A7thStone , (edited )

I am so glad I am a Union member. I would probably be homeless if i had to deal with this shit. I mean, I have almost been homeless with my union, but without it I’d be screwed.

count_dongulus ,

Don’t use Indeed, dumbass. Talk to a headhunter. They get paid by employers to find you a job. Every single professional job I’ve ever had has come through a headhunter, and the jobs have been great.

BottleOfAlkahest ,

I’ll second the using a recruiter point, I’ve seen it help people with MBAs going for Director jobs or people without a GED going for entry level menial labor roles. Worse case scenario they have trouble placing you but you get a professional who knows the local job market on your “team” who can answer questions for you. They only get paid if you get hired, but they want to get more business from companies so they have a vested interest in getting you hired in the right position.

When I was recruiting I was more likely to give an interview, even if it was a courtesy, to a recruiter candidate than a direct hire candidate because I knew they were likely pre-screened and 20 minutes talking to someone who may or may not be a great fit was worth it to keep the relationship with the recruiter. So if one of the recruiters presented you there was like a 75% chance I’d phone screen you even if my initial reaction would have been to pass you over.

A recruiter can be especially helpful if you’re moving industries or have a more “unusual” background (i.e. phd, foriegn work history, military - there are some great veteran focused recruitment firms in the US especially for JMOs) because they can help lay ground work and prep the interviewer on why /your/ unconventional background is actually a perfect fit.

It costs you nothing and some of the nicer firms will do interview prep and help with your resume formatting too.

If youre not sure where to start and are US based try Manpower or Randstad for decent general indutry full/part time recruiters. It’s FREE!

Xaphanos ,

My experience (as someone that does not fit most normal job descriptions) is that recruiters cannot understand anything beyond “square peg in a square hole” jobs. They dislike having to get to know me, understand what makes me special, and then keeping an open mind for every possible opening. I don’t blame them - go for the low-hanging fruit first. But if they won’t help me, then they need to say so.

JackGreenEarth ,
@JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee avatar

How do I get in touch with one of those, in London?

Mr_Blott ,

If you can’t find a recruitment agency in London I think you’ll struggle with tying your shoes

JackGreenEarth ,
@JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee avatar

Ah, I can, I think I must have been confused by the word headhunter.

Mr_Blott ,

Yeah the yanks will try to make anything sound tacticool

whenigrowup356 ,

This post isn’t even about professional level jobs, dumbass. It’s explicitly about someone who can’t afford a car and applied for service/labor jobs.

OldManViper ,

The meta for getting jobs rn is through networking. IIRC something like 70% of job positions are not posted. I have worked in the tech industry and food industry and found this to be true in both. For tech, building a strong network is more important than any degree/cert you could get imo. I wouldn’t even bother applying thru websites without a recommendation attached. I think ur time is better spent working on some sort of personal project and attending every conference/event in the area u can find for whatever ur tech domain is. Ideally if ur living in a tech “hub” or adjacent to one there usually is some sort of “area programming language/tech thing club” and joining is free. You can find them on facebook or meetup. Befriend some boomer nerds at them and eventually you’ll get access to their “network” and will have a lot easier time landing a job. U can be upfront too by saying shit like “I am looking to expand my network” and this is an OK way to signal “Let me know about job openings that ur friends have” / “please introduce me to important people”.

dangblingus ,

Stop. Using. Indeed.

It’s a glorified resumé scraping service for corpos. It’s free to use for job seekers right? That means YOUR INFORMATION IS THE PRODUCT. All Indeed does is look at what’s on your resumé, and then delivers that insight to corporations for a fee.

Go handout resumés in person. If the company does not want you to do that, submit them through their career portal on their official website.

solstice ,

Isn’t this more of an indictment of the Indeed platform than shitty employers?

TALL421 ,
@TALL421@lemmy.one avatar

Why can’t it be both?

solstice ,

I just realized what sub this is and I don’t want to argue. People are savage in here.

RealWarrenBuffett ,

I’m so glad that when I applied for my first job 10 years ago, having no experience in any field, applications through websites and apps wasn’t really a big thing and it was mostly done by sending e-mails. Gathered a list of 200 emails and sent those emails one by one, got a call two days later and then kept getting more calls with offers for the next half a year. I do remember registering to a couple big company websites to apply there - and just like the OP mentions, those instantly became ghost accounts :)

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Poor people should just simply try working for their father’s company for a year and then taking a VP position at a small fortune 500. I don’t understand why they won’t try that, and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Tsk tsk tsk.

