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Telorand ,

Ew, no. For someone who invokes the concept of "listening to propaganda," this sure sounds an awful lot like fossil fuel industry claptrap.

Telorand ,

It sounds like you're basically saying that because scientists talk about the negatives of fossil fuels a lot and not as much about renewables' negatives, there's some kind of cover-up effort. Is that what you're saying?

Telorand ,

Here is a summary of the data for Texas:

  • Home price-to-income ratio: 4.1
  • Median home price: $298,624
  • Median household income: $72,284
  • 5-year change in median home price: +45.1%
  • Mortgage holders spending >30% of income on housing: 28.9%

For reference, here are the statistics for the entire United States:

  • Home price-to-income ratio: 4.7
  • Median home price: $347,716
  • Median household income: 74,755
  • 5-year change in median home price: +49.2%
  • Mortgage holders spending >30% of income on housing: 27.8%

So the home to price income ratio might be slightly better than the national average, but more people are spending more on their mortgage than the national average. So more people in Texas are more broke than they are on average, so not exactly a win.

Do we have any estimates as to how long it takes for a species of bacteria to go technically extinct entirely via genetic drift?

So, let’s say there’s a species of bacteria that is known to dwell in Greek yogurt. How long would it take before that species of yogurt-dweller only has modern descendants different enough to qualify as one or more new species?

Telorand , (edited )

If I could add, it's likely impossible to say, because evolution is driven by selection pressures.

If the original strain AA has descendent strains AA, AB, and AC, we can't know with any certainty which is more fit to survive, because it could be one, two, or all of them simultaneously.

Edit: typo

Telorand ,

Ah, goddamn autocorrect! Yes, that's what I meant.

Telorand , (edited )

Yes, keep it up. I'm sure Ted Cruz is going to love campaigning on this loser issue.

All Allred has to do is point out how you can exchange "LGBTQ" with "Black," and it becomes crystal clear that this is segregation in a different hat.

Edit: Also, I'm so glad to see my tax dollars being used for the "important" things. /s

Telorand ,

I hope at least one of them can press charges against Abbott.

Telorand ,

That'll show 'em! /s

Seriously, does any Conservative think this is a win? I can almost guarantee it cost more just to pay Paxton to go after them than they're paying in "restitution."

What a fucking joke, our Texas legislature and executive branch is.

Telorand ,

Y'all, please make plans to vote. I'm tired of the authoritarian political theatre. Aren't you?

Telorand ,

If the parties could resolve their issues without a court, then they never should have sued.

Your assumption is that all parties act in good faith. Every case can potentially be resolved out of court. However, Ken Paxton wasn't going to back down just because it was the decent thing to do—only under the threat of losing money and political points (and possibly facing sanctions) in a case he was doomed to lose did he back down.

The purpose of a court case or a settlement is to receive remedy for injustice. If the parties agree out of court what they each deem to be "fair compensation" for those acts of injustice, the court proceeding is rendered moot.

I agree that this was overreach, and Ken Paxton is a fucking ghoul who deserves nothing less than 30 years in a federal prison, but nobody has a legal obligation or compulsion to press charges or continue a lawsuit.

Additionally, Republicans have made a sport out of operating in those gray areas of our legal system to push their stupid culture war bullshit and maintain their thin cloak of plausible deniability. He is going to get away with it, because what he did isn't explicitly illegal, and the hospitals exercised their right not to pursue further legal action.

Telorand ,

Yep, keep it up. Surely, beating the drum of the culture war won't backfire at the polls. Ask Ron DeSantis for ideas.


Seriously though, this will fail on appeal via the first amendment, even if they manage to pass something. "Freedom of expression" is a clearly established as synonymous with " freedom of speech," and as Conservative as SCOTUS is, they haven't signaled they're willing to completely overturn the first amendment for the idiotic culture war (since that harms their own people).

Not sure what mileage he's expecting to get out of this; does he have some delusion that he has a shot at the presidency next time around?

Telorand ,

He sounds like he is mentally unwell. He needs psychiatry and people who can work with him, not prison.

