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Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. ( arstechnica.com )

Big tech companies are still trying to rally workers back into physical offices, and many workers are still not having it. Based on a recent report, computer-maker Dell has stumbled even more than most....

dustyData ,

They know, they just don't care. The payroll goes down, the profit goes up. The most talented are also the most expensive ones and they're also the most expensive to dismiss legally on a layoff process. If they leave on their own they save Dell a ton of money. What they want is to keep operations without disturbing revenue, you don't need the best talent to achieve that, you only need the good enough.

Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit ( www.theregister.com )

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

dustyData ,

Uh, welcome to society, I guess. That's not a “problem with society”, that's just society. It's what being human is about, developing meaningful relationships with other humans. The actual problem is that we have put in place barriers and obstacles to make us even more isolated and less integrated, thus stripping ourselves off of the social strategies and mechanisms that reduce risks on that principal-agent problem. It is way harder for your car mechanic to rip you off when they are also your neighbor and life long friend. If they defraud you, you can ruin their reputation in the community and thus make them unable to acquire any more jobs in that community. The might also feel an emotional moral compulsion to not hurt you, and vice-versa, for you to fulfill a just payment.

dustyData ,

I’m skeptical of the claim that an average person has the power to ruin someone’s reputation as a punishment for wrongdoing.

If you read my comment, you'll realize that it is explicitly in the context of a small tightly knit community. If they decide to leave the community, then that's a win for the community, now we don't have to deal with the bad actor anymore.

Our society is large and extremely anonymous

If you pay close attention, that was exactly my comment. That is the problem with our current society, not the principal/agent problem. That is just a society. We evolved in a world where you hardly had to keep up with a handful of individuals, maybe meet less than 500 people your entire life. We are not fit for a world with 8 billion+ of us and you can potentially interact with millions of them directly with a tiny glass device in your pocket. That is not something we are good at. We are good at forming strong bonds and meaning relationships with a handful of people who you can sort of trust almost completely at all times, and they will in turn relay you information about who amongst the strangers to trust or not. It is the fundamental basis of gossip.

dustyData ,

Well, it’s a really cool thing that you only get a once in a lifetime chance to witness first hand unless you have a shit ton of money for travel (most people don’t). So I say, let them have it.

Knights among toner cartridges ( infosec.pub )

(Business people) speaking a language familiar and dear to them. Its portentous nouns and verbs invest ordinary events with high adventure; executives walk among toner cartridges, caparisoned like knights. We should tolerate them - every person of spirit wants to ride a white horse. -William Strunk Jr. (The Elements of Style)

dustyData ,

The fast-paced unpredictable high-energy part refers to HR hiring and layoff practices.

dustyData ,

only to sleep or sex

Don’t do anything exciting

Do you mean to say that sex isn’t exciting. Or are we only supposed to have boring sex in our bedrooms. Or are you implying that the only exciting sex happens outside the bedroom?

dustyData ,

Bad business man. When you notice it was all made by an amateur is when you make the client sign a waiver and an hourly rate to fix it.

dustyData ,

Low reading comprehension skills, eh? The point is not the de-escalation skills. The point is that cops don’t have to face consequences for murder.

dustyData ,

what happen when you move to another appartment/house further from work ?

Because employers have never forced indirect layoff by changing a person’s office location without agreement to make them quit instead of being fired.

dustyData , (edited )

That patch of land belongs to the King, peasant. Off the Kingswoods with you.

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  • dustyData ,

    In today’s episode of “White male cisgender affluent, mentally disconnected from reality, emotionally immature CEO, has an irrational hissy fit in public over someone or something that doesn’t let him be cruel and controlling over other humans”…

    dustyData , (edited )

    Have you noticed that most (almost all) CEOs are white male cis gendered? I’m sure it’s a coincidence though, they definitely deserve their wealth beyond imagination, as they are objectively superior human beings, and I’m 100% sure they didn’t do anything unethical to amass their incalculable power and affluent life style.

    dustyData ,

    I mean, they can still steal your idea, fork it, repackage it and charge for it while refusing to upstream their development. But now it’s a licensing discussion and not a personal attack.

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