@bananaghost@kbin.social avatar


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siv9939 ,
@siv9939@kbin.social avatar

Their post:

Greetings, r/PICS!

The moderators were recently contacted by u/ModCodeofConduct, who had this to say:

We noticed you recently marked your community NSFW. This action is likely to confuse your community members, as people subscribe to communities based on the content at the time of subscription. This is a violation of the Mod Code of Conduct rule 2.

While we recognize communities can gradually change as they grow, when your content suddenly changes from generally safe for work to sexually explicit, it harms the community members.

While we can see you haven't taken the step of approving sexually explicit content, we need to separate your community from the communities that abruptly become NSFW and post sexually explicit content, situations in which we immediately take action. Please correct the NSFW marking on your subreddit so that we can separate your community from those violating sitewide rules.

Thank you.

As subscribers to r/PICS are aware, the moderators here have worked very hard to ensure that the community adheres to every mandate and message that Reddit has surfaced. Unfortunately, we were unable to state as much to u/ModCodeofConduct, as they disabled the ability for us reply.

We do not wish Reddit to think that we have ignored their attempt at contact (which would be very rude of us), so we will be offering our response here. We apologize for locking the thread, but as Reddit has yet to answer our previous letter, we are operating under the assumption that it went unseen amongst other comments.

Thank you (as always) for subscribing to r/PICS!

May ,
@May@kbin.social avatar

Hello i hope you dont mind if i post that post, in case someone does not want to go onto reddit:


Subreddits are starting to see spam from anti-protest, pro-admin ChatGPT bots
Thread on /r/Pics discussing bot spam. (Pics is now NSFW, but this thread is only profanity / vulgarity.)

/r/Programming closed (by admins?) after community recognition of bot spam:

Ycombinator thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36361247

Top-voted post from /r/Programming before it closed: https://web.archive.org/web/20230611210834/https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/146wn9s/meta_who_is_astroturfing_rprogramming_and_why/

(I would have just crossposted the top thread directly, but this sub forbids crossposting NSFW posts (which is now everything on /r/Pics )

‘Toxic masculinity’ is toxic terminology — The Centre for Male Psychology ( www.centreformalepsychology.com )

As I psychologist, I’m concerned about mental health, especially the mental health of men and boys because it’s been overlooked for so long. Because there was so little interest in how much the negative discourse around masculinity impacts boys, my colleagues and I ran a survey. We found that around 85% of respondents...

RandoCalrandian ,
@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

The change in terminology is telling

For women, we didn’t use “toxic femininity”, we used “sexist gender expectations and roles”

Why the sudden need to change, as soon as men are the subject?

Cadmium5733 , (edited )

I don't think someone needs to be particularly antifeminist to see that mainstream discussion of gender has tended to "other" men, placing men and boys in an oppressor category, ignoring how the discussion might affect them, or genuinely blind to that reality.

While it's true that the term was coined during men's movements of the 80s/90s, it had a different contextual meaning then: more like a counterfeit male code to be contrasted with the idea of a true "deep" masculinity. Apart from that difference, the reality is that most men and boys are not part of a today's "conversation" about masculinity, but instead feel like it is being imposed on them.

Pizzafeet ,

The reason toxic masculinity is favoured as a term is to avoid acknowledging misandry.

Feminists commonly used to that discrimination against men is actually due to misogyny. For example, men are afraid to cry because it's seen as feminine. So since they believe men's issues root from misogyny, toxic masculinity is the perfect term for them.

This is problematic since some issues such as male suicide are thought to be due to toxic masculinity. Whereas real world data shows that men aren't afraid to seek help, therapy is both difficult to access (in the UK) and isn't really geared towards dealing with men.

"The startling statistic from the research showed that of those men who had taken their own lives and had actually sought help and were assessed for suicidal risk in 2017, 80% had been assessed by clinicians as having low or no risk of suicide; this is troubling and an issue that must be addressed. These men are talking but who was listening? This lack of understanding of male suicidality (stressors, transversal issues and life transitions) is key, especially when presented in indirect ways."


sik0fewl ,

Something like https://lemmyverse.net/communities needs to be integrated into all instances. For that, I think there needs to be some way of federating communities. I'm not sure what's missing from a technical perspective (ie, why hasn't it been done yet).

For those in the know about privacy laws and the such. What is a proper response to reddit's claim that they cannot remove all the information associated to an account without first the user removing all of their posts? ( kbin.social )

As the title says, Reddit replied to my GDPR request to delete all my data saying I had to do it first, which I suspect is in violation of GDPR law....

What’s with social media companies trying to destroy themselves recently? ( kbin.social )

It’s honestly really sad what’s been happening recently. Reddit with the API pricing on 3rd party apps, Discord with the new username change, Twitter with the rate limits, and Twitch with their new advertising rules (although that has been reverted because of backlash). Why does it seem like every company is collectively on...

thehatfox ,
@thehatfox@kbin.social avatar

The internet used to be more decentralised. There were lots of smaller websites, blogs, forums etc, which people discovered via word of mouth, search engines, and forgotten things like webrings. It's only recently that big monolithic social media platforms took hold.

