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McBinary , in Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees. avatar

They're not fans of Corpos in the cyberpunk community. What a shocker!

Madison_rogue , avatar

Spez wishes he were as nefarious as Arasaka. It's tough being Steve; where even fictional corpos make him look like he's in Romper Room.

Madison_rogue , in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else avatar

Yet this little hidden gem rests at the bottom of the page after the article.

Volunteer-made project that fights bots on Reddit is shutting down

Grab some popcorn, the bots are coming.

notavote ,

Please come to lemmy, we will need BotDefende pretty soon.

DannyMac , avatar

As a biological language model, I disagree.

Tygr ,

I was just going to say this. Holding on to the illusion of power as a major moderator is about to turn into a shitshow. Even Reddit themselves have been caught using chat bots to sway public opinion.

Reddit has decided to make every bad decision (favoring profits) possible, all at once.

AshursBanHappyPal , avatar

This feels a bit like Reddit is that city planning guy who insists on opening the Ghost Containment Unit in Ghostbusters.

e_t_ Admin ,

But Reddit does have a dick: its CEO.

Royal_Bitch_Pudding ,

Peck was a part of the EPA and had legitimate reasons to investigate them.

Venkman was a dick and didn’t cooperate with Peck’s investigation, so Peck got pissed and went nuclear on their ass cause he thought they were charlatans.

The guy who actually flipped the switch even told Peck he’s never seen anything like that and didn’t want to do it.

Pandoras_Can_Opener , avatar

I really wonder about bot synergy. How many haiku’s will one not write that another will correct the spelling on and a third find that all words are in alphabetical order?

RoboRay , avatar

Then another bot will repost the original and start the cycle over again.

skellener , in Reddit's updated rate limits going into effect over the coming weeks, not entirely on July 1st, as was expected avatar


abff08f4813c ,


VulcanSphere , avatar

Yup, even if Reddit is backtracking it won't matter anymore.

AlexisFR , in Be wary of spiteful Reddit users avatar

Let Reddit go lol, it’s making you paranoid.

Anomander , avatar

The idea that Reddit is staging some nefarious conspiracy to "poison" fediverse spaces ... is losing the whole plot.

OP's straight up writing fanfiction trying to cast a site they just left as villains in some swashbuckling coming-of-age story. It's a nine-hour-old account, and they're already embracing the Us vs Them mentality and trying to sell it with prose.

I don't know how OP managed to pick fights within a couple hours of signing up for their account, but I'd suggest that if they left Reddit for "toxicity" only to immediately find it here too ... maybe they're carrying it around with them?

siv9939 , avatar

I'm 99% sure OP has made multiple accounts to try to sell their 'ex-Redditors are evil" schtick. I saw a post this morning from someone with a similar name pretty much saying the same thing.

snownyte OP , avatar

Yeah I'm sure you've got it from my stalker, who has defenders that say he wasn't...stalking? Huh, funny how people have such a deranged difference in what means what to them.

Shhalahr ,

Painting Reddit as a monolith in general is a problem, too. “Reddit is toxic?” Some subs, sure. But certainly not the ones I subscribed to. Some of them might have had bad actors here and there. But they were usually dealt with by the mods.

In the end, the only toxicity that drove me away from Reddit was the toxicity from the CEO.

Emperor , avatar

The idea that Reddit is staging some nefarious conspiracy to “poison” fediverse spaces … is losing the whole plot.

That’s exactly what They’d say. 🤔

snownyte OP , avatar

It's not what I say, it's what I know.

snownyte OP , avatar

Do you just love living a life, where you think you know everything and place people in some little organizer that you define people as, personally? Because you're doing exactly the same thing as you're claiming as to what I'm doing, just to make yourself look better and righteous.

That's the kind of mentality I see all around Reddit as also. Nobody is accountable for their own behavior, it's always the other person's fault and it's always the other person who is the toxic one. Somehow. Someway. Despite condemning evidence to the contrary for all to see, how it's all of the people pegging rocks at them. It's exactly how it is in school, with bullying, only it's amplified online. Does it make you feel superior? Does it make you feel better? What is the precise reason do you feel, that you have to behave this way?

I'm pretty confident it is some insecurity within you that you shroud so well, but I can see the cracks already just by your reply alone. May I advise that maybe you should take some time outdoors, instead of like, making up characters out of baseless assumptions to satisfy your pseudo intelligence?

