DingoBilly ,

I do wonder at times how many of these are just people putting in poor applications.

My experiences are almost 1:1 in terms of applications, interviews and job offers. As someone who recruits others, there is a lot of absolutely trash applications that are completely irrelevant to the role they’re applying for.

Not saying it’s easy, but many people are also not putting their best foot forward.

Eezyville ,
@Eezyville@sh.itjust.works avatar

You wooly for 20 jobs on Indeed. The ones that respond want you to do a one-way interview so they can discriminate against you without facing you.

AeroLemming ,


Eezyville ,
@Eezyville@sh.itjust.works avatar

yeah auto-correct…

I’m leaving it

AeroLemming ,

Huh, and I was thinking you woold fix it!

Soggytoast ,

A tip for anyone in the situation: when looking for a job on any website, if it has a ridiculous pay range, like 30k-140k, stay away. Usually some pyramid scheme, or scammy commission only sales job that you’ll never make anything from.

I’m sure some of these work out for some people, it has to. But realistically it doesn’t ever work out.

Lemminary ,

I’ve found jobs with good hourly salaries after bonuses, but the catch was that those bonuses were nearly impossible to reach. Keep an eye out for those, too!

erranto ,

It’s a ridiculous situation, where you are left feeling like shit. and when you get the job you realize it is not you but the company is the shit

I feel like I was born at the worst point in time.

Chunk ,

I would rather be raped by Apple than raped be Mongols just saying.

erranto ,

A least back in that time I could just go into some desolate forest labor a patch of land, raise some chickens and not be bothered by anyone. now the homeless can’t even sleep in the park or public land without having the rich and the state chase them off.

dustyData , (edited )

That patch of land belongs to the King, peasant. Off the Kingswoods with you.

erranto ,

Kingdoms back then didn’t have as much control of the land and the people as nation states with all the suppressing technological and army apparatus of today. In many parts of the world you’ll be living peacefully for decades before any tax collectors showed up. World history goes beyond Europe’s borders

Cryophilia ,

And die at the ripe old age of 35

Gabu ,

You had the boomer take of “hurr durr, they don’t teach history anymore” one reply up, then immediately say dumb shit like this…

Cryophilia ,

Yeah yeah the average life expectancy was dragged down because of infant mortality I know. Congratulations, you found a technicality, dumbass. Do you deny my general point - which there’s no way you’re dumb enough to miss - that the standard of life, and medicine in particular, have vastly improved in the modern era?

Gabu ,

For whom? Define “standard of life”. Define “modern era”.

Cryophilia ,

Fuck you, Sealion, I’m not spending all day defining obvious concepts.

Gabu ,

i.e. you don’t have a point and don’t even want to go through the effort of considering the validity of your own opinions.

Cryophilia ,

No I’m just too wise for your bullshit to work on me. “Define ‘modern era’” what a crock of shit. Come on. I fought in the Meme Wars of 2016. You have to do better than that. Stop trying to bog shit down in useless technicalities. Address my central premise or gtfo.

_number8_ ,

i hate how we’re supposed to act like we’re the Most Perfect fit for the role, and So Eager! – the most ideal human to ever walk the earth, specifically for this role.

and you get the job and go there and the coworkers aren’t fucking god and apollo, it’s joey and mark

erranto ,

1000 times this. it feels as if I am auditioning to an acting role and not a job interview. I have watched some videos on YouTube on how to ace a job interview in my field, I couldn’t finish a video without feeling my stomach churn. and it is through and through about what you can bring to their company, and very rarely about what they can bring to you.

Even prostitution feels less dehumanizing than a regular job.

Cryophilia ,

I think the guys in the trenches in WW1 would love to trade places with you

Indicah ,

Honestly I think I’d make that trade. At least if they lived they would have a house, family and kids to come home to. And a lifetime of prosperity. I’d trade a few horrible years for that. Either way I wouldn’t have to live an entire lifetime struggling for everything.

Cryophilia ,

Ooof I guess they don’t teach kids history anymore.

HelloHotel ,
@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

Im guessing its that he uses the most rosey speach he can, failing to relize that theres some kind of hell for the returning soldiers, or that they dont return.

Franzia ,

At least in WWI I’d have gotten 4Fs and could off myself without any shame. In this life it’s like, shameful to give up but also impossible to get a scrap of enjoyment out of it.

