
@[email protected]

Some middle-aged guy on the Internet; Seen a lot of it and occasionally regurgitate it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4.

Commented on Reddit (same name... at the moment) until it went full Musk.

Now I'm here.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

danie10 , to Random avatar

Try these Linux bash aliases for more efficient use of the command line

For those who don’t know, bash aliases allow you to create unique command shortcuts. So, a simple word can be used to run a more complex command which may have a lot of additional parameters, e.g. just type the word ‘update’ to execute an update com ...continues


palordrolap ,

The trash one is a little outdated and won't necessarily put the trashed file where the user's GUI file manager would put it.

gio trash FILE and kfmclient move FILE trash:/ are the compatible commands under GNOME and KDE respectively. Derivatives generally use one or the other.

Unfortunately, the KDE one is somewhat tricky to do with an alias, what with the parameter being in the middle. I am also unsure as to whether it has a force option. Web results are inconclusive and I'm on a GNOME derivative.

palordrolap ,

One of the main problems is that Ernest is the owner and only mod on those magazines getting all the spam. I guess I missed the memo (figuratively speaking) about deletions not being federated though. That seems like a problem even if there were alternative moderators.

There's at least one person on the mod-request queue for most of the spam-ridden magazines. That "at least one" is me, which is how I know. I'm not here all the time and wouldn't be great at it, but at this stage even a part-time mod would be better than none at all. Hopefully, as and when Ernest comes back he can assign some roles. Twice as hopefully, someone else who would be better at it gets it instead.

palordrolap ,

Install a net or mesh of some sort about halfway to the danger depth, that way if some fool decides to go for a dip they can't get down low enough to do themselves harm.

Also, it'd be useful for catching the bodies of people who got shot by security on the way there but still fell in.

palordrolap ,

Or they could push for the sort of crosswords with more black squares (very common here in Britain) that rarely have anything bigger than a 1x1 intersection. There are other ways to challenge the solver.

palordrolap ,

As a fan of log-scale axes, Randall really ought to at least suspect that the vertical axis is also logarithmic. If so, the average 800m sphere is very much not tasty.

palordrolap ,

There's no need to worry. There will always be someone around to point out that prices were cheaper back in the olden days, whether that pointing out is needed or not.

And yes I appreciate the subtle(?) irony in this comment.

(I am pointing something out. (Which these parentheticals are also doing.))

palordrolap ,

Triangular grid guy: "Guess I'm going back the way I came."

Hexagonal grid guy: "What is left. What is right. This did nothing! Nothing!"

Guy on Penrose tiling: "Get me out of here!"

(In before: "You have the first two the wrong way around." Not if they're walking the edges.)

palordrolap ,

Reminds me of the guy who was the original reporter of a fault in some software that went unfixed for years.

He eventually applied for, and got, a job at that software's company.

His first day, he logs on, and goes to find and then fixes that bug.

With a sigh of relief, he then logs off and quits the job.

(I believe this is a true story, but someone will undoubtedly be along in a minute to confirm or correct. With a sigh of relief no doubt.)

palordrolap ,

Write if(0){ on the back of your left hand and } on the back of your right. Use perspective - or whatever - to put the person between your hands.

This, of course, assumes a person is executable, but as circumstances not limited to but including the French Revolution proved, people are definitely executable.

Curiously, this trick makes the person not be executed, but it also means they can't execute you. Theoretically.

palordrolap ,

The dead pirate captain's name is literally a penis joke. I don't think anything in that movie is supposed to be legit.

palordrolap ,

Likewise there are no states with a B in the name.

palordrolap ,

The lack of answer to the question "Why are Meta suddenly so open and willing to integrate with the Fediverse when they've basically been doing the opposite with their own products?" is a huge concern.

My guess is that they don't have an exact game plan yet, and are letting their naive, enthusiastic staff - those with no idea of the answer to the above question - do the initial scout and integration work with a view to see how it can be perverted for Meta's profit/benefit in future.

Meta probably wouldn't use the word "perverted", but from an outside perspective that's what it'd be.

My thinking here is exactly the same as in comments I posted about Microsoft's embrace of Linux a short while back: 1 2

palordrolap ,

Allegedly real names that didn't break a database so much as people's brains:

Female (fe-MAA-leh) - the story goes that the mother didn't know the word "female" or didn't know it was spelled that way, so assumed the nurses named the child for her.

Ampersand (pronounced as the regular word) - the mother liked the sound of it, and well, IMO, it does have an "Amber" + "Amanda" + "Sandra" kind of ring to it (Not now, Lou Bega).

Shithead (shuh-THEED) - there may be at least two people with this name, or else I've heard the same urban legend / of the same person from two different directions. That is, I had heard of this name prior to chatting online with someone who claimed to have met a person by this name.

In before someone posts the Key & Peele sketch.

palordrolap ,

If the planets remained in conjunction as they went around the Sun, yes. The planets don't wander as though they're attached to the spoke of a wheel though... and as I click through the explainxkcd link, it seems that someone else has pointed that out, albeit in other words.

palordrolap ,

First row is real. Second row, not so much.