Anomander , (edited ) avatar

I criticized you for jumping to conclusions and fabricating narrative to support them. And apparently you got so offended by the criticism that ... you went and did it all over again, targeting me, committing even harder to the bit.

You just wrote a bunch of wild fanfiction about me and then tried to have an argument with that imaginary version of me. Might as well just yell at ghosts in the shower if you're that desperate to feel like you've snatched some petty victory from the jaws of self-inflicted defeat that is this thread.

You're the problem with your own experience.

This response is hugely excessive for the "provocation" and yet I'm sure you'll storm off imagining that I'm the big meanie here and you were some completely reasonable and utterly justified saint of good behaviour - for absolutely going off on someone who gently mocked your very serious demands for everyone to be nicer to you and meaner to the people you dislike. And you've done that to everyone who wasn't fawningly positive towards you in this thread - that you started by being hateful and childish towards a site you just left and the userbase of the site you just joined.

Even with the tiny sample size I can see why you have so many encounters with "toxic" people. You antagonize and attack people, then pretend they were the toxic ones if they defend themselves.

It's not hard to miss that you've just happened to call me all of the things that other people have told you about yourself in this thread. Hell, this whole little speech would have been far more appropriate as something someone said to you, if they were trying to hurt your feelings; so given how off the mark it was when directed at me, it's easy to wonder if maybe you're projecting a little here.

1chemistdown , in 3rd party app for Reddit, Boost, is still functioning well after July 1st avatar

When the API shut off early, Apollo dev u/iamthatis (@fhristianselig) revoked his token so I cannot see any of this; but I’m wondering if reddit isn’t pulling a silent reversal of this to stem the bleeding of users and content. There is a lot of useful stuff that has been deleted. The AMA staff resigning and all the stuff migrating to fedi. No matter how much f-u/spez tries to shout “This is fine”; the building is still burning all around him.

Bet they left turned access back on.

GunnarRunnar ,

Which is... worst of both worlds?

Valdair , avatar

I thought access would essentially be the same from the app's perspective, just the app builders would start getting MASSIVE bills in the mail? And they were shutting it down preemptively to avoid this.

introvrt2themax , avatar

That was my understanding, also. I read that the first billing for devs would be sent on Aug 1, so developers who did not want to pay shut their apps down on June 30 so they wouldn't have even one bill for API use. However, it also sounds like Reddit shut off the API early from what Christian Selig said so they continued their petty games.

Obligatory fuck u/spez

1chemistdown , avatar

Reddit is supposed to block api access to anyone not in a contract with them. This is why all the apps stopped working early yesterday. Reddit had to turn access on to any app that is staying. That is why this is weird. Unless all these apps are in deals with Reddit.

blivet , avatar

When the API shut off early, Apollo dev u/iamthatis (@fhristianselig) revoked his token so I cannot see any of this

Yeah, Reddit singled his app out to be cut off first. So petty.

1chemistdown , avatar

All the other 3rd party apps shut down at the same time yesterday

ToastyBanana ,

Yep, it was pathetic move from Reddit’s side.

Mozami , in Reddit mods fear spam overload as BotDefense leaves “antagonistic” Reddit avatar

Reddit was antagonistic when they removed moderators from subreddits, banned their accounts, and did everything else they possibly could to quell the protests. The behavior they're exhibiting to this day isn't new.

siv9939 , in /r/PICS moderators receive /u/ModCodeofConduct message accusing them of breaking site rules by switching to NSFW; mods can't reply, so post public response instead avatar

Their post:

Greetings, r/PICS!

The moderators were recently contacted by u/ModCodeofConduct, who had this to say:

We noticed you recently marked your community NSFW. This action is likely to confuse your community members, as people subscribe to communities based on the content at the time of subscription. This is a violation of the Mod Code of Conduct rule 2.

While we recognize communities can gradually change as they grow, when your content suddenly changes from generally safe for work to sexually explicit, it harms the community members.

While we can see you haven't taken the step of approving sexually explicit content, we need to separate your community from the communities that abruptly become NSFW and post sexually explicit content, situations in which we immediately take action. Please correct the NSFW marking on your subreddit so that we can separate your community from those violating sitewide rules.

Thank you.

As subscribers to r/PICS are aware, the moderators here have worked very hard to ensure that the community adheres to every mandate and message that Reddit has surfaced. Unfortunately, we were unable to state as much to u/ModCodeofConduct, as they disabled the ability for us reply.