Edit: also your argument is whataboutism

Cryophilia ,

Why do you care if it’s shameful, you’ll be dead

What a weird thing to worry about

SeaJ , (edited )

I have probably sent out a good 100 resumés over the past few months and have only gotten responses within the past few weeks. A good chunk of them did not bother notifying me that I was not being considered and I would only find out if I logged into their shitty portal.

I am no longer applying to jobs that do not lost their salary range. I had an interview the other day that was a complete fucking waste of time because at the end there was my salary was nowhere near what they could afford. They have been looking for months. They definitely need a reality check if they think they can pay next to nothing in the locations they are hiring in which are all high cost of living areas.


This is exactly what I’ve encountered. I only opened Indeed to see what ppl in my profession are being offered in other places. Places with affordable houses. I’m worried my living situation will become a problem in the area I live, it’s only getting higher.

Like you, I find employers are completely unaware of this and aren’t offering enough.

They are also asking for more qualifications than they are willing to pay for, so far I’ll bide my time.

The other annoyance is I can’t ask for any feedback on why my application was passed over.

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Story of my life. Half the time they don’t even bother to call back.

A7thStone , (edited )

I am so glad I am a Union member. I would probably be homeless if i had to deal with this shit. I mean, I have almost been homeless with my union, but without it I’d be screwed.

Bye ,

“No one wants to work anymore” does not mean what it’s individual words imply. It’s like “fucking hell”. It has a different meaning.

It means “we don’t want to pay, we think labor is too expensive”

TurtleJoe ,
@TurtleJoe@lemmy.world avatar

That and/or, “I’m such a raging asshole that I’ve created a terrible, toxic environment and everybody always quits.”

Seasoned_Greetings ,

“No one wants to work anymore”

Yeah, Karen. No one wants to work in the first place. You think you deserve employees who will accept crackers as payment for the joy and excitement of generating value for a company so you don’t have to?

HelloHotel ,
@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

Literally, people like rslash used to exploit whenever reddit tells stories (unclear if their even real) about karens demanding labor so cheap, these ‘people’ ask coerse people to work for them for less than half of what you’d expect from a gig or office job.

That_One_Demon ,

You had me until missing an interview is not your fault. When I got an interview I wrote that date and time on everything. I couldnt go five feet without a reminder. If you miss an interview (barring medical or personal emergency) that’s on you, but I guess that’s an unpopular opinion.

Fedizen ,

Did you misread the second paragraph?

_number8_ ,

not really the main point or any reason to dismiss the whole thing. we aren’t playthings for corporations, the whole interviewing facade where we’re supposed to be dutiful and perfect and company-fearing is dumb

Tranus ,

You can’t set reminders if you never knew the interview existed. It’s still their fault, but it’s an easy mistake to make.

HelloHotel ,
@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

Even further, each site is unique in features, layout and design. Its a dice roll how youll be contacted or how you set reminders in app. if they have a date/time, put it in your calendar app, dont rely on their garbage.

Edit: some dont notify you they even made an event for you, welp your screwed.

Tavarin ,
@Tavarin@lemmy.ca avatar

but it’s so rare for you to receive any response that you forget to check the website

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Can’t you set notifications to be sent to your phone?

Tavarin ,
@Tavarin@lemmy.ca avatar

Lots of people don’t like giving their phone numbers to websites.

UdeRecife ,
@UdeRecife@literature.cafe avatar

I read it differently. It’s an ambience. The author is not taking off actual interviews being scheduled.

Rather, replies to your applications are so few that you end up getting frustrated. Because of that, in the long run, you forget checking the website. Now, if in the meanwhile you get a reply, nobody’s home to receive it.

You miss it not because you’re lazy or careless, but because you’re human and there’s so much you can do to keep hoping.

BallsInTheShredder ,

This has happened to me and there’s some confusion in the comments so I’ll attempt to clarify here, it’s not missing an interview in the way we’re perceiving it. What happens is;

On indeed, you can pre-fill out an application and “quick apply” to most jobs, and that’s the entire application process for that job. If you’re accepted for an interview, they will message you on the indeed app or maybe via email.

