
Chuymatt , in Kevin Mitnick has died at age 59.

Well, fuck. He was really important to a young nerd in the late 90s and 2000s.

mosiacmango , in VMware customers may stay, but Broadcom could face backlash “for years to come”

ROBO licenses are gone. We saw licensing costs for servers at those sites go up 5x.

We have a few years left on our main clusters licensing, but we are already investigating moving off vmware because we expect more of the same.

slazer2au ,

Where are you jumping to? I hear people going Hyper-V and nutanix(?)

JoMomma ,

Local gov, we were directed to go to Hyper-V... We'll see how it goes

IHawkMike ,

Hyper-V is decent. It's VMM that is atrocious. Hopefully you don't have Citrix with MCS catalogs.

Evotech ,

Hyperv has shit automation support and doesn't provide native apis to work with. You need vmm or some third layer to talk to. That's where the shit starts

JasonDJ ,

I'm a net admin so I don't deal much on hypervisors but I'm a bit surprised.

Does it actually have shit automation support, or do you just not like the APIs?

Evotech ,

It does not provide apis like that without third party softeare

JasonDJ ,

You can't control hyperv via powershel, winrm, or wmi?

kelargo ,

Consider Xen?

possiblylinux127 , avatar

I'm a little scared Hyper-V will turn into Azure

slazer2au ,

Bit late, the path is already there with Azure Arc

possiblylinux127 , avatar

The problem is what happens if they pull a VMware. They could just bump up licensing costs so that you end up spending the same as you would to be in the cloud

slazer2au ,

MS is currently going through some legal battles in the EU about unfair pricing so it will be interesting how that turns out.

satanmat , in VMWare FUD. Anyone moving away from it professionally?

Not sure what or how it will affect us.

We’re a mid sized org we may stick unless it gets to crazy

It is kinda amazing that I’m assuming they did the math ; that so many smaller orgs just don’t matter

Mautobu OP ,

I’m kind of in the same boat. Mid sized with enough cash to deal with the new status quo.

phanto , in bad battery?

I had one go pop on a customer, and it melted their computer, irretrievably destroying their data. Leave the battery out and somewhere fireproof.

ichbinjasokreativ OP ,

I’ll take it out and discard it tomorrow, thank you

Elliott , in fuck Adobe and fuck their licensing

I’ve been able to steer 2 companies and my own business to adobe alternatives. Fuck, paying rent on software.

NerdyApex ,

What software do you recommend?

joel_feila , avatar

Krita is a Foss alternative to photo shop.

jimbo ,

I usually figure out what it is that my users are trying to accomplish, which is usually something absolutely insane to buy Photoshop for, like resizing or adding text to pictures, and steer them toward some basic app like Paint.NET.

boredtortoise , in Lenovo starts displaying text in chinese

Apparently not a Lenovo issue. Spotlight lock screen has Chinese or Norwegian language strings getting pulled

WASTECH , in VMWare FUD. Anyone moving away from it professionally? avatar

We are an enterprise manufacturing company. We have lots of hosts on process networks not connected to the internet. Seems like the subscription license won’t be compatible, so we plan to seriously look at Proxmox for those in the coming years as we replace hosts.

For our datacenter, we decided to move everything to Azure. This decision was in the works before the license change, but the acquisition by Broadcom and their track record certainly played a part in the conversation.

For our site hosts, we are looking into Azure HCI or possibly Hyper-V, especially since these sites don’t have many VM’s and don’t need features offered by VMware.

If you’re an Azure expert and are looking for a new job, send me a message. We’re hiring.

Mautobu OP ,

I have experience with Azure IaaS, but am certainly no expert. Managed like 5 VMs max. Great with PowerShell. Wrote a script for all of our on prem servers backed up to blob storage to recover to Azure in case of natural disaster. Fun project.

Urist , in VMWare FUD. Anyone moving away from it professionally?

I work for Disney and we're in the process of migrating all VMware boxes in our 3 data centers over to azure. We decided not to renew our contract with them. Guess it wasn't just us?

Mautobu OP ,

Nope, certainly seems to be a broad issue. Surprised that Disney would switch. I suppose the savings is there though.

comador , avatar

Have your group ask microsoft what the charges for Azure will be for your year 3 year 4 and year 5 commitments.