We do not wish Reddit to think that we have ignored their attempt at contact (which would be very rude of us), so we will be offering our response here. We apologize for locking the thread, but as Reddit has yet to answer our previous letter, we are operating under the assumption that it went unseen amongst other comments.

Thank you (as always) for subscribing to r/PICS!

icegreenmelon ,

They continue in a comment underneath:


Thank you for your recent message.

We appreciate your concerns regarding r/PICS being marked as NSFW, and we hope that you will be reassured by our response. In short, the shift in question was not a sudden change, nor is there any risk of users being confused… and most important of all, an abrupt reversion would itself constitute a violation of the site-wide rules that you cited.

On June 16th, 2023, r/PICS (then r/Pics) asked its subscribers to vote on the state of the subreddit, and they overwhelmingly decided to feature only “images of John Oliver looking sexy.” On June 20th, 2023, a second poll was held, and it was determined that “any and all media featuring John Oliver” would be allowed. This also precipitated a change in the subreddit’s name from “/r/Pics” to “/r/PICS,” with the latter being an acronym for “Posts Illuminating Comedian’s Sexiness.”

As we moderated r/PICS, however, we discovered that large amounts of profanity and offensive content – both of which are listed as NSFW by Reddit’s policies – were present in non-NSFW threads. This was problematic, as users expecting work-safe experiences were very likely to encounter non-work-safe material. Rather than abruptly alter our rules without first consulting the community (which would have confused users), we asked on June 26th, 2023 for subscribers to refrain from offering any NSFW content in non-NSFW threads.

We also requested a response from Reddit on that same date.

By July 3rd, 2023, the amount of profanity and offensive content in r/PICS had not declined, and Reddit had not responded to us. It was publicly announced that we had no choice but to mark the subreddit as being NSFW, so as to adhere to Reddit’s own mandates. It was also made clear that our longstanding rules – rules which should have seen r/Pics (in any form) being a NSFW community from the get-go – would be unchanged; that neither gore nor pornography would be allowed, but that tasteful nudity, profanity, and “offensive” content would continue to be acceptable. To reiterate, while we do celebrate a British comedian’s undeniable allure, we do not allow anything sexually explicit to be posted.

Our surfaced resources – our sidebar, our rules, our wiki, and our announcements – make all of this exceptionally clear, but since Reddit provides no method by which users can be required to read said resources before participating, the visible marking of r/PICS as NSFW is vital to establishing reasonable expectations. Furthermore, as Reddit assures its partners that their advertisements will not run alongside profanity or offensive content, the aforementioned marking is also in said partners’ best interests. That same assurance indicates that moderators “set their own standards for conduct and ‘appropriate’ content,” indicating that r/PICS is solely responsible for determining what is and is not offensive (and policing accordingly). A failure on our part to appropriately list r/PICS as NSFW would therefore run counter to what advertisers have been told.

We do understand that the shift may have caused some minor issues for Reddit, however, and as we have no desire to harm the platform, we are more than willing to discuss the situation with you. Please respond to our previous request for communication, and we will look forward to exploring productive paths forward. In the meantime, to ensure that r/PICS is adhering to all of Reddit’s guidelines and requests, we would be happy to revert the NSFW setting, restrict posting, and remove any and all content that could be considered “offensive” by anyone. If this compromise does not meet with your approval, please offer a publicly visible comment in response to our open letter. We understand that you are likely very busy, so we will wait until Friday, July 7th before taking any additional steps.

abff08f4813c ,

In the meantime, to ensure that r/PICS is adhering to all of Reddit’s guidelines and requests, we would be happy to revert the NSFW setting, restrict posting, and remove any and all content that could be considered “offensive” by anyone.

Hmm. So they are superficially giving in, they won't keep NSFW on to avoid ads money for reddit. But by going restricted, and going after all "offensive" content (could I read that to mean all John Oliver content? i.e. all content since the protests started) they stand to cause a massive drop in traffic to the sub, which should still hurt the bottom line.

McBinary , (edited ) avatar

It could mean all content, full stop. Everything can be offensive to someone.

mrbubblesort , avatar

This is exactly what they're gonna do. I'd love to see them implement something like what /r/politicalhumor did and set up automod to react to user comments. So for example, if anyone says "the is offensive" it deletes the post and bans the user

ruk_n_rul ,

I love democracy.

BarbecueCowboy ,

Note the statement to remove any and all offensive content. If they're still going the malicious compliance route, they're implying they're going to nuke the sub.