But many of the jobs you can apply to on indeed don’t accept quick apply and instead direct you to their website, where you apply again, and from then on must log into their site frequently checking back for responses, potential invites to interviews, recommendations for other openings etc.

So they’re not missing an interview they’ve been notified about, they’re missing the notification of an upcoming interview because they didn’t check the site that notified them.

Is that still on them? Yeah, technically. But many, many sites are now doing this on indeed. Back when I was applying it didn’t take me long to be signed up for indeed + DG + Walmart+ Amazon + UPS etc etc.

I’m sure I’m signed up to at least 50 different sites. 99% of those sites will never notify me of anything aside from other job openings.

So you get forgetful sometimes, checking 50 sites a day can do that to you.

Then one of them offers you an interview on their site, but you only checked 40 sites today and spent the rest of your time mass quick applying to 100 new jobs instead of checking the remaining 10 sites that had a .001% chance of actually offering you a job anyway.

I mean, yeah, the blame is still on them. If you’re in desperate need of a job with nothing else going on then you should be religiously checking every site you’re signed up with. However, I can see forgetting to check one or two as well because there are a fucking lot and it’s a lot to remember.

I remember hating to apply to jobs that required me to use their site so, so badly, because they ALREADY had my application from indeed but instead of just using that app they want me to arbitrarily sign up for their site instead, that’s likely much more of a hassle than indeed, and add ANOTHER fucking layer of difficulty to just getting a damn job.

A better way to get employees seems to be to just accept quick applications from indeed, message them on the app and just set up a damn interview. With indeed available I’m not sure why these companies even use their own sites.

killeronthecorner ,
@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

I won’t touch Indeed, but I appreciate that you don’t have a choice in some industries.

I exclusively used “quick apply” systems when I was looking for a new role earlier this year, mainly via LinkedIn and Cord, and it was a much better experience. Fill everything in once, and then single click to send an application. There was the occasional redirect to a web form, less than half of which I filled in (as they were asking for things already in my application).

Recruitment desperately needs this kind of disruption. I hope the trend continues.

Cyberflunk ,

What’s Cord?

killeronthecorner ,
@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar


I didn’t get my current role through it but I did like the way it was set up

Cyberflunk ,


HipHoboHarold ,

I’ve been using both LinkIn and Indeed. I feel like it’s the same thing, but one has a Facebook skin on top of it.

EmperorHenry ,
@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

This is the world that boomers designed.

CaptnNMorgan ,

Are they still complaining no one wants to work? I thought that reversed last year. When they WERE complaining about that, it WAS pretty damn easy to get a job. For entry level stuff anyway. I had my pick of the litter, but now finding a better job is near impossible again, the way it was before COVID.

theragu40 ,

I heard someone IRL say it just last week. I think the issue is more specific to certain jobs or industries at this point, whereas before it was widespread and there were worker shortages in every field.

What I glean now is that a lot of the “no one wants to work anymore” issues are centered around low paying service jobs. Which in my mind tells me basically that people have skilled up to fill better paying roles, and the overall reduction in employable workers means there simply aren’t people willing to work those low paying jobs anymore.

WhipTheLlama ,

If you want to earn enough money to live on, learn a skill and get a better job!

Learns a skill and gets a better job

Hey, not like that!

Maggoty ,

It’s a great anti labor propaganda line. They will never stop saying it now. There’s a group of business interests that wouldn’t mind pushing labor rights all the way back to indentured servitude.

rustyricotta ,

I am in this hell. Recent software engineering graduate, and i haven’t gotten any bites for a long while. I’ve got no idea what to do besides work on my personal projects in hopes that it catches the interest of some unicorn out there that will actually read my info.

Arda1 ,

Very respectable

nova_ad_vitum ,

If you haven’t already, make a condensed version of your CV in point form. Literally one page, no more. Clear headings (education, experience, skills) with a few key bullets (3-4 max) per heading.

Remember, this terrible situation is due in part to the fact that services like Indeed make employers think they shouldn’t have to invest in hiring at all, so they don’t . They’re lazy, so your approach has to adapt to that .

Hang in there, I’ve been where you are. You’ll get through it.

Scew ,
@Scew@lemmy.world avatar

If you’ve got a degree, your institution’s job boards are lightyears better than Indeed. Keep working on the personal projects though, they help once you have an interview. ^.^

Gabu ,

Hey, maybe start out by looking for bits instead. Sorry, I’m ashamed of my own joke, but it demands to be let free.