Stupidmanager ,

look, we all know if you click this link here you too can be a millionaire working 6 hours a week. (link withheld because i want to be a millionaire first)

Click “Like” and subscribe to my channel for more tips on being rich!

solstice ,

They should just tell their daddies to make another film. Please daddy please! 20 million dollars is still 12 million dollars after taxes!

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Story of my life. Half the time they don’t even bother to call back.

Stupidmanager ,

Well, problem 1 is using indeed. What an obsolete site for most places. But i get the joke.

Not that prospects are much better elsewhere. Like LinkedIn for instance with their “click here for instant apply” and then you see that you’re one of 50 people (today) to apply for this open role and some AI in the background estimated based on your profile that you have 22% chance of getting the job BUT if you pay for premium you can knock that 22% up to 50% and an AI writes you a better profile…

I really do feel sorry for the crap the boomer gen and even my generation (genx) has left every generation after.

MinusPi ,
@MinusPi@yiffit.net avatar

What should I be using then?

SonnyVabitch ,

If you listen to the crowd on here, a guillotine on the ruling classes.

MinusPi ,
@MinusPi@yiffit.net avatar

Well obviously, I meant beyond that

NewAgeOldPerson ,

LinkedIn and Indeed combo still work fine, but personal network is age old and never not the best choice.

Swedneck ,
@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

“personal networking” feels a lot like just saying “go fish in a bathtub”

NewAgeOldPerson ,

Depends on how big your bathtub is. But really. Knowing people in your field is always helpful.

Anamnesis , (edited )

It’s basically useless when you’ve tried your network and it’s all dead ends. This advice feels like the “don’t be ugly” of the employment world.

NewAgeOldPerson ,

Yeah there’s that about the dead ends. Been there as well. My own field now has a lot more gains to be had from networking. Past ones, not so much. Maybe it depends on the nature of the job as well? I’m not sure. I imagine it’s a lot more helpful in sales.

I’m not great at it myself honestly. I could really learn from my spouse. She’s an SME in a niche field and literally every job after the first one, she was recruited by someone in her network. But that’s neither here, nor there.

Anyway, that’s all I got. Rant over.

Anamnesis ,

I got a lot of this advice trying to get into academia. From what I found, knowing someone somewhere is actively detrimental to getting a job. Not only will you not get a job because of your connections, people will avoid giving you a job because hiring from a network speaks ill of the academic rigor of the institution. Whether it’s real or not, the image is maximal meritocracy, and that means the traditional advice from the corporate world is useless.

DarthBueller ,

Also, if you are the “first” in your family for something (first college grad/first grad school grad, etc.), you have a HUGE disadvantage to those who have family members that can give well-informed opinions and advice. This was especially true in law school - students with lawyers in their family did far better during and immediately after law school than those students (like me) who were first to graduate college, let alone first for an advanced degree. And by “far better” I don’t simply mean “daddy got them a great job straight out of law school,” I’m talking about better academic performance, better utilization of available school career resources, better networking skills, you name it.

Anamnesis ,

Dude I got a PhD and tried to get a tenure track job. I’m from a family of dirt farmers and had no advice on how to break into academia. Your words couldn’t be more true.

Rodeo ,

It means “be rich”.

People who have to work 40 hours a week, plus do their own cooking and cleaning, plus all their own errands, plus taking care of the kids or pets, don’t have time to network.

There’s a reason politics is filled with rich lawyers and finance people, and it because they have the luxury of networking.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

People who have to work 40 hours a week, plus do their own cooking and cleaning, plus all their own errands, plus taking care of the kids or pets, don’t have time to network.

No, networking means maintaining healthy relationships with your peers, friends, and coworkers from all your previous jobs and telling people you’re looking for one.

If there’s no luck there, then yes, you suck it up and go to the gutter pile of Indeed, classifieds, and doing work you never wanted to do lol.