100% sure the Azure rep will gag on whatever they have in their mouths at that moment and start deflecting. If MS can fuck the US Government in a 10yr Azure contract, odds are pretty high they’ll do the same to Disney.

Source: Our company bought into O365+Azure+ADFS at a good rate for 3yrs, then got burned by MS once the honeymoon was over. They’re not going to make it fun for you all once your contract ends.

Pons_Aelius , in Some Google Drive for Desktop users are missing months of files - The Verge

How many times does it have to be said: The cloud is just someone else's computer that you have no control over.

JoMiran , in Cyber professionals say industry urgently needs to confront mental health crisis avatar

We have an entire set of rules for mandatory time off, max hours between rest and sabbaticals between large projects, and it is still a struggle to keep staff healthy. It is just a brutal line of work. It takes a toll on your body too. Shit, I had to get four stents on my heart at 44 and cancer at 49.

_spiffy , in How does everyone feel about posting Sysadmin blogs here? avatar

Maybe we could do blog post days?

I like the idea of seeing a decent amount of content, but fear that it could lead to too many blog posts if left unchecked.

packetloss , avatar

I agree with this. Would be totally up for seeing this sort of content on here, just as long as it didn’t flood the feed.

kevin2107 , in r/sysadmin and the size of this community

Good. I can't stand the insane communities on Reddit. It's full of clickbait and grifters. There's small communities are what the Internet is about. We should be happy.

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

I agree that most of Reddit is like that. However, r/sysadmin is pretty good in my experience.

Kiernian ,

Except for the -sysadmin IRC channel. Gibby's always shilling his "fart in a jar" NFT.

satanmat , in fuck Adobe and fuck their licensing

Feel free to share, this is a safe space…

Yeah, I really don’t get how — what their thinking is— let’s drive our users crazy because no one will ever leave us

The hell?

cheese_greater ,

[malevolently] Its been going around

stolid_agnostic ,

Hire more lawyers, obviously.

wooki ,

We need competition plain and simple start finding “good enough” and promoting it because at the end of the day if it’s good enough it’s solved the problem. Like gimp, it doesn’t have the bells and whistles but it’s good enough.

FederatedSaint ,

Not knowing who is on here, this is most certainly NOT a safe space. OP should not share if they think it would be detrimental if that information got out.

signofzeta , in You have a organizational identity right?

As soon as everyone signs their zones with DNNSEC, we can implement DANE to use self-signed certificates safely, and all our problems will go away, world peace will be achieved, and food will taste better.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Will my cock grow a bit, too?

signofzeta ,

Yes, and the RRSIG record will prove that it hasn’t been tampered with.

Chobbes ,

I still don’t understand the resistance to DNSSEC. It’s just the right solution to the problem (or something like it is). Most of the arguments I’ve seen against it are just “the governments and three letter agencies control the TLDs!!” which like… Sure. But even with the usual CA infrastructure all of the trust depends upon the TLDs anyway. Like… If you are a TLD and control the root DNS servers you can obviously redirect any domain to wherever you want and get a LetsEncrypt certificate for any domain under the TLD anyway? Maybe somebody would notice, but it’s probably just as likely that somebody would notice them messing around with DNSSEC (and then there would even be cryptographic proof of foul play?)

SheeEttin , in React os is still alive! I don't know about you guys but I'm personally hope this will get to a point where it can replace windows in legacy environments

Me too. Unfortunately, given that they’ve got decades of work to catch up to, and a much looser (and I assume smaller) team, I don’t think they’ll achieve feature parity in time to be useful.

But one can hope.

d3Xt3r ,

Actually, it’s already useful for some folks. Sure, if you’re after a 100% feature parity to say XP, that’s not happening any time soon, but there are already folks using ReactOS in niche cases like embedded systems, especially in old systems like CNC machines, scientific instruments, industrial/factory machines and so on.

The main problem with old machines like that isn’t that they were running Windows NT4 or XP, but the fact that the hardware they’re using is breaking down and it’s getting increasingly difficult to replace it whilst maintaining compatibility. ReactOS is basically the only “supported” OS that still is compatible with those old specialised drivers and apps, while still being compatible with somewhat modern hardware.

ronalicious ,

that’s an interesting take!

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