Spzi ,

Very similar to finding a new home.

Bonus challenge: Find a new home without a job.

DJDarren ,

Oh man. I’m in my 40s, working full time in an office-based, professional role and renting is fucky even for someone who can prove a stable income. You go to look at a house, only to find 20 other people queued up waiting. You like the house, you offer to rent it, only to find that it’s been rented to someone offering £200 a month more than the list price.

It’s absolute shit.

dufkm ,

Same with buying shoes; how do you expect me to go to the shoe store without having shoes to walk in?

And for glasses; how can I find my glasses without glasses?

Navy ,

For real though, don’t ask if I like the new frames I’m trying on. How am I supposed to know? I’m not wearing my glasses

rob_t_firefly ,
@rob_t_firefly@lemmy.world avatar

Nowadays one way to do it is to record a video in selfie mode while you try on the frames and move your head around a bit, then switch back to your real glasses and watch the video.

Some glasses dealers now have apps which CG the frames in question onto your face, and the results are getting more impressive and less cartoony.

Navy ,

This is a great piece of advice thanks for sharing it!

I’ve tried the CGI frames before but none of them look like real glass to me. I do have a big head though so that’s probably a part of it.

funkless_eck ,

you were trying to be sarcastic, but instead you have revealed a major issue with the recidivism of homelessness and crime that affects every modern society.

if one of us is in chains, none of us are free.

dufkm ,

you were trying to be sarcastic, but instead you have…

Lol no, I know better than trying to be sarcastic online, I was making the same point as you (although less eloquently). Wholeheartedly agree with what you said!

Polar ,

I am on lifelong disability which means I get a guaranteed amount of money each month for life.

No landlords will touch me, a person with a GUARANTEED INCOME.

However, if you have a job, that you can get fired from or quit the next day, they’ll accept you. Blows my fucking mind.

Btw, for anyone wondering, if I lose my job, the government will step in and give me money for my disability. If I have a job, they don’t give me money. If I have a shit job where I make a couple hundred per month, they’ll cover the difference. I don’t mooch off the government, but my point is that I’m lucky enough to have a safety net, and landlords are so dumb they run away from it.

Franzia ,


Spzi ,

No landlords will touch me, a person with a GUARANTEED INCOME.

However, if you have a job, that you can get fired from or quit the next day, they’ll accept you. Blows my fucking mind.

Exactly, it’s crazy. Some even go further and require you to earn 3x as much as your rent.

While I understand it’s a good rule of thumb to not spend more than 1/3 on rent … a good rule of thumb for THE RENTING PERSON, that is. Why would any landlord care if I eat oats or drive a lambo? As long as I pay my rent, what do they even care how much I have left?

And since rents have been rising more than wages, satisfying this unecessary demand becomes increasingly difficult.

Maybe it is because they are not rational homo economicuses. They find someone to rent their place anyways, so they can use their power to punish or reward people based on their societal ideals. Or simply have a say in what kind of people are allowed to live in that hood.

mohammed_alibi ,

Years ago I rented to a section 8 tenant. She was a single mom, and my mom was a single mom, so I wanted to help her. The rent was guaranteed and I receive a check in the mail directly from the housing authority. However, the tenant never took care of the house. At times, it seems she was unemployed, but was still receiving the assistance, which was nice I guess. But I don’t know what she does with her time because you’d think she will at least try to make the place that she lives in as clean / nice as she can with her time. Unfortunately, I ended up having to pay over $10k to fix up my house after she left, and the home has a lot of random damages like broken window screens, big holes in the walls, etc. Never have those issues with other tenants.

Point is, many people who receive gov’t assistance never have their life together. And my experiences tell me to run away as fast as possible whenever I encounter them. As opposed to people who work hard for their money, they actually take care of the places.

You may be different, but again, once bitten, twice shy.

Tofushopdriftin ,

Filter to “jobs that I can apply for/to from my phone”

I agree with the core of this post, just trying to help anyone frustrated with entering the same information over and over, or making single use accounts for applications, can’t stand that shit and it makes the whole process shittier. Plus, you can apply to much more stuff without fatigue, strengthening the chance you’ll hear back from somebody

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