_number8_ ,

anyone who says ‘networking’ is a charlatan imo. at least try to word it like a human being while giving advice

prosp3kt ,

I agree, I put in the shoes of HR and Management, I CAN FEEL YOUR DESPERATION, you are acting like an attention whore and this smells in KILOMETERS.

solivine ,
@solivine@sopuli.xyz avatar

CV library gets me some calls from recruiters, be prepared for spam/WhatsApp scams though

DJDarren ,

I’m listening…

Stupidmanager ,

Is that really the way? I mean, there’s just not enough of the ruling class to go around for everyone to have their turn.

gornar ,
@gornar@lemmy.world avatar

Sharing is caring, I guess!

Honytawk ,

Something the ruling class does not do

prosp3kt ,

I agree

Stupidmanager ,

Depends on your level and job. Honestly I’m still going to say LinkedIn in most cases, if only because Its the professional social network. Companies can look you up, so you need a good profile to attract those recruiters that pay to find people. It’s a sick game, but at least now there are AI profile services that can help you get ahead.

Indeed is cheap and used by cheap recruiters to get the most applicants directed to some other job board that costs them near nothing to aggregate resumes. You can’t even be sure you’re using the company job site to apply in some cases. At least with LinkedIn you can do the searching for the real job post.

baduhai ,
@baduhai@sopuli.xyz avatar

All of the jobs I’ve had in my life, that I didn’t get through personal connexions, I’ve found on glassdoor.

DarthBueller ,

Glassdoor has got to be the worst name for a job site. Evokes the phrase “glass ceiling” which is not something that anyone wants to have at their job.

DEngineer ,

I’ve had a lot of response back through LinkedIn. Landed one of my jobs through it. Other three were personal and professional connections.

creditCrazy ,
@creditCrazy@lemmy.world avatar

A gun pointed at your head

bemenaker ,

Except indeed has replaced every job listing and recruitment. Even the “top” recruiting firms now are doing all their work on indeed.

Stupidmanager ,

Yep. Comes down to money and they can’t make big money off you if you hide behind the great LinkedIn pay wall. Look, recruiters like everyone else are trying to milk every penny out of their sale (you). You say “top” but are they exclusive? Are you applying at the company portal? Can you find this job yourself and apply direct? Top recruiters doesn’t mean as much as is used to. Right now you’re one of 30 applicants being submitted by a semi-competent recruiter that uses a tool to evaluate how much your resume fits and how much profit they can make if they bring you in under the salary range.

Indeed is a crap job site used by cheap recruiters. at least with LinkedIn you’re better armed with searching.

DingoBilly ,

I do wonder at times how many of these are just people putting in poor applications.

My experiences are almost 1:1 in terms of applications, interviews and job offers. As someone who recruits others, there is a lot of absolutely trash applications that are completely irrelevant to the role they’re applying for.

Not saying it’s easy, but many people are also not putting their best foot forward.

mulcahey ,

You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. “Do you want to fill out the application manually, or upload your resume?” You select the latter and upload your resume. Indeed loads the next page: “Please fill out your work history manually.” You scream 20 times

HelloHotel ,
@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

Cpoy and paste if you can and you need to

SheerDumbLuck ,

Pro tip: for the workday applications with the manual forms, I have a separate file I upload without formatting that perfectly fills out the forms in the fields they want, then I upload a formatted resume.

JohnDClay ,

That’s genius!

DigitalFrank ,

Put in about 40 apps on indeed. Got one interview, didn’t get job. Couple weeks later got an email from one employer that I wasn’t what the were looking for. I responded, thanking them for at least responding. Got the interview. I hit 5 years in the job next week.

UnD3Rgr0uNDCL0wN ,

My current (UK) employer emails candidates just to say “sorry, but thanks for applying”. I dont get why any company wouldnt at least have the mechanism to email people an update.

WarlordSdocy ,

I do that but half of the time when I get a response like that it’s from some automated email that says no one will read any replies to it.


Five years ago, people treated other people like people. Happy for you though!

DigitalFrank ,


erranto ,

It’s a ridiculous situation, where you are left feeling like shit. and when you get the job you realize it is not you but the company is the shit

I feel like I was born at the worst point in time.