Tech is often cyclical, we could now be swinging back to a more decentralised web, but with the benefit of newer technologies. Right now it's almost a new "wild west" as new platforms appear and new ideas like federation are experimented with. Some will rise, some will fall, some will go off in the corner and do their own thing. While all that happens it's going to be a bit messy, much like it was in the 90s with the initial rise of the web.

anon ,
@anon@kbin.social avatar

I’ve been online since circa 1993 and for the first decade or so, discoverability was a challenge due to the lack of efficient search engines like Altavista or (later) Google.

Webrings consisted in individual website owners (e.g., on Geocities) placing one or more banners at the bottom of their webpage linking to other like-minded sites, typically in quid-pro-quo manner (I link to you, you link back to me), or to a manually-curated directory of like-minded sites.

This was when “surfing the web” meant exactly that - you would surf from one site to another using hyperlinking within web communities. Bookmarking was then how you kept track of the most interesting sites you came across.

Now there is hardly a need for hyperlinking and bookmarking, since much of the content is centralized on a few platforms, and search engines take care of the discoverability of niche content.

BlondieBuff ,

Funny how r/blind saw this coming from a mile away

While larger, more general communities are thriving on the Fediverse - I'm missing out on the niche communities ( kbin.social )

Gaming, news, tech, general literature. All of these are somewhat thriving, with a steady influx of posts and comments. At the same time, the userbase is sorely lacking for more niche communities. In my case it'd be stuff like poetry, yoga, religion, linguistics, meditation. Or many other communities I'd doubt they'd form a...

PSA: anyone still looking to protest, promote fediverse, any form of rebellion ON REDDIT, the place to do it is r/pics. you can post anything with basically no censorship. as long as you mention John Oliver somehow, the mods aren't going to bother you! ( kbin.social )

r/pics is wide open to all kinds of anti reddit posts, calls for spez to resign, whatever you want with the current rules right now....

Waryspice ,

The infographic doesn't have any specific mention of kbin so I am a dumb reddit migrator that is still confused. Where does kbin fit?

Brkdncr ,

This is awful. It’s confusing.

harmonea ,
@harmonea@kbin.social avatar

This is from the various services trying to talk to each other in ways they weren't originally designed to do, really. Our "upvote" is a mastodon "favorite" (like) while our "boost" is functionally a retweet/reblog. Kbin tries to bridge the gap between threaded content and microblogging, and it gets about 90% of the way there; all it really needs to do is change it so that upvotes are the ones that contribute to reputation instead of boosts, which are functionally useless outside a fully microblog-style environment.

KevinRambutan ,

When Emma said what she said, I seriously doubt she thought about male issues. Not that I blame her completely, since society in general is so blind when it comes to issues that primarily or uniquely affect men. Sometimes they are even reframed to become ‘Benevolent Sexism’ against women.

But yes, I agree with the premise of this post.

RandoCalrandian ,
@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

All male issues, when brought up, get thrown back in men's faces about how it's actually sexism against women. Feminism is cancer on society.

RandoCalrandian ,
@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

Feminism is absolutely cancer. It, as an ideology, is as toxic and cancerous to gender relations as the KKK is to race relations, and we know this because feminists adlib the same bigoted arguments that racists and Nazis and KKK members use and have historically used.

As an example of them doing exactly this: gendering of domestic violence data collection to minimize male victims, hide female perpetrators, and throw any attempts at including males back in those males’ faces with fallacious and insanely sexist takes like “who is causing the violence” (which they also only say after hiding the female perpetrators)

Edit: this is called Gamma bias, btw, and is one of many examples of feminists using KKK tactics against men. For those who would like to see feminists version of Mein Kampf, it’s called the S.C.U.M. Manifesto and has been cited as a “seminal feminist work” by feminists in politics who are creating this sexist DV legislation

Drolo ,

Agree. The point is that feminist is nor about equality, is about face women against men. That is why when feminists come to power they make discriminatory laws against men, it's not because they are "radical" or they don't understand feminism, it's because feminism is that, it's hatred of men.

That's why we must reject feminism and at the same time be in favor of equality between men and women.

why i think that men dont align with feminism and the left at large ( kbin.social )

so overtime i have been seeing the left after the convo's about men's place in society, and it has been dismal. There was this video of a trans man talking about the loneliness of men went viral on TikTok and A channel named Aba and Preach covered it from their perspective (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZF7k9nVNRw&t=1088s)...

Dwayne-Payton879 OP ,

I wasn't basing an argument around him but the hypocrisy that we want men to be emotionally vulnerable, until they have politics we don't like the it is fuck them.

That is what I was highlighting, not that I like Jordan Peterson, as I hate his politics, but If you want men to be vulnerable, it can't be just men who align with what the left inherently agrees with. It has to be extended to everyone

CorneliusChungus ,

The Right wins by default on men's issues not because they have anything to offer men, but because the Left is so sandbagged by misandry and anti-male paranoia that simply doing nothing is an appealing alternative.

hotpotato138 ,

Left wing feminists have the most abhorrent views of men. I'm a left winger, but I disagree with most left wingers and feminists about men's issues.

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