Telorand ,

It's a targeted effort by specific groups, because they know they can only get away with it in red states.

Telorand ,

The odds are certainly some of the best we can hope for:

  • Higher political engagement in general from Millennials and Gen Z than in the past.
  • It’s a general election, so higher voter turnout in general.
  • Trump has been banging the drum of fascism (or at least authoritarianism), so people will turn out just to vote against him.
  • Republicans have been glibly attacking women’s reproductive rights and medical procedures like IVF. Both issues will increase turnout.
  • They showed their ass when they acquitted Paxton.
  • He’s not running against someone like Beto. He’s running against a former football player, and if there’s one thing Texans love, it’s football. Cruz is already unpopular by virtue of being himself.
  • All those Conservative folks moving from California to Texas are moving to Florida, now.
Telorand ,

Let’s make sure people have a plan in place so they can get out there and vote. He can squick the fuck off.

Telorand ,

Just make it a libertarian Free Market! According to conservatives, it will sort itself out.../s

Telorand ,

He also acknowledged that lawmakers who crafted the legislation tried to go “up to the line” on previous Supreme Court precedent on state immigration powers and no further. (A 2012 landmark Supreme Court decision shot down an Arizona immigration law that tried to give state and local authorities power over immigration enforcement.)

“Now, to be fair, maybe Texas went too far,” Nielson said, according to CNN.

This is basically admitting to the federal appeals court that the law is poorly crafted and unjust.

The lawyer later explained that if the federal appeals court finds parts of S.B. 4 invalid, it should “sever” those parts instead of blocking the entire law.

Oh, so now the judiciary is supposed to play at being legislators? Here’s an idea: maybe the fucking Texas Congress should stop being assholes and do it right the first time. Instead of trying to toe the line to be as maximally cruel as they can, they should try some empathy.

But who am I kidding? This is the party that tossed out the case against Paxton, thinks human rights are political chess pieces you can sacrifice, and supports rapists and criminals like Donald Trump.

Telorand ,

Here’s hoping this ultimately sets precedent that abortion is necessary medicine.

Telorand OP ,

Yeah, and you know why? Because Texans don’t fucking show up to vote, especially Democrats and other left-leaning folks.

They are the living embodiment of, “We’ve tried doing nothing, and we’re all out of ideas.”

Voting won’t fix all your problems, and it’s nonsense to think it would, but it would certainly go a long way towards protecting women’s right to choose.

Telorand OP ,

May we never have you use it for its intended purpose.

(Sorry for semi-necro. My instance is about 4d behind yours.)

Telorand ,

Violence and jail? Funny way to spell “the death penalty.”

Telorand ,

That’s what happens when you treat extremist ideologies as deserving equal consideration and let the extremists eat at your table.

Telorand ,

If their goal was to drive VPN sales and prevent even more spying, they’re doing a fantastic job.

Telorand ,

Nope. Because didn’t you know? Porn is why society is in decline and why Millennials and Gen Z are having fewer children—not climate denialism, the rise of theofascism, or the constant attacks on people’s autonomy.

And porn is why people aren’t getting married as often—not because they’ve found healthier ways to have meaningful relationships.

And porn causes people to get addicted—nevermind the vast majority of psychologists and experts who don’t agree that it’s even possible to get addicted to porn; we should only listen to the relatively few theistic ones who support that notion.

And porn promotes human trafficking and abuse of minors, something I’m sure Republicans have no first-hand experience with and aren’t regularly caught engaging in, and a greater problem I’m sure they’re addressing by prosecuting and not hiding the perpetrators…


Telorand ,

When Science ceases to be useful as a method to discover and explain things.

But on a more specific note, that’s impossible to answer, because you would have to know what that finite set of “knowledge of everything” is, if it is indeed finite. Since we can’t know what the upper limit of “what is knowable” is, it’s impossible to even roughly project when we might know almost everything.

