@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz cover
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar


@[email protected]

Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find out how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless…[no more than this]

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Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I can only think if Toron(t)o. Never really thought about other towns doing the same thing.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

OMG, that makes it so much worse. If someone tells you about a specific place, and you want to look it up later, you have absolutely zero chance of ever spelling it correctly. Good luck typing lester or woster in Wikipedia or Maps.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oh that’s just great. Two similar place names like that, and they also happen to be relatively close to each other. I can see how that could cause some confusion.

Similarly, Kuhmo and Kuhmoinen (both in Finland) are about 446 km apart, but you can easily avoid the confusion as long as you know roughly which part of the country you’re talking about.

There’s also Helsingborg (town in Sweden) and Helsinfors (swedish name for the capital of Finland). What could go wrong.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

But what about cutting steel with a plasma torch? Could you see macroscopic results of particles doing counterintuitive quantum stuff?

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

So… no superposition, entanglement, tunneling or teleportation in macroscopic scale. ☹️

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Next try to calculate what it would actually mean to make that much water follow a path like that. My guess is, it’s going to get very spicy.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

At school, I thought our understanding of chemistry was really good. Years later, I realized that complicated solutions aren’t covered by any of the equations we have. You’re can do fancy calculations, but you’re always stuck with simple solutions and standard conditions. In real life, you have to deal with super messy non-standard stuff all the time.

Top scientists end up developing semi-empirical models, or even particle simulations, and that’s the best we can do right now. Nobody fully trusts those predictions, so we’re still going to need lab experiments before making any big decisions.

The good news is that there’s still so much to discover.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

What about the table of nuclides? IMO that’s the best way to list elements in a logically consistent manner. The trouble is, nature is a messy kraken that just won’t fit neatly into a shoe box. You can try to squeeze it in, but the lid won’t close because there are always a few tentacles sticking out.

Hamartiogonic , (edited )
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

If you pull the Moon closer to the Earth, gravity will begin to disintegrate it and shred it into kwazillion asteroids that eventually become meteors which will bombard the Earth back to the lava age. Once that is done, the moon doesn’t exist and there’s no need to go to the moon ever again. Problem solved.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

LOL. Just need a bigger stone.

Hamartiogonic , (edited )
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Apply that to the flat earth debate and you get an oblate spheroid.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

There are lots of strange options besides newtonian fluids. Would be interesting to see how dilatant, peusdoplastic, thixotropic etc react to sounds. Perhaps there is a way to make a material that allows quiet sounds to pass through and blocks all the loud ones. My guess is that dilatant liquids should be a good candidate.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

That’s unfortunate. Just like OP, I would have really liked the idea of using a non-newtonian fluid to filter out certain types of sounds without using electricity. Well, I guess, we’re back to active noise canceling then.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I recall reading an article about version numbers, and it mentioned an interesting example of some app where the version number is essentially pi. Each update just adds another digit to the version, so eventually it’s going to get really long. When the developer dies, all the remaining bugs in the software will officially become undocumented features.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

If you run a realistic physical simulation of a star, and you include every subatomic particle in it, you’re going to have to use very small time increments. Computers can’t handle anywhere near that many particles yet, but mark my words, physicists of the future are going want to run this simulation as soon as we have the computer to do it. Also, the simulation should predict events billions of years in the future, so you may need to build a new time tracking system to handle that.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s a programmer thing. As you’re typing the code, you may suddenly realize that the program needs to a assume certain things to work properly. You could assume that time runs at a normal rate as opposed to something completely wild when traveling close to the speed of light or when orbiting a black hole.

In order to keep the already way too messy code reasonably simple, you decide that the program assumes you’re on Earth. You leave a comment in the relevant part of the code saying that this part shouldn’t break as long as you’re not doing anything too extreme.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

After the first month of sweeping snow off your car every morning you being to wonder how long until spring. If you also need to shovel snow every morning, it happens even faster.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

You can find those in the what if series too.

“Outer space is a lot higher up than Niagara Falls,[citation needed] so the plunge down into the atmosphere at the bottom of Earth’s gravity well adds a lot more than 0.1 degrees worth of heat.”


Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Are we confined to only finite positive values? If so, are there upper or lower limits? I’m kinda curious about how the game would go with a ball smaller than a spec of dust. Or how about a court twice the size of the observable universe?

Densities can get very interesting too if the ball collapses under its own mass into a singularity? Or how about a ball with neutron star density without the gravity to push it together? This is getting into the what if territory again.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

An infinite spiral could easily solve these problems.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I knew printing your own signs would lead to interesting exploits, but this is just next level.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

And while you’re at it, you could add some pictures. Maybe something like a grid of 6-8 pictures on each page. The dialogue could be in a bubble close to the speaker’s head.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oh, and then you could add a system for buying new clothes for the main character if you don’t like the default ones.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

You’re a genius! This new invention is going revolutionize the whole industry.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Take a look at Oulu. If you don’t live in the city center, you can ride your bike to get there. The lames for light traffic are numerous and we’ll maintained. The busses are fine, as long as you are mindful if the schedules.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I asked bing to tldr the article, and here’s what I got:

Here is a summary of the article you requested:

The article discusses how the recent changes in the terms of service of Threads, a popular social media platform, affect the Fediverse, a network of decentralized and interoperable social media platforms. The article argues that the new terms of service are incompatible with the Fediverse’s values and principles, and that they pose a threat to the Fediverse’s future.

