
cypher_greyhat , in Is anyone using Asahi Linux? avatar

As of Linux kernel 6.2, any distro should theoretically be able to support M1 and M2. The problem is, most distros will probably have a slightly older kernel upon initial install. I'm personally going to wait for an Arch-based distribution that supports Mac.

aroom , in Whats the magic word? avatar

well you'll still need his password tho

Oteron , (edited ) in Inkscape launches version 1.3 with a focus on organizing work efficiently | Inkscape avatar

Can't wait to try it! I love what they did with 1.2

Update: I'm happy to report that the new Shape Builder tool works really well and is very intuitive to use.

cmnybo , in Linux - video editing software?

Kdenlive is a pretty good video editor. If you want something more advanced, you can use DaVinci Resolve.

atlasraven31 , in Linux - video editing software?


TeaEarlGrayHot , in This week in KDE: Plasma 6 features

Looks like (according to Nate) we can expect a final release of Plasma 6 around November-December–I for one am excited for the enhanced external display & GPU support!

bedrooms , in I want to move to Linux but I need to be able to access my apps that are not supported

I'd just use WSL. Yeah, it has problems but it's the simplest solution for me.

SamXavia OP , avatar

@bedrooms That's fair enough, from what everyone else has said, I will probably try emulating Windows through a VM on Windows first then try Dual-booting Linux on my PC before deciding to ditch windows for a all Linux set-up where I can then just use a VM for Windows.

bedrooms ,

I think Premiere is gonna be a problem on a VM. Haven't touched that software for a decade, but that ass was unresponsive already on a native Win. You should test it on the VM first. And other Adobe apps, too.

Gentlegrrl , in What is the most opinionated linux distro? avatar

Neon - essentially Ubuntu with the latest KDE Plasma on top. Not only does it give you the "ready to play" base that is Ubuntu, it had "discover", a very easy to use front end for package managers that lets you do exactly what you're asking for there in that last sentence.

hawdini , in AlmaLinux gives up being 1:1 RHEL compatible avatar

I feel sorry for those small, understaffed, enterprises that had to scramble to get off CentOS 8, and may now be in the same situation with Alma/Rocky 8. IBM/Redhat have really fucked over potential customers. What a great advert to ensure no-one buys your product.

If IBM actually cared, they could have still gone down this route. But they could have let CentOS 8 run it's initial, promised, support cycle, then switch exclusively to CentOS stream. And continue to provide the source for the entire run of RHEL 9.

xylan OP ,

To be fair, the transfer from Cebtos8 to Alma couldn't have been easier. Just ran a script to update the RPM sources and a dnf update and we were done.

Moving to a different distro with different package managers and filesystem layout is a whole other level of hurt.

hawdini , avatar

That is true, however, some companies would still want weeks/months of testing the transition in non production environments first with detailed write ups and sign offs before any work can be done. The script may be easy, but the bureaucracy in some of these companies is also yet another level of hurt.

CheshireSnake , in First days with daily driving Linux avatar

New in Linux and chose an Arch-based distro. Brave. Jk. I hope you enjoy your stay with EOS. You’re gonna love the aur and wiki. Also, get timeshift.

Just one question (actually 2, but eh): are you on desktop or laptop? What made you choose Gnome (if you’re on desktop)?

Balssh OP ,

Laptop, kind of a must have because of University. I preferred Gnome as it was a mature DE I could’ve left untouched theoretically. Although that was not the case :D

elscallr , in A distro and desktop environment recommendation for an old laptop (Read all of it, please.) avatar

As far as a Desktop Environment goes take a look at XFCE. It's gtk based so will run all the Gnome style apps and look pretty, it's super lightweight, and infinitely customizable.

If you're keen on an Ubuntu flavor, the Xubuntu comes with it bundled. You can get it on any other distro, too, though.

IceTree , in A distro and desktop environment recommendation for an old laptop (Read all of it, please.) avatar

If you still want something lighter than XFCE you can try a window manager like dwm. It’s really light and you can customize the entire things by modifying the source code. If you just wanna customize simple things (color, font, key binds, etc.) you can edit a neat little file called config.h

Hope this helps!

density , avatar

OP says

I am a beginner

and doesn't mention that they are a C programmer or anything. It is extremely unlikely that OP

can customize the entire things by modifying the source code

because it is extremely unlikely they would have any idea as to how to do such a thing. How many people, on earth, in total, can set up, run, and edit the source file of a tiling window manager? Now remove from that value those who are existing linux users. Functionally 0%.

This person wants to start using linux, is asking very simple questions. They are asking here which suggests they do not have a deep and rich existing network of people in their life to provide 1-on-1 support. Otherwise they'd ask one of their many sysadmin friends for individualized advice. You are suggesting to them something which takes a pretty wide diversity of skills and knowledge. And since the specific thing you are suggesting is a window manager, when they can't figure out how to use it, they will be unable to use their computer.

I wouldn't advise a beginner start with vim on day 1, but at least if they did they'd still be able to use the computer for things other than text editing. And find a different text editor while they learned vim.

This is stunningly bad advice, verging on sabotage. Why do you want people to hate linux?

IceTree , avatar

In a way I did say if he wants something “lighter” than XFCE. I should have said “You have to start with something like XFCE, gnome, etc. Just to get your the general feel of linux” Then if you wanted something lighter you can try dwm.

He can easily install dwm, or any other wm and choose it from his log-in page. If he doesn’t like it he logs out and chooses another ones that suits him well.

ISometimesAdmin , in After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market Share avatar

Right on the road to 100%!

CheshireSnake , in A distro and desktop environment recommendation for an old laptop (Read all of it, please.) avatar

I’d go with a “light” DE for now, or a WM if possible (although it’s very different from windows). Your laptop isn’t bad - it’s actually better than mine (i3 with no discrete gpu), but i added 8gb ram (now it’s 12gb total) and it was a game-changer.

Imo, Mint or Debian is okay if you don’t want to stray far from Windows but your choice of DE is pretty limited with a small amount of ram. Maybe use xfce?

Also check out antix, puppy linux, or lubuntu. Those might be better choices while you haven’t upgraded your memory. Idk much about dual boot since I use Linux alone on my laptop or vm on my desktop.

Galapagon , in After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market Share

30 years down, 970 to go!

thingsiplay , avatar

@Galapagon Only if it is linear. I just made a free form out of the blue diagram by hand to demonstrate what I mean:

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