
Sunforged , in Seattle City Council committee approves resolution to 'Lid I-5'

1-3 billion dollars to increase surrounding property values that only exacerbates the housing issue. Whatever they have planned to bake in to address homelessness is only to placate criticism of the project at large.

Klystron , in Seattle VA Medical Center earns high marks in new report

New vet so this is the only facility I’ve been to, but I’ve been pretty impressed. Building looks nice, campus is massive, all the facilities you could want. Availability for appointments can be kind of rough but you can’t beat health care for free fifty.

dhcmrlchtdj , in Is Seattle an AI hub? City is missing from national conversation about the new tech economy avatar

Smells like deceptive sponsored content

kinther OP , avatar

Eh, Geekwire is hit or miss. Some articles are good and others not so much.

Sunforged , in Seattle officer caught on bodycam laughing after collision that killed grad student

Man fuck SPD. I honestly went into the article trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, dealing with death on the job a bit of black humor is a coping mechanism. As much as I hate SPD I was ready for this to be a bit of that and the effected family upset while the media ran with it.

“She was 26, anyway. She had limited value.”

Duuuuude, what the fuck does that even mean. I can’t even with this shit.

Astroturfed ,

Probably too old for him. So as a woman, no value.

geosoco , (edited ) in Seattle officer caught on bodycam laughing after collision that killed grad student

This article is garbage, and misses a number of key points as well as doesn't fact check the police .

Try this publicola one

In fact, as we reported exclusively, Dave was driving 74 miles an hour in a 25 mile per hour zone and struck Kandula while she was attempting to cross the street in a marked and well-lighted crosswalk.

“I think she went up on the hood, hit the windshield, then when he hit the brakes, she flew off the car. But she is dead. No, it’s a regular person. Yeah, just write a check. Yeah, $11,000. She was 26 anyway, she had limited value.”—Seattle police officer Daniel Auderer, joking with police union president Mike Solan about the death of pedestrian Jaahnavi Kandula earlier that night.

GregoryTheGreat ,

What does limit value mean?…public hangings of corrupt people would fix this so fast.

Hegar , avatar

public hangings of corrupt people would fix this so fast.


We can't even stop police from continuing to do their job after they murder people, how are we going to give them the death penalty? And how is the state publicly murdering people going to discourage officers of the state from murdering people?

I can understand the feeling of anger but public hanging? Come on. People who earnestly want public hanging back are troglodytic fascists.

Sunforged , (edited )

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

-Jack Handey

reversebananimals , (edited )

Please move to Russia/China. We don’t do that in the civilized world. We’re better than that.

Edit: yes please downvote me for being against cruel and unusual punishment. Show everyone what kind of person you really are. I hope you get wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death so you can see how regressive your barbaric views are first hand.

Hegar , avatar

downvote me for being against cruel and unusual punishment.

I dunno about the other 2, but I downvoted you for the xenophobic aside.

zaph , avatar

Who do you think is going to decide who is corrupt? Why wouldn’t that position be filled by a corrupt individual?

nora ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • GregoryTheGreat ,

    I do think a lot of people already behave because they are afraid of the consequences. And we use peers to decide their fate. A mini mob if you will.

    I understand what you are getting at though. I’m just not sure tolerating behavior that this story is any better. Is putting him away forever any better than the death penalty?

    LUHG_HANI , avatar

    Limited value when he’s talking about her age screams sex trafficking to me. He should be investigated.

    BeautifulMind , avatar

    This article is garbage, […] doesn’t fact check the police

    Typical KOMO/Sinclair media fare, then

    reversebananimals ,

    Good call! Friendly reminder that KOMO is a right wing propaganda machine.…/how-life-changed-komo-when-sinclai…

    tdawg ,

    This shit pisses me off. They better be calling for his fucking badge. Fucking pig

    BakedGoods ,

    Should be calling for his fucking head.

    Trebach ,

    He needs to be arrested, convicted, and permanently disqualified from serving in law enforcement.

    Astroturfed ,

    I mean, that shits blatant vehicular manslaughter. He should get a decade+ in jail. We know he won’t though.

    mosiacmango , (edited )

    Komo is owned by sinclair, the right wing mega corp that owns hundreds of local news stations in different markets. The same company of "this is very dangerous to our democracy fame" that forces local anchors to read top down editorial from corporate.