The main points of the article are:

  • Threads is a social media platform that allows users to create and join communities based on their interests. It is part of the Fediverse, which means it can communicate with other platforms that use the same protocols, such as Mastodon, Pleroma, and Pixelfed¹.
  • The Fediverse is based on the idea of self-hosting, which means that anyone can run their own instance of a platform and have full control over their data and moderation policies. The Fediverse also promotes federation, which means that different instances can interact with each other and share content across platforms².
  • In August 2023, Threads announced a new terms of service that introduced several restrictions and requirements for users and instances that want to use its service. Some of these include:
    • Users must agree to let Threads collect and use their personal data for advertising and analytics purposes³.
    • Users must follow Threads’ community guidelines, which prohibit certain types of content, such as hate speech, harassment, nudity, violence, etc.
    • Instances must register with Threads and obtain a license to federate with its service. Instances that fail to comply with Threads’ terms of service or community guidelines may be suspended or banned from federation.
  • The article claims that these changes are harmful to the Fediverse for several reasons:
    • They violate the Fediverse’s ethos of user autonomy and privacy, by forcing users to give up their data and follow Threads’ rules.
    • They create a power imbalance between Threads and other platforms, by giving Threads the ability to dictate who can federate with its service and what content can be shared.
    • They undermine the Fediverse’s diversity and innovation, by discouraging users and developers from exploring alternative platforms and features.
  • The article concludes by urging users and instances to boycott Threads and support other platforms that respect the Fediverse’s values and principles. It also suggests that the Fediverse should develop more robust standards and protocols to prevent similar situations from happening in the future.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 31/08/2023 (1) TLDR This - Article Summarizer & Online Text Summarizing Tool. tldrthis.com. (2) TLDR 2023-08-14. tldr.tech/tech/2023-08-14. (3) Generative AI in big tech ‍ , Stability AI … - tldr.tech. tldr.tech/ai/2023-08-09.

What if the quantum uncertainty suddenly became significantly larger on macroscopic scales?

Let’s say the quantum uncertainty which is currently quite small and doesn’t affect our life on macroscopic scale suddenly increased. Magically we are still living in this weird rule of physics. How would we see daily stuff? like how would I see a ball rolling in my sight?

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

So basically, we would just skip straight to the heat death of the universe, right?

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

The way I see it, there are three main differences to be aware of:

  1. What can be done with the camera?
  2. What is easy to do?
  3. How much control do you have?

It’s always important to just look at the target, assess the situation and think what can be done with it. Experience plays a big role in this, and the best way to gain experience is to try anything and everything. Go out in the woods and don’t come back until you’ve taken at least 100 photos. Play around with all the settings you can find, and see what works and what doesn’t.

If you can correctly identify the possibilities, you can get stunning photos, no matter where you are what equipment you have with you. In some situations, there might only be one or two easy photo opportunities and a hundred difficult ones. Instead of struggling with the hard photos, go snap the two easy ones and move on.

Occasionally, its also good to reach for the moon, but doing that all the time will be frustrating and can kill the joy of photography. Hitting a wall like that is important experience for you, so that you’ll know to avoid those situations in the future.

The software on the phone has been specifically designed for taking pictures of people in parties and family gatherings. If that’s what you mainly do with the camera, just about any mobile phone should serve you well.

Aperture is the biggest problem with mobile phones, so don’t focus on situations that demand you to control it. Usually, you’ll have deeper DOF than you really want so try to focus on situations where that is a benefit.

Zooming is problem too, so don’t worry about the bird sitting on the top of a tree across the road. Instead, try to find something interesting a bit closer by.

Long exposure night photography is the breaking point for me. On a mobile phone it’s difficult or even impossible to take the kinds of night photos I want.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Glad I could help.

I found some exmaple photos of super shallow DOF and the effect of aperture size in night photography. Doing this sort of magical stuff requires inconveniently heavy and expensive hardware upgrades. If you happen to like architecture, you’re absolutely going to need a tilt-shift lens. You can also use those lenses to make a real scenery appear as if it’s from a scale model. Nowadays you can also find lots of photos where that effect has been faked in post, but a tilt shift lens will be able to do it for real. Also, the fake versions don’t take distance into account and might blur the wrong parts of the photo for that sexy miniature look.

If you already know you don’t care about bizarre photos like that or if you know that carrying heavy equipment isn’t your thing, then going with a nice point and shoot camera will open up several new possibilities too. For example, having the ability to control depth of field even a little bit is incredibly valuavble in many situations.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Over the course of billions of years, there have been many extinctions and the environment has gone from one extreme to the other many times. Humans might not survive events like that, but life in general does. If you want to truly eradicate all like, you would need to drop the moon on earth and turn the whole planet into a lava inferno.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

2 Ir, where the 1 Ir unit is the diameter of Ireland.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Wow, Reddit is not joking around when it comes speedrunning enshittification. I think it’s going to be very tough for other platforms to match these moves.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Imagine living at a time when the germ theory of disease wasn’t widely accepted. You might even need to convince people that microbes exist. If they already know about microbes, they might believe that microbes spawn out of thin air through abiogenesis. Previously that word was used when talking about microbes spoiling food whereas nowadays it’s applied to the early stages of the earth.

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