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'Boys are disappearing' from mental health care, as signs of depression and anxiety go undetected ( )

Research found while antidepressant prescriptions have risen dramatically in the US for teenage girls and women in their 20s, the rate of such prescriptions for young men “declined abruptly during March 2020 and did not recover.”

Rodeo ,

It was all group therapy and I hated repeating myself all the time.

My experience was similar.

You go to therapy to be listened to, and instead you end repeating yourself 100 times because nobody is fucking listening. It was legitimately more frustrating than not going, because I was literally paying money to have someone listen to me and they still couldn’t fucking do it.

Rodeo ,

Just because you don’t think so doesn’t mean those things haven’t had influence on the cultural perception of it.

I understand the desire to separate yourself from those things as an individual. And I don’t know what method will work, but simply telling people the “manosphere” just doesn’t count isn’t going to change anyone’s minds.

Rodeo ,

That may be the case but it is not a rebuttal to my point.

Those things have had an i fluence on the perception of masculinity. And yes, TERFs have had an influence on the perception of feminism. And simply saying they don’t count isn’t an effective way of countering that influence.

Knights among toner cartridges ( )

(Business people) speaking a language familiar and dear to them. Its portentous nouns and verbs invest ordinary events with high adventure; executives walk among toner cartridges, caparisoned like knights. We should tolerate them - every person of spirit wants to ride a white horse. -William Strunk Jr. (The Elements of Style)

Rodeo ,


“You were hired here on the basis of being a team player.”

“And I put in exactly the hours required of me by the job description. You’re the manager; if slack needs to be picked up, it’s your responsibility to do so, not mine.”

My bosses all hate me, and I’m happier than ever.

Rodeo ,

I think it’s hilarious that his praise of prose contains errors, perhaps intentionally, but pointing out the irony of such errors causes people to react negatively with down votes.

It’s like you’re the only one who got the joke and everyone else is mad they didn’t understand.

Rodeo ,

Not Canada. Tuition in Canada is as expensive as comparable schools in the US. We just don’t really have the ultra expensive tier like Harvard.

Rodeo ,

What does good leadership have to do with the owning class?

Are you suggesting that by virtue of owning things they are good leaders?

Rodeo ,

I can’t imagine being so beholden to a for profit company that I spend three whole months putting up with shit I don’t want to see in the hopes that eventually it will get better.

It’s just crazy to me how important YouTube is to some people.

Rodeo ,

I love newpipe for exactly that reason. I don’t like being suggested videos, I want to search for something specific and watch those videos about the specific knowledge I’m seeking at the moment. If I want to waste time then I take a moment to think about something I was wondering earlier that day, and look that up.

If I’m going waste time I might as well learn something about whatever.

Rodeo ,

No True Feminism

Rodeo ,

How do you propose to get people doing this self reflection in the first place?

Rodeo ,

The media is owned and controlled by the same untra wealthy people that are pushing for far right policies.

Do the math.

Rodeo ,

Damn nice find! Full cast iron body, you don’t see stuff like that anymore.

Rodeo ,

the guy who’d been running the project had been offered an exciting new opportunity at some other company and we all wished him the best.

Must be nice to be so privileged he can be a complete fuckup and not even get fired for it. Everybody agrees to use euphemisms to not hurt his feefees because he’s just too rich and special to have to be embarrassed.

Rodeo ,

It doesn’t matter how tactful you are, somebody will call you a creep for it.

Rodeo ,

Why is that your sole data point here? What about amount of sex in general?

Men have less sex in general and do it less frequently, so by that metric men are the underdogs.

Rodeo ,

I’d just yell “Last one out is the rotten egg!” and then enjoy my empty plane in peace.

What is this small metal box my hood fan vents through? ( )

My hood fan vents into the top of this metal box, which then has a vent to the outside about halfway down the metal box. The box itself it maybe two half-height shoe boxes in size. I looked pretty hard, and the closest I could find was that it might be related to collecting condensation....

Rodeo ,

Was your house renovated? Could be old ducting that they just reused instead of removing.

Rodeo ,

shows gen z are much … less likely to drink and smoke … Currently Gen Z included aa young as 11

It’s like they think 11 year olds are heading to the bar after school.

Rodeo ,

Someone from 1950 when there were only 3 items in existence that plugged into a wall outlet.