To complicate matters, you can’t even break the problem down. How about half of everything? A third of everything? One-tenth of everything? How much do we currently know compared to those subsets? We simply don’t know.

And what if we discover other dimensions? Or what about another universe? What if there’s infinite universes to discover? Knowledge is emergent as a result of doing science, so as long as there’s something we don’t know, we’ll have scientists out there doing science (or whatever its successor is).

Telorand ,

I hope that thing gets covered with cool stickers before it’s a year old

Telorand ,

It’s anti-trans legislation pretending to be school rules.

Telorand ,

Motive isn’t given in the article, but I would imagine finances were at least a component of it.

Telorand ,

The placenta is not pleasant to look at, so I can imagine pills make it more palatable. I don’t think a lot of study has been done on the effects of eating placenta after birth, but it’s technically a separate organ that belongs to the baby.

So no matter how you spin it, they’re eating baby organs.

Texas Oil Billionaires Start a Spinoff PAC ( )

The Texas Tribune reports that Dunn and Wilks have dropped $2 million into the new PAC, known as Texans United for a Conservative Majority. Money from the PAC is already being distributed to challengers seeking to unseat House Republicans who voted to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton last year. You will recall that until...

Telorand ,

Does he think Ken Paxton is popular or something? Because we all know he’s a criminal.

Telorand ,

Sure, but my point is: how is this going to turn into votes? These would be state races, and Ken Paxton is unpopular. Seems like a loser issue to hang your hat upon.

Telorand ,

A good point. But I don’t think he won based on popularity. He won, because he’s got an R.

Just seems like a weird guy to make the focus of your PAC

Telorand ,

Yeah, but I’m going to turn out to vote anyway and encourage everyone to do the same. They might still win, but it won’t be because I gave up.

[KXAN] Sen. Ted Cruz in statistical tie with 2 Texas Democrats ( )

According to findings published Thursday morning by Emerson College Polling and Nexstar Media, the Republican incumbent is locked in a statistical tie with two Democratic challengers. Pollsters asked a group of 1,315 registered Texas voters during the period of Jan. 13-15 who they would support if Cruz ultimately faced either...

Telorand ,

Not in Texas, it wasn’t. Here, it was abysmal—46%, down seven points from 2018, and that’s with fucking Abbott on the ticket.

The total number of voters was higher, but the percentage of voters was worse.

Can placebo effect really help you heal faster and cure physical illness ? If so won't someone who works out too little but believes in himself too much get jacked beyond comprehension ?

What are the limits to it ? Exceptions etc. Context i saw vsauces " power of suggestions " video. Is the video scripted or was the kids conditions just not real like i can understand the girls condition may be cured through placebo but come on adhd and migraines immediatly cured ?

Telorand ,

Additionally, working out causes muscle micro tears (from what I understand), which is part of the mechanism for building muscle. Like you said, no amount of imagination will produce the physical effects of exercise.

Is the "Tromatz" bioelectric wave toothbrush legit, or snake oil?

I discovered the “Tromatz” bioelectric wave toothbrush, and it sounds too good to be true, which usually means… it is. However, they do link to some journal articles, so it seems it’s somewhat based on fact. There’s very, very little else out there aside from their own website that I can find. Thoughts from anyone...

Telorand ,

I’m not an expert, but I clicked on the link to the studies and got this jargle:

At PAIST (ProxiHealthcare Advanced Institute for Science and Technology), our in-house research laboratory, we continuously expand our research on…

Emphasis mine. This is a huge red flag. Additionally, they don’t have basic links to the studies in reputable journals. You have to email them to get the studies, which makes me suspicious that it has any kind of objective peer review.

I did find this 2016 paper, however. No idea if Science Direct is reputable. The notable section is this:

For the biofilm treatment, an electric signal with increased total electrical energy, 0.25 V amplitude sinusoidal signal at 10 MHz with a 0.25 V DC offset, was applied in combination with low doses of the antibiotic gentamicin (10 μg/mL) for the BE.