Adama ,

E.g. “we’ll go back to being locked which you said we couldn’t do.

So do you want us to listen to rule A or rule B both of which are in conflict?”

all-knight-party , avatar

Thank you guys for posting this. Pretty incredible... I wonder how it'll shake out.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Reddit will replace the mods with those friendly to Admins/Spez and revert back to the way the sub was run prior to the blackout and malicious compliance. This is unfortunately, the only way it's going to end now.

FaceDeer , avatar

Replace the mods with who? Reddit doesn't have an endless supply of compliant free labor they can just assign willy-nilly to whatever subs they desire. Especially now that the masks are off about what Reddit admins really think about moderators.

Madison_rogue , avatar

I'm giving the most plausible scenario. They don't need a mod from r/pics to take over; they can use anyone who is power hungry enough to do the job.

Not saying I like it, or agree with it, just giving the most plausible option for Reddit to take at this point.

Because, let's be clear about this, Reddit is winning this battle even if they won't win the war. This overall event spells the end of the site as we know it...or knew it. The malicious compliance, changing to NSFW, the broad interpretation of the doesn't matter. Reddit is going to win this, or appear to win this in the short term, even if it entirely kills their future. They'll kill a 20 million subscriber subreddit to do it if they need to.

FaceDeer , avatar

And I'm pointing out how this "most plausible scenario" ends in ruin for Reddit. If Reddit's most popular subs are being run by people whose literally only qualification for the role is that they are power hungry, what kind of subreddit will those end up being? The mods won't be doing anything to cultivate the quality of the place, they likely won't even know what "quality" is. They'll just come up with a bunch of rules to enforce, throwing their weight around pointlessly and alienating anyone who sticks around long enough to interact with them. They probably won't even be good "janitor" moderators because proper janitoring is a lot of hard work that doesn't necessarily result in you receiving the sort of adulation that a power-hungry person would actually crave. Why spend hours dealing with meaningless spam that only bots will see you blocking when you get more of a thrill from bossing around people who slipped up on some technicality or rule that you implemented primarily so that people would slip up on them?

And if the admins try ordering you to do the spam-patrol grunt work with the threat of kicking you out, well, you don't actually care. They're not paying you and you have no interest in the community itself. Rinse and repeat.

athos77 , (edited ) in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?

14 years, 17 accounts, ~2000000 karma. Nuked everything: deleted comments and submissions, de-modded myself, unsubbed from everything, gilded various protest content using the coins I'd been given over the years, bought a cool Apollo app t-shirt, walked out and walked away. Nope, don't miss it; I'm exploring kbin and tildes, and getting my meme content from imgur. Which is ironic in a way, because the sole reason imgur was created was because reddit refused to allow native images.

Are you having regrets? It's okay to have regrets.

Lemmyfunbun ,

What is kbin and tildes?

TelKaivokalma , avatar

Always weird to read comments like this while on Kbin. Kbin is another "threadiverse" instance. Like Lemmy or whatever.

LegendofDragoon , avatar

Yeah, it becomes so second nature that I'm on kbin that it's a weird kind of dissonance, like someone asking what's Reddit on Reddit.

EnglishMobster , avatar

I love everyone always saying "Lemmy, what's XYZ?" or whatever not realizing there's a good chunk of people not on Lemmy.

It does get annoying when I see Lemmy-specific questions in my feed, though.

Very_Bad_Janet ,

Kbin is a part of the Fediverse and is similar to Lemmy. I have a account and am replying to you from kbin. (I subscribe to a lot of Lemmy communities via kbin).

Tildes is not a part of the Fediverse. It is a text-driven private forum basically created and run by one person. You need an invite from a Tildes account holder to join. It's its own little island. am on Tildes a lot and really like it.

Openminded-skeptic ,

Isn't the founder of Tildes a former Reddit admin with a pretty well-known account? Or am I remembering that wrong?

Amongog , avatar

Kbin is a different software than Lemmy, although similar.
It has only been around a few months (unlike lemmy that has years in development).

It offers what seems to me a more centralized view of the fediverse, with federation to lemmy servers and mastodon servers as well.

It has access to the microblogging feature, that is like sending a toot from mastodon.

I've found it to be a more familiar experience to Reddit, and honestly, I prefer it over lemmy.

Due to it being so new, it has many missing features lemmy might have, like mobile apps (the API is still not public, and it's being worked on).