Chunk ,

I would rather be raped by Apple than raped be Mongols just saying.

erranto ,

A least back in that time I could just go into some desolate forest labor a patch of land, raise some chickens and not be bothered by anyone. now the homeless can’t even sleep in the park or public land without having the rich and the state chase them off.

dustyData , (edited )

That patch of land belongs to the King, peasant. Off the Kingswoods with you.

erranto ,

Kingdoms back then didn’t have as much control of the land and the people as nation states with all the suppressing technological and army apparatus of today. In many parts of the world you’ll be living peacefully for decades before any tax collectors showed up. World history goes beyond Europe’s borders

Cryophilia ,

And die at the ripe old age of 35

Gabu ,

You had the boomer take of “hurr durr, they don’t teach history anymore” one reply up, then immediately say dumb shit like this…

Cryophilia ,

Yeah yeah the average life expectancy was dragged down because of infant mortality I know. Congratulations, you found a technicality, dumbass. Do you deny my general point - which there’s no way you’re dumb enough to miss - that the standard of life, and medicine in particular, have vastly improved in the modern era?

Gabu ,

For whom? Define “standard of life”. Define “modern era”.

Cryophilia ,

Fuck you, Sealion, I’m not spending all day defining obvious concepts.

Gabu ,

i.e. you don’t have a point and don’t even want to go through the effort of considering the validity of your own opinions.

Cryophilia ,

No I’m just too wise for your bullshit to work on me. “Define ‘modern era’” what a crock of shit. Come on. I fought in the Meme Wars of 2016. You have to do better than that. Stop trying to bog shit down in useless technicalities. Address my central premise or gtfo.

_number8_ ,

i hate how we’re supposed to act like we’re the Most Perfect fit for the role, and So Eager! – the most ideal human to ever walk the earth, specifically for this role.

and you get the job and go there and the coworkers aren’t fucking god and apollo, it’s joey and mark

erranto ,

1000 times this. it feels as if I am auditioning to an acting role and not a job interview. I have watched some videos on YouTube on how to ace a job interview in my field, I couldn’t finish a video without feeling my stomach churn. and it is through and through about what you can bring to their company, and very rarely about what they can bring to you.

Even prostitution feels less dehumanizing than a regular job.

Cryophilia ,

I think the guys in the trenches in WW1 would love to trade places with you

Indicah ,

Honestly I think I’d make that trade. At least if they lived they would have a house, family and kids to come home to. And a lifetime of prosperity. I’d trade a few horrible years for that. Either way I wouldn’t have to live an entire lifetime struggling for everything.

Cryophilia ,

Ooof I guess they don’t teach kids history anymore.

HelloHotel ,
@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

Im guessing its that he uses the most rosey speach he can, failing to relize that theres some kind of hell for the returning soldiers, or that they dont return.

Franzia ,

At least in WWI I’d have gotten 4Fs and could off myself without any shame. In this life it’s like, shameful to give up but also impossible to get a scrap of enjoyment out of it.

Edit: also your argument is whataboutism

Cryophilia ,

Why do you care if it’s shameful, you’ll be dead

What a weird thing to worry about

Transcriptionist , (edited )

Image Transcription:

Tumblr post by user anotherchariotpulledbycats reading

"You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. The silence is deafening.

"You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. Half of them require you to create an account on the company website. You have a trail of ghost accounts that will be used once and never again. You never receive a response.

"You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer offers an interview, but it’s so rare for you to receive any response that you forget to check the website and you miss the time.

"You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer offers an interview, but you don’t know the magic words that signal to the esoteric mind of an interviewer that you’re fit for the job.

"You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer e-mails you saying that ‘unfortunately, you do not have the qualifications we are looking for’. You check the job again and see you applied to be a menial labourer.

"You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. Half of them require a car a car. No one stops to ask how you’re supposed to afford one with no job.

"You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer offers a job. The commute makes you want to die in your sleep.

"You call the HR manager for the workplace in hopes of arranging an interview more directly. They don’t even have an answering machine.

“Employers complain that no one wants to work anymore.”

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]

HelloHotel , (edited )
@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

You do good work, keep it up. Oh and also, blockquotes are useful for distinguishing quoted text. I hope this makes your life a little easier

My title of my post

I am sir quoted

I talk a lot and on many lines

Thanks, my footnote

In your post editor it looks like

<span style="color:#323232;">My title of my post
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">> I am sir quoted
</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">> I talk a lot and on *many* lines
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Thanks, my footnote

Posts on lemmy and and a lot of other places support markdown. Its really handy.