They’re essentially trying to do the same thing here, with Fluoride being their analogous antibiotic. The electricity at that frequency is supposed to break up a protective “biofilm” the bacteria produces, ostensibly allowing the fluoride to do its work.

However, I fail to see how it’s significantly better than just brushing your teeth, which is what the brushing is supposed to do. Furthermore, what happens to plaque? Or the dead bacteria? Does it just stay on your teeth?

The inventor is a PhD Electrical Engineer, so this just seems like an over-engineered toothbrush to me.

Telorand ,

I can’t remember where the poll is, but I saw a breakdown of that vote by recent moves to Texas vs. established Texans (5+ years), and 57% of the recent moves voted for Abbott, and 52% of established Texans voted for Beto. Coupled with the Republican voters in Texas, it was more than enough to swing that election (plus, turnout was abysmal at, like, 24% overall, iirc).

Now, a sizeable number of those recent moves came from rural California. Texas was their Conservative dystopia they wanted to live in; but notice I said “was.” Florida has become the new dystopia for Conservatives, so I think Texas Republicans’ days are numbered if they keep on this anti-bodily-autonony kick.

Telorand ,

It’s like these people get to the “ashamed of your past” stage and don’t move on to “learn from it” like most people.

Sorry you feel bad about your ancestors being slavers, lady. Maybe try cleaning up your family’s name by making a good legacy, instead of being the same kind of revisionist asshole trying to justify slavery by any means necessary.

Why are we so concerned with oxygen production yet we never hear about nitrogen production, though we actually need 78% nitrogen vs 21% oxygen to survive?

Excess oxygen is actually harmful to humans, but all the climate warnings are about losing oxygen, not nitrogen edit: but when we look for habitable planets, our focus is ‘oxygen rich atmosphere’, not ‘nitrogen rich’, and in medical settings, we’re always concerned about low oxygen, not nitrogen....

Telorand ,

Here’s an interesting post about the different formulations and pressures required to have breathable oxygen mixtures.


Based on OP’s question, we don’t care about nitrogen, because it’s not strictly necessary for our survival.

Telorand ,

See my reply to someone below.

Telorand ,

I’m not a biologist, doctor, or chemist, but my guess is “no.” We have evolved to use oxygen to create energy within our cells, not some other gas.

I would hazard an additional guess that it’s not a simple matter to just swap out the oxygen molecules for something else. Carbon monoxide binds better and more readily to our cells, yet that mixture would asphyxiate you.…/breathing-benefits

The cells need this oxygen to make the energy your body needs to work. When cells make that energy, they create the waste product carbon dioxide.

Telorand OP ,

I understand that fungi can and do swap genes, so I wonder if they’ll try to create a brewer’s and vaginal yeast hybrid.

Telorand OP ,

This is a completely reasonable hypothesis.

Also, sorry I spoiled the illusion that “Gamer Girl Bathwater” was the most egregious thing the parasocial relationship industry has come up with.

Telorand OP ,

That’s fascinating!

Amouranth just apparently dropped $17mil on some fruit farms, so money isn’t a problem for her, but who knows if she would go to the trouble, since it sounds pretty error-prone.

Telorand OP ,

One of the most important aspects of these brewers yeasts versus regular bakers yeasts or wild yeasts (like a sourdough starter) is that they can thrive in higher alcohol environments, allowing them to convert more sugar into alcohol…

And it was this aspect that I learned about just a few days prior that led me to question the whole thing. For the purposes of making what average people would consider beer, it seemed like you couldn’t just swap in whatever you wanted.

Telorand OP ,

They talk around it and try to couch it in scientific jargon, it sounds like they’re using it to produce lactic acid only, so no alcohol, which is then sterilised and filtered to death before being used as an additive.

Seems like a lot of work to make sour beer, but I have no doubt these will sell out in no time regardless, due to the provenance.

And this all assumes that they aren’t just lieing about it.

And I had to ask, because it sounds a lot like a recipe for snake oil.

Telorand OP ,

I wonder, if someone were to explain the actual science behind it, if people would still want to buy it? Because this is not sounding any better.

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