HOWEVER, Kbin has a great community backing it up.
I'm currently posting this from the amazing Artemis beta app for Kbin, the first of its kind.
This is due to the incredible job @Hariette has done!!

rustyfish , avatar


I forgot about that…been a while old friend.

Edit: HOLY FUCKNUGGETS BATMAN! It’s still alive and well?!

magnetosphere , (edited ) in Reddit is a dead site running avatar

This article kinda makes me hope for reddit to survive. I want all the toxic, angry assholes to stay there, not desperately flee to the fediverse in search of their fix.

Kichae ,

If they all want to pile into exploding-heads, it would at least make them easy to contain.

I wonder if there could be a way to effectively shadow-ban entire instances.

db0 OP , avatar

Any instance server admin can just silently drop all packages from specific domains if they wanted

B1naryShad0w ,

I believe that’s what “defederation” is. It’s when a server decides to no longer import or share content with another instance.

Kichae ,

No, defederation isn't shadowed. If an instance defederates from you, you stop receiving content from them, and it's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that you've been defederated.

Plus, on Lemmy at least, block lists are publicly viewable.

Helldiver_M , (edited ) avatar

That's not how I understood defederation. If an instance defederates from you, that instance stops seeing stuff from your instance. But not necessarily the other way around, as defederation is a one-way action.

So if the Cow instance defederates from the Poopie instance, people from the Poopie instance can still see content and comments from Cow users. But Cow users cannot see content or comments from Poopie users. For the scenario you're describing to take place, the Poopie instance would also need to defederate from the Cow instance.

That said, it's still not quite shadowbanning. The admins of the defederated Poopie instance would be aware that Cows were not seeing their content. It would depend on the admins to inform the Poopie users that they've been defederated. If the users were not aware of the defederation, then it'd effectively be a shadowban.

Kichae ,

If an instance defederates from you, that instance stops seeing stuff from your instance. But not necessarily the other way around, as defederation is a one-way action.

I invite you to check out, say, [email protected] from, and from directly. You'll notice that .world isn't receiving updates from beehaw. A couple of posts seem to have filtered through somehow, but there are almost no posts or comments coming from beehaw.

The group is completely out of sync with its origin. And it's not because .world has blocked beehaw. Beehaw very much still appears under .world's list of linked websites.

Blocked instances are blocked, and when you block communication between sites, that's usually a two-way street.

Helldiver_M , (edited ) avatar

Edit: Hi Lemmy users! You can't see the screenshots I've attached to this comment. I've just learned this thanks to @B1naryShad0w. If you'd like to see my comments with the screenshots, please view this comment thread via kbin by clicking this link.


I've looked at a few examples, and I'm just super confused now. I've also tried searching for a simple explanation of what exactly defederation does, and I keep seeing conflicting descriptions.

Let's look at two examples (please bear with me as I only know how to attach one image to one comment at a time.) On this comment let's look at AskLemmy, a community, from Beehaw:

Notice that all threads (with one exception) were posted almost a month ago when defederation happened. That one exception was a Beehaw user who posted to AskLemmy 5 days ago. So we can see that BeeHaw, having defederated from, is blocking 100% of new content from this community, except for that one thread published by a Beehaw user who seems to be out of the loop 5 days ago.

Mostly makes sense to me so far. Beehaw defedearted from, so Beehaw can't see new stuff from this community. A little weird that there was a new post by a Beehaw user, but that still makes some sense with my previous understanding of how defederation worked, since I think(?) defederation is one-way. After all, if defederation was two-way, then how did a Beehaw user make a thread on

Helldiver_M , (edited ) avatar


Now lets look at Beehaw's technology community from

On the one hand, this is not blocking 100% of the content from this community, which seems consistent with what I originally thought. is not defederated with beehaw, so can see new content from Beehaw's communities.

But on the other hand, there is a ton of content missing. And it's not just federated content taking awhile to move from instance to instance, as I'm seeing posts from the last 24 hrs from Kbin that are not showing up on So it appears that there is content that's being blocked from getting to But it's not 100% of the content that's being blocked?

To make matters more confusing, I can see content published by Beehaw users on a Beehaw community from Wtf is going on.

Nollij ,

For what it’s worth, there is a big problem with federation. Lots and lots of posts to/from LW and other fully-federated instances take days to show, if at all.

I suspect it’s something to do with their size, but I base that on absolutely nothing.