Rodeo ,

WhaTs tHe MaTteR wITh mEn!

I’m so sick of this alienating rhetoric. There’s nothing the matter with me, thank you very much.

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....

Rodeo ,

Okay but like, why don’t you do something for yourself instead of working for someone else.

I’m convinced people with this attitude can’t think for themselves and must be directed by a superior or they’re useless.

Focus on yourself instead.

Rodeo ,

I would happily dive into my side projects for weeks on end just to have them crash and burn from burnout or from my getting side-tracked. … I had to get back to some sort of work simply because my own personal projects became extremely boring

You’re really just reaffirming my position here. You can’t keep yourself interested without having someone else direct you.

kde , to KDE avatar

Come and visit the KDE booth at FOSSCOMM in Heraklion

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Rodeo ,

Electric jet? How can a jet engine be electric?

Rodeo ,

It means “be rich”.

People who have to work 40 hours a week, plus do their own cooking and cleaning, plus all their own errands, plus taking care of the kids or pets, don’t have time to network.

There’s a reason politics is filled with rich lawyers and finance people, and it because they have the luxury of networking.

Rodeo ,

If you don’t mind sharing, where do you live? I’m able bodied but in my 31 years I’ve literally had to run or fight only once, and it was in a neighborhood I knew was bad. Meaning if I wasn’t able bodied I would not have gone there.

Just makes me think you live in the slums of Chicago or some harsh place. I’ve been all over western Canada and there’s maybe two neighborhoods I’d think you’d want to avoid. So it’s hard for me to imagine a person living in constant fear unless they are in or near those neighborhoods.

Rodeo ,

To be whole men must practice integrity.

I think the missing thing here is in that word “whole”. What does it mean to be “whole”? Where can I find information on what being whole is? Who decided on that information? Why is being “whole” something we all must aspire to?

The entire argument is based on the appeal to purity fallacy. They’ve invented this nebulous higher standard which, by definition, excludes the men they perceive as being “unwhole”.

Rodeo ,

That’s just called integrity.

There are already words for these things, there is no need to make up overly complicated variations on it, especially when these variations are actually more vague than just using the word integrity.

Rodeo ,

How about “consistent”, then? What’s more complicated about this than a simple lack of consistency?

Rodeo ,

I can’t tell if you’re sneering at the phrase or bemoaning the situation.

Rodeo ,


Rodeo ,

A little melodramatic, isn’t it?

SoUl mUrDeR!

I thought we were supposed to be having serious discussions about this stuff.

Rodeo ,

Man I’ve been trying to get people to stop saying living wage forever now. Just living isn’t good enough. We want to be comfortable.

We don’t want living wages, we want GOOD wages.

Rodeo ,

Happy Valley Oregon is in Clackamas County just southeast of Portland and even though they are a Portland suburbs they position themselves explicitly as an anti-Portland in terms of gender expectations.

Has the city council released some statement on the matter? Where can I read the city’s position on this?

Rodeo ,

Am I only the only one who thinks comes off like “men arent like women, and therefore broken”?

Not having to spend an hour discussing my feelings is actually one of the things I like about my friendships. I don’t want long deep hugs, they make me uncomfortable. And I definitely don’t want someone opening up to me about their life struggles. That’s not the kind of friendship I like or want.

I guess that makes me broken!

Rodeo ,

So not only am I somehow fundamentallly broken, I’ve also been duped by society and I’m too stupid to even realize it?

You couldn’t be any more insulting if you tried.

Rodeo ,

But they didn’t say that. They flat out said “men are broken”.

Rodeo ,

Surely you have something more constructive to say than a sneering quip?

Rodeo ,

I did read it and it’s riddled with shit I would never, ever want, and yet he presents it like it’s a bad thing. Here’s a choice example:

When traveling or running errands, and I saw a parent dealing with an exhausting kid, I could help and not be stared at like a creep.

I can’t imagine ever wanting to help with a strangers child. Not because I might be treated like a creep, but because it’s just none of my business. I would even go so far as to say that assuming they need help is problematic in itself. But he doesn’t address that; no, apparently men don’t help because we’ve been broken by society.

Rodeo ,

Then we’ll all be happier if you dump your emotions on someone else.

I find complaining to be toxic. Which is why this thread sucks so much. We’re all just whining about each other.

Rodeo ,

Hey at least you didn’t try to call me broken.

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