considered. How about you?

Potatisen ,


Blamemeta ,


Maven , avatar

Project harder

Blamemeta ,

Man, I wish I had 30 million dollars.

D1G17AL ,

Tell us all you just learned what the lyrics of Rage Against the Machine actually mean without telling us. "Multi-millionaire communist" That is just about one of the dumbest things anyone's ever typed ever. I bet you're a Trump supporter too. As a true metal head and rock fan let me tell you, Fuck all the way off.

Norgur ,

You may be a true metalhead, but are you trve grim and frostbitten?

Blamemeta ,

Tom Morello has a net worth of 30 million dollars and is even a Harvard Grad and lives in a beverly hills gated community. Hes not poor or even middle class. Hes fucking rich. He could donate his money, but he doesn’t.

I did get one thing wrong. He calls himself a socialist, he just uses communist imagery a lot, like the hammer and sickle.…

D1G17AL ,

Cool story bro. Fuck off.

Blamemeta ,

Fuck you i won’t do what you tell me

gregorum , avatar


Trafficone ,

I think this is a really interesting take. Communism doesn’t mean taking a vow of poverty or being a good person, but I can see how it would seem hypocritical to not spend that money funding support for labor rather than hoarding it.

It’s probably worth exploring why people over 14 listen to his music and his politics. One interesting reason is people who resonate with the emotional core of the music, but disagree or don’t understand his politics. Another is people who genuinely feel that violence may be necessary to bring about communism. Additionally, some people feel catharsis listening to violent music/media without supporting violence.

I think it’s worthwhile to empathize with people you disagree with. It can help better understand their viewpoint and solidify yours by contrast.

I’m curious, do you have any recommendations for music made by leftists who aren’t rich and don’t support violence? It’s ok if not, I’m just interested in expanding my listening.

Blamemeta ,

Honestly, I dont. I dont tend to dig into the politics and personal lives of musicians. Tom Morello is a bit of an exception because he tends to come up more than his music does.

tsonfeir ,

Well, you are the moderator of a right-wing propaganda community on, so I’d say politics is your only thing.

ApostleO ,

I will never understand how someone reconciles conservative politics with being a Star Trek fan. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

tsonfeir ,

Right?!? Star Trek is a playbook on how to be accepting of others and think about the universe outside of yourself.

ShaunaTheDead , to Star Trek in An old Hallmark commercial for Star Trek Christmas ornaments, with Leonard Nimoy (1992) avatar

I don't think I have that one, but I have a bunch of them! They're my prized possessions and it's such a delight to hang them up every Christmas :D

HWK_290 ,

We’ve got a number from the 90s of classic Trek charactets: Kirk in the captain chair, Spock at his console. Also some of the older Star Wars ones that also light up with voices.

Happy holidays!

ThrowawayInTheYear23 , to Star Trek in An old Hallmark commercial for Star Trek Christmas ornaments, with Leonard Nimoy (1992)

I got that one and a few others. Need to buy another detolf for all of the character ornaments and a tier display for the micromachine ships.

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

What a killer display! I’m jealous.

pbjamm , to Star Trek in An old Hallmark commercial for Star Trek Christmas ornaments, with Leonard Nimoy (1992) avatar

The Galileo is hanging on my tree right now! My mom bought it for me in 1992 and it is one of the only ornaments I put up. I leave the rest of that to the kids. I am not very festive…

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

I’m almost positive we have the Galileo too! But we haven’t decorated the tree yet.

Grabthar , to Star Trek in An old Hallmark commercial for Star Trek Christmas ornaments, with Leonard Nimoy (1992)

My parents still have it! Always a favourite when visiting.

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

My wife and I have a whole bunch of these from her dad. They’re on our tree every year.

carl_dungeon , to Science Fiction in Transcendence (2014)

It was a stinker. Don’t pay money for it. There’s much better sci-fi in the genre, ex machina for example.

MyDogLovesMe ,

What sucked about it?

carl_dungeon ,

It’s been a few years, but first off, it was forgettable. I just remember repeatedly waiting for it to end.

zaphod ,

I wouldn’t say anything in particular sucked, it’s just that there’s nothing that sticks out. It felt more like a low budget film, but it’s not as thought provoking as low budget sci-fi films. I have to agree with the other comment, it’s very forgettable.

DScratch , to Science Fiction in Transcendence (2014)

It was a bit of a mess. Story didn’t make a lot of sense iirc

spacecowboy , to aww in Walks at the zoo

Well that was pleasant and adorable.

top , to KDE in THUNDERBIRD: the SUCCESS STORY of LINUX! avatar


And still no native unread mail tray indicator under linux.

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