UnhappyCamper , avatar

Hrm it seems defederation needs some work put into it. If an instance defederates from another, there should be no way to see each other, one way or another.

B1naryShad0w ,

I appreciate the effort and have also verified your analysis myself to be true. However, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I don’t see any images attached to your comments.

Helldiver_M , (edited ) avatar

Thanks for calling that out. It looks like attaching images directly to a comment only works for kbin instances. This is what it looks like from I just tried viewing this thread from and the images were not showing up.

To be honest, I don't want to go through the effort of editing my comments to correct it right now. But in the future I'll go back to hosting images and linking them in my comments, so anyone from any instance can see them. That's a shame, because attaching images to comments in Kbin is super convenient. Oh well! Thanks again for letting me know.

Bozicus ,

I read a post by the Beehaw admins a couple weeks ago saying they were talking to the admin about resolving the issues that caused them to defederate, so it’s possible that they were no longer defederated when the post you found was made. My understanding is that automatic updates only happen when users on one instance are subscribed to the community on the other instance, so refederation might not be obvious. I expect they would have cut the cord again over yesterday’s security breach, though.

That’s pure speculation on my part, though, and quite possibly it was some kind of bug. But I am not particularly tech-savvy, so I tend to wonder about non-technical causes.

EnglishMobster , avatar

There is. is currently shadowbanning kbin for unknown reasons. is blocking the bots kbin uses for federation. The devs have ignored anyone asking why. It's been weeks and only applies to, so it appears to be intentional. They're running slightly different code on their flagship site than what all the other instances use (which makes me wonder what else has changed compared to what's publicly available).

CreeperODeath ,

Yikes, wonder why

gentleman ,

@EnglishMobster I think this is good. Personally, I think kbin-social should return the favor.

@db0 @magnetosphere @Kichae

HumbleHobo , avatar

What is exploding-heads, is that an instance?

Helldiver_M , avatar


melroy , avatar

@db0 or kbin.. *

CreeperODeath ,

But kbin is apart of the fediverse

magnetosphere , avatar

I edited my comment to say “flee to the fediverse” after melroy corrected me. I had originally said “flee to Lemmy”.


foggy ,

You mean like what happened on Facebook?

magnetosphere , avatar

I’m not on Facebook. What happened?

foggy ,

Everyone but angry assholes left.

ininewcrow , avatar

OLD angry assholes who don’t know how to navigate social media. They need Facebook because it’s easy and you can comfortably be a racist, homophobic, entitled prick and you’ll find a big audience that will stroke your ego.

They don’t understand Reddit nor do they want to

Let alone try to understand the fediverse

Nicenightforawalk ,

Kind of happened in r/apple you used to get the occasional good discussion in the comments until the last few weeks of 3rd party apps then it was an absolute cesspool of hate and trolls as people seemed to leave for other sites

Steveanonymous , in Reddit's updated rate limits going into effect over the coming weeks, not entirely on July 1st, as was expected avatar

Does it even matter anymore?

abff08f4813c ,

UnhappyCamper OP , avatar

No, but I've definitely been curious as to why things were still working when they weren't supposed to. So that ends that.

man_in_space , in Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments avatar

Reddit has died and its corpse has been fitted over an automaton.

fivezero OP , avatar

And the beautiful irony is that in their mission to secure an increased IPO valuation they merely reduced it substantially. Gonna need some more popcorn as we watch them burn it to the ground

man_in_space , avatar

Nineveh was once the largest city in the world…and now it is ruins. So it goes.

RoboRay , avatar

Weekend at Spez's

AlmightySnoo , in Reddit removes my post about how Reddit doesn't accept my GDPR request

They also have an email address so that you can make a GDPR request via email since the EU legislation gives you the right to do that, you shouldn’t be forced to use their platform to do that as otherwise it would be too easy for a company to lock you out of the process.

Here’s what Reddit’s privacy policy says:

If you have questions or are not able to submit a request to exercise your rights using the mechanisms above, you may also email us at to [email protected] from the email address that you have verified with your Reddit account, or submit them here.

GunnarRunnar ,

Do this. Don't overreact.

Arotrios , in Aaron is no longer considered as cofounder by reddit. He fought for free speech. - avatar

To be fair, Aaron wasn't really heavily involved with Reddit. He was involved with Infogami, which failed and was merged with Reddit. Per this post, he got equity in Reddit as a result, but only worked for a few months on the actual site.