That said, the "one big nucleon" is pretty close in concept to a neutron star. It needs a few more nucleons than there are in a single atom though. Just a few. And it's not really a decay mode as it is a gravitational effect.

It's also kind of reminiscent of superatoms - clusters of atoms that act like one single atom - but that is very much not the same. (The nuclei aren't fused. They maintain regular, sensible, atomic distances. Electrons are free to pass between. etc.)

palordrolap ,

I only know that one time an obscure thing I was talking about here on, perhaps as a response to a post on some Lemmy or another, ended up being indexed incredibly quickly by Google regardless of however things are structured in URLs.

This became apparent when I tried to do further research on the topic and I found myself staring at my own comment as federated on yet another Lemmy.

As long as search engines remain as on the ball as whatever happened there, we might actually end up with a repository anyway.

Pleroma Blog - We got a grant from NLNet! ( )

Nice to see the Pleroma team getting an NLNet grant so development can pick back up. I missed it when it happened but apparently there was a big shakeup with the Pleroma dev team. I'm glad they seem to be recovering from that and hopefully we'll see some sustained progress with Pleroma again.

palordrolap ,

Unrelated username commentary: Your leet/hex username had me wondering if it resolved as an IP address too. Turns out you belong to the US Department of Defense. Unsure if you knew that already.

For obvious reasons, I decided not to try to actually visit that IP.

palordrolap ,

If "Indirectly" is an allowed answer, as demonstrated by the answers after "Precious Metals", then the answer to "Are regular holes created by the Big Bang?" is not "No."

palordrolap ,

Reminds me of the time I made a comment on Spez-site about passwords of exactly 64 characters. Oh wait. This is 128. Never mind.

palordrolap ,

Counterpoint: Read panels 6 and 10 again. (The ones beginning "We've ceded" and "People approach" if I've messed up my counting somehow).

Mastodon is Rewinding the Clock on Social Media — in a Good Way ( )

A comment on a Hacker News thread on a Business Insider article titled It’s not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore got me thinking about my experience with switching to Mastodon and why I have found it a refreshing experience.

palordrolap ,

The true secret of X and its predecessor was to not use the main timeline. It was to put everyone you follow into a List and then only look at that.

Downside? You don't see what your follows liked. It was that way before the new manglement too.

The other downside: If you've not been adding follows to a List on a regular basis as you followed them, making such a List from hundreds of follows is going to be a bit of a chore because the Lists feature has never made it all that easy.

Considerable upside: No ads. Literally none.

Of course, now that I've put this out there, the boss man might get wind of it and shut down or enshittify the Lists feature, but it's had a good run.

Over on Mastodon, I mostly follow hashtags instead.

palordrolap ,

Heh. I remember at one place, my password wasn't liked very much by the account creation script the sysadmin wrote. The password started with a dollar sign and I think that was being inadvertently parsed as a $variable somewhere.

Thinking about it, I have to wonder what would have happened if the password started and ended with backticks. Bobby Tables moment?

(The thought also occurs now that he might have been siphoning off the passwords something, but even though some of my generation (and moreso previous generations) are known for using the same password for everything, this was in the days before the Web really took off, so most people would have only had one place where they used a password: that system.

The system wasn't encrypted, and being the sysadmin, he had access to everything and to change passwords anyway, so keeping plaintext passwords would have been a pointless endeavour.)

palordrolap ,

Of course Beret guy is immortal. (Or at least exceptionally long living.)

palordrolap ,

Hadn't hear of this. Looked into it a bit.

The fact it requires a specific piece of software, even on desktop, puts it one step from (old) Twitter to me.

Even things like Discord - while very much not the same in other ways - has a web version that runs in a browser. Ditto the early 00's instant messaging apps.

Also, the decentralisation seems to all be under the control of the one company(?). They say "no single entity controlling it" but there's not much further detail. I might be mistaken, but it doesn't seem like the Fediverse's version of decentralisation, at least at first glance.

Moving further(?) into tinfoil hat territory: The founder's name is very similar to that of a late Reddit founder, which is worth a double-take. Funny coincidence? Fake name? Either way might be playing on the coincidence? etc. etc. Hard to tell. Dude's probably legit, right?

b) A few of the web links for it were in Chinese, but that's probably a red herring. Translation suggests people in China are using it to get around certain internet issues.

Maybe I'm just suspicious of new things.

palordrolap ,

But the model of a protracted invite-only period worked so well for Google Plus, tho.

palordrolap ,

I suspect it looks like this from the front:


palordrolap ,

There's also libreddit, which seems to be an entirely separate project to teddit. Kind of like the Federation, it's software anyone can run and there are quite a few instances out there

palordrolap ,

I can't help but think of 4chan's unofficial tagline of "trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls".

The joke used to be that "everyone on Reddit is a bot except you", but as that has become more a reality than a joke, it's morphed into "text-AIs trolling text-AIs trolling text-AIs".

A shame it doesn't [t]roll off the tongue quite as nicely.

Am I also a large language model? Let me answer that with another question:

Do you remember that bit in The Matrix Reloaded where Agent Smith occupies Bane out in "reality"?

Haha. Nothing like that. I'm human. Honest.

palordrolap ,

My programmer needs a kicking because the [unrepeatable] gave me anxiety.

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