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Fal , avatar

I don't understand the hate for voyager. Sure it had some problems, but I thought it was great. Both at the time and looking back on it

Could death by starvation be delayed by drinking your own blood?

Let's say you are dying of starvation. You pull one of your teeth out, causing blood to slowly seep into your mouth, which you swallow. The calories from the blood getting digested will delay the time you die of starvation, right? Or will losing blood while starving kill you faster?

Fal , avatar

I just want a new series like voyager. Taking place in the future (not prequels), doing something unique, having a cohesive progressive storyline but not necessarily extremely serialized like picard, and with new characters

Fal , avatar

It doesn’t have to be fully unique either. How about revisiting the delta quadrant?

Fal , avatar

people who’s action involves sitting

Does no one have editors anymore? Wtf

Fal , avatar

This is a really stupid distinction to take a stand on. There’s no single line where, once you cross, you “no longer need to work”. Someone making high 6 figures a year is clearly not in the same situation as someone who has multiple billions, and they’re clearly not the same situation as someone working minimum wage. That’s exactly why the middle class definition is important and meaningful

Fal , avatar

So what’s “possible”? You mean could they take a 1/50th pay cut and survive on like 30k a year from their investments? Possibly. That certainly doesn’t make them “owning class” though

Fal , avatar

Owners make passive income with the wealth they already have

And there’s different degrees. More than half the US population own stock. Is someone who makes $200 a year via investments “owning class”? What about $20,000? $2,000,000? You see how there’s vastly different scales? That’s what the definition of middle class is and why it’s important and meaningful

Fal , avatar

How would that work?

Fal , avatar

Can you give a coherent definition of middle class? I’-e never come across one that makes sense.

It’s someone for whom money isn’t a daily concern, but is still a resource that can run out. They might have to plan for their yearly vacation, or have to discuss the next car purchase, but wouldn’t have a problem buying things or eating out. If you’re looking for a more specific definition of “makes below $$$” then you’re not going to get it, because that’s not how any of this works.

Since it’s highly incentivised by capitalism to invest your capital, most “upper middle class” people don’t actually have all that money sitting in a bank somewhere. It’s usually invested somewhere which makes them (partial) rent-seekers and extractors of other people’s surplus value.

This is why you people will never actually get anything useful accomplished in society. You’re so intent on fighting against human nature, and playing victim of “exploited surplus labor value” that you simply can’t understand that there IS value in capital investment risk. It’s simply not the case that 1 unit of labor = 1 unit of money.

Fal , avatar

So you admit that you don’t have an accurate definition. That’s a shame.

This is the exact same stupid argument that conservatives use when the answer to “what is a woman” is “it’s complicated”. Some things don’t have neat, concise, 1 sentence definitions

The rest of your post is not really a response to anything I wrote. I have read plenty of history books. And you saying capitalists don’t take investment risk is just baffling tbh

Fal , avatar

So what about people who have some investments but also still have to work? Or whose standard of living would seriously decline if they did not work?

Fal , avatar

So what about someone who retires in their 30s?

Fal , avatar

As soon as you got your first billion, you pretty @uch can’t lose it anymore on the market.

We not talking about billionaires. That’s the whole point. You’re so focused on “class analysis” and fitting into your predefined terms that you can’t even see that the whole point of the discussion is that there’s not a clear delineation between classes, which is precisely why “middle class” is important.

You’ve brought up “human nature” and I refuted your argument

In what way have you refuted anything?

Fal , avatar

Also why not come in later and take that time in the morning?

kde , to KDE avatar

Plasma 6 Beta 2 released! We are nearly there, but more testing needed.

Just in time for the Winter Holidays 🎄, Happy New Beta 🎉!

After this second Beta, there will be two Release Candidates, one on the 10th and the other on the 31st of January. All these releases are not final, they are for testing and should not be used in production...


Animations showing of the multiple desktops and wallpapers available for Plasma 6

Fal , avatar

I’ve been using it on arch. Works pretty good

question about gitlab merge request (

Hello! Yesterday I submitted my first merge request to a KDE software! I forked the repo, applied the edits, committed them and pushed to my fork, and then from gitlab created a merge request. after a few hours, the author pushed something into the master, making my merge request 1 commit behind the master. On the merge request...

Fal , avatar

Your first way was the right way, rebasing

Fal , avatar

Self signed certs are more secure. You don’t have to trust the whole CA chain

Fal , avatar

They’re more secure than CA certs

Fal , avatar

but they fix a lot more problems than they cause

I didn’t say anything that disagrees with this. CAs are nice and convenient. They do this by expanding the chain of trust to a lot more people, hence making them less secure.

Sure if you can’t securely manage your cert, that’s a problem. But that doesn’t mean let’s less secure

Fal , avatar

Basically with self signed certs, you control the ENTIRE trust chain. When you use existing CAs, any bad actor in any of those CAs can generate certs that you would end up trusting. So it’s less secure because you have to trust a lot more people.

Fal , avatar

you are unable to protect against MitM and other forgery attacks

Uhh, using a self signed cert doesn’t mean you just accept any old cert… Not every cert is designed for serving content to a browser. You do SSL mutual auth between services using self signed certs

Fal , avatar

Oh. I’m absolutely including a private CA as part of self signed cert. That’s probably my misuse of the term

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