After his death and the media portrayal of him as a martyr for free speech, Reddit started claiming him as "co-founder" much more vocally than they had previously. While technically he had that title, his involvement on Reddit was neither starting the company nor working on it for any extended period of time.

That being said, given what Reddit's become, wherever his spirit roams now, I'm sure he's relieved to have his name off the site.

abff08f4813c ,

Wow, the combined company notabug was already defunct in 2007? I wonder whatever happened to that company once reddit got sold off to Conde Nast

theodewere , avatar

i find explanations that begin with the phrase "to be fair", usually consist entirely of spin

Arotrios , avatar

Congrats, you get a cookie. Now toddle on kiddo.

Zorque ,

I find that people who judge a statement, not based on the whole of it's content, but on the surface aesthetic of it to be wholly smart as a bag of rocks.

theodewere , avatar

no need to get personal, it's just an observation

quirzle , avatar

To be fair, his statement was also just an observation.

theodewere , avatar

not one you can prove as easily as the phenomenon i described, though.. you can check it.. bullshit begins with "to be fair", and other such phrases..

Zorque ,

It also often starts with "I find" or "In my experience".

Almost like they're often opinion based, and not fact based.

theodewere , avatar

no, it's a sophistic device, meant to couch interpretation.. followed usually by information about how things are viewed, etc.. spin..

you are attempting to insist that what follows is the "fair" perspective.. it's a cheap device used quite frequently..

anon , avatar

I for one don’t see the issue with that “to be fair” statement here. The parent used it merely to announce that they were going to take the counter-point to the most likely community view, i.e., they were going to defend Reddit’s action of not naming Swartz as co-founder. They then proceeded to do so by explaining that Swartz never really played a co-founder role. The comment implied “to be fair [to whoever at Reddit made that decision] and then went on to provide supporting argumentation.

It’s quite different from the lazy use of the phrase, e.g., “to be fair, both sides suck” that you may find in political discussions without supporting arguments, for example.

theodewere , avatar

"i for one" is also one of those devices

anon , avatar

Ok now you’re just being a troll. Instead of contributing meaningfully to the discussion, you picked up on three words each from the parent and myself, ignored the entirety of our respective arguments, and derailed what could have been an intelligent discussion about Aaron’s actual contributions to early Reddit and turned it into a superficial joust about some words you unilaterally proclaimed to be verboten.

Be better. Be more charitable and thoughtful. Otherwise we’re just pushing people back to Reddit.

theodewere , avatar

it was just an observation

iwasborninafactory ,

My observation is that you're a criminal. Before you respond, remember it's not personal, it's just an observation.

theodewere , avatar

and you're antagonistic

AnarchoYeasty ,

Except it’s true. Aaron didn’t cofound reddit. That doesn’t diminish what he did do.

theodewere , avatar

thus spake AnarchoYeasty

AnarchoYeasty ,

Thus spoke reality? Aaron founded another startup at the y combinator when it got merged into the reddit startup. But the fact that they merged at the y combinator would suggest that reddit already was founded before Aaron was involved. This is all easily verifiable information you’re just so angry that you aren’t on your favorite website that you are just making shit up at this point.

theodewere , avatar

i haven't made up a single thing, son.. you're the angry one.. settle down before you hurt yourself..

FlowVoid , in WTF is this new crypto scam on reddit? Karma is now on the blockchain????

That’s not karma. Those are community points, which are subreddit-only points that have been on the blockchain for years.

If you’re not on the crypto subreddits, you’ve probably been blissfully unaware they exist. But it sure gets the crypto subreddits excited, especially when they can announce that their pet coin is moving to a New And Improved Blockchain ™.

Kara , avatar

I also believe they were used on the Fortnite subreddit. Because of course we need to be giving crypto to 10 year olds

Hoomod , in /r/NonCredibleDefense recieves automated notice from the admins to remove its NSFW designation, or else. Mods respond by messaging the admins a bunch of death and porn.

reddit must have sent out a "remove the NSFW or we remove you" to all the subs that are still set to NSFW. I saw the same story for PICS and even the cyberpunkgame sub

Annoyed_Crabby ,

Yeah, likely the same procedure as sending it to private sub, which is all of em, even those who’re originally private.

Speculater , avatar

If cyberpunk hasn’t moved here yet, they missed the theme of the game.

Viking_Hippie ,

Either that or they did a corpo run and went too deep in character 🤷

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