    No wonder they are kind to cops. Im surprised the article didn’t have a thin blue line background.

    JohnnyH842 , in Seattle officer caught on bodycam laughing after collision that killed grad student

    The immediate move to turn off the body camera after saying those terrible things is an admission it’s own way and speaks to the character of this person when they think no one can hold them accountable.

    tallwookie , in The largest video store in the US will now let you rent from anywhere in the country

    that’s amazing, I had no idea that people still rented physical movies.

    atempuser23 ,

    It’s way cheaper than streaming if you want to watch anything specific. Some months it’s cheaper to buy the physical copies than to stream them.

    Anticorp , in The largest video store in the US will now let you rent from anywhere in the country

    Oh nice! We’re back to the earliest days of Netflix.

    TheTurducken , in Police response took 50 minutes as Wing Luke Museum vandalized avatar

    This is called a soft strike.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    The military might call it "dereliction of duty," but police only want military toys, not military responsibility.

    Alchemy , avatar

    or military accountability.

    Jimmycakes , in Seattle police union admits Dan Auderer audio "horrifying" as outrage boils

    But what are they gonna do about it? Nothing. Or worse get him off.

    e_t_ Admin , in [Opinion] Why the Shirtless Man Shouting on the Street Isn’t in the Hospital

    But he’s on his own since so many inpatient mental health facilities and beds were taken away nationwide when bad conditions were revealed during the 1970s.

    Thanks, Reagan

    iHUNTcriminals , (edited ) in [Opinion] Why the Shirtless Man Shouting on the Street Isn’t in the Hospital

    The push for mental health in America makes me scared.

    I doubt it will ever be done right. I doubt it will be anything more than drugging people to make babysitting them easier.

    You it will just turn into another way to imprison people for money.

    It’s sad I have no faith at all in America.

    protist ,

    I work in the field, and genuinely wonder what you think the solution is? The most visible individuals suffering from chronic mental illness and often chronic homelessness frequently don’t voluntarily engage any kind of help, whether that’s medication, housing, income, etc. When people are brought inpatient involuntarily, they may be legally mandated to take medication, and we often see their level of functioning improve significantly over time, but their insight doesn’t, and they stop meds as soon as they leave and fall back into the same pattern.

    reversebananimals ,

    I doubt it will be anything more than drugging people to make babysitting them easier.

    This is why we don’t lock up “the shirtless man shouting in the street” the first place.

    We used to lock that guy up, and the places we put them were horrific. In the 70s, American society collectively decided it was better to let them back out on the street than to risk locking up sane people against their will.

    Its a dilemma. We either funnel them into a horrific, underfunded system (our government will not realistically produce anything better), probably also catching a few sane people in the system along the way, or we let “the shirtless man shouting on the street” stay on the street.

    reversebananimals ,

    This is the wikipedia page about why we no longer involuntary commit people:

    And for a fictional portrayal, the go-to is “One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest”:…/One_Flew_Over_the_Cuckoo's_Nes…

    brotkel , in Remote work booms in Seattle as more than one-third of employees work from home

    Every tech job I'm applying to is asking if I'll accept being in the office 2-3 days a week. It's not like I can afford to say no, even if I preferred remote.

    sin_free_for_00_days ,

    I keep wondering where all these unicorn work-at-home jobs are. Sounds wonderful.

    chrisbrummel , in Police response took 50 minutes as Wing Luke Museum vandalized avatar

    The employees are really shook. Things are really getting shakier in the CID, and this really amplified that sentiment. They’re thankful that the guy was in his 70s and got tired as fast as he did. Had he been a young guy and with something more serious than a sledgehammer, waiting 52 minutes could have cost someone’s life.

    e_t_ Admin , in Remote work booms in Seattle as more than one-third of employees work from home

    I talked to a real estate agent in Ocean Shores last year. She said at the time that the city's population had exploded. People realized they could earn Seattle salaries while working remote from the beach.

    kinther OP , avatar

    You just have to have a mailing address in Seattle, really. Assuming it is fully remote

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