Transcriptionist ,

Thank you! Tips are always appreciated. I’ll edit my original comment as you suggested, if I’ve done it wrong let me know. 💜

HelloHotel ,
@HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

it looks pretty good. 👍

Spzi ,

Very similar to finding a new home.

Bonus challenge: Find a new home without a job.

DJDarren ,

Oh man. I’m in my 40s, working full time in an office-based, professional role and renting is fucky even for someone who can prove a stable income. You go to look at a house, only to find 20 other people queued up waiting. You like the house, you offer to rent it, only to find that it’s been rented to someone offering £200 a month more than the list price.

It’s absolute shit.

dufkm ,

Same with buying shoes; how do you expect me to go to the shoe store without having shoes to walk in?

And for glasses; how can I find my glasses without glasses?

Navy ,

For real though, don’t ask if I like the new frames I’m trying on. How am I supposed to know? I’m not wearing my glasses

rob_t_firefly ,
@rob_t_firefly@lemmy.world avatar

Nowadays one way to do it is to record a video in selfie mode while you try on the frames and move your head around a bit, then switch back to your real glasses and watch the video.

Some glasses dealers now have apps which CG the frames in question onto your face, and the results are getting more impressive and less cartoony.

Navy ,

This is a great piece of advice thanks for sharing it!

I’ve tried the CGI frames before but none of them look like real glass to me. I do have a big head though so that’s probably a part of it.

funkless_eck ,

you were trying to be sarcastic, but instead you have revealed a major issue with the recidivism of homelessness and crime that affects every modern society.

if one of us is in chains, none of us are free.

dufkm ,

you were trying to be sarcastic, but instead you have…

Lol no, I know better than trying to be sarcastic online, I was making the same point as you (although less eloquently). Wholeheartedly agree with what you said!

Polar ,

I am on lifelong disability which means I get a guaranteed amount of money each month for life.

No landlords will touch me, a person with a GUARANTEED INCOME.

However, if you have a job, that you can get fired from or quit the next day, they’ll accept you. Blows my fucking mind.

Btw, for anyone wondering, if I lose my job, the government will step in and give me money for my disability. If I have a job, they don’t give me money. If I have a shit job where I make a couple hundred per month, they’ll cover the difference. I don’t mooch off the government, but my point is that I’m lucky enough to have a safety net, and landlords are so dumb they run away from it.

Franzia ,


Spzi ,

No landlords will touch me, a person with a GUARANTEED INCOME.

However, if you have a job, that you can get fired from or quit the next day, they’ll accept you. Blows my fucking mind.

Exactly, it’s crazy. Some even go further and require you to earn 3x as much as your rent.

While I understand it’s a good rule of thumb to not spend more than 1/3 on rent … a good rule of thumb for THE RENTING PERSON, that is. Why would any landlord care if I eat oats or drive a lambo? As long as I pay my rent, what do they even care how much I have left?

And since rents have been rising more than wages, satisfying this unecessary demand becomes increasingly difficult.

Maybe it is because they are not rational homo economicuses. They find someone to rent their place anyways, so they can use their power to punish or reward people based on their societal ideals. Or simply have a say in what kind of people are allowed to live in that hood.

mohammed_alibi ,

Years ago I rented to a section 8 tenant. She was a single mom, and my mom was a single mom, so I wanted to help her. The rent was guaranteed and I receive a check in the mail directly from the housing authority. However, the tenant never took care of the house. At times, it seems she was unemployed, but was still receiving the assistance, which was nice I guess. But I don’t know what she does with her time because you’d think she will at least try to make the place that she lives in as clean / nice as she can with her time. Unfortunately, I ended up having to pay over $10k to fix up my house after she left, and the home has a lot of random damages like broken window screens, big holes in the walls, etc. Never have those issues with other tenants.

Point is, many people who receive gov’t assistance never have their life together. And my experiences tell me to run away as fast as possible whenever I encounter them. As opposed to people who work hard for their money, they actually take care of the places.

You may be different, but again, once bitten